[[repeatIn(objects,'o')]] [[ formatLang(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),date=True) ]] To, The Manager [[ o.bank_id.name ]] Bank Dear Sir/Madam, Payment Advice from [[ o.name ]] A/C no. [[ o.company_id.bank_ids and o.company_id.bank_ids[0].acc_number ]] form period [[ get_month(o.date)['from_name'] ]] to [[ get_month(o.date)['to_name'] ]] [[ o.note ]] [[ o.neft == True and removeParentNode('blockTable') ]] SI. No. Name of the Employe Bank Account No. By Salary C/D
[[ repeatIn(get_detail(o.line_ids),'line') ]] [[ o.neft == True and removeParentNode('blockTable') ]] . [[ line['name'] ]] [[ line['acc_no'] ]] [[formatLang(line['bysal'], currency_obj = company.currency_id) ]] [[ line['debit_credit'] ]]
[[ o.neft != True and removeParentNode('blockTable') ]] SI. No. Name of the Employe Bank Account No. IFSC Code By Salary C/D
[[ repeatIn(get_detail(o.line_ids),'line') ]] [[ o.neft !=True and removeParentNode('blockTable') ]] . [[ line['name'] ]] [[ line['acc_no'] ]] [[ line['ifsc_code'] ]] [[formatLang(line['bysal'], currency_obj = company.currency_id) ]] [[ line['debit_credit'] ]]
[[ o.neft == True and removeParentNode('blockTable') ]] Total : [[ o.line_ids==[] and removeParentNode('para') ]] [[ o.line_ids==[] and removeParentNode('para') ]][[ formatLang(get_bysal_total(), currency_obj = company.currency_id) ]] [[ o.neft !=True and removeParentNode('blockTable') ]] Total : [[ o.line_ids==[] and removeParentNode('para') ]] [[ o.line_ids==[] and removeParentNode('para') ]][[ formatLang(get_bysal_total(), currency_obj = company.currency_id) ]] Yours Sincerely For [[ company.name ]] Authorized Signature