[[repeatIn(objects,'o')]] Pay Slip Details [[o.credit_note==False and removeParentNode('para')]] Credit Note ([[o.name or removeParentNode('para')]]) Name [[o.employee_id.name]] Designation [[ o.employee_id.job_id.name or '' ]] Address [[o.employee_id.address_home_id and o.employee_id.address_home_id.name or '' ]],[[o.employee_id.address_home_id and display_address(o.employee_id.address_home_id)]] Email [[ o.employee_id.work_email or '' ]] Identification No [[ o.employee_id.identification_id or '' ]] Reference [[ o.number or '' ]] Bank Account [[ o.employee_id.otherid or '' ]] Date From [[ o.date_from or '']] Date To [[ o.date_to or '' ]] Details by Salary Rule Category: Code Salary Rule Category Total
[[repeatIn(get_details_by_rule_category(o.details_by_salary_rule_category),'h') ]] [[ h['code'] ]] [[ h['level']!=0 and ( setTag('para','para',{'style':'terp_default_8'})) or removeParentNode('font')]] [[ '..'*h['level'] ]][[ h['rule_category'] ]][[ h['level']!=0 and ( setTag('para','para',{'style':'terp_default_8'})) or removeParentNode('font') ]] [[ formatLang(h['total'], currency_obj = o.company_id and o.company_id.currency_id)]] [[ h['level']==0 and ( setTag('para','para',{'style':'terp_default_10'})) or removeParentNode('font') ]]
Authorized Signature