Mark unread True ir.actions.server code self.message_check_and_set_unread(cr, uid, context.get('active_ids'), context=context) action_holidays_unread action hr.holidays client_action_multi Mark read True ir.actions.server code self.message_check_and_set_read(cr, uid, context.get('active_ids'), context=context) action_holidays_read action hr.holidays client_action_multi hr.holidays.filter hr.holidays Leave Request hr.holidays Leave Request hr.holidays 1
Allocation Request hr.holidays
hr.holidays.allocation.tree hr.holidays Leaves Management hr.holidays
hr.holidays.report_tree hr.holidays 20 hr.holidays.tree hr.holidays Leave Requests hr.holidays form {} [('type','=','remove')]

Click to create a new leave request.

Once you have recorded your leave request, it will be sent to a manager for validation. Be sure to set the right leave type (recuperation, legal holidays, sickness) and the exact number of open days related to your leave.

tree form calendar Requests Approve hr.holidays form {'default_type': 'remove', 'search_default_approve':1} [('type','=','remove')] tree form Allocation Requests hr.holidays form {'default_type':'add'} [('type','=','add')] tree form Leaves Summary hr.holidays form tree,form {'search_default_group_type': 1, 'search_default_validated': 1} [('holiday_type','=','employee')] hr.holidays.status.filter hr.holidays.status hr.holidays.status.form hr.holidays.status
hr.holidays.status.tree hr.holidays.status hr.holidays.status.normal.tree hr.holidays.status 35 hr.holidays.status Leave Type ir.actions.act_window hr.holidays.status form tree,form resource.calendar.leaves.form.inherit resource.calendar.leaves Leaves ir.actions.act_window hr.holidays hr.employee form tree,form {'search_default_employee_id': [active_id], 'default_employee_id': active_id} [('type','=','remove')] hr.employee.leave.tree hr.employee Allocate Leaves for Employees ir.actions.act_window hr.employee form tree,form

You can assign remaining Legal Leaves for each employee, OpenERP will automatically create and validate allocation requests.

hr.employee.leave.form.inherit hr.employee HR - Employees Kanban with leave status hr.employee