############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2014 OpenERP S.A. (. # ############################################################################## # # TODO: # cr.execute('delete from wkf_triggers where model=%s and res_id=%s', (res_type,res_id)) # import logging import instance from openerp.workflow.helpers import Session from openerp.workflow.helpers import Record from openerp.workflow.helpers import WorkflowActivity logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) import openerp from openerp.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval as eval class Environment(dict): """ Dictionary class used as an environment to evaluate workflow code (such as the condition on transitions). This environment provides sybmols for cr, uid, id, model name, model instance, column names, and all the record (the one obtained by browsing the provided ID) attributes. """ def __init__(self, session, record): self.cr = session.cr self.uid = session.uid self.model = record.model self.id = record.id self.ids = [record.id] self.obj = openerp.registry(self.cr.dbname)[self.model] self.columns = self.obj._columns.keys() + self.obj._inherit_fields.keys() def __getitem__(self, key): if (key in self.columns) or (key in dir(self.obj)): res = self.obj.browse(self.cr, self.uid, self.id) return res[key] else: return super(Environment, self).__getitem__(key) class WorkflowItem(object): def __init__(self, session, record, work_item_values): assert isinstance(session, Session) assert isinstance(record, Record) self.session = session self.record = record if not work_item_values: work_item_values = {} assert isinstance(work_item_values, dict) self.workitem = work_item_values @classmethod def create(cls, session, record, activity, instance_id, stack): assert isinstance(session, Session) assert isinstance(record, Record) assert isinstance(activity, dict) assert isinstance(instance_id, (long, int)) assert isinstance(stack, list) cr = session.cr cr.execute("select nextval('wkf_workitem_id_seq')") id_new = cr.fetchone()[0] cr.execute("insert into wkf_workitem (id,act_id,inst_id,state) values (%s,%s,%s,'active')", (id_new, activity['id'], instance_id)) cr.execute('select * from wkf_workitem where id=%s',(id_new,)) work_item_values = cr.dictfetchone() logger.info('Created workflow item in activity %s', activity['id'], extra={'ident': (session.uid, record.model, record.id)}) workflow_item = WorkflowItem(session, record, work_item_values) workflow_item.process(stack=stack) @classmethod def create_all(cls, session, record, activities, instance_id, stack): assert isinstance(activities, list) for activity in activities: cls.create(session, record, activity, instance_id, stack) def process(self, signal=None, force_running=False, stack=None): assert isinstance(force_running, bool) assert stack is not None cr = self.session.cr cr.execute('select * from wkf_activity where id=%s', (self.workitem['act_id'],)) activity = cr.dictfetchone() triggers = False if self.workitem['state'] == 'active': triggers = True if not self._execute(activity, stack): return False if force_running or self.workitem['state'] == 'complete': ok = self._split_test(activity['split_mode'], signal, stack) triggers = triggers and not ok if triggers: cr.execute('select * from wkf_transition where act_from=%s', (self.workitem['act_id'],)) for trans in cr.dictfetchall(): if trans['trigger_model']: ids = self.wkf_expr_eval_expr(trans['trigger_expr_id']) for res_id in ids: cr.execute('select nextval(\'wkf_triggers_id_seq\')') id =cr.fetchone()[0] cr.execute('insert into wkf_triggers (model,res_id,instance_id,workitem_id,id) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)', (trans['trigger_model'],res_id, self.workitem['inst_id'], self.workitem['id'], id)) return True def _execute(self, activity, stack): """Send a signal to parenrt workflow (signal: subflow.signal_name)""" result = True cr = self.session.cr signal_todo = [] if (self.workitem['state']=='active') and activity['signal_send']: # signal_send']: cr.execute("select i.id,w.osv,i.res_id from wkf_instance i left join wkf w on (i.wkf_id=w.id) where i.id IN (select inst_id from wkf_workitem where subflow_id=%s)", (self.workitem['inst_id'],)) for instance_id, model_name, record_id in cr.fetchall(): record = Record(model_name, record_id) signal_todo.append((instance_id, record, activity['signal_send'])) if activity['kind'] == WorkflowActivity.KIND_DUMMY: if self.workitem['state']=='active': self._state_set(activity, 'complete') if activity['action_id']: res2 = self.wkf_expr_execute_action(activity) if res2: stack.append(res2) result=res2 elif activity['kind'] == WorkflowActivity.KIND_FUNCTION: if self.workitem['state']=='active': self._state_set(activity, 'running') returned_action = self.wkf_expr_execute(activity) if type(returned_action) in (dict,): stack.append(returned_action) if activity['action_id']: res2 = self.wkf_expr_execute_action(activity) # A client action has been returned if res2: stack.append(res2) result=res2 self._state_set(activity, 'complete') elif activity['kind'] == WorkflowActivity.KIND_STOPALL: if self.workitem['state']=='active': self._state_set(activity, 'running') cr.execute('delete from wkf_workitem where inst_id=%s and id<>%s', (self.workitem['inst_id'], self.workitem['id'])) if activity['action']: self.wkf_expr_execute(activity) self._state_set(activity, 'complete') elif activity['kind'] == WorkflowActivity.KIND_SUBFLOW: if self.workitem['state']=='active': self._state_set(activity, 'running') if activity.get('action', False): id_new = self.wkf_expr_execute(activity) if not id_new: cr.execute('delete from wkf_workitem where id=%s', (self.workitem['id'],)) return False assert type(id_new)==type(1) or type(id_new)==type(1L), 'Wrong return value: '+str(id_new)+' '+str(type(id_new)) cr.execute('select id from wkf_instance where res_id=%s and wkf_id=%s', (id_new, activity['subflow_id'])) id_new = cr.fetchone()[0] else: inst = instance.WorkflowInstance(self.session, self.record) id_new = inst.create(activity['subflow_id']) cr.execute('update wkf_workitem set subflow_id=%s where id=%s', (id_new, self.workitem['id'])) self.workitem['subflow_id'] = id_new if self.workitem['state']=='running': cr.execute("select state from wkf_instance where id=%s", (self.workitem['subflow_id'],)) state = cr.fetchone()[0] if state=='complete': self._state_set(activity, 'complete') for instance_id, record, signal_send in signal_todo: wi = instance.WorkflowInstance(self.session, record, {'id': instance_id}) wi.validate(signal_send, force_running=True) return result def _state_set(self, activity, state): self.session.cr.execute('update wkf_workitem set state=%s where id=%s', (state, self.workitem['id'])) self.workitem['state'] = state logger.info('Changed state of work item %s to "%s" in activity %s', self.workitem['id'], state, activity['id'], extra={'ident': (self.session.uid, self.record.model, self.record.id)}) def _split_test(self, split_mode, signal, stack): cr = self.session.cr cr.execute('select * from wkf_transition where act_from=%s', (self.workitem['act_id'],)) test = False transitions = [] alltrans = cr.dictfetchall() if split_mode in ('XOR', 'OR'): for transition in alltrans: if self.wkf_expr_check(transition,signal): test = True transitions.append((transition['id'], self.workitem['inst_id'])) if split_mode=='XOR': break else: test = True for transition in alltrans: if not self.wkf_expr_check(transition, signal): test = False break cr.execute('select count(*) from wkf_witm_trans where trans_id=%s and inst_id=%s', (transition['id'], self.workitem['inst_id'])) if not cr.fetchone()[0]: transitions.append((transition['id'], self.workitem['inst_id'])) if test and transitions: cr.executemany('insert into wkf_witm_trans (trans_id,inst_id) values (%s,%s)', transitions) cr.execute('delete from wkf_workitem where id=%s', (self.workitem['id'],)) for t in transitions: self._join_test(t[0], t[1], stack) return True return False def _join_test(self, trans_id, inst_id, stack): cr = self.session.cr cr.execute('select * from wkf_activity where id=(select act_to from wkf_transition where id=%s)', (trans_id,)) activity = cr.dictfetchone() if activity['join_mode']=='XOR': WorkflowItem.create(self.session, self.record, activity, inst_id, stack=stack) cr.execute('delete from wkf_witm_trans where inst_id=%s and trans_id=%s', (inst_id,trans_id)) else: cr.execute('select id from wkf_transition where act_to=%s', (activity['id'],)) trans_ids = cr.fetchall() ok = True for (id,) in trans_ids: cr.execute('select count(*) from wkf_witm_trans where trans_id=%s and inst_id=%s', (id,inst_id)) res = cr.fetchone()[0] if not res: ok = False break if ok: for (id,) in trans_ids: cr.execute('delete from wkf_witm_trans where trans_id=%s and inst_id=%s', (id,inst_id)) WorkflowItem.create(self.session, self.record, activity, inst_id, stack=stack) def wkf_expr_eval_expr(self, lines): """ Evaluate each line of ``lines`` with the ``Environment`` environment, returning the value of the last line. """ assert lines, 'You used a NULL action in a workflow, use dummy node instead.' result = False for line in lines.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if not line: continue if line == 'True': result = True elif line == 'False': result = False else: env = Environment(self.session, self.record) result = eval(line, env, nocopy=True) return result def wkf_expr_execute_action(self, activity): """ Evaluate the ir.actions.server action specified in the activity. """ context = { 'active_model': self.record.model, 'active_id': self.record.id, 'active_ids': [self.record.id] } ir_actions_server = openerp.registry(self.session.cr.dbname)['ir.actions.server'] result = ir_actions_server.run(self.session.cr, self.session.uid, [activity['action_id']], context) return result def wkf_expr_execute(self, activity): """ Evaluate the action specified in the activity. """ return self.wkf_expr_eval_expr(activity['action']) def wkf_expr_check(self, transition, signal): """ Test if a transition can be taken. The transition can be taken if: - the signal name matches, - the uid is SUPERUSER_ID or the user groups contains the transition's group, - the condition evaluates to a truish value. """ if transition['signal'] and signal != transition['signal']: return False if self.session.uid != openerp.SUPERUSER_ID and transition['group_id']: registry = openerp.registry(self.session.cr.dbname) user_groups = registry['res.users'].read(self.session.cr, self.session.uid, [self.session.uid], ['groups_id'])[0]['groups_id'] if transition['group_id'] not in user_groups: return False return self.wkf_expr_eval_expr(transition['condition']) # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: