import os import re import sys from setuptools import setup name = 'openerp-web-proto' version = '6.0.1' description = "Web Client of OpenERP, the Enterprise Management Software" long_description = "OpenERP Web is the web client of the OpenERP, a free enterprise management software" author = "OpenERP S.A." author_email = "" support_email = '' url = "" download_url = '' license = "OEPL" version_dash_incompatible = False if 'bdist_rpm' in sys.argv: version_dash_incompatible = True try: import py2exe from py2exe_utils import opts version_dash_incompatible = True except ImportError: opts = {} if version_dash_incompatible: version = version.split('-')[0] FILE_PATTERNS = \ r'.+\.(py|cfg|po|pot|mo|txt|rst|gif|png|jpg|ico|mako|html|js|css|htc|swf)$' def find_data_files(source, patterns=FILE_PATTERNS): file_matcher = re.compile(patterns, re.I) out = [] for base, _, files in os.walk(source): cur_files = [] for f in files: if file_matcher.match(f): cur_files.append(os.path.join(base, f)) if cur_files: out.append( (base, cur_files)) return out setup( name=name, version=version, description=description, long_description=long_description, author=author, author_email=author_email, url=url, download_url=download_url, license=license, install_requires=[ "CherryPy >= 3.1.2", "Babel >= 0.9.6", "simplejson >= 2.0.9", "python-dateutil >= 1.4.1", "pytz", ], tests_require=[ 'unittest2', 'mock', ], test_suite = 'unittest2.collector', zip_safe=False, packages=[ 'addons', 'addons.base', 'addons.base.controllers', 'addons.base_calendar', 'addons.base_hello', 'openerpweb', ], classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 6 - Production/Stable', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Environment :: Web Environment', 'Topic :: Office/Business :: Financial', ], scripts=['scripts/openerp-web'], data_files=(find_data_files('addons') + opts.pop('data_files', []) ), **opts )