# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import base64 import json import logging import cStringIO from PIL import Image import openerp from openerp.addons.web import http from openerp.addons.web.http import request import werkzeug import werkzeug.exceptions import werkzeug.wrappers import hashlib import os logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def auth_method_public(): registry = openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager.get(request.db) if not request.session.uid: request.uid = registry['website'].get_public_user().id else: request.uid = request.session.uid http.auth_methods['public'] = auth_method_public # PIL images have a type flag, but no MIME. Reverse type flag to MIME. PIL_MIME_MAPPING = {'PNG': 'image/png', 'JPEG': 'image/jpeg', 'GIF': 'image/gif', } # Completely arbitrary limits MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH, MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT = IMAGE_LIMITS = (1024, 768) class Website(openerp.addons.web.controllers.main.Home): @http.route('/', type='http', auth="admin") def index(self, **kw): return self.page("website.homepage") @http.route('/admin', type='http', auth="none") def admin(self, *args, **kw): return super(Website, self).index(*args, **kw) @http.route('/pagenew/', type='http', auth="admin") def pagenew(self, path): imd = request.registry['ir.model.data'] view = request.registry['ir.ui.view'] view_model, view_id = imd.get_object_reference(request.cr, request.uid, 'website', 'default_page') newview_id = view.copy(request.cr, request.uid, view_id) newview = view.browse(request.cr, request.uid, newview_id, context={}) newview.write({ 'arch': newview.arch.replace("website.default_page", path), 'name': "page/%s" % path, 'page': True, }) if '.' in path: module, idname = path.split('.') else: module = False idname = path imd.create(request.cr, request.uid, { 'name': idname, 'module': module, 'model': 'ir.ui.view', 'res_id': newview_id, 'noupdate': True }) return werkzeug.utils.redirect("/page/%s" % path) @http.route('/page/', type='http', auth="admin") def page(self, path, **kwargs): website = request.registry.get("website") values = website.get_rendering_context({ 'path': path }) try: html = website.render(path, values) except ValueError: html = website.render('website.404', values) return html @http.route('/website/customize_template_toggle', type='json', auth='admin') # FIXME: auth def customize_template_set(self, view_id): view_obj = request.registry.get("ir.ui.view") view = view_obj.browse(request.cr, request.uid, int(view_id), context=request.context) if view.inherit_id: print '*', view.inherit_id value = False else: value = view.inherit_option_id and view.inherit_option_id.id or False print '*', view.inherit_id, 'no', value, view view_obj.write(request.cr, request.uid, [view_id], { 'inherit_id': value }, context=request.context) print 'Wrote', value, 'on', view_id return True @http.route('/website/customize_template_get', type='json', auth='admin') # FIXME: auth def customize_template_get(self, xml_id): view = request.registry.get("ir.ui.view") views = view._views_get(request.cr, request.uid, xml_id, request.context) done = {} result = [] for v in views: if v.inherit_option_id: if v.inherit_option_id.id not in done: result.append({ 'name': v.inherit_option_id.name, 'header': True, 'active': False }) done[v.inherit_option_id.id] = True result.append({ 'name': v.name, 'id': v.id, 'header': False, 'active': v.inherit_id.id == v.inherit_option_id.id }) return result @http.route('/website/attach', type='http', auth='admin') # FIXME: auth def attach(self, CKEditorFuncNum, CKEditor, langCode, upload): req = request.httprequest if req.method != 'POST': return werkzeug.exceptions.MethodNotAllowed(valid_methods=['POST']) url = message = None try: attachment_id = request.registry['ir.attachment'].create(request.cr, request.uid, { 'name': upload.filename, 'datas': base64.encodestring(upload.read()), 'datas_fname': upload.filename, 'res_model': 'ir.ui.view', }, request.context) # FIXME: auth=user... no good. url = '/website/attachment/%d' % attachment_id except Exception, e: logger.exception("Failed to upload image to attachment") message = str(e) return """""" % (int(CKEditorFuncNum), json.dumps(url), json.dumps(message)) @http.route('/website/attachment/', type='http', auth="admin") def attachment(self, id): # FIXME: can't use Binary.image because auth=user and website attachments need to be public attachment = request.registry['ir.attachment'].browse( request.cr, request.uid, id, request.context) buf = cStringIO.StringIO(base64.decodestring(attachment.datas)) image = Image.open(buf) mime = PIL_MIME_MAPPING[image.format] w, h = image.size resized = w > MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH or h > MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT # If saving unnecessary, just send the image buffer, don't go through # Image.save() (especially as it breaks animated gifs) if not resized: buf.seek(0) return werkzeug.wrappers.Response(buf, status=200, mimetype=mime) image.thumbnail(IMAGE_LIMITS, Image.ANTIALIAS) response = werkzeug.wrappers.Response(status=200, mimetype=mime) image.save(response.stream, image.format) return response @http.route('/website/image', type='http', auth="public") def image(self, model, id, field, **kw): last_update = '__last_update' Model = request.registry[model] headers = [('Content-Type', 'image/png')] etag = request.httprequest.headers.get('If-None-Match') hashed_session = hashlib.md5(request.session_id).hexdigest() retag = hashed_session try: if etag: date = Model.read(request.cr, request.uid, [id], [last_update], request.context)[0].get(last_update) if hashlib.md5(date).hexdigest() == etag: return werkzeug.wrappers.Response(status=304) res = Model.read(request.cr, request.uid, [id], [last_update, field], request.context)[0] retag = hashlib.md5(res.get(last_update)).hexdigest() image_base64 = res.get(field) if kw.get('resize'): resize = kw.get('resize').split(',') if len(resize) == 2 and int(resize[0]) and int(resize[1]): width = int(resize[0]) height = int(resize[1]) # resize maximum 500*500 if width > 500: width = 500 if height > 500: height = 500 image_base64 = openerp.tools.image_resize_image(base64_source=image_base64, size=(width, height), encoding='base64', filetype='PNG') image_data = base64.b64decode(image_base64) except Exception: image_data = open(os.path.join(http.addons_manifest['web']['addons_path'], 'web', 'static', 'src', 'img', 'placeholder.png'), 'rb').read() headers.append(('ETag', retag)) headers.append(('Content-Length', len(image_data))) try: ncache = int(kw.get('cache')) headers.append(('Cache-Control', 'no-cache' if ncache == 0 else 'max-age=%s' % (ncache))) except: pass return request.make_response(image_data, headers) @http.route(['/website/publish/'], type='http', auth="public") def publish(self, **post): _id = int(post['id']) _object = request.registry[post['object']] obj = _object.browse(request.cr, request.uid, _id) _object.write(request.cr, request.uid, [_id], {'website_published': not obj.website_published}) obj = _object.browse(request.cr, request.uid, _id) return obj.website_published and "1" or "0" @http.route(['/website/kanban/'], type='http', auth="public") def kanban(self, **post): return request.registry['website'].kanban_col(**post) # 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