= function(openerp) { var QWeb = openerp.web.qweb, _t = openerp.web._t, _lt = openerp.web._lt; // Replace VS.ui.SearchFacet by a factory function returning potentially // customized backbone views for custom facets var SearchFacet = VS.ui.SearchFacet; VS.ui.SearchFacet = function (options) { return new SearchFacet(options); }; openerp.web.SearchView = openerp.web.Widget.extend(/** @lends openerp.web.SearchView# */{ template: "EmptyComponent", /** * @constructs openerp.web.SearchView * @extends openerp.web.OldWidget * * @param parent * @param element_id * @param dataset * @param view_id * @param defaults */ init: function(parent, dataset, view_id, defaults, hidden) { this._super(parent); this.dataset = dataset; this.model = dataset.model; this.view_id = view_id; this.defaults = defaults || {}; this.has_defaults = !_.isEmpty(this.defaults); this.inputs = []; this.enabled_filters = []; this.has_focus = false; this.hidden = !!hidden; this.headless = this.hidden && !this.has_defaults; this.ready = $.Deferred(); }, start: function() { var p = this._super(); this.field = VS.init({ container: this.$element, query: '', callbacks: { search: function (query, searchCollection) { console.log(query, searchCollection); }, facetMatches: function (callback) { callback([ 'account', 'filter', 'access', 'title', { label: 'city', category: 'location' }, { label: 'address', category: 'location' }, { label: 'country', category: 'location' }, { label: 'state', category: 'location' } ]); }, valueMatches : function(facet, searchTerm, callback) { switch (facet) { case 'account': callback([ { value: '1-amanda', label: 'Amanda' }, { value: '2-aron', label: 'Aron' }, { value: '3-eric', label: 'Eric' }, { value: '4-jeremy', label: 'Jeremy' }, { value: '5-samuel', label: 'Samuel' }, { value: '6-scott', label: 'Scott' } ]); break; case 'filter': callback(['published', 'unpublished', 'draft']); break; case 'access': callback(['public', 'private', 'protected']); break; case 'title': callback([ 'Pentagon Papers', 'CoffeeScript Manual', 'Laboratory for Object Oriented Thinking', 'A Repository Grows in Brooklyn' ]); break; } } } }); return p; if (this.hidden) { this.$element.hide(); } if (this.headless) { this.ready.resolve(); } else { this.rpc("/web/searchview/load", { model: this.model, view_id: this.view_id, context: this.dataset.get_context() }, this.on_loaded); } return this.ready.promise(); }, show: function () { this.$; }, hide: function () { this.$element.hide(); }, /** * Builds a list of widget rows (each row is an array of widgets) * * @param {Array} items a list of nodes to convert to widgets * @param {Object} fields a mapping of field names to (ORM) field attributes * @returns Array */ make_widgets: function (items, fields) { var rows = [], row = []; rows.push(row); var filters = []; _.each(items, function (item) { if (filters.length && item.tag !== 'filter') { row.push( new filters, this)); filters = []; } if (item.tag === 'newline') { row = []; rows.push(row); } else if (item.tag === 'filter') { if (!this.has_focus) { item.attrs.default_focus = '1'; this.has_focus = true; } filters.push( new item, this)); } else if (item.tag === 'separator') { // a separator is a no-op } else { if (item.tag === 'group') { // TODO: group and field should be fetched from registries, maybe even filters row.push( new item, this, fields)); } else if (item.tag === 'field') { if (!this.has_focus) { item.attrs.default_focus = '1'; this.has_focus = true; } row.push( this.make_field( item, fields[item['attrs'].name])); } } }, this); if (filters.length) { row.push(new, this)); } return rows; }, /** * Creates a field for the provided field descriptor item (which comes * from fields_view_get) * * @param {Object} item fields_view_get node for the field * @param {Object} field fields_get result for the field * @returns */ make_field: function (item, field) { try { return new ( [item.attrs.widget, field.type])) (item, field, this); } catch (e) { if (! e instanceof openerp.web.KeyNotFound) { throw e; } // KeyNotFound means unknown field type'Unknown field type ' + field.type); console.error('View node', item);'View field', field);'In view', this); console.groupEnd(); return null; } }, on_loaded: function(data) { this.fields_view = data.fields_view; if (data.fields_view.type !== 'search' || data.fields_view.arch.tag !== 'search') { throw new Error(_.str.sprintf( "Got non-search view after asking for a search view: type %s, arch root %s", data.fields_view.type, data.fields_view.arch.tag)); } var self = this, lines = this.make_widgets( data.fields_view['arch'].children, data.fields_view.fields); // for extended search view var ext = new, this.model); lines.push([ext]); this.extended_search = ext; var render = QWeb.render("SearchView", { 'view': data.fields_view['arch'], 'lines': lines, 'defaults': this.defaults }); this.$element.html(render); var f = this.$element.find('form'); this.$element.find('form') .submit(this.do_search) .bind('reset', this.do_clear); // start() all the widgets var widget_starts = _(lines).chain().flatten().map(function (widget) { return widget.start(); }).value(); $.when.apply(null, widget_starts).then(function () { self.ready.resolve(); }); this.reload_managed_filters(); }, reload_managed_filters: function() { var self = this; return this.rpc('/web/searchview/get_filters', { model: this.dataset.model }).then(function(result) { self.managed_filters = result; var filters = self.$element.find(".oe_search-view-filters-management"); filters.html(QWeb.render("SearchView.managed-filters", { filters: result, disabled_filter_message: _t('Filter disabled due to invalid syntax') })); filters.change(self.on_filters_management); }); }, /** * Handle event when the user make a selection in the filters management select box. */ on_filters_management: function(e) { var self = this; var select = this.$element.find(".oe_search-view-filters-management"); var val = select.val(); switch(val) { case 'advanced_filter': this.extended_search.on_activate(); break; case 'add_to_dashboard': this.on_add_to_dashboard(); break; case 'manage_filters': this.do_action({ res_model: 'ir.filters', views: [[false, 'list'], [false, 'form']], type: 'ir.actions.act_window', context: {"search_default_user_id": this.session.uid, "search_default_model_id": this.dataset.model}, target: "current", limit : 80 }); break; case 'save_filter': var data = this.build_search_data(); var context = new openerp.web.CompoundContext(); _.each(data.contexts, function(x) { context.add(x); }); var domain = new openerp.web.CompoundDomain(); _.each(, function(x) { domain.add(x); }); var groupbys = _.pluck(data.groupbys, "group_by").join(); context.add({"group_by": groupbys}); var dial_html = QWeb.render("SearchView.managed-filters.add"); var $dial = $(dial_html); openerp.web.dialog($dial, { modal: true, title: _t("Filter Entry"), buttons: [ {text: _t("Cancel"), click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); }}, {text: _t("OK"), click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); var name = $(this).find("input").val(); self.rpc('/web/searchview/save_filter', { model: self.dataset.model, context_to_save: context, domain: domain, name: name }).then(function() { self.reload_managed_filters(); }); }} ] }); break; case '': this.do_clear(); } if (val.slice(0, 4) == "get:") { val = val.slice(4); val = parseInt(val, 10); var filter = this.managed_filters[val]; this.do_clear(false).then(_.bind(function() { select.val('get:' + val); var groupbys = []; var group_by = filter.context.group_by; if (group_by) { groupbys = group_by instanceof Array ? group_by : group_by.split(','), function (el) { return { group_by: el }; }); } this.on_search([filter.domain], [filter.context], groupbys); }, this)); } else { select.val(''); } }, on_add_to_dashboard: function() { this.$element.find(".oe_search-view-filters-management")[0].selectedIndex = 0; var self = this, menu =, $dialog = $(QWeb.render("SearchView.add_to_dashboard", { dashboards :, selected_menu_id : menu.$element.find('').data('menu') })); $dialog.find('input').val(; openerp.web.dialog($dialog, { modal: true, title: _t("Add to Dashboard"), buttons: [ {text: _t("Cancel"), click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); }}, {text: _t("OK"), click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); var menu_id = $(this).find("select").val(), title = $(this).find("input").val(), data = self.build_search_data(), context = new openerp.web.CompoundContext(), domain = new openerp.web.CompoundDomain(); _.each(data.contexts, function(x) { context.add(x); }); _.each(, function(x) { domain.add(x); }); self.rpc('/web/searchview/add_to_dashboard', { menu_id: menu_id, action_id: self.getParent(), context_to_save: context, domain: domain, view_mode: self.getParent().active_view, name: title }, function(r) { if (r === false) { self.do_warn("Could not add filter to dashboard"); } else { self.do_notify("Filter added to dashboard", ''); } }); }} ] }); }, /** * Performs the search view collection of widget data. * * If the collection went well (all fields are valid), then triggers * :js:func:`openerp.web.SearchView.on_search`. * * If at least one field failed its validation, triggers * :js:func:`openerp.web.SearchView.on_invalid` instead. * * @param e jQuery event object coming from the "Search" button */ do_search: function (e) { console.log(this.field.searchBox.value()); console.log(this.field.searchBox.facets()); return this.on_search([], [], []); if (this.headless && !this.has_defaults) { return this.on_search([], [], []); } // reset filters management var select = this.$element.find(".oe_search-view-filters-management"); select.val("_filters"); if (e && e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } var data = this.build_search_data(); if (data.errors.length) { this.on_invalid(data.errors); return; } this.on_search(, data.contexts, data.groupbys); }, build_search_data: function() { var domains = [], contexts = [], errors = []; _.each(this.inputs, function (input) { try { var domain = input.get_domain(); if (domain) { domains.push(domain); } var context = input.get_context(); if (context) { contexts.push(context); } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof { errors.push(e); } else { throw e; } } }); // TODO: do we need to handle *fields* with group_by in their context? var groupbys = _(this.enabled_filters) .chain() .map(function (filter) { return filter.get_context();}) .compact() .value(); return {domains: domains, contexts: contexts, errors: errors, groupbys: groupbys}; }, /** * Triggered after the SearchView has collected all relevant domains and * contexts. * * It is provided with an Array of domains and an Array of contexts, which * may or may not be evaluated (each item can be either a valid domain or * context, or a string to evaluate in order in the sequence) * * It is also passed an array of contexts used for group_by (they are in * the correct order for group_by evaluation, which contexts may not be) * * @event * @param {Array} domains an array of literal domains or domain references * @param {Array} contexts an array of literal contexts or context refs * @param {Array} groupbys ordered contexts which may or may not have group_by keys */ on_search: function (domains, contexts, groupbys) { }, /** * Triggered after a validation error in the SearchView fields. * * Error objects have three keys: * * ``field`` is the name of the invalid field * * ``value`` is the invalid value * * ``message`` is the (in)validation message provided by the field * * @event * @param {Array} errors a never-empty array of error objects */ on_invalid: function (errors) { this.do_notify(_t("Invalid Search"), _t("triggered from search view")); }, /** * @param {Boolean} [reload_view=true] */ do_clear: function (reload_view) { this.$element.find('.filter_label, .filter_icon').removeClass('enabled'); this.enabled_filters.splice(0); var string = $('a.searchview_group_string'); _.each(string, function(str){ $(str).closest('div.searchview_group').removeClass("expanded").addClass('folded'); }); this.$element.find('table:last').hide(); $('.searchview_extended_groups_list').empty(); return $.async_when.apply( null, _(this.inputs).invoke('clear')).pipe( reload_view !== false ? this.on_clear : null); }, /** * Triggered when the search view gets cleared * * @event */ on_clear: function () { this.do_search(); }, /** * Called by a filter propagating its state changes * * @param {} filter a filter which got toggled * @param {Boolean} default_enabled filter got enabled through the default values, at render time. */ do_toggle_filter: function (filter, default_enabled) { if (default_enabled || filter.is_enabled()) { this.enabled_filters.push(filter); } else { this.enabled_filters = _.without( this.enabled_filters, filter); } if (!default_enabled) { // selecting a filter after initial loading automatically // triggers refresh this.$element.find('form').submit(); } } }); /** @namespace */ = {}; /** * Registry of search fields, called by :js:class:`openerp.web.SearchView` to * find and instantiate its field widgets. */ = new openerp.web.Registry({ 'char': '', 'text': '', 'boolean': '', 'integer': '', 'id': '', 'float': '', 'selection': '', 'datetime': '', 'date': '', 'many2one': '', 'many2many': '', 'one2many': '' }); = openerp.web.Class.extend( /** @lends */{ /** * Exception thrown by search widgets when they hold invalid values, * which they can not return when asked. * * @constructs * @extends openerp.web.Class * * @param field the name of the field holding an invalid value * @param value the invalid value * @param message validation failure message */ init: function (field, value, message) { this.field = field; this.value = value; this.message = message; }, toString: function () { return _.str.sprintf( _t("Incorrect value for field %(fieldname)s: [%(value)s] is %(message)s"), {fieldname: this.field, value: this.value, message: this.message} ); } }); = openerp.web.OldWidget.extend( /** @lends */{ template: null, /** * Root class of all search widgets * * @constructs * @extends openerp.web.OldWidget * * @param view the ancestor view of this widget */ init: function (view) { this._super(view); this.view = view; }, /** * Sets and returns a globally unique identifier for the widget. * * If a prefix is specified, the identifier will be appended to it. * * @params prefix prefix sections, empty/falsy sections will be removed */ make_id: function () { this.element_id = _.uniqueId( ['search'].concat( _.compact(_.toArray(arguments)), ['']).join('_')); return this.element_id; }, /** * "Starts" the widgets. Called at the end of the rendering, this allows * widgets to hook themselves to their view sections. * * On widgets, if they kept a reference to a view and have an element_id, * will fetch and set their root element on $element. */ start: function () { this._super(); if (this.view && this.element_id) { // id is unique, and no getElementById on elements this.$element = $(document.getElementById( this.element_id)); } }, /** * "Stops" the widgets. Called when the view destroys itself, this * lets the widgets clean up after themselves. */ destroy: function () { delete this.view; this._super(); }, render: function (defaults) { // FIXME return this._super(_.extend(this, {defaults: defaults})); } }); = function($root) { $root.find('a.searchview_group_string').click(function (e) { $root.toggleClass('folded expanded'); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); }; ={ template: '', init: function (view_section, view, fields) { this._super(view); this.attrs = view_section.attrs; this.lines = view.make_widgets( view_section.children, fields); this.make_id('group'); }, start: function () { this._super();$element); var widget_starts = _(this.lines).chain().flatten() .map(function (widget) { return widget.start(); }) .value(); return $.when.apply(null, widget_starts); } }); = /** @lends */{ /** * @constructs * @extends * * @param view */ init: function (view) { this._super(view); this.view.inputs.push(this); = undefined; }, get_context: function () { throw new Error( "get_context not implemented for widget " + this.attrs.type); }, get_domain: function () { throw new Error( "get_domain not implemented for widget " + this.attrs.type); }, load_attrs: function (attrs) { if (attrs.modifiers) { attrs.modifiers = JSON.parse(attrs.modifiers); attrs.invisible = attrs.modifiers.invisible || false; if (attrs.invisible) { = 'display: none;' } } this.attrs = attrs; }, /** * Specific clearing operations, if any */ clear: function () {} }); =** @lends */{ template: 'SearchView.filters', /** * Inclusive group of filters, creates a continuous "button" with clickable * sections (the normal display for filters is to be a self-contained button) * * @constructs * @extends * * @param {Array} filters elements of the group * @param {openerp.web.SearchView} view view in which the filters are contained */ init: function (filters, view) { this._super(view); this.filters = filters; this.length = filters.length; }, start: function () { this._super(); _.each(this.filters, function (filter) { filter.start(); }); }, get_context: function () { }, /** * Handles domains-fetching for all the filters within it: groups them. */ get_domain: function () { var domains = _(this.filters).chain() .filter(function (filter) { return filter.is_enabled(); }) .map(function (filter) { return filter.attrs.domain; }) .reject(_.isEmpty) .value(); if (!domains.length) { return; } if (domains.length === 1) { return domains[0]; } for (var i=domains.length; --i;) { domains.unshift(['|']); } return _.extend(new openerp.web.CompoundDomain(), { __domains: domains }); } }); =** @lends */{ template: 'SearchView.filter', /** * Implementation of the OpenERP filters (button with a context and/or * a domain sent as-is to the search view) * * @constructs * @extends * * @param node * @param view */ init: function (node, view) { this._super(view); this.load_attrs(node.attrs); this.classes = [this.attrs.string ? 'filter_label' : 'filter_icon']; this.make_id('filter',; }, start: function () { this._super(); var self = this; this.$ (e) { $(this).toggleClass('enabled'); self.view.do_toggle_filter(self); }); }, /** * Returns whether the filter is currently enabled (in use) or not. * * @returns a boolean */ is_enabled:function () { return this.$element.hasClass('enabled'); }, /** * If the filter is present in the defaults (and has a truthy value), * enable the filter. * * @param {Object} defaults the search view's default values */ render: function (defaults) { if ( && defaults[]) { this.classes.push('enabled'); this.view.do_toggle_filter(this, true); } return this._super(defaults); }, get_context: function () { if (!this.is_enabled()) { return; } return this.attrs.context; }, /** * Does not return anything: filter domain is handled at the FilterGroup * level */ get_domain: function () { } }); = /** @lends */ { template: 'SearchView.field', default_operator: '=', /** * @constructs * @extends * * @param view_section * @param field * @param view */ init: function (view_section, field, view) { this._super(view); this.load_attrs(_.extend({}, field, view_section.attrs)); this.filters = new view_section.children, function (filter_node) { if (filter_node.attrs.string && typeof console !== 'undefined' && console.debug) { console.debug("Filter-in-field with a 'string' attribute " + "in view", view); } delete filter_node.attrs.string; return new filter_node, view); })), view); this.make_id('input', field.type,; }, start: function () { this._super(); this.filters.start(); }, get_context: function () { var val = this.get_value(); // A field needs a value to be "active", and a context to send when // active var has_value = (val !== null && val !== ''); var context = this.attrs.context; if (!(has_value && context)) { return; } return _.extend( {}, context, {own_values: {self: val}}); }, /** * Function creating the returned domain for the field, override this * methods in children if you only need to customize the field's domain * without more complex alterations or tests (and without the need to * change override the handling of filter_domain) * * @param {String} name the field's name * @param {String} operator the field's operator (either attribute-specified or default operator for the field * @param {Number|String} value parsed value for the field * @returns {Array} domain to include in the resulting search */ make_domain: function (name, operator, value) { return [[name, operator, value]]; }, get_domain: function () { var val = this.get_value(); if (val === null || val === '') { return; } var domain = this.attrs['filter_domain']; if (!domain) { return this.make_domain(, this.attrs.operator || this.default_operator, val); } return _.extend({}, domain, {own_values: {self: val}}); } }); /** * Implementation of the ``char`` OpenERP field type: * * * Default operator is ``ilike`` rather than ``=`` * * * The Javascript and the HTML values are identical (strings) * * @class * @extends */ = /** @lends */ { default_operator: 'ilike', get_value: function () { return this.$element.val(); } }); =** @lends */{ get_value: function () { if (!this.$element.val()) { return null; } var val = this.parse(this.$element.val()), check = Number(this.$element.val()); if (isNaN(val) || val !== check) { this.$element.addClass('error'); throw new, this.$element.val(), this.error_message); } this.$element.removeClass('error'); return val; } }); /** * @class * @extends */ =** @lends */{ error_message: _t("not a valid integer"), parse: function (value) { try { return openerp.web.parse_value(value, {'widget': 'integer'}); } catch (e) { return NaN; } } }); /** * @class * @extends */ =** @lends */{ error_message: _t("not a valid number"), parse: function (value) { try { return openerp.web.parse_value(value, {'widget': 'float'}); } catch (e) { return NaN; } } }); /** * @class * @extends */ =** @lends */{ // This implementation is a basic