Details of Sales Company Users Print Date Start Period End Period [[ ]] [[ get_user_names(data['form']['user_ids']) or 'All' ]] [[ formatLang(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),date=True) ]] [[ formatLang(data['form']['date_start'],date=True) ]] [[ formatLang(data['form']['date_end'],date=True) ]] Date Order Product Price Qty Disc(%) Invoiced
[[ repeatIn(pos_sales_details(data['form']), 'line_ids') ]] [[ formatLang(line_ids['date_order'],date_time = True) ]] [[ line_ids['pos_name'] ]] [ [[ line_ids['code'] ]] ] [[ line_ids['name'] ]] [[ formatLang(line_ids['price_unit'], dp='Sale Price', currency_obj = company.currency_id) ]] [[ formatLang(line_ids['qty']) ]] [[ line_ids['uom'] ]] [[ formatLang(line_ids['discount'], dp='Sale Price') ]] [[ getinvoice(line_ids['invoice_id']) or removeParentNode('font') ]]
[[ repeatIn(gettaxamount(data['form']), 'p')]] [[ p['name'] or removeParentNode('para') ]] [[ formatLang(p['amount'], currency_obj = company.currency_id) or removeParentNode('tr') ]]
[[ repeatIn(getpayments(data['form']), 'p') ]] [[ p['name'] or removeParentNode('para') ]] [[ formatLang(p['sum'], dp='Account', currency_obj = company.currency_id) or removeParentNode('tr') ]]
Summary Sales total(Revenue) [[ formatLang(getsalestotal2(), dp='Sale Price', currency_obj = company.currency_id) ]] Qty of product [[ formatLang(getqtytotal2()) ]] Total invoiced [[ formatLang(getsuminvoice2(data['form']), dp='Sale Price', currency_obj = company.currency_id) ]] Total discount [[ formatLang(getsumdisc(data['form']), dp='Sale Price', currency_obj = company.currency_id) ]] Total paid [[ formatLang(getpaidtotal2(), dp='Sale Price', currency_obj = company.currency_id) ]] Total of the day [[ formatLang(gettotalofthaday(data['form']), dp='Sale Price', currency_obj = company.currency_id) ]]