res.partner 36 RFQs and Purchases purchase.order form tree,form,graph {'search_default_partner_id': active_id}

This supplier has no purchase order. Click to create a new RfQ.

The request for quotation is the first step of the purchases flow. Once converted into a purchase order, you will be able to control the reception of the products and the supplier invoice.

res.partner.kanban.purchaseorder.inherit res.partner Purchases Supplier Invoices account.invoice form tree,form,graph [('type','=','in_invoice')] {'search_default_partner_id': active_id, 'default_type': 'in_invoice', 'type': 'in_invoice', 'journal_type': 'purchase'}

Click here to record a supplier invoice.

Supplier invoices can be pre-generated based on purchase orders or receptions. This allows you to control invoices you receive from your supplier according to the draft document in OpenERP.

res.partner.view.purchase.buttons res.partner