openerp-server for Debian ------------------------- Open ERP uses a PostgreSQL database to store its data. With the first generation of packages, you have to setup this database manually. Here is a short explanation how to achieve this (you need to execute all commands as root): 0. Making sure, PostgreSQL is running # /etc/init.d/postgresql restart Note that depending on the version of PostgreSQL installed on your system, the above syvinit script could also be named postgresql-VERSION (whereas 'VERSION' needs to be replace with a version number). 1. Creating the database user # su - postgres -c "createuser --createdb --no-createrole --pwprompt openerp" Note: If you want to run the database as another user than 'openerp', you need to replace 'openerp' above with the user you want instead, and you need to adjust 'db_user = openerp' in /etc/openerp-server.conf too. 3. Restarting openerp-server # /etc/init.d/openerp-server restart 4. Initializing the database Now you can connect with Open ERP client to the database and initialize it. Now, you're finish. Please be aware of the following things: * openerp-server has by default two accounts: - User: admin; password: admin - User: demo; password; demo * openerp-server listens by default on port 8070. If you need to change this, edit /etc/openerp-server.conf and replace 'port = 8070' with 'port = '. * openerp-server in the upstreams configuration listens by default to *all* interfaces. For security reasons, we do restrict it in the Debian packages to listen only on localhost. If you need to change this, edit /etc/openerp-server.conf and replace 'interface = localhost' with 'interface = '. -- Daniel Baumann Fri, 1 Jun 2007 12:00:00 +0200