/* Copyright (c) 2013, Fabien Meghazi Released under the MIT license Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ // vim:set et fdm=syntax fdl=0 fdc=3 fdn=2: //--------------------------------------------------------- // QWeb javascript //--------------------------------------------------------- /* TODO String parsing if (window.DOMParser) { parser=new DOMParser(); xmlDoc=parser.parseFromString(text,"text/xml"); } else { xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0"); xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); Which versions to try, it's confusing... xmlDoc.async="false"; xmlDoc.async=false; xmlDoc.preserveWhiteSpace=true; xmlDoc.load("f.xml"); xmlDoc.loadXML(text); ? } Support space in IE by reparsing the responseText xmlhttp.responseXML.loadXML(xmlhttp.responseText); ? Preprocess: (nice optimization) preprocess by flattening all non t- element to a TEXT_NODE. count the number of "\n" in text nodes to give an aproximate LINE NUMBER on elements for error reporting if from IE HTMLDOM use if(a[i].specified) to avoid 88 empty attributes per element during the preprocess, implement t-trim 'left' 'right' 'both', is it needed ? inner=render_trim(l_inner.join(), t_att) Ruby/python: to backport from javascript to python/ruby render_node to use regexp, factorize foreach %var, t-att test for tuple(attname,value) DONE we reintroduced t-att-id, no more t-esc-id because of the new convention t-att="["id","val"]" */ var QWeb = { templates:{}, prefix:"t", reg:new RegExp(), tag:{}, att:{}, ValueException: function (value, message) { this.value = value; this.message = message; }, eval_object:function(e, v) { // TODO: Currently this will also replace and, or, ... in strings. Try // 'hi boys and girls' != '' and 1 == 1 -- will be replaced to : 'hi boys && girls' != '' && 1 == 1 // try to find a solution without tokenizing e = '(' + e + ')'; e = e.replace(/\band\b/g, " && "); e = e.replace(/\bor\b/g, " || "); e = e.replace(/\bgt\b/g, " > "); e = e.replace(/\bgte\b/g, " >= "); e = e.replace(/\blt\b/g, " < "); e = e.replace(/\blte\b/g, " <= "); if (v[e] != undefined) { return v[e]; } else { with (v) return eval(e); } }, eval_str:function(e, v) { var r = this.eval_object(e, v); r = (typeof(r) == "undefined" || r == null) ? "" : r.toString(); return e == "0" ? v["0"] : r; }, eval_format:function(e, v) { var m, src = e.split(/#/), r = src[0]; for (var i = 1; i < src.length; i++) { if (m = src[i].match(/^{(.*)}(.*)/)) { r += this.eval_str(m[1], v) + m[2]; } else { r += "#" + src[i]; } } return r; }, eval_bool:function(e, v) { return !!this.eval_object(e, v); }, trim : function(v, mode) { if (!v || !mode) return v; switch (mode) { case 'both': return v.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, ""); case "left": return v.replace(/^\s*/, ""); case "right": return v.replace(/\s*$/, ""); } throw new QWeb.ValueException( mode, "unknown trimming mode, trim mode must follow the pattern '[inner] (left|right|both)'"); }, escape_text:function(s) { return s.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">"); }, escape_att:function(s) { return s.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/"/g, """); }, render_node : function(e, v, inner_trim) { if (e.nodeType == 3) { return inner_trim ? this.trim(e.data, inner_trim) : e.data; } if (e.nodeType == 1) { var g_att = {}; var t_att = {}; var t_render = null; var a = e.attributes; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { var an = a[i].name,av = a[i].value; var m; if (m = an.match(this.reg)) { var n = m[1]; if (n == "eval") { n = m[2].substring(1); av = this.eval_str(av, v); } var f; if (f = this.att[n]) { this[f](e, t_att, g_att, v, m[2], av); } else if (f = this.tag[n]) { t_render = f; } t_att[n] = av; } else { g_att[an] = av; } } if (inner_trim && !t_att["trim"]) { t_att["trim"] = "inner " + inner_trim; } if (t_render) { return this[t_render](e, t_att, g_att, v); } return this.render_element(e, t_att, g_att, v); } return ""; }, render_element:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) { var inner = "", ec = e.childNodes, trim = t_att["trim"], inner_trim; if (trim) { if (/\binner\b/.test(trim)) { inner_trim = true; if (trim == 'inner') { trim = "both"; } } var tm = /\b(both|left|right)\b/.exec(trim); if (tm) trim = tm[1]; } for (var i = 0; i < ec.length; i++) { inner += inner_trim ? this.trim(this.render_node(ec[i], v, inner_trim ? trim : null), trim) : this.render_node(ec[i], v, inner_trim ? trim : null); } if (trim && !inner_trim) { inner = this.trim(inner, trim); } if (e.tagName == this.prefix) { return inner; } var att = ""; for (var an in g_att) { att += " " + an + '="' + this.escape_att(g_att[an]) + '"'; } // Some IE versions have problems with closed tags var opentag = !!t_att['opentag'] && this.eval_bool(t_att["opentag"], v); return inner.length || opentag ? "<" + e.tagName + att + ">" + inner + "" : "<" + e.tagName + att + "/>"; }, render_att_att:function(e, t_att, g_att, v, ext, av) { if (ext) { var attv = this.eval_object(av, v); if (attv != null) { g_att[ext.substring(1)] = attv.toString(); } } else { var o = this.eval_object(av, v); if (o != null) { // TODO: http://bonsaiden.github.com/JavaScript-Garden/#types.typeof if (o.constructor == Array && o.length > 1 && o[1] != null) { g_att[o[0]] = new String(o[1]); } else if (o.constructor == Object) { for (var i in o) { if(o[i]!=null) { g_att[i] = new String(o[i]); } } } } } }, render_att_attf:function(e, t_att, g_att, v, ext, av) { g_att[ext.substring(1)] = this.eval_format(av, v); }, render_tag_raw:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) { return this.eval_str(t_att["raw"], v); }, render_tag_rawf:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) { return this.eval_format(t_att["rawf"], v); }, /* * Idea: if the name of the tag != t render the tag around the value */ render_tag_esc:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) { return this.escape_text(this.eval_str(t_att["esc"], v)); }, render_tag_escf:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) { return this.escape_text(this.eval_format(t_att["escf"], v)); }, render_tag_if:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) { return this.eval_bool(t_att["if"], v) ? this.render_element(e, t_att, g_att, v) : ""; }, render_tag_set:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) { var ev = t_att["value"]; if (ev && ev.constructor != Function) { v[t_att["set"]] = this.eval_object(ev, v); } else { v[t_att["set"]] = this.render_element(e, t_att, g_att, v); } return ""; }, render_tag_call:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) { var d = v; if (!t_att["import"]) { d = {}; for (var i in v) { d[i] = v[i]; } } d["0"] = this.render_element(e, t_att, g_att, d); return this.render(t_att["call"], d); }, render_tag_js:function(e, t_att, g_att, v) { var dict_name = t_att["js"] || "dict"; v[dict_name] = v; var r = this.eval_str(this.render_element(e, t_att, g_att, v), v); delete(v[dict_name]); return r || ''; }, /** * Renders a foreach loop (@t-foreach). * * Adds the following elements to its context, where ${name} * is specified via @t-as: * * ${name} The current element itself * * ${name}_value Same as ${name} * * ${name}_index The 0-based index of the current element * * ${name}_first Whether the current element is the first one * * ${name}_parity odd|even (as strings) * * ${name}_all The iterated collection itself * * If the collection being iterated is an array, also adds: * * ${name}_last Whether the current element is the last one * * All members of the current object * * If the collection being iterated is an object, the value is actually the object's key * * @param e ? * @param t_att attributes of the element being t-foreach'd * @param g_att ? * @param old_context the context in which the foreach is evaluated */ render_tag_foreach:function(e, t_att, g_att, old_context) { var expr = t_att["foreach"]; var enu = this.eval_object(expr, old_context); var ru = []; if (enu) { var val = t_att['as'] || expr.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '_'); var context = {}; for (var i in old_context) { context[i] = old_context[i]; } context[val + "_all"] = enu; var val_value = val + "_value", val_index = val + "_index", val_first = val + "_first", val_last = val + "_last", val_parity = val + "_parity"; var size = enu.length; if (size) { context[val + "_size"] = size; for (var j = 0; j < size; j++) { var cur = enu[j]; context[val_value] = cur; context[val_index] = j; context[val_first] = j == 0; context[val_last] = j + 1 == size; context[val_parity] = (j % 2 == 1 ? 'odd' : 'even'); if (cur.constructor == Object) { for (var k in cur) { context[k] = cur[k]; } } context[val] = cur; var r = this.render_element(e, t_att, g_att, context); ru.push(r); } } else { var index = 0; for (cur in enu) { context[val_value] = cur; context[val_index] = index; context[val_first] = index == 0; context[val_parity] = (index % 2 == 1 ? 'odd' : 'even'); context[val] = cur; ru.push(this.render_element(e, t_att, g_att, context)); index += 1; } } return ru.join(""); } else { return "qweb: foreach " + expr + " not found."; } }, hash:function() { var l = [], m; for (var i in this) { if (m = i.match(/render_tag_(.*)/)) { this.tag[m[1]] = i; l.push(m[1]); } else if (m = i.match(/render_att_(.*)/)) { this.att[m[1]] = i; l.push(m[1]); } } l.sort(function(a, b) { return a.length > b.length ? -1 : 1; }); var s = "^" + this.prefix + "-(eval|" + l.join("|") + "|.*)(.*)$"; this.reg = new RegExp(s); }, /** * returns the correct XMLHttpRequest instance for the browser, or null if * it was not able to build any XHR instance. * * @returns XMLHttpRequest|MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0|null */ get_xhr:function () { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { return new window.XMLHttpRequest(); } try { return new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0'); } catch(e) { return null; } }, load_xml:function(s) { var xml; if (s[0] == "<") { /* manque ca pour sarrisa if(window.DOMParser){ mozilla if(!window.DOMParser){ var doc = Sarissa.getDomDocument(); doc.loadXML(sXml); return doc; }; }; */ } else { var req = this.get_xhr(); if (req) { req.open("GET", s, false); req.send(null); //if ie r.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", "Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT"); xml = req.responseXML; /* TODO if intsernetexploror getdomimplmentation() for try catch responseXML.getImplet d=domimple() d.preserverWhitespace=1 d.loadXML() xml.preserverWhitespace=1 xml.loadXML(r.reponseText) */ return xml; } } }, add_template:function(e) { // TODO: keep sources so we can implement reload() this.hash(); if (e.constructor == String) { e = this.load_xml(e); } var ec = e.documentElement ? e.documentElement.childNodes : ( e.childNodes ? e.childNodes : [] ); for (var i = 0; i < ec.length; i++) { var n = ec[i]; if (n.nodeType == 1) { var name = n.getAttribute(this.prefix + "-name"); this.templates[name] = n; } } }, render:function(name, v) { var e; if (e = this.templates[name]) { return this.render_node(e, v); } return "template " + name + " not found"; } };