# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #---------------------------------------------------------- # OpenERP HTTP layer #---------------------------------------------------------- import ast import collections import contextlib import datetime import errno import functools import getpass import inspect import logging import mimetypes import os import random import re import sys import tempfile import threading import time import traceback import urlparse import warnings from zlib import adler32 import babel.core import psutil import psycopg2 import simplejson import werkzeug.contrib.sessions import werkzeug.datastructures import werkzeug.exceptions import werkzeug.local import werkzeug.routing import werkzeug.wrappers import werkzeug.wsgi from werkzeug.wsgi import wrap_file import openerp from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID from openerp.service import security, model as service_model from openerp.tools.func import lazy_property _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # 1 week cache for statics as advised by Google Page Speed STATIC_CACHE = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 #---------------------------------------------------------- # RequestHandler #---------------------------------------------------------- # Thread local global request object _request_stack = werkzeug.local.LocalStack() request = _request_stack() """ A global proxy that always redirect to the current request object. """ def replace_request_password(args): # password is always 3rd argument in a request, we replace it in RPC logs # so it's easier to forward logs for diagnostics/debugging purposes... if len(args) > 2: args = list(args) args[2] = '*' return tuple(args) def dispatch_rpc(service_name, method, params): """ Handle a RPC call. This is pure Python code, the actual marshalling (from/to XML-RPC) is done in a upper layer. """ try: rpc_request = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.rpc.request') rpc_response = logging.getLogger(__name__ + '.rpc.response') rpc_request_flag = rpc_request.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) rpc_response_flag = rpc_response.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) if rpc_request_flag or rpc_response_flag: start_time = time.time() start_rss, start_vms = 0, 0 start_rss, start_vms = psutil.Process(os.getpid()).get_memory_info() if rpc_request and rpc_response_flag: openerp.netsvc.log(rpc_request, logging.DEBUG, '%s.%s' % (service_name, method), replace_request_password(params)) threading.current_thread().uid = None threading.current_thread().dbname = None if service_name == 'common': dispatch = openerp.service.common.dispatch elif service_name == 'db': dispatch = openerp.service.db.dispatch elif service_name == 'object': dispatch = openerp.service.model.dispatch elif service_name == 'report': dispatch = openerp.service.report.dispatch else: dispatch = openerp.service.wsgi_server.rpc_handlers.get(service_name) result = dispatch(method, params) if rpc_request_flag or rpc_response_flag: end_time = time.time() end_rss, end_vms = 0, 0 end_rss, end_vms = psutil.Process(os.getpid()).get_memory_info() logline = '%s.%s time:%.3fs mem: %sk -> %sk (diff: %sk)' % (service_name, method, end_time - start_time, start_vms / 1024, end_vms / 1024, (end_vms - start_vms)/1024) if rpc_response_flag: openerp.netsvc.log(rpc_response, logging.DEBUG, logline, result) else: openerp.netsvc.log(rpc_request, logging.DEBUG, logline, replace_request_password(params), depth=1) return result except (openerp.osv.orm.except_orm, openerp.exceptions.AccessError, \ openerp.exceptions.AccessDenied, openerp.exceptions.Warning, \ openerp.exceptions.RedirectWarning): raise except openerp.exceptions.DeferredException, e: _logger.exception(openerp.tools.exception_to_unicode(e)) openerp.tools.debugger.post_mortem(openerp.tools.config, e.traceback) raise except Exception, e: _logger.exception(openerp.tools.exception_to_unicode(e)) openerp.tools.debugger.post_mortem(openerp.tools.config, sys.exc_info()) raise def local_redirect(path, query=None, keep_hash=False, forward_debug=True, code=303): url = path if not query: query = {} if forward_debug and request and request.debug: query['debug'] = None if query: url += '?' + werkzeug.url_encode(query) if keep_hash: return redirect_with_hash(url, code) else: return werkzeug.utils.redirect(url, code) def redirect_with_hash(url, code=303): # Most IE and Safari versions decided not to preserve location.hash upon # redirect. And even if IE10 pretends to support it, it still fails # inexplicably in case of multiple redirects (and we do have some). # See extensive test page at http://greenbytes.de/tech/tc/httpredirects/ if request.httprequest.user_agent.browser in ('firefox',): return werkzeug.utils.redirect(url, code) return "" % url class WebRequest(object): """ Parent class for all Odoo Web request types, mostly deals with initialization and setup of the request object (the dispatching itself has to be handled by the subclasses) :param httprequest: a wrapped werkzeug Request object :type httprequest: :class:`werkzeug.wrappers.BaseRequest` .. attribute:: httprequest the original :class:`werkzeug.wrappers.Request` object provided to the request .. attribute:: params :class:`~collections.Mapping` of request parameters, not generally useful as they're provided directly to the handler method as keyword arguments """ def __init__(self, httprequest): self.httprequest = httprequest self.httpresponse = None self.httpsession = httprequest.session self.disable_db = False self.uid = None self.endpoint = None self.auth_method = None self._cr = None # prevents transaction commit, use when you catch an exception during handling self._failed = None # set db/uid trackers - they're cleaned up at the WSGI # dispatching phase in openerp.service.wsgi_server.application if self.db: threading.current_thread().dbname = self.db if self.session.uid: threading.current_thread().uid = self.session.uid @lazy_property def env(self): """ The :class:`~openerp.api.Environment` bound to current request. """ return openerp.api.Environment(self.cr, self.uid, self.context) @lazy_property def context(self): """ :class:`~collections.Mapping` of context values for the current request """ return dict(self.session.context) @lazy_property def lang(self): return self.context["lang"] @lazy_property def session(self): """ a :class:`OpenERPSession` holding the HTTP session data for the current http session """ return self.httprequest.session @property def cr(self): """ :class:`~openerp.sql_db.Cursor` initialized for the current method call. Accessing the cursor when the current request uses the ``none`` authentication will raise an exception. """ # can not be a lazy_property because manual rollback in _call_function # if already set (?) if not self._cr: self._cr = self.registry.cursor() return self._cr def __enter__(self): _request_stack.push(self) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): _request_stack.pop() if self._cr: if exc_type is None and not self._failed: self._cr.commit() self._cr.close() # just to be sure no one tries to re-use the request self.disable_db = True self.uid = None def set_handler(self, endpoint, arguments, auth): # is this needed ? arguments = dict((k, v) for k, v in arguments.iteritems() if not k.startswith("_ignored_")) endpoint.arguments = arguments self.endpoint = endpoint self.auth_method = auth def _handle_exception(self, exception): """Called within an except block to allow converting exceptions to abitrary responses. Anything returned (except None) will be used as response.""" self._failed = exception # prevent tx commit raise def _call_function(self, *args, **kwargs): request = self if self.endpoint.routing['type'] != self._request_type: raise Exception("%s, %s: Function declared as capable of handling request of type '%s' but called with a request of type '%s'" \ % (self.endpoint.original, self.httprequest.path, self.endpoint.routing['type'], self._request_type)) kwargs.update(self.endpoint.arguments) # Backward for 7.0 if self.endpoint.first_arg_is_req: args = (request,) + args # Correct exception handling and concurency retry @service_model.check def checked_call(___dbname, *a, **kw): # The decorator can call us more than once if there is an database error. In this # case, the request cursor is unusable. Rollback transaction to create a new one. if self._cr: self._cr.rollback() return self.endpoint(*a, **kw) if self.db: return checked_call(self.db, *args, **kwargs) return self.endpoint(*args, **kwargs) @property def debug(self): """ Indicates whether the current request is in "debug" mode """ return 'debug' in self.httprequest.args @contextlib.contextmanager def registry_cr(self): warnings.warn('please use request.registry and request.cr directly', DeprecationWarning) yield (self.registry, self.cr) @lazy_property def session_id(self): """ opaque identifier for the :class:`OpenERPSession` instance of the current request .. deprecated:: 8.0 Use the ``sid`` attribute on :attr:`.session` """ return self.session.sid @property def registry(self): """ The registry to the database linked to this request. Can be ``None`` if the current request uses the ``none`` authentication. .. deprecated:: 8.0 use :attr:`.env` """ return openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager.get(self.db) if self.db else None @property def db(self): """ The database linked to this request. Can be ``None`` if the current request uses the ``none`` authentication. """ return self.session.db if not self.disable_db else None @lazy_property def httpsession(self): """ HTTP session data .. deprecated:: 8.0 Use :attr:`.session` instead. """ return self.session def route(route=None, **kw): """ Decorator marking the decorated method as being a handler for requests. The method must be part of a subclass of ``Controller``. :param route: string or array. The route part that will determine which http requests will match the decorated method. Can be a single string or an array of strings. See werkzeug's routing documentation for the format of route expression ( http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/docs/routing/ ). :param type: The type of request, can be ``'http'`` or ``'json'``. :param auth: The type of authentication method, can on of the following: * ``user``: The user must be authenticated and the current request will perform using the rights of the user. * ``admin``: The user may not be authenticated and the current request will perform using the admin user. * ``none``: The method is always active, even if there is no database. Mainly used by the framework and authentication modules. There request code will not have any facilities to access the database nor have any configuration indicating the current database nor the current user. :param methods: A sequence of http methods this route applies to. If not specified, all methods are allowed. :param cors: The Access-Control-Allow-Origin cors directive value. """ routing = kw.copy() assert not 'type' in routing or routing['type'] in ("http", "json") def decorator(f): if route: if isinstance(route, list): routes = route else: routes = [route] routing['routes'] = routes @functools.wraps(f) def response_wrap(*args, **kw): response = f(*args, **kw) if isinstance(response, Response) or f.routing_type == 'json': return response elif isinstance(response, werkzeug.wrappers.BaseResponse): response = Response.force_type(response) response.set_default() return response elif isinstance(response, basestring): return Response(response) else: _logger.warn(" returns an invalid response type for an http request" % (f.__module__, f.__name__)) return response response_wrap.routing = routing response_wrap.original_func = f return response_wrap return decorator class JsonRequest(WebRequest): """ Request handler for `JSON-RPC 2 `_ over HTTP * ``method`` is ignored * ``params`` must be a JSON object (not an array) and is passed as keyword arguments to the handler method * the handler method's result is returned as JSON-RPC ``result`` and wrapped in the `JSON-RPC Response `_ Sucessful request:: --> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": {"context": {}, "arg1": "val1" }, "id": null} <-- {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "res1": "val1" }, "id": null} Request producing a error:: --> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": {"context": {}, "arg1": "val1" }, "id": null} <-- {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": {"code": 1, "message": "End user error message.", "data": {"code": "codestring", "debug": "traceback" } }, "id": null} """ _request_type = "json" def __init__(self, *args): super(JsonRequest, self).__init__(*args) self.jsonp_handler = None args = self.httprequest.args jsonp = args.get('jsonp') self.jsonp = jsonp request = None request_id = args.get('id') if jsonp and self.httprequest.method == 'POST': # jsonp 2 steps step1 POST: save call def handler(): self.session['jsonp_request_%s' % (request_id,)] = self.httprequest.form['r'] self.session.modified = True headers=[('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')] r = werkzeug.wrappers.Response(request_id, headers=headers) return r self.jsonp_handler = handler return elif jsonp and args.get('r'): # jsonp method GET request = args.get('r') elif jsonp and request_id: # jsonp 2 steps step2 GET: run and return result request = self.session.pop('jsonp_request_%s' % (request_id,), '{}') else: # regular jsonrpc2 request = self.httprequest.stream.read() # Read POST content or POST Form Data named "request" self.jsonrequest = simplejson.loads(request) self.params = dict(self.jsonrequest.get("params", {})) self.context = self.params.pop('context', dict(self.session.context)) def _json_response(self, result=None, error=None): response = { 'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': self.jsonrequest.get('id') } if error is not None: response['error'] = error if result is not None: response['result'] = result if self.jsonp: # If we use jsonp, that's mean we are called from another host # Some browser (IE and Safari) do no allow third party cookies # We need then to manage http sessions manually. response['session_id'] = self.session_id mime = 'application/javascript' body = "%s(%s);" % (self.jsonp, simplejson.dumps(response),) else: mime = 'application/json' body = simplejson.dumps(response) return Response( body, headers=[('Content-Type', mime), ('Content-Length', len(body))]) def _handle_exception(self, exception): """Called within an except block to allow converting exceptions to abitrary responses. Anything returned (except None) will be used as response.""" try: return super(JsonRequest, self)._handle_exception(exception) except Exception: _logger.exception("Exception during JSON request handling.") error = { 'code': 200, 'message': "OpenERP Server Error", 'data': serialize_exception(exception) } if isinstance(exception, AuthenticationError): error['code'] = 100 error['message'] = "OpenERP Session Invalid" return self._json_response(error=error) def dispatch(self): if self.jsonp_handler: return self.jsonp_handler() try: result = self._call_function(**self.params) return self._json_response(result) except Exception, e: return self._handle_exception(e) def serialize_exception(e): tmp = { "name": type(e).__module__ + "." + type(e).__name__ if type(e).__module__ else type(e).__name__, "debug": traceback.format_exc(), "message": u"%s" % e, "arguments": to_jsonable(e.args), } if isinstance(e, openerp.osv.osv.except_osv): tmp["exception_type"] = "except_osv" elif isinstance(e, openerp.exceptions.Warning): tmp["exception_type"] = "warning" elif isinstance(e, openerp.exceptions.AccessError): tmp["exception_type"] = "access_error" elif isinstance(e, openerp.exceptions.AccessDenied): tmp["exception_type"] = "access_denied" return tmp def to_jsonable(o): if isinstance(o, str) or isinstance(o,unicode) or isinstance(o, int) or isinstance(o, long) \ or isinstance(o, bool) or o is None or isinstance(o, float): return o if isinstance(o, list) or isinstance(o, tuple): return [to_jsonable(x) for x in o] if isinstance(o, dict): tmp = {} for k, v in o.items(): tmp[u"%s" % k] = to_jsonable(v) return tmp return u"%s" % o def jsonrequest(f): """ .. deprecated:: 8.0 Use the :func:`~openerp.http.route` decorator instead. """ base = f.__name__.lstrip('/') if f.__name__ == "index": base = "" return route([base, base + "/"], type="json", auth="user", combine=True)(f) class HttpRequest(WebRequest): """ Handler for the ``http`` request type. matched routing parameters, query string parameters, form_ parameters and files are passed to the handler method as keyword arguments. In case of name conflict, routing parameters have priority. The handler method's result can be: * a falsy value, in which case the HTTP response will be an `HTTP 204`_ (No Content) * a werkzeug Response object, which is returned as-is * a ``str`` or ``unicode``, will be wrapped in a Response object and interpreted as HTML .. _form: http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h- .. _HTTP 204: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.3.5 """ _request_type = "http" def __init__(self, *args): super(HttpRequest, self).__init__(*args) params = self.httprequest.args.to_dict() params.update(self.httprequest.form.to_dict()) params.update(self.httprequest.files.to_dict()) params.pop('session_id', None) self.params = params def _handle_exception(self, exception): """Called within an except block to allow converting exceptions to abitrary responses. Anything returned (except None) will be used as response.""" try: return super(HttpRequest, self)._handle_exception(exception) except SessionExpiredException: if not request.params.get('noredirect'): query = werkzeug.urls.url_encode({ 'redirect': request.httprequest.url, }) return werkzeug.utils.redirect('/web/login?%s' % query) except werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException, e: return e def dispatch(self): if request.httprequest.method == 'OPTIONS' and request.endpoint and request.endpoint.routing.get('cors'): headers = { 'Access-Control-Max-Age': 60 * 60 * 24, 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept' } return Response(status=200, headers=headers) r = self._call_function(**self.params) if not r: r = Response(status=204) # no content return r def make_response(self, data, headers=None, cookies=None): """ Helper for non-HTML responses, or HTML responses with custom response headers or cookies. While handlers can just return the HTML markup of a page they want to send as a string if non-HTML data is returned they need to create a complete response object, or the returned data will not be correctly interpreted by the clients. :param basestring data: response body :param headers: HTTP headers to set on the response :type headers: ``[(name, value)]`` :param collections.Mapping cookies: cookies to set on the client """ response = Response(data, headers=headers) if cookies: for k, v in cookies.iteritems(): response.set_cookie(k, v) return response def render(self, template, qcontext=None, lazy=True, **kw): """ Lazy render of a QWeb template. The actual rendering of the given template will occur at then end of the dispatching. Meanwhile, the template and/or qcontext can be altered or even replaced by a static response. :param basestring template: template to render :param dict qcontext: Rendering context to use :param bool lazy: whether the template rendering should be deferred until the last possible moment :param kw: forwarded to werkzeug's Response object """ response = Response(template=template, qcontext=qcontext, **kw) if not lazy: return response.render() return response def not_found(self, description=None): """ Shortcut for a `HTTP 404 `_ (Not Found) response """ return werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound(description) def httprequest(f): """ .. deprecated:: 8.0 Use the :func:`~openerp.http.route` decorator instead. """ base = f.__name__.lstrip('/') if f.__name__ == "index": base = "" return route([base, base + "/"], type="http", auth="user", combine=True)(f) #---------------------------------------------------------- # Controller and route registration #---------------------------------------------------------- addons_module = {} addons_manifest = {} controllers_per_module = collections.defaultdict(list) class ControllerType(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): super(ControllerType, cls).__init__(name, bases, attrs) # flag old-style methods with req as first argument for k, v in attrs.items(): if inspect.isfunction(v) and hasattr(v, 'original_func'): # Set routing type on original functions routing_type = v.routing.get('type') parent = [claz for claz in bases if isinstance(claz, ControllerType) and hasattr(claz, k)] parent_routing_type = getattr(parent[0], k).original_func.routing_type if parent else routing_type or 'http' if routing_type is not None and routing_type is not parent_routing_type: routing_type = parent_routing_type _logger.warn("Subclass re-defines with different type than original." " Will use original type: %r" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__, k, parent_routing_type)) v.original_func.routing_type = routing_type or parent_routing_type spec = inspect.getargspec(v.original_func) first_arg = spec.args[1] if len(spec.args) >= 2 else None if first_arg in ["req", "request"]: v._first_arg_is_req = True # store the controller in the controllers list name_class = ("%s.%s" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__), cls) class_path = name_class[0].split(".") if not class_path[:2] == ["openerp", "addons"]: module = "" else: # we want to know all modules that have controllers module = class_path[2] # but we only store controllers directly inheriting from Controller if not "Controller" in globals() or not Controller in bases: return controllers_per_module[module].append(name_class) class Controller(object): __metaclass__ = ControllerType class EndPoint(object): def __init__(self, method, routing): self.method = method self.original = getattr(method, 'original_func', method) self.routing = routing self.arguments = {} @property def first_arg_is_req(self): # Backward for 7.0 return getattr(self.method, '_first_arg_is_req', False) def __call__(self, *args, **kw): return self.method(*args, **kw) def routing_map(modules, nodb_only, converters=None): routing_map = werkzeug.routing.Map(strict_slashes=False, converters=converters) def get_subclasses(klass): def valid(c): return c.__module__.startswith('openerp.addons.') and c.__module__.split(".")[2] in modules subclasses = klass.__subclasses__() result = [] for subclass in subclasses: if valid(subclass): result.extend(get_subclasses(subclass)) if not result and valid(klass): result = [klass] return result uniq = lambda it: collections.OrderedDict((id(x), x) for x in it).values() for module in modules: if module not in controllers_per_module: continue for _, cls in controllers_per_module[module]: subclasses = uniq(c for c in get_subclasses(cls) if c is not cls) if subclasses: name = "%s (extended by %s)" % (cls.__name__, ', '.join(sub.__name__ for sub in subclasses)) cls = type(name, tuple(reversed(subclasses)), {}) o = cls() members = inspect.getmembers(o, inspect.ismethod) for _, mv in members: if hasattr(mv, 'routing'): routing = dict(type='http', auth='user', methods=None, routes=None) methods_done = list() # update routing attributes from subclasses(auth, methods...) for claz in reversed(mv.im_class.mro()): fn = getattr(claz, mv.func_name, None) if fn and hasattr(fn, 'routing') and fn not in methods_done: methods_done.append(fn) routing.update(fn.routing) if not nodb_only or routing['auth'] == "none": assert routing['routes'], "Method %r has not route defined" % mv endpoint = EndPoint(mv, routing) for url in routing['routes']: if routing.get("combine", False): # deprecated v7 declaration url = o._cp_path.rstrip('/') + '/' + url.lstrip('/') if url.endswith("/") and len(url) > 1: url = url[: -1] routing_map.add(werkzeug.routing.Rule(url, endpoint=endpoint, methods=routing['methods'])) return routing_map #---------------------------------------------------------- # HTTP Sessions #---------------------------------------------------------- class AuthenticationError(Exception): pass class SessionExpiredException(Exception): pass class Service(object): """ .. deprecated:: 8.0 Use :func:`dispatch_rpc` instead. """ def __init__(self, session, service_name): self.session = session self.service_name = service_name def __getattr__(self, method): def proxy_method(*args): result = dispatch_rpc(self.service_name, method, args) return result return proxy_method class Model(object): """ .. deprecated:: 8.0 Use the registry and cursor in :data:`request` instead. """ def __init__(self, session, model): self.session = session self.model = model self.proxy = self.session.proxy('object') def __getattr__(self, method): self.session.assert_valid() def proxy(*args, **kw): # Can't provide any retro-compatibility for this case, so we check it and raise an Exception # to tell the programmer to adapt his code if not request.db or not request.uid or self.session.db != request.db \ or self.session.uid != request.uid: raise Exception("Trying to use Model with badly configured database or user.") mod = request.registry.get(self.model) if method.startswith('_'): raise Exception("Access denied") meth = getattr(mod, method) cr = request.cr result = meth(cr, request.uid, *args, **kw) # reorder read if method == "read": if isinstance(result, list) and len(result) > 0 and "id" in result[0]: index = {} for r in result: index[r['id']] = r result = [index[x] for x in args[0] if x in index] return result return proxy class OpenERPSession(werkzeug.contrib.sessions.Session): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.inited = False self.modified = False super(OpenERPSession, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.inited = True self._default_values() self.modified = False def __getattr__(self, attr): return self.get(attr, None) def __setattr__(self, k, v): if getattr(self, "inited", False): try: object.__getattribute__(self, k) except: return self.__setitem__(k, v) object.__setattr__(self, k, v) def authenticate(self, db, login=None, password=None, uid=None): """ Authenticate the current user with the given db, login and password. If successful, store the authentication parameters in the current session and request. :param uid: If not None, that user id will be used instead the login to authenticate the user. """ if uid is None: wsgienv = request.httprequest.environ env = dict( base_location=request.httprequest.url_root.rstrip('/'), HTTP_HOST=wsgienv['HTTP_HOST'], REMOTE_ADDR=wsgienv['REMOTE_ADDR'], ) uid = dispatch_rpc('common', 'authenticate', [db, login, password, env]) else: security.check(db, uid, password) self.db = db self.uid = uid self.login = login self.password = password request.uid = uid request.disable_db = False if uid: self.get_context() return uid def check_security(self): """ Check the current authentication parameters to know if those are still valid. This method should be called at each request. If the authentication fails, a :exc:`SessionExpiredException` is raised. """ if not self.db or not self.uid: raise SessionExpiredException("Session expired") security.check(self.db, self.uid, self.password) def logout(self, keep_db=False): for k in self.keys(): if not (keep_db and k == 'db'): del self[k] self._default_values() def _default_values(self): self.setdefault("db", None) self.setdefault("uid", None) self.setdefault("login", None) self.setdefault("password", None) self.setdefault("context", {}) def get_context(self): """ Re-initializes the current user's session context (based on his preferences) by calling res.users.get_context() with the old context. :returns: the new context """ assert self.uid, "The user needs to be logged-in to initialize his context" self.context = request.registry.get('res.users').context_get(request.cr, request.uid) or {} self.context['uid'] = self.uid self._fix_lang(self.context) return self.context def _fix_lang(self, context): """ OpenERP provides languages which may not make sense and/or may not be understood by the web client's libraries. Fix those here. :param dict context: context to fix """ lang = context['lang'] # inane OpenERP locale if lang == 'ar_AR': lang = 'ar' # lang to lang_REGION (datejs only handles lang_REGION, no bare langs) if lang in babel.core.LOCALE_ALIASES: lang = babel.core.LOCALE_ALIASES[lang] context['lang'] = lang or 'en_US' # Deprecated to be removed in 9 """ Damn properties for retro-compatibility. All of that is deprecated, all of that. """ @property def _db(self): return self.db @_db.setter def _db(self, value): self.db = value @property def _uid(self): return self.uid @_uid.setter def _uid(self, value): self.uid = value @property def _login(self): return self.login @_login.setter def _login(self, value): self.login = value @property def _password(self): return self.password @_password.setter def _password(self, value): self.password = value def send(self, service_name, method, *args): """ .. deprecated:: 8.0 Use :func:`dispatch_rpc` instead. """ return dispatch_rpc(service_name, method, args) def proxy(self, service): """ .. deprecated:: 8.0 Use :func:`dispatch_rpc` instead. """ return Service(self, service) def assert_valid(self, force=False): """ .. deprecated:: 8.0 Use :meth:`check_security` instead. Ensures this session is valid (logged into the openerp server) """ if self.uid and not force: return # TODO use authenticate instead of login self.uid = self.proxy("common").login(self.db, self.login, self.password) if not self.uid: raise AuthenticationError("Authentication failure") def ensure_valid(self): """ .. deprecated:: 8.0 Use :meth:`check_security` instead. """ if self.uid: try: self.assert_valid(True) except Exception: self.uid = None def execute(self, model, func, *l, **d): """ .. deprecated:: 8.0 Use the registry and cursor in :data:`request` instead. """ model = self.model(model) r = getattr(model, func)(*l, **d) return r def exec_workflow(self, model, id, signal): """ .. deprecated:: 8.0 Use the registry and cursor in :data:`request` instead. """ self.assert_valid() r = self.proxy('object').exec_workflow(self.db, self.uid, self.password, model, signal, id) return r def model(self, model): """ .. deprecated:: 8.0 Use the registry and cursor in :data:`request` instead. Get an RPC proxy for the object ``model``, bound to this session. :param model: an OpenERP model name :type model: str :rtype: a model object """ if not self.db: raise SessionExpiredException("Session expired") return Model(self, model) def save_action(self, action): """ This method store an action object in the session and returns an integer identifying that action. The method get_action() can be used to get back the action. :param the_action: The action to save in the session. :type the_action: anything :return: A key identifying the saved action. :rtype: integer """ saved_actions = self.setdefault('saved_actions', {"next": 1, "actions": {}}) # we don't allow more than 10 stored actions if len(saved_actions["actions"]) >= 10: del saved_actions["actions"][min(saved_actions["actions"])] key = saved_actions["next"] saved_actions["actions"][key] = action saved_actions["next"] = key + 1 self.modified = True return key def get_action(self, key): """ Gets back a previously saved action. This method can return None if the action was saved since too much time (this case should be handled in a smart way). :param key: The key given by save_action() :type key: integer :return: The saved action or None. :rtype: anything """ saved_actions = self.get('saved_actions', {}) return saved_actions.get("actions", {}).get(key) def session_gc(session_store): if random.random() < 0.001: # we keep session one week last_week = time.time() - 60*60*24*7 for fname in os.listdir(session_store.path): path = os.path.join(session_store.path, fname) try: if os.path.getmtime(path) < last_week: os.unlink(path) except OSError: pass #---------------------------------------------------------- # WSGI Layer #---------------------------------------------------------- # Add potentially missing (older ubuntu) font mime types mimetypes.add_type('application/font-woff', '.woff') mimetypes.add_type('application/vnd.ms-fontobject', '.eot') mimetypes.add_type('application/x-font-ttf', '.ttf') class Response(werkzeug.wrappers.Response): """ Response object passed through controller route chain. In addition to the :class:`werkzeug.wrappers.Response` parameters, this class's constructor can take the following additional parameters for QWeb Lazy Rendering. :param basestring template: template to render :param dict qcontext: Rendering context to use :param int uid: User id to use for the ir.ui.view render call, ``None`` to use the request's user (the default) these attributes are available as parameters on the Response object and can be altered at any time before rendering Also exposes all the attributes and methods of :class:`werkzeug.wrappers.Response`. """ default_mimetype = 'text/html' def __init__(self, *args, **kw): template = kw.pop('template', None) qcontext = kw.pop('qcontext', None) uid = kw.pop('uid', None) super(Response, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.set_default(template, qcontext, uid) def set_default(self, template=None, qcontext=None, uid=None): self.template = template self.qcontext = qcontext or dict() self.uid = uid # Support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing if request.endpoint and 'cors' in request.endpoint.routing: self.headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', request.endpoint.routing['cors']) methods = 'GET, POST' if request.endpoint.routing['type'] == 'json': methods = 'POST' elif request.endpoint.routing.get('methods'): methods = ', '.join(request.endpoint.routing['methods']) self.headers.set('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', methods) @property def is_qweb(self): return self.template is not None def render(self): """ Renders the Response's template, returns the result """ view_obj = request.registry["ir.ui.view"] uid = self.uid or request.uid or openerp.SUPERUSER_ID return view_obj.render( request.cr, uid, self.template, self.qcontext, context=request.context) def flatten(self): """ Forces the rendering of the response's template, sets the result as response body and unsets :attr:`.template` """ self.response.append(self.render()) self.template = None class DisableCacheMiddleware(object): def __init__(self, app): self.app = app def __call__(self, environ, start_response): def start_wrapped(status, headers): referer = environ.get('HTTP_REFERER', '') parsed = urlparse.urlparse(referer) debug = parsed.query.count('debug') >= 1 new_headers = [] unwanted_keys = ['Last-Modified'] if debug: new_headers = [('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')] unwanted_keys += ['Expires', 'Etag', 'Cache-Control'] for k, v in headers: if k not in unwanted_keys: new_headers.append((k, v)) start_response(status, new_headers) return self.app(environ, start_wrapped) class Root(object): """Root WSGI application for the OpenERP Web Client. """ def __init__(self): self._loaded = False @lazy_property def session_store(self): # Setup http sessions path = openerp.tools.config.session_dir _logger.debug('HTTP sessions stored in: %s', path) return werkzeug.contrib.sessions.FilesystemSessionStore(path, session_class=OpenERPSession) @lazy_property def nodb_routing_map(self): _logger.info("Generating nondb routing") return routing_map([''] + openerp.conf.server_wide_modules, True) def __call__(self, environ, start_response): """ Handle a WSGI request """ if not self._loaded: self._loaded = True self.load_addons() return self.dispatch(environ, start_response) def load_addons(self): """ Load all addons from addons path containing static files and controllers and configure them. """ # TODO should we move this to ir.http so that only configured modules are served ? statics = {} for addons_path in openerp.modules.module.ad_paths: for module in sorted(os.listdir(str(addons_path))): if module not in addons_module: manifest_path = os.path.join(addons_path, module, '__openerp__.py') path_static = os.path.join(addons_path, module, 'static') if os.path.isfile(manifest_path) and os.path.isdir(path_static): manifest = ast.literal_eval(open(manifest_path).read()) manifest['addons_path'] = addons_path _logger.debug("Loading %s", module) if 'openerp.addons' in sys.modules: m = __import__('openerp.addons.' + module) else: m = None addons_module[module] = m addons_manifest[module] = manifest statics['/%s/static' % module] = path_static if statics: _logger.info("HTTP Configuring static files") app = werkzeug.wsgi.SharedDataMiddleware(self.dispatch, statics, cache_timeout=STATIC_CACHE) self.dispatch = DisableCacheMiddleware(app) def setup_session(self, httprequest): # recover or create session session_gc(self.session_store) sid = httprequest.args.get('session_id') explicit_session = True if not sid: sid = httprequest.headers.get("X-Openerp-Session-Id") if not sid: sid = httprequest.cookies.get('session_id') explicit_session = False if sid is None: httprequest.session = self.session_store.new() else: httprequest.session = self.session_store.get(sid) return explicit_session def setup_db(self, httprequest): db = httprequest.session.db # Check if session.db is legit if db: if db not in db_filter([db], httprequest=httprequest): _logger.warn("Logged into database '%s', but dbfilter " "rejects it; logging session out.", db) httprequest.session.logout() db = None if not db: httprequest.session.db = db_monodb(httprequest) def setup_lang(self, httprequest): if not "lang" in httprequest.session.context: lang = httprequest.accept_languages.best or "en_US" lang = babel.core.LOCALE_ALIASES.get(lang, lang).replace('-', '_') httprequest.session.context["lang"] = lang def get_request(self, httprequest): # deduce type of request if httprequest.args.get('jsonp'): return JsonRequest(httprequest) if httprequest.mimetype in ("application/json", "application/json-rpc"): return JsonRequest(httprequest) else: return HttpRequest(httprequest) def get_response(self, httprequest, result, explicit_session): if isinstance(result, Response) and result.is_qweb: try: result.flatten() except(Exception), e: if request.db: result = request.registry['ir.http']._handle_exception(e) else: raise if isinstance(result, basestring): response = Response(result, mimetype='text/html') else: response = result if httprequest.session.should_save: self.session_store.save(httprequest.session) # We must not set the cookie if the session id was specified using a http header or a GET parameter. # There are two reasons to this: # - When using one of those two means we consider that we are overriding the cookie, which means creating a new # session on top of an already existing session and we don't want to create a mess with the 'normal' session # (the one using the cookie). That is a special feature of the Session Javascript class. # - It could allow session fixation attacks. if not explicit_session and hasattr(response, 'set_cookie'): response.set_cookie('session_id', httprequest.session.sid, max_age=90 * 24 * 60 * 60) return response def dispatch(self, environ, start_response): """ Performs the actual WSGI dispatching for the application. """ try: httprequest = werkzeug.wrappers.Request(environ) httprequest.app = self explicit_session = self.setup_session(httprequest) self.setup_db(httprequest) self.setup_lang(httprequest) request = self.get_request(httprequest) def _dispatch_nodb(): try: func, arguments = self.nodb_routing_map.bind_to_environ(request.httprequest.environ).match() except werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException, e: return request._handle_exception(e) request.set_handler(func, arguments, "none") result = request.dispatch() return result with request: db = request.session.db if db: openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager.check_registry_signaling(db) try: with openerp.tools.mute_logger('openerp.sql_db'): ir_http = request.registry['ir.http'] except (AttributeError, psycopg2.OperationalError): # psycopg2 error or attribute error while constructing # the registry. That means the database probably does # not exists anymore or the code doesnt match the db. # Log the user out and fall back to nodb request.session.logout() result = _dispatch_nodb() else: result = ir_http._dispatch() openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager.signal_caches_change(db) else: result = _dispatch_nodb() response = self.get_response(httprequest, result, explicit_session) return response(environ, start_response) except werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException, e: return e(environ, start_response) def get_db_router(self, db): if not db: return self.nodb_routing_map return request.registry['ir.http'].routing_map() def db_list(force=False, httprequest=None): dbs = dispatch_rpc("db", "list", [force]) return db_filter(dbs, httprequest=httprequest) def db_filter(dbs, httprequest=None): httprequest = httprequest or request.httprequest h = httprequest.environ.get('HTTP_HOST', '').split(':')[0] d, _, r = h.partition('.') if d == "www" and r: d = r.partition('.')[0] r = openerp.tools.config['dbfilter'].replace('%h', h).replace('%d', d) dbs = [i for i in dbs if re.match(r, i)] return dbs def db_monodb(httprequest=None): """ Magic function to find the current database. Implementation details: * Magic * More magic Returns ``None`` if the magic is not magic enough. """ httprequest = httprequest or request.httprequest dbs = db_list(True, httprequest) # try the db already in the session db_session = httprequest.session.db if db_session in dbs: return db_session # if there is only one possible db, we take that one if len(dbs) == 1: return dbs[0] return None def send_file(filepath_or_fp, mimetype=None, as_attachment=False, filename=None, mtime=None, add_etags=True, cache_timeout=STATIC_CACHE, conditional=True): """This is a modified version of Flask's send_file() Sends the contents of a file to the client. This will use the most efficient method available and configured. By default it will try to use the WSGI server's file_wrapper support. By default it will try to guess the mimetype for you, but you can also explicitly provide one. For extra security you probably want to send certain files as attachment (HTML for instance). The mimetype guessing requires a `filename` or an `attachment_filename` to be provided. Please never pass filenames to this function from user sources without checking them first. :param filepath_or_fp: the filename of the file to send. Alternatively a file object might be provided in which case `X-Sendfile` might not work and fall back to the traditional method. Make sure that the file pointer is positioned at the start of data to send before calling :func:`send_file`. :param mimetype: the mimetype of the file if provided, otherwise auto detection happens. :param as_attachment: set to `True` if you want to send this file with a ``Content-Disposition: attachment`` header. :param filename: the filename for the attachment if it differs from the file's filename or if using file object without 'name' attribute (eg: E-tags with StringIO). :param mtime: last modification time to use for contitional response. :param add_etags: set to `False` to disable attaching of etags. :param conditional: set to `False` to disable conditional responses. :param cache_timeout: the timeout in seconds for the headers. """ if isinstance(filepath_or_fp, (str, unicode)): if not filename: filename = os.path.basename(filepath_or_fp) file = open(filepath_or_fp, 'rb') if not mtime: mtime = os.path.getmtime(filepath_or_fp) else: file = filepath_or_fp if not filename: filename = getattr(file, 'name', None) file.seek(0, 2) size = file.tell() file.seek(0) if mimetype is None and filename: mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] if mimetype is None: mimetype = 'application/octet-stream' headers = werkzeug.datastructures.Headers() if as_attachment: if filename is None: raise TypeError('filename unavailable, required for sending as attachment') headers.add('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename) headers['Content-Length'] = size data = wrap_file(request.httprequest.environ, file) rv = Response(data, mimetype=mimetype, headers=headers, direct_passthrough=True) if isinstance(mtime, str): try: server_format = openerp.tools.misc.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT mtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(mtime.split('.')[0], server_format) except Exception: mtime = None if mtime is not None: rv.last_modified = mtime rv.cache_control.public = True if cache_timeout: rv.cache_control.max_age = cache_timeout rv.expires = int(time.time() + cache_timeout) if add_etags and filename and mtime: rv.set_etag('odoo-%s-%s-%s' % ( mtime, size, adler32( filename.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(filename, unicode) else filename ) & 0xffffffff )) if conditional: rv = rv.make_conditional(request.httprequest) # make sure we don't send x-sendfile for servers that # ignore the 304 status code for x-sendfile. if rv.status_code == 304: rv.headers.pop('x-sendfile', None) return rv #---------------------------------------------------------- # RPC controller #---------------------------------------------------------- class CommonController(Controller): @route('/jsonrpc', type='json', auth="none") def jsonrpc(self, service, method, args): """ Method used by client APIs to contact OpenERP. """ return dispatch_rpc(service, method, args) @route('/gen_session_id', type='json', auth="none") def gen_session_id(self): nsession = root.session_store.new() return nsession.sid # register main wsgi handler root = Root() openerp.service.wsgi_server.register_wsgi_handler(root) # vim:et:ts=4:sw=4: