#!/usr/bin/python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import psycopg import csv db_old = "in" print 'Extracting data from db '+db_old def import_sql(cr, fname, query, fields=None, trigger=None): cr.execute(query) if not fields: fields = map(lambda x: x[0], cr.description) fp = file(fname,'wb') result = cr.fetchall() if trigger: result = map(lambda x: tuple(trigger(cr, list(x))), result) writer = csv.writer(fp,lineterminator='\n') writer.writerow(fields) writer.writerows(result) fp.close() db = psycopg.connect("dbname="+db_old) cr = db.cursor() cr.execute("update auction_lots set state='draft' where state is null or state = '' ") cr.execute("update auction_lots set state='sold' where state='invoiced'") cr.execute('select id,name from res_partner') res= cr.fetchall() names=[] for r in res: if r[1] in names: cr.execute("update res_partner set name= %s where id=%d",(r[1]+str(r[0]),r[0])) else: names.append(r[1]) # cr.execute('select id,name from res_country') # res= cr.fetchall() # names=[] # for r in res: # if r[1] in names: # cr.execute("update res_country set name= %s where id=%d",(str(r[1])+str(r[0]),r[0])) # else: # names.append(r[1]) # cr.execute('select id,code from res_country') # res= cr.fetchall() # names=[] # for r in res: # if r[1] in names: # cr.execute("update res_country set code= %s where id=%d",(str(r[1])+str(r[0]),r[0])) # else: # names.append(r[1]) def _account_trigger(cr, x): x = list(x) if x[5] not in ('receivable','payable','view','income','expense','tax','cash','asset','equity','closed'): x[5] = {'stock_inventory':'asset','stock_income':'income','stock_expense':'expense'}.get(x[5], 'asset') return tuple(x) # account.account import_sql(cr, 'account.account.csv', "select 'account' || id as id, code, name, 'EUR' as currency_id, True as active, type from account_account", trigger = _account_trigger ) #account.tax import_sql(cr, 'account.tax.csv', """select 'tax' || id as id, domain, name, 'account'||account_collected_id as "account_collected_id:id", 'account'||account_paid_id as "account_paid_id:id", amount, child_depend, type from account_tax """ ) #res.country # import_sql(cr, # 'res.country.csv', # """ # select # 'country'||id as id, # coalesce(name,id::char(10)) as "name", # coalesce(code,id::char(10)) as "code" # from # res_country # """ # ) #clients category import_sql(cr, 'res.partner.category.csv', """ select name, active from res_partner_category """ ) ##res.partner.category.rel #import_sql(cr, # 'res.partner.category.rel.csv', # """ # select # 'partner'||rel.partner_id as "partner_id:id", # 'categ'||rel.category_id as "category_id:id" # from # res_partner_category_rel rel, res_partner r # where rel.partner_id=r.id # """ #) #res.partner import_sql(cr, 'res.partner.csv', """ select 'partner'||r.id as id, r.lang, r.website, r.name, r.comment, r.active from res_partner r """ ) # (select cat.name||'\N' from res_partner r1, res_partner_category cat,res_partner_category_rel rel where r1.id=rel.partner_id and rel.category_id=cat.id) as "category_id", # title, #res.partner.address import_sql(cr, 'res.partner.address.csv', """ select 'address'||id as id, coalesce('partner'||partner_id,'partner_unknown') as "partner_id:id", name, street, zip, city, email, phone, type, mobile, fax from res_partner_address """ ) # 'country'||country as "country_id:id", #auction.lot.category import_sql(cr, 'auction.lot.category.csv', """ select 'cat'||id as "id", name, active from auction_lot_category order by id """ ) #auction.dates.csv import_sql(cr, 'auction.dates.csv', """ select 'date'||id as "id", 'Auction'||id as "name", expo1, expo2, 'auction_db.account'||acc_expense as "acc_expense:id", 'auction_db.account'||acc_income as "acc_income:id", coalesce(state,'draft') as "state", auction1, auction2, 'account.expenses_journal' as "journal_seller_id:id", 'account.sales_journal' as "journal_id:id", 'auction_db.aaa_un' as "account_analytic_id:id" from auction_dates order by id """ ) # auction.artist.csv import_sql(cr, 'auction.artists.csv', """ select 'artist'||id as "id", name, biography, birth_death_dates from auction_artists order by id """ ) # auction.deposit.csv import_sql(cr, 'auction.deposit.csv', """ select 'deposit'||id as "id", name, date_dep, coalesce('auction_db.partner'||partner_id,'auction_db.partner_unknown') as "partner_id:id", method, 'auction_db.tax'||tax_id as "tax_id:id", total_neg from auction_deposit order by id """ ) #lot import_sql(cr, 'auction.lots.csv', """ select 'lot'||l.id as id, 'auction_db2.date'||l.auction_id as "auction_id:id", 'auction_db2.deposit'||l.bord_vnd_id as "bord_vnd_id:id", l.name, l.name2, l.author_right, l.lot_est1, l.lot_est1, l.lot_local, l.artist_id, l.artist2_id, l.important, l.obj_desc, l.obj_num, l.obj_ret, l.obj_comm, l.obj_price, l.ach_avance, l.ach_login, 'auction_db.partner'||l.ach_uid as "ach_uid:id", l.ach_emp, l.vnd_lim, l.vnd_lim_net, coalesce(l.state,'draft') as "state", 'auction_db.product_product_unknown' as "product_id:id" from auction_lots l join auction_dates d on (l.auction_id=d.id) join auction_deposit o on (l.bord_vnd_id=o.id) where d.expo2 like '2007%' order by l.id """ ) # 'auction_db.invoice'||ach_inv_id as "ach_inv_id:id", # 'auction_db.invoice'||ach_inv_id as "sel_inv_id:id", def _deposit(cr, rec): if not rec[3]: rec[3] = '6025' return rec # 'invoice'||invoice_id as "invoice_id:id", import_sql(cr, 'account.invoice.csv', """ select 'invoice'||id as "id", comment, date_due, number, 'base.main_company' as "company_id:id", 'auction_db.address'||address_invoice_id as "address_invoice_id:id", 'auction_db.partner'||partner_id as "partner_id:id", state, type, 'auction_db.account'||account_id as "account_id:id", date_invoice, name, 'auction_db.address'||address_contact_id as "address_contact_id:id" from account_invoice order by id """ ) import_sql(cr, 'account.invoice.line.csv', """ select name, 'invoice'||invoice_id as "invoice_id:id", price_unit, 'auction_db.account'||account_id as "account_id:id", quantity from account_invoice_line order by id """ ) #auction.bid.csv import_sql(cr, 'auction.bid.csv', """ select 'bid'||b.id as "id", 'date'||b.auction_id as "auction_id:id", coalesce('auction_db.partner'||b.partner_id,'auction_db.partner_unknown') as "partner_id:id", b.name, b.contact_tel from auction_bid b join auction_dates d on (b.auction_id=d.id) where d.expo2 like '2007%' order by b.id """ ) #auction.bid_line.csv import_sql(cr, 'auction.bid_line.csv', """ select line.name, 'auction_db2.bid'||line.bid_id as "bid_id:id", 'auction_db3.lot'||line.lot_id as "lot_id:id", line.price, line.call from auction_bid_line line join auction_bid b on (b.id=line.bid_id) join auction_lots lot on (lot.id=line.lot_id) join auction_deposit o on (lot.bord_vnd_id=o.id) join auction_dates d on (lot.auction_id=d.id) where d.expo2 like '2007%' and o.date_dep like '2007%' order by line.id """ ) cr.close() # 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