- Set the current user as portal user. - !context 'uid': 'portal.demo_user0' - As a portal user, I fill in the contact form and submit it. - !record {model: portal_crm.crm_contact_us, id: contact_us_01}: name: 'Need information about your contact form module' partner_name: 'Mr. John Doe' email_from: 'mister@john.doe' phone: '+32 444 11 22 33' description: 'Dear Sir or Madam, could you get back to me asap ? Regards.' - For security reasons, the wizard values is empty. - !python {model: portal_crm.crm_contact_us}: | obj = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("contact_us_01")) assert not(obj.name or obj.partner_name or obj.email_from or obj.phone or obj.description), 'All the wizard\'s values are not empty' - And a lead is created with the proper values. - !python {model: crm.lead}: | from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID ids = self.search(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [('name', '=', 'Need information about your contact form module')]) assert len(ids) == 1, 'There are more than one matching lead, while only one was expected' obj = self.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, ids[0]) expected_values = dict( name='Need information about your contact form module', partner_name='Mr. John Doe', email_from='mister@john.doe', phone='+32 444 11 22 33', description='Dear Sir or Madam, could you get back to me asap ? Regards.') for k, v in expected_values.iteritems(): assert obj[k] == expected_values[k], 'Lead data mismatch: expected %s, got %s' % (expected_values[k], obj[k])