var py = {}; (function (py) { var NUMBER = /^\d$/, NAME_FIRST = /^[a-zA-Z_]$/, NAME = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]$/; var create = function (o, props) { function F() {} F.prototype = o; var inst = new F; if (props) { for(var name in props) { if(!props.hasOwnProperty(name)) { continue; } inst[name] = props[name]; } } return inst; }; var symbols = {}; var comparators = {}; var Base = { nud: function () { throw new Error( + " undefined as prefix"); }, led: function (led) { throw new Error( + " undefined as infix"); }, toString: function () { if ( === '(constant)' || === '(number)' || === '(name)' || === '(string)') { return [,, ' ', this.value, ')'].join(''); } else if ( === '(end)') { return '(end)'; } else if ( === '(comparator)' ) { var repr = ['(comparator', this.expressions[0]]; for (var i=0;i s.lbp) { s.lbp = bp; } return s; } return symbols[id] = create(Base, { id: id, lbp: bp }); } function constant(id) { var s = symbol(id); = '(constant)'; s.value = id; s.nud = function () { return this; }; } function prefix(id, bp, nud) { symbol(id).nud = nud || function () { this.first = expression(bp); return this } } function infix(id, bp, led) { symbol(id, bp).led = led || function (left) { this.first = left; this.second = expression(bp); return this; } } function infixr(id, bp) { symbol(id, bp).led = function (left) { this.first = left; this.second = expression(bp - 1); return this; } } function comparator(id) { comparators[id] = true; var bp = 60; infix(id, bp, function (left) { = '(comparator)'; this.operators = [id]; this.expressions = [left, expression(bp)]; while ( in comparators) { this.operators.push(; advance(); this.expressions.push( expression(bp)); } return this; }); } constant('None'); constant('False'); constant('True'); symbol('(number)').nud = function () { return this; }; symbol('(name)').nud = function () { return this; }; symbol('(string)').nud = function () { return this; }; symbol('(end)'); symbol(':'); symbol(')'); symbol(']'); symbol('}'); symbol(','); symbol('else'); symbol('lambda', 20).nud = function () { this.first = []; if ( !== ':') { for(;;) { if ( !== '(name)') { throw new Error('Excepted an argument name'); } this.first.push(token); advance(); if ( !== ',') { break; } advance(','); } } advance(':'); this.second = expression(); return this; }; infix('if', 20, function (left) { this.first = left; this.second = expression(); advance('else'); this.third = expression(); return this; }); infixr('or', 30); infixr('and', 40); prefix('not', 50); comparator('in'); comparator('not in'); comparator('is'); comparator('is not'); comparator('<'); comparator('<='); comparator('>'); comparator('>='); comparator('<>'); comparator('!='); comparator('=='); infix('|', 70); infix('^', 80), infix('&', 90); infix('<<', 100); infix('>>', 100); infix('+', 110); infix('-', 110); infix('*', 120); infix('/', 120); infix('//', 120), infix('%', 120); prefix('-', 130); prefix('+', 130); prefix('~', 130); infixr('**', 140); infix('.', 150, function (left) { if ( !== '(name)') { throw new Error('Expected attribute name, got ' +; } this.first = left; this.second = token; advance(); return this; }); symbol('(', 150).nud = function () { this.first = []; var comma = false; if ( !== ')') { while (true) { if ( === ')') { break; } this.first.push(expression()); if ( !== ',') { break; } comma = true; advance(','); } } advance(')'); if (!this.first.length || comma) { return this; } else { return this.first[0]; } }; symbol('(').led = function (left) { this.first = left; this.second = []; if ( !== ")") { for(;;) { this.second.push(expression()); if ( !== ',') { break; } advance(','); } } advance(")"); return this; }; infix('[', 150, function (left) { this.first = left; this.second = expression(); advance("]"); return this; }); symbol('[').nud = function () { this.first = []; if ( !== ']') { for (;;) { if ( === ']') { break; } this.first.push(expression()); if ( !== ',') { break; } advance(','); } } advance(']'); return this; }; symbol('{').nud = function () { this.first = []; if ( !== '}') { for(;;) { if ( === '}') { break; } var key = expression(); advance(':'); var value = expression(); this.first.push([key, value]); if ( !== ',') { break; } advance(','); } } advance('}'); return this; }; py.tokenize = (function () { function group() { return '(' +, '|') + ')'; } var Whitespace = '[ \\f\\t]*'; var Name = '[a-zA-Z_]\\w*'; var DecNumber = '\\d+' var IntNumber = DecNumber; var PointFloat = group('\\d+\\.\\d*', '\\.\\d+'); var FloatNumber = PointFloat; var Number = group(FloatNumber, IntNumber); var Operator = group("\\*\\*=?", ">>=?", "<<=?", "<>", "!=", "//=?", "[+\\-*/%&|^=<>]=?", "~"); var Bracket = '[\\[\\]\\(\\)\\{\\}]'; var Special = '[:;.,`@]'; var Funny = group(Operator, Bracket, Special) var ContStr = group("'[^']*'", '"[^"]*"'); var PseudoToken = Whitespace + group(Number, Funny, ContStr, Name); return function tokenize(s) { var max=s.length, tokens = []; // /g flag makes repeated exec() have memory var pseudoprog = new RegExp(PseudoToken, 'g'); while(pseudoprog.lastIndex < max) { var pseudomatch = pseudoprog.exec(s); if (!pseudomatch) { throw new Error('Failed to tokenize ' + s + ' at index ' + (end || 0) + '; parsed so far: ' + tokens); } var start = pseudomatch.index, end = pseudoprog.lastIndex; // strip leading space caught by Whitespace var token = s.slice(start, end).replace(new RegExp('^' + Whitespace), ''); var initial = token[0]; if (/\d/.test(initial) || (initial === '.' && token !== '.')) { tokens.push(create(symbols['(number)'], { value: parseFloat(token) })); } else if (/'|"/.test(initial)) { tokens.push(create(symbols['(string)'], { value: token.slice(1, -1) })); } else if (token in symbols) { var symbol; // transform 'not in' and 'is not' in a single token if (token === 'in' && tokens[tokens.length-1].id === 'not') { symbol = symbols['not in']; tokens.pop(); } else if (token === 'not' && tokens[tokens.length-1].id === 'is') { symbol = symbols['is not']; tokens.pop(); } else { symbol = symbols[token]; } tokens.push(create(symbol)); } else if (/[_a-zA-Z]/.test(initial)) { tokens.push(create(symbols['(name)'], { value: token })); } else { throw new Error("Tokenizing failure of <<" + s + ">> at index " + start + " for token [[" + token + "]]" + "; parsed so far: " + tokens); } } tokens.push(create(symbols['(end)'])); return tokens; } })() var token, next; function expression(rbp) { rbp = rbp || 0; var t = token; token = next(); var left = t.nud(); while (rbp < token.lbp) { t = token; token = next(); left = t.led(left); } return left; } function advance(id) { if (id && !== id) { throw new Error( 'Expected "' + id + '", got "' + + '"'); } token = next(); } function PY_ensurepy(val, name) { switch (val) { case undefined: throw new Error("NameError: name '" + name + "' is not defined"); case null: return py.None; case true: return py.True; case false: return py.False; } if (val instanceof py.object || val === py.object || py.issubclass.__call__(val, py.object) === py.True) { return val; } switch (typeof val) { case 'number': return new py.float(val); case 'string': return new py.str(val); case 'function': return new py.def(val); } throw new Error("Could not convert " + val + " to a pyval"); } // Builtins py.type = function type(constructor, base, dict) { var proto; if (!base) { base = py.object; } proto = constructor.prototype = create(base.prototype); if (dict) { for(var k in dict) { if (!dict.hasOwnProperty(k)) { continue; } proto[k] = dict[k]; } } constructor.__call__ = function () { // create equivalent type with same prototype var instance = create(proto); // call actual constructor var res = constructor.apply(instance, arguments); // return result of constructor if any, otherwise instance return res || instance; } return constructor; } var hash_counter = 0; py.object = py.type(function object() {}, {}, { // Basic customization __hash__: function () { if (this._hash) { return this._hash; } return this._hash = hash_counter++; }, __eq__: function (other) { return (this === other) ? py.True : py.False; }, __ne__: function (other) { if (this.__eq__(other) === py.True) { return py.False; } else { return py.True; } }, __str__: function () { return this.__unicode__(); }, __unicode__: function () { // TODO: return python string return ''; }, __nonzero__: function () { return py.True; }, // Attribute access __getattribute__: function (name) { if (name in this) { var val = this[name]; if ('__get__' in val) { // TODO: second argument should be class return val.__get__(this); } if (typeof val === 'function' && !this.hasOwnProperty(val)) { // val is a method from the class return new PY_instancemethod(val, this); } return PY_ensurepy(val); } if ('__getattr__' in this) { return this.__getattr__(name); } throw new Error("AttributeError: object has no attribute '" + name +"'"); }, __setattr__: function (name, value) { if (name in this && '__set__' in this[name]) { this[name].__set__(this, value); } this[name] = value; }, // no delattr, because no 'del' statement // Conversion toJSON: function () { throw new Error( + ' can not be converted to JSON'); } }); NoneType = py.type(function () {}, py.object, { __nonzero__: function () { return py.False; }, toJSON: function () { return null; } }); py.None = new NoneType(); var booleans_initialized = false; py.bool = py.type(function bool(value) { // The only actual instance of py.bool should be py.True // and py.False. Return the new instance of py.bool if we // are initializing py.True and py.False, otherwise always // return either py.True or py.False. if (!booleans_initialized) { return; } if (value === undefined) { return py.False; } return value.__nonzero__() === py.True ? py.True : py.False; }, py.object, { __nonzero__: function () { return this; }, toJSON: function () { return this === py.True; } }); py.True = new py.bool(); py.False = new py.bool(); booleans_initialized = true; py.float = py.type(function float(value) { this._value = value; }, py.object, { __eq__: function (other) { return this._value === other._value ? py.True : py.False; }, __lt__: function (other) { return this._value < other._value ? py.True : py.False; }, __le__: function (other) { return this._value <= other._value ? py.True : py.False; }, __gt__: function (other) { return this._value > other._value ? py.True : py.False; }, __ge__: function (other) { return this._value >= other._value ? py.True : py.False; }, __neg__: function () { return new py.float(-this._value); }, __nonzero__: function () { return this._value ? py.True : py.False; }, toJSON: function () { return this._value; } }); py.str = py.type(function str(s) { this._value = s; }, py.object, { __eq__: function (other) { if (other instanceof py.str && this._value === other._value) { return py.True; } return py.False; }, __lt__: function (other) { return this._value < other._value ? py.True : py.False; }, __le__: function (other) { return this._value <= other._value ? py.True : py.False; }, __gt__: function (other) { return this._value > other._value ? py.True : py.False; }, __ge__: function (other) { return this._value >= other._value ? py.True : py.False; }, __nonzero__: function () { return this._value.length ? py.True : py.False; }, __contains__: function (s) { return (this._value.indexOf(s._value) !== -1) ? py.True : py.False; }, toJSON: function () { return this._value; } }); py.tuple = py.type(function tuple() {}, null, { __contains__: function (value) { for(var i=0, len=this.values.length; i': return a.__gt__(b); case '>=': return a.__ge__(b); case 'in': return b.__contains__(a); case 'not in': return b.__contains__(a) === py.True ? py.False : py.True; } throw new Error('SyntaxError: unknown comparator [[' + operator + ']]'); }; py.evaluate = function (expr, context) { context = context || {}; switch ( { case '(name)': var val = context[expr.value]; if (val === undefined && expr.value in PY_builtins) { return PY_builtins[expr.value]; } return PY_ensurepy(val, expr.value); case '(string)': return new py.str(expr.value); case '(number)': return new py.float(expr.value); case '(constant)': switch (expr.value) { case 'None': return py.None; case 'False': return py.False; case 'True': return py.True; } throw new Error("SyntaxError: unknown constant '" + expr.value + "'"); case '(comparator)': var result, left = py.evaluate(expr.expressions[0], context); for(var i=0; i