# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import collections import cStringIO import datetime import hashlib import json import itertools import logging import math import os import re import sys import textwrap import uuid from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from urlparse import urlparse import babel import babel.dates import werkzeug from lxml import etree, html from PIL import Image import openerp.http import openerp.tools from openerp.tools.func import lazy_property import openerp.tools.lru from openerp.http import request from openerp.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval as eval from openerp.osv import osv, orm, fields from openerp.tools import html_escape as escape from openerp.tools.translate import _ _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # QWeb template engine #-------------------------------------------------------------------- class QWebException(Exception): def __init__(self, message, **kw): Exception.__init__(self, message) self.qweb = dict(kw) def pretty_xml(self): if 'node' not in self.qweb: return '' return etree.tostring(self.qweb['node'], pretty_print=True) class QWebTemplateNotFound(QWebException): pass def raise_qweb_exception(etype=None, **kw): if etype is None: etype = QWebException orig_type, original, tb = sys.exc_info() try: raise etype, original, tb except etype, e: for k, v in kw.items(): e.qweb[k] = v # Will use `raise foo from bar` in python 3 and rename cause to __cause__ e.qweb['cause'] = original raise class QWebContext(dict): def __init__(self, cr, uid, data, loader=None, templates=None, context=None): self.cr = cr self.uid = uid self.loader = loader self.templates = templates or {} self.context = context dic = dict(data) super(QWebContext, self).__init__(dic) self['defined'] = lambda key: key in self def safe_eval(self, expr): locals_dict = collections.defaultdict(lambda: None) locals_dict.update(self) locals_dict.pop('cr', None) locals_dict.pop('loader', None) return eval(expr, None, locals_dict, nocopy=True, locals_builtins=True) def copy(self): return QWebContext(self.cr, self.uid, dict.copy(self), loader=self.loader, templates=self.templates, context=self.context) def __copy__(self): return self.copy() class QWeb(orm.AbstractModel): """QWeb Xml templating engine The templating engine use a very simple syntax based "magic" xml attributes, to produce textual output (even non-xml). The core magic attributes are: flow attributes: t-if t-foreach t-call output attributes: t-att t-raw t-esc t-trim assignation attribute: t-set QWeb can be extended like any OpenERP model and new attributes can be added. If you need to customize t-fields rendering, subclass the ir.qweb.field model (and its sub-models) then override :meth:`~.get_converter_for` to fetch the right field converters for your qweb model. Beware that if you need extensions or alterations which could be incompatible with other subsystems, you should create a local object inheriting from ``ir.qweb`` and customize that. """ _name = 'ir.qweb' _void_elements = frozenset([ 'area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'keygen', 'link', 'menuitem', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr']) _format_regex = re.compile( '(?:' # ruby-style pattern '#\{(.+?)\}' ')|(?:' # jinja-style pattern '\{\{(.+?)\}\}' ')') def __init__(self, pool, cr): super(QWeb, self).__init__(pool, cr) self._render_tag = self.prefixed_methods('render_tag_') self._render_att = self.prefixed_methods('render_att_') def prefixed_methods(self, prefix): """ Extracts all methods prefixed by ``prefix``, and returns a mapping of (t-name, method) where the t-name is the method name with prefix removed and underscore converted to dashes :param str prefix: :return: dict """ n_prefix = len(prefix) return dict( (name[n_prefix:].replace('_', '-'), getattr(type(self), name)) for name in dir(self) if name.startswith(prefix) ) def register_tag(self, tag, func): self._render_tag[tag] = func def add_template(self, qwebcontext, name, node): """Add a parsed template in the context. Used to preprocess templates.""" qwebcontext.templates[name] = node def load_document(self, document, res_id, qwebcontext): """ Loads an XML document and installs any contained template in the engine """ if hasattr(document, 'documentElement'): dom = document elif document.startswith("%s" % tuple( qwebcontext if isinstance(qwebcontext, str) else qwebcontext.encode('utf-8') for qwebcontext in (name, generated_attributes, inner, name) ) else: return "<%s%s/>" % (name, generated_attributes) # Attributes def render_att_att(self, element, attribute_name, attribute_value, qwebcontext): if attribute_name.startswith("t-attf-"): att, val = attribute_name[7:], self.eval_format(attribute_value, qwebcontext) elif attribute_name.startswith("t-att-"): att, val = attribute_name[6:], self.eval(attribute_value, qwebcontext) else: att, val = self.eval_object(attribute_value, qwebcontext) if val and not isinstance(val, str): val = unicode(val).encode("utf8") return att, val # Tags def render_tag_raw(self, element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext): inner = self.eval_str(template_attributes["raw"], qwebcontext) return self.render_element(element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext, inner) def render_tag_esc(self, element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext): options = json.loads(template_attributes.get('esc-options') or '{}') widget = self.get_widget_for(options.get('widget')) inner = widget.format(template_attributes['esc'], options, qwebcontext) return self.render_element(element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext, inner) def render_tag_foreach(self, element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext): expr = template_attributes["foreach"] enum = self.eval_object(expr, qwebcontext) if enum is None: template = qwebcontext.get('__template__') raise QWebException("foreach enumerator %r is not defined while rendering template %r" % (expr, template), template=template) varname = template_attributes['as'].replace('.', '_') copy_qwebcontext = qwebcontext.copy() size = -1 if isinstance(enum, collections.Sized): size = len(enum) copy_qwebcontext["%s_size" % varname] = size copy_qwebcontext["%s_all" % varname] = enum ru = [] for index, item in enumerate(enum): copy_qwebcontext.update({ varname: item, '%s_value' % varname: item, '%s_index' % varname: index, '%s_first' % varname: index == 0, '%s_last' % varname: index + 1 == size, }) if index % 2: copy_qwebcontext.update({ '%s_parity' % varname: 'odd', '%s_even' % varname: False, '%s_odd' % varname: True, }) else: copy_qwebcontext.update({ '%s_parity' % varname: 'even', '%s_even' % varname: True, '%s_odd' % varname: False, }) ru.append(self.render_element(element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, copy_qwebcontext)) return "".join(ru) def render_tag_if(self, element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext): if self.eval_bool(template_attributes["if"], qwebcontext): return self.render_element(element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext) return "" def render_tag_call(self, element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext): d = qwebcontext.copy() d[0] = self.render_element(element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, d) cr = d.get('request') and d['request'].cr or None uid = d.get('request') and d['request'].uid or None template = self.eval_format(template_attributes["call"], d) try: template = int(template) except ValueError: pass return self.render(cr, uid, template, d) def render_tag_call_assets(self, element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext): """ This special 't-call' tag can be used in order to aggregate/minify javascript and css assets""" if len(element): # An asset bundle is rendered in two differents contexts (when genereting html and # when generating the bundle itself) so they must be qwebcontext free # even '0' variable is forbidden template = qwebcontext.get('__template__') raise QWebException("t-call-assets cannot contain children nodes", template=template) xmlid = template_attributes['call-assets'] cr, uid, context = [getattr(qwebcontext, attr) for attr in ('cr', 'uid', 'context')] bundle = AssetsBundle(xmlid, cr=cr, uid=uid, context=context, registry=self.pool) css = self.get_attr_bool(template_attributes.get('css'), default=True) js = self.get_attr_bool(template_attributes.get('js'), default=True) return bundle.to_html(css=css, js=js, debug=bool(qwebcontext.get('debug'))) def render_tag_set(self, element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext): if "value" in template_attributes: qwebcontext[template_attributes["set"]] = self.eval_object(template_attributes["value"], qwebcontext) elif "valuef" in template_attributes: qwebcontext[template_attributes["set"]] = self.eval_format(template_attributes["valuef"], qwebcontext) else: qwebcontext[template_attributes["set"]] = self.render_element(element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext) return "" def render_tag_field(self, element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext): """ eg: +1 555 555 8069""" node_name = element.tag assert node_name not in ("table", "tbody", "thead", "tfoot", "tr", "td", "li", "ul", "ol", "dl", "dt", "dd"),\ "RTE widgets do not work correctly on %r elements" % node_name assert node_name != 't',\ "t-field can not be used on a t element, provide an actual HTML node" record, field_name = template_attributes["field"].rsplit('.', 1) record = self.eval_object(record, qwebcontext) column = record._all_columns[field_name].column options = json.loads(template_attributes.get('field-options') or '{}') field_type = get_field_type(column, options) converter = self.get_converter_for(field_type) return converter.to_html(qwebcontext.cr, qwebcontext.uid, field_name, record, options, element, template_attributes, generated_attributes, qwebcontext, context=qwebcontext.context) def get_converter_for(self, field_type): return self.pool.get('ir.qweb.field.' + field_type, self.pool['ir.qweb.field']) def get_widget_for(self, widget): widget_model = ('ir.qweb.widget.' + widget) if widget else 'ir.qweb.widget' return self.pool.get(widget_model) or self.pool['ir.qweb.widget'] def get_attr_bool(self, attr, default=False): if attr: attr = attr.lower() if attr in ('false', '0'): return False elif attr in ('true', '1'): return True return default #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # QWeb Fields converters #-------------------------------------------------------------------- class FieldConverter(osv.AbstractModel): """ Used to convert a t-field specification into an output HTML field. :meth:`~.to_html` is the entry point of this conversion from QWeb, it: * converts the record value to html using :meth:`~.record_to_html` * generates the metadata attributes (``data-oe-``) to set on the root result node * generates the root result node itself through :meth:`~.render_element` """ _name = 'ir.qweb.field' def attributes(self, cr, uid, field_name, record, options, source_element, g_att, t_att, qweb_context, context=None): """ Generates the metadata attributes (prefixed by ``data-oe-`` for the root node of the field conversion. Attribute values are escaped by the parent. The default attributes are: * ``model``, the name of the record's model * ``id`` the id of the record to which the field belongs * ``field`` the name of the converted field * ``type`` the logical field type (widget, may not match the column's ``type``, may not be any _column subclass name) * ``translate``, a boolean flag (``0`` or ``1``) denoting whether the column is translatable * ``expression``, the original expression :returns: iterable of (attribute name, attribute value) pairs. """ column = record._all_columns[field_name].column field_type = get_field_type(column, options) return [ ('data-oe-model', record._name), ('data-oe-id', record.id), ('data-oe-field', field_name), ('data-oe-type', field_type), ('data-oe-expression', t_att['field']), ] def value_to_html(self, cr, uid, value, column, options=None, context=None): """ Converts a single value to its HTML version/output """ if not value: return '' return value def record_to_html(self, cr, uid, field_name, record, column, options=None, context=None): """ Converts the specified field of the browse_record ``record`` to HTML """ return self.value_to_html( cr, uid, record[field_name], column, options=options, context=context) def to_html(self, cr, uid, field_name, record, options, source_element, t_att, g_att, qweb_context, context=None): """ Converts a ``t-field`` to its HTML output. A ``t-field`` may be extended by a ``t-field-options``, which is a JSON-serialized mapping of configuration values. A default configuration key is ``widget`` which can override the field's own ``_type``. """ try: content = self.record_to_html( cr, uid, field_name, record, record._all_columns[field_name].column, options, context=context) if options.get('html-escape', True): content = escape(content) elif hasattr(content, '__html__'): content = content.__html__() except Exception: _logger.warning("Could not get field %s for model %s", field_name, record._name, exc_info=True) content = None if context and context.get('inherit_branding'): # add branding attributes g_att += ''.join( ' %s="%s"' % (name, escape(value)) for name, value in self.attributes( cr, uid, field_name, record, options, source_element, g_att, t_att, qweb_context) ) return self.render_element(cr, uid, source_element, t_att, g_att, qweb_context, content) def qweb_object(self): return self.pool['ir.qweb'] def render_element(self, cr, uid, source_element, t_att, g_att, qweb_context, content): """ Final rendering hook, by default just calls ir.qweb's ``render_element`` """ return self.qweb_object().render_element( source_element, t_att, g_att, qweb_context, content or '') def user_lang(self, cr, uid, context): """ Fetches the res.lang object corresponding to the language code stored in the user's context. Fallbacks to en_US if no lang is present in the context *or the language code is not valid*. :returns: res.lang browse_record """ if context is None: context = {} lang_code = context.get('lang') or 'en_US' Lang = self.pool['res.lang'] lang_ids = Lang.search(cr, uid, [('code', '=', lang_code)], context=context) \ or Lang.search(cr, uid, [('code', '=', 'en_US')], context=context) return Lang.browse(cr, uid, lang_ids[0], context=context) class FloatConverter(osv.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.qweb.field.float' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def precision(self, cr, uid, column, options=None, context=None): _, precision = column.digits or (None, None) return precision def value_to_html(self, cr, uid, value, column, options=None, context=None): if context is None: context = {} precision = self.precision(cr, uid, column, options=options, context=context) fmt = '%f' if precision is None else '%.{precision}f' lang_code = context.get('lang') or 'en_US' lang = self.pool['res.lang'] formatted = lang.format(cr, uid, [lang_code], fmt.format(precision=precision), value, grouping=True) # %f does not strip trailing zeroes. %g does but its precision causes # it to switch to scientific notation starting at a million *and* to # strip decimals. So use %f and if no precision was specified manually # strip trailing 0. if precision is None: formatted = re.sub(r'(?:(0|\d+?)0+)$', r'\1', formatted) return formatted class DateConverter(osv.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.qweb.field.date' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def value_to_html(self, cr, uid, value, column, options=None, context=None): if not value: return '' lang = self.user_lang(cr, uid, context=context) locale = babel.Locale.parse(lang.code) if isinstance(value, basestring): value = datetime.datetime.strptime( value, openerp.tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) if options and 'format' in options: pattern = options['format'] else: strftime_pattern = lang.date_format pattern = openerp.tools.posix_to_ldml(strftime_pattern, locale=locale) return babel.dates.format_date( value, format=pattern, locale=locale) class DateTimeConverter(osv.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.qweb.field.datetime' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def value_to_html(self, cr, uid, value, column, options=None, context=None): if not value: return '' lang = self.user_lang(cr, uid, context=context) locale = babel.Locale.parse(lang.code) if isinstance(value, basestring): value = datetime.datetime.strptime( value, openerp.tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) value = fields.datetime.context_timestamp( cr, uid, timestamp=value, context=context) if options and 'format' in options: pattern = options['format'] else: strftime_pattern = (u"%s %s" % (lang.date_format, lang.time_format)) pattern = openerp.tools.posix_to_ldml(strftime_pattern, locale=locale) if options and options.get('hide_seconds'): pattern = pattern.replace(":ss", "").replace(":s", "") return babel.dates.format_datetime(value, format=pattern, locale=locale) class TextConverter(osv.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.qweb.field.text' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def value_to_html(self, cr, uid, value, column, options=None, context=None): """ Escapes the value and converts newlines to br. This is bullshit. """ if not value: return '' return nl2br(value, options=options) class SelectionConverter(osv.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.qweb.field.selection' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def record_to_html(self, cr, uid, field_name, record, column, options=None, context=None): value = record[field_name] if not value: return '' selection = dict(fields.selection.reify( cr, uid, record._model, column, context=context)) return self.value_to_html( cr, uid, selection[value], column, options=options) class ManyToOneConverter(osv.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.qweb.field.many2one' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def record_to_html(self, cr, uid, field_name, record, column, options=None, context=None): [read] = record.read([field_name]) if not read[field_name]: return '' _, value = read[field_name] return nl2br(value, options=options) class HTMLConverter(osv.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.qweb.field.html' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def value_to_html(self, cr, uid, value, column, options=None, context=None): return HTMLSafe(value or '') class ImageConverter(osv.AbstractModel): """ ``image`` widget rendering, inserts a data:uri-using image tag in the document. May be overridden by e.g. the website module to generate links instead. .. todo:: what happens if different output need different converters? e.g. reports may need embedded images or FS links whereas website needs website-aware """ _name = 'ir.qweb.field.image' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def value_to_html(self, cr, uid, value, column, options=None, context=None): try: image = Image.open(cStringIO.StringIO(value.decode('base64'))) image.verify() except IOError: raise ValueError("Non-image binary fields can not be converted to HTML") except: # image.verify() throws "suitable exceptions", I have no idea what they are raise ValueError("Invalid image content") return HTMLSafe('' % (Image.MIME[image.format], value)) class MonetaryConverter(osv.AbstractModel): """ ``monetary`` converter, has a mandatory option ``display_currency``. The currency is used for formatting *and rounding* of the float value. It is assumed that the linked res_currency has a non-empty rounding value and res.currency's ``round`` method is used to perform rounding. .. note:: the monetary converter internally adds the qweb context to its options mapping, so that the context is available to callees. It's set under the ``_qweb_context`` key. """ _name = 'ir.qweb.field.monetary' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def to_html(self, cr, uid, field_name, record, options, source_element, t_att, g_att, qweb_context, context=None): options['_qweb_context'] = qweb_context return super(MonetaryConverter, self).to_html( cr, uid, field_name, record, options, source_element, t_att, g_att, qweb_context, context=context) def record_to_html(self, cr, uid, field_name, record, column, options, context=None): if context is None: context = {} Currency = self.pool['res.currency'] display_currency = self.display_currency(cr, uid, options['display_currency'], options) # lang.format mandates a sprintf-style format. These formats are non- # minimal (they have a default fixed precision instead), and # lang.format will not set one by default. currency.round will not # provide one either. So we need to generate a precision value # (integer > 0) from the currency's rounding (a float generally < 1.0). # # The log10 of the rounding should be the number of digits involved if # negative, if positive clamp to 0 digits and call it a day. # nb: int() ~ floor(), we want nearest rounding instead precision = int(round(math.log10(display_currency.rounding))) fmt = "%.{0}f".format(-precision if precision < 0 else 0) from_amount = record[field_name] if options.get('from_currency'): from_currency = self.display_currency(cr, uid, options['from_currency'], options) from_amount = Currency.compute(cr, uid, from_currency.id, display_currency.id, from_amount) lang_code = context.get('lang') or 'en_US' lang = self.pool['res.lang'] formatted_amount = lang.format(cr, uid, [lang_code], fmt, Currency.round(cr, uid, display_currency, from_amount), grouping=True, monetary=True) pre = post = u'' if display_currency.position == 'before': pre = u'{symbol} ' else: post = u' {symbol}' return HTMLSafe(u'{pre}{0}{post}'.format( formatted_amount, pre=pre, post=post, ).format( symbol=display_currency.symbol, )) def display_currency(self, cr, uid, currency, options): return self.qweb_object().eval_object( currency, options['_qweb_context']) TIMEDELTA_UNITS = ( ('year', 3600 * 24 * 365), ('month', 3600 * 24 * 30), ('week', 3600 * 24 * 7), ('day', 3600 * 24), ('hour', 3600), ('minute', 60), ('second', 1) ) class DurationConverter(osv.AbstractModel): """ ``duration`` converter, to display integral or fractional values as human-readable time spans (e.g. 1.5 as "1 hour 30 minutes"). Can be used on any numerical field. Has a mandatory option ``unit`` which can be one of ``second``, ``minute``, ``hour``, ``day``, ``week`` or ``year``, used to interpret the numerical field value before converting it. Sub-second values will be ignored. """ _name = 'ir.qweb.field.duration' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def value_to_html(self, cr, uid, value, column, options=None, context=None): units = dict(TIMEDELTA_UNITS) if value < 0: raise ValueError(_("Durations can't be negative")) if not options or options.get('unit') not in units: raise ValueError(_("A unit must be provided to duration widgets")) locale = babel.Locale.parse( self.user_lang(cr, uid, context=context).code) factor = units[options['unit']] sections = [] r = value * factor for unit, secs_per_unit in TIMEDELTA_UNITS: v, r = divmod(r, secs_per_unit) if not v: continue section = babel.dates.format_timedelta( v*secs_per_unit, threshold=1, locale=locale) if section: sections.append(section) return ' '.join(sections) class RelativeDatetimeConverter(osv.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.qweb.field.relative' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field' def value_to_html(self, cr, uid, value, column, options=None, context=None): parse_format = openerp.tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT locale = babel.Locale.parse( self.user_lang(cr, uid, context=context).code) if isinstance(value, basestring): value = datetime.datetime.strptime(value, parse_format) # value should be a naive datetime in UTC. So is fields.datetime.now() reference = datetime.datetime.strptime(column.now(), parse_format) return babel.dates.format_timedelta( value - reference, add_direction=True, locale=locale) class Contact(orm.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.qweb.field.contact' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field.many2one' def record_to_html(self, cr, uid, field_name, record, column, options=None, context=None): if context is None: context = {} if options is None: options = {} opf = options.get('fields') or ["name", "address", "phone", "mobile", "fax", "email"] if not getattr(record, field_name): return None id = getattr(record, field_name).id context.update(show_address=True) field_browse = self.pool[column._obj].browse(cr, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, id, context=context) value = field_browse.name_get()[0][1] val = { 'name': value.split("\n")[0], 'address': escape("\n".join(value.split("\n")[1:])), 'phone': field_browse.phone, 'mobile': field_browse.mobile, 'fax': field_browse.fax, 'city': field_browse.city, 'country_id': field_browse.country_id.display_name, 'website': field_browse.website, 'email': field_browse.email, 'fields': opf, 'object': field_browse, 'options': options } html = self.pool["ir.ui.view"].render(cr, uid, "base.contact", val, engine='ir.qweb', context=context).decode('utf8') return HTMLSafe(html) class QwebView(orm.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.qweb.field.qweb' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.field.many2one' def record_to_html(self, cr, uid, field_name, record, column, options=None, context=None): if not getattr(record, field_name): return None view = getattr(record, field_name) if view._model._name != "ir.ui.view": _logger.warning("%s.%s must be a 'ir.ui.view' model." % (record, field_name)) return None ctx = (context or {}).copy() ctx['object'] = record html = view.render(ctx, engine='ir.qweb', context=ctx).decode('utf8') return HTMLSafe(html) class QwebWidget(osv.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.qweb.widget' def _format(self, inner, options, qwebcontext): return self.pool['ir.qweb'].eval_str(inner, qwebcontext) def format(self, inner, options, qwebcontext): return escape(self._format(inner, options, qwebcontext)) class QwebWidgetMonetary(osv.AbstractModel): _name = 'ir.qweb.widget.monetary' _inherit = 'ir.qweb.widget' def _format(self, inner, options, qwebcontext): inner = self.pool['ir.qweb'].eval(inner, qwebcontext) display = self.pool['ir.qweb'].eval_object(options['display_currency'], qwebcontext) precision = int(round(math.log10(display.rounding))) fmt = "%.{0}f".format(-precision if precision < 0 else 0) lang_code = qwebcontext.context.get('lang') or 'en_US' formatted_amount = self.pool['res.lang'].format( qwebcontext.cr, qwebcontext.uid, [lang_code], fmt, inner, grouping=True, monetary=True ) pre = post = u'' if display.position == 'before': pre = u'{symbol} ' else: post = u' {symbol}' return u'{pre}{0}{post}'.format( formatted_amount, pre=pre, post=post ).format(symbol=display.symbol,) class HTMLSafe(object): """ HTMLSafe string wrapper, Werkzeug's escape() has special handling for objects with a ``__html__`` methods but AFAIK does not provide any such object. Wrapping a string in HTML will prevent its escaping """ __slots__ = ['string'] def __init__(self, string): self.string = string def __html__(self): return self.string def __str__(self): s = self.string if isinstance(s, unicode): return s.encode('utf-8') return s def __unicode__(self): s = self.string if isinstance(s, str): return s.decode('utf-8') return s def nl2br(string, options=None): """ Converts newlines to HTML linebreaks in ``string``. Automatically escapes content unless options['html-escape'] is set to False, and returns the result wrapped in an HTMLSafe object. :param str string: :param dict options: :rtype: HTMLSafe """ if options is None: options = {} if options.get('html-escape', True): string = escape(string) return HTMLSafe(string.replace('\n', '
\n')) def get_field_type(column, options): """ Gets a t-field's effective type from the field's column and its options """ return options.get('widget', column._type) class AssetError(Exception): pass class AssetNotFound(AssetError): pass class AssetsBundle(object): # Sass installation: # # sudo gem install sass compass bootstrap-sass # # If the following error is encountered: # 'ERROR: Cannot load compass.' # Use this: # sudo gem install compass --pre cmd_sass = ['sass', '--stdin', '-t', 'compressed', '--unix-newlines', '--compass', '-r', 'bootstrap-sass'] rx_css_import = re.compile("(@import[^;{]+;?)", re.M) rx_sass_import = re.compile("""(@import\s?['"]([^'"]+)['"])""") rx_css_split = re.compile("\/\*\! ([a-f0-9-]+) \*\/") def __init__(self, xmlid, debug=False, cr=None, uid=None, context=None, registry=None): self.xmlid = xmlid self.cr = request.cr if cr is None else cr self.uid = request.uid if uid is None else uid self.context = request.context if context is None else context self.registry = request.registry if registry is None else registry self.javascripts = [] self.stylesheets = [] self.css_errors = [] self.remains = [] self._checksum = None context = self.context.copy() context['inherit_branding'] = False self.html = self.registry['ir.ui.view'].render(self.cr, self.uid, xmlid, context=context) self.parse() def parse(self): fragments = html.fragments_fromstring(self.html) for el in fragments: if isinstance(el, basestring): self.remains.append(el) elif isinstance(el, html.HtmlElement): src = el.get('src', '') href = el.get('href', '') atype = el.get('type') media = el.get('media') if el.tag == 'style': if atype == 'text/sass' or src.endswith('.sass'): self.stylesheets.append(SassAsset(self, inline=el.text, media=media)) else: self.stylesheets.append(StylesheetAsset(self, inline=el.text, media=media)) elif el.tag == 'link' and el.get('rel') == 'stylesheet' and self.can_aggregate(href): if href.endswith('.sass') or atype == 'text/sass': self.stylesheets.append(SassAsset(self, url=href, media=media)) else: self.stylesheets.append(StylesheetAsset(self, url=href, media=media)) elif el.tag == 'script' and not src: self.javascripts.append(JavascriptAsset(self, inline=el.text)) elif el.tag == 'script' and self.can_aggregate(src): self.javascripts.append(JavascriptAsset(self, url=src)) else: self.remains.append(html.tostring(el)) else: try: self.remains.append(html.tostring(el)) except Exception: # notYETimplementederror raise NotImplementedError def can_aggregate(self, url): return not urlparse(url).netloc and not url.startswith(('/web/css', '/web/js')) def to_html(self, sep=None, css=True, js=True, debug=False): if sep is None: sep = '\n ' response = [] if debug: if css and self.stylesheets: self.compile_sass() for style in self.stylesheets: response.append(style.to_html()) if js: for jscript in self.javascripts: response.append(jscript.to_html()) else: if css and self.stylesheets: response.append('' % (self.xmlid, self.version)) if js: response.append('' % (self.xmlid, self.version)) response.extend(self.remains) return sep + sep.join(response) @lazy_property def last_modified(self): """Returns last modified date of linked files""" return max(itertools.chain( (asset.last_modified for asset in self.javascripts), (asset.last_modified for asset in self.stylesheets), )) @lazy_property def version(self): return self.checksum[0:7] @lazy_property def checksum(self): """ Not really a full checksum. We compute a SHA1 on the rendered bundle + max linked files last_modified date """ check = self.html + str(self.last_modified) return hashlib.sha1(check).hexdigest() def js(self): content = self.get_cache('js') if content is None: content = ';\n'.join(asset.minify() for asset in self.javascripts) self.set_cache('js', content) return content def css(self): content = self.get_cache('css') if content is None: self.compile_sass() content = '\n'.join(asset.minify() for asset in self.stylesheets) if self.css_errors: msg = '\n'.join(self.css_errors) content += self.css_message(msg.replace('\n', '\\A ')) # move up all @import rules to the top matches = [] def push(matchobj): matches.append(matchobj.group(0)) return '' content = re.sub(self.rx_css_import, push, content) matches.append(content) content = u'\n'.join(matches) if self.css_errors: return content self.set_cache('css', content) return content def get_cache(self, type): content = None domain = [('url', '=', '/web/%s/%s/%s' % (type, self.xmlid, self.version))] bundle = self.registry['ir.attachment'].search_read(self.cr, self.uid, domain, ['datas'], context=self.context) if bundle and bundle[0]['datas']: content = bundle[0]['datas'].decode('base64') return content def set_cache(self, type, content): ira = self.registry['ir.attachment'] url_prefix = '/web/%s/%s/' % (type, self.xmlid) # Invalidate previous caches oids = ira.search(self.cr, self.uid, [('url', '=like', url_prefix + '%')], context=self.context) if oids: ira.unlink(self.cr, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, oids, context=self.context) url = url_prefix + self.version ira.create(self.cr, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, dict( datas=content.encode('utf8').encode('base64'), type='binary', name=url, url=url, ), context=self.context) def css_message(self, message): return """ body:before { background: #ffc; width: 100%%; font-size: 14px; font-family: monospace; white-space: pre; content: "%s"; } """ % message.replace('"', '\\"') def compile_sass(self): """ Checks if the bundle contains any sass content, then compiles it to css. Css compilation is done at the bundle level and not in the assets because they are potentially interdependant. """ sass = [asset for asset in self.stylesheets if isinstance(asset, SassAsset)] if not sass: return source = '\n'.join([asset.get_source() for asset in sass]) # move up all @import rules to the top and exclude file imports imports = [] def push(matchobj): ref = matchobj.group(2) line = '@import "%s"' % ref if '.' not in ref and line not in imports and not ref.startswith(('.', '/', '~')): imports.append(line) return '' source = re.sub(self.rx_sass_import, push, source) imports.append(source) source = u'\n'.join(imports) try: compiler = Popen(self.cmd_sass, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) except Exception: msg = "Could not find 'sass' program needed to compile sass/scss files" _logger.error(msg) self.css_errors.append(msg) return result = compiler.communicate(input=source.encode('utf-8')) if compiler.returncode: error = self.get_sass_error(''.join(result), source=source) _logger.warning(error) self.css_errors.append(error) return compiled = result[0].strip().decode('utf8') fragments = self.rx_css_split.split(compiled)[1:] while fragments: asset_id = fragments.pop(0) asset = next(asset for asset in sass if asset.id == asset_id) asset._content = fragments.pop(0) def get_sass_error(self, stderr, source=None): # TODO: try to find out which asset the error belongs to error = stderr.split('Load paths')[0].replace(' Use --trace for backtrace.', '') error += "This error occured while compiling the bundle '%s' containing:" % self.xmlid for asset in self.stylesheets: if isinstance(asset, SassAsset): error += '\n - %s' % (asset.url if asset.url else '') return error class WebAsset(object): html_url = '%s' def __init__(self, bundle, inline=None, url=None): self.id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.bundle = bundle self.inline = inline self.url = url self.cr = bundle.cr self.uid = bundle.uid self.registry = bundle.registry self.context = bundle.context self._content = None self._filename = None self._ir_attach = None name = '' if inline else url self.name = "%s defined in bundle '%s'" % (name, bundle.xmlid) if not inline and not url: raise Exception("An asset should either be inlined or url linked") def stat(self): if not (self.inline or self._filename or self._ir_attach): addon = filter(None, self.url.split('/'))[0] try: # Test url against modules static assets mpath = openerp.http.addons_manifest[addon]['addons_path'] self._filename = mpath + self.url.replace('/', os.path.sep) except Exception: try: # Test url against ir.attachments fields = ['__last_update', 'datas', 'mimetype'] domain = [('type', '=', 'binary'), ('url', '=', self.url)] ira = self.registry['ir.attachment'] attach = ira.search_read(self.cr, self.uid, domain, fields, context=self.context) self._ir_attach = attach[0] except Exception: raise AssetNotFound("Could not find %s" % self.name) def to_html(self): raise NotImplementedError() @lazy_property def last_modified(self): try: self.stat() if self._filename: return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(self._filename)) elif self._ir_attach: server_format = openerp.tools.misc.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT last_update = self._ir_attach['__last_update'] try: return datetime.datetime.strptime(last_update, server_format + '.%f') except ValueError: return datetime.datetime.strptime(last_update, server_format) except Exception: pass return datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) @property def content(self): if not self._content: self._content = self.inline or self._fetch_content() return self._content def _fetch_content(self): """ Fetch content from file or database""" try: self.stat() if self._filename: with open(self._filename, 'rb') as fp: return fp.read().decode('utf-8') else: return self._ir_attach['datas'].decode('base64') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise AssetError('%s is not utf-8 encoded.' % self.name) except IOError: raise AssetNotFound('File %s does not exist.' % self.name) except: raise AssetError('Could not get content for %s.' % self.name) def minify(self): return self.content def with_header(self, content=None): if content is None: content = self.content return '\n/* %s */\n%s' % (self.name, content) class JavascriptAsset(WebAsset): def minify(self): return self.with_header(rjsmin(self.content)) def _fetch_content(self): try: return super(JavascriptAsset, self)._fetch_content() except AssetError, e: return "console.error(%s);" % json.dumps(e.message) def to_html(self): if self.url: return '' % (self.html_url % self.url) else: return '' % self.with_header() class StylesheetAsset(WebAsset): rx_import = re.compile(r"""@import\s+('|")(?!'|"|/|https?://)""", re.U) rx_url = re.compile(r"""url\s*\(\s*('|"|)(?!'|"|/|https?://|data:)""", re.U) rx_sourceMap = re.compile(r'(/\*# sourceMappingURL=.*)', re.U) rx_charset = re.compile(r'(@charset "[^"]+";)', re.U) def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self.media = kw.pop('media', None) super(StylesheetAsset, self).__init__(*args, **kw) @property def content(self): content = super(StylesheetAsset, self).content if self.media: content = '@media %s { %s }' % (self.media, content) return content def _fetch_content(self): try: content = super(StylesheetAsset, self)._fetch_content() web_dir = os.path.dirname(self.url) content = self.rx_import.sub( r"""@import \1%s/""" % (web_dir,), content, ) content = self.rx_url.sub( r"url(\1%s/" % (web_dir,), content, ) # remove charset declarations, we only support utf-8 content = self.rx_charset.sub('', content) except AssetError, e: self.bundle.css_errors.append(e.message) return '' return content def minify(self): # remove existing sourcemaps, make no sense after re-mini content = self.rx_sourceMap.sub('', self.content) # comments content = re.sub(r'/\*.*?\*/', '', content, flags=re.S) # space content = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', content) content = re.sub(r' *([{}]) *', r'\1', content) return self.with_header(content) def to_html(self): media = (' media="%s"' % werkzeug.utils.escape(self.media)) if self.media else '' if self.url: href = self.html_url % self.url return '' % (href, media) else: return '' % (media, self.with_header()) class SassAsset(StylesheetAsset): html_url = '%s.css' rx_indent = re.compile(r'^( +|\t+)', re.M) indent = None reindent = ' ' def minify(self): return self.with_header() def to_html(self): if self.url: ira = self.registry['ir.attachment'] url = self.html_url % self.url domain = [('type', '=', 'binary'), ('url', '=', self.url)] ira_id = ira.search(self.cr, self.uid, domain, context=self.context) if ira_id: # TODO: update only if needed ira.write(self.cr, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, [ira_id], {'datas': self.content}, context=self.context) else: ira.create(self.cr, openerp.SUPERUSER_ID, dict( datas=self.content.encode('utf8').encode('base64'), mimetype='text/css', type='binary', name=url, url=url, ), context=self.context) return super(SassAsset, self).to_html() def get_source(self): content = textwrap.dedent(self.inline or self._fetch_content()) def fix_indent(m): ind = m.group() if self.indent is None: self.indent = ind if self.indent == self.reindent: # Don't reindent the file if identation is the final one (reindent) raise StopIteration() return ind.replace(self.indent, self.reindent) try: content = self.rx_indent.sub(fix_indent, content) except StopIteration: pass return "/*! %s */\n%s" % (self.id, content) def rjsmin(script): """ Minify js with a clever regex. Taken from http://opensource.perlig.de/rjsmin Apache License, Version 2.0 """ def subber(match): """ Substitution callback """ groups = match.groups() return ( groups[0] or groups[1] or groups[2] or groups[3] or (groups[4] and '\n') or (groups[5] and ' ') or (groups[6] and ' ') or (groups[7] and ' ') or '' ) result = re.sub( r'([^\047"/\000-\040]+)|((?:(?:\047[^\047\\\r\n]*(?:\\(?:[^\r\n]|\r?' r'\n|\r)[^\047\\\r\n]*)*\047)|(?:"[^"\\\r\n]*(?:\\(?:[^\r\n]|\r?\n|' r'\r)[^"\\\r\n]*)*"))[^\047"/\000-\040]*)|(?:(?<=[(,=:\[!&|?{};\r\n]' r')(?:[\000-\011\013\014\016-\040]|(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/' r'))*((?:/(?![\r\n/*])[^/\\\[\r\n]*(?:(?:\\[^\r\n]|(?:\[[^\\\]\r\n]*' r'(?:\\[^\r\n][^\\\]\r\n]*)*\]))[^/\\\[\r\n]*)*/)[^\047"/\000-\040]*' r'))|(?:(?<=[\000-#%-,./:-@\[-^`{-~-]return)(?:[\000-\011\013\014\01' r'6-\040]|(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/))*((?:/(?![\r\n/*])[^/' r'\\\[\r\n]*(?:(?:\\[^\r\n]|(?:\[[^\\\]\r\n]*(?:\\[^\r\n][^\\\]\r\n]' r'*)*\]))[^/\\\[\r\n]*)*/)[^\047"/\000-\040]*))|(?<=[^\000-!#%&(*,./' r':-@\[\\^`{|~])(?:[\000-\011\013\014\016-\040]|(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/' r'*][^*]*\*+)*/))*(?:((?:(?://[^\r\n]*)?[\r\n]))(?:[\000-\011\013\01' r'4\016-\040]|(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/))*)+(?=[^\000-\040"#' r'%-\047)*,./:-@\\-^`|-~])|(?<=[^\000-#%-,./:-@\[-^`{-~-])((?:[\000-' r'\011\013\014\016-\040]|(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/)))+(?=[^' r'\000-#%-,./:-@\[-^`{-~-])|(?<=\+)((?:[\000-\011\013\014\016-\040]|' r'(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/)))+(?=\+)|(?<=-)((?:[\000-\011\0' r'13\014\016-\040]|(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/)))+(?=-)|(?:[\0' r'00-\011\013\014\016-\040]|(?:/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/))+|(?:' r'(?:(?://[^\r\n]*)?[\r\n])(?:[\000-\011\013\014\016-\040]|(?:/\*[^*' r']*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/))*)+', subber, '\n%s\n' % script ).strip() return result # vim:et: