# coding=utf-8 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import glob import itertools import json import operator import os from mako.template import Template from openerp.modules import module from .main import module_topological_sort from ..http import Controller, httprequest NOMODULE_TEMPLATE = Template(u""" OpenERP Testing
""") NOTFOUND = Template(u"""

Unable to find the module [${module}], please check that the module name is correct and the module is on OpenERP's path.

<< Back to tests """) TESTING = Template(u""" <%def name="to_path(module, p)">/${module}/${p} OpenERP Web Tests
% for module, jss, tests, templates in files: % for js in jss: % endfor % if tests or templates: % endif % if tests: % for test in tests: % endfor % endif % endfor """) class TestRunnerController(Controller): _cp_path = '/web/tests' @httprequest def index(self, req, mod=None, **kwargs): ms = module.get_modules() manifests = dict( (name, desc) for name, desc in zip(ms, map(self.load_manifest, ms)) if desc # remove not-actually-openerp-modules ) if not mod: return NOMODULE_TEMPLATE.render(modules=( (manifest['name'], name) for name, manifest in manifests.iteritems() if any(testfile.endswith('.js') for testfile in manifest['test']) )) sorted_mods = module_topological_sort(dict( (name, manifest.get('depends', [])) for name, manifest in manifests.iteritems() )) # to_load and to_test should be zippable lists of the same length. # A falsy value in to_test indicate nothing to test at that index (just # load the corresponding part of to_load) to_test = sorted_mods if mod != '*': if mod not in manifests: return req.not_found(NOTFOUND.render(module=mod)) idx = sorted_mods.index(mod) to_test = [None] * len(sorted_mods) to_test[idx] = mod tests_candicates = [ filter(lambda path: path.endswith('.js'), manifests[mod]['test'] if mod else []) for mod in to_test] # remove trailing test-less modules tests = reversed(list( itertools.dropwhile( operator.not_, reversed(tests_candicates)))) files = [ (mod, manifests[mod]['js'], tests, manifests[mod]['qweb']) for mod, tests in itertools.izip(sorted_mods, tests) ] # if all three db_info parameters are present, send them to the page db_info = dict((k, v) for k, v in kwargs.iteritems() if k in ['source', 'supadmin', 'password']) if len(db_info) != 3: db_info = None return TESTING.render(files=files, dependencies=json.dumps( [name for name in sorted_mods if module.get_module_resource(name, 'static') if manifests[name]['js']]), db_info=json.dumps(db_info)) def load_manifest(self, name): manifest = module.load_information_from_description_file(name) if manifest: path = module.get_module_path(name) manifest['js'] = list( self.expand_patterns(path, manifest.get('js', []))) manifest['test'] = list( self.expand_patterns(path, manifest.get('test', []))) manifest['qweb'] = list( self.expand_patterns(path, manifest.get('qweb', []))) return manifest def expand_patterns(self, root, patterns): for pattern in patterns: normalized_pattern = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(root, pattern)) for path in glob.glob(normalized_pattern): # replace OS path separators (from join & normpath) by URI ones yield path[len(root):].replace(os.path.sep, '/')