// Test support structures and methods for OpenERP openerp.testing = {}; (function (testing) { var dependencies = { corelib: [], coresetup: ['corelib'], data: ['corelib', 'coresetup'], dates: [], formats: ['coresetup', 'dates'], chrome: ['corelib', 'coresetup'], views: ['corelib', 'coresetup', 'data', 'chrome'], search: ['data', 'coresetup', 'formats'], list: ['views', 'data'], form: ['data', 'views', 'list', 'formats'], list_editable: ['list', 'form', 'data'], }; testing.dependencies = window['oe_all_dependencies'] || []; testing.current_module = null; testing.templates = { }; testing.add_template = function (name) { var xhr = QWeb2.Engine.prototype.get_xhr(); xhr.open('GET', name, false); xhr.send(null); (testing.templates[testing.current_module] = testing.templates[testing.current_module] || []) .push(xhr.responseXML); }; /** * Function which does not do anything */ testing.noop = function () { }; /** * Alter provided instance's ``session`` attribute to make response * mockable: * * * The ``responses`` parameter can be used to provide a map of (RPC) * paths (e.g. ``/web/view/load``) to a function returning a response * to the query. * * ``instance.session`` grows a ``responses`` attribute which is * a map of the same (and is in fact initialized to the ``responses`` * parameter if one is provided) * * Note that RPC requests to un-mocked URLs will be rejected with an * error message: only explicitly specified urls will get a response. * * Mocked sessions will *never* perform an actual RPC connection. * * @param instance openerp instance being initialized * @param {Object} [responses] */ testing.mockifyRPC = function (instance, responses) { var session = instance.session; session.responses = responses || {}; session.rpc_function = function (url, payload) { var fn, params; var needle = payload.params.model + ':' + payload.params.method; if (url.url === '/web/dataset/call_kw' && needle in this.responses) { fn = this.responses[needle]; params = [ payload.params.args || [], payload.params.kwargs || {} ]; } else { fn = this.responses[url.url]; params = [payload]; } if (!fn) { return $.Deferred().reject({}, 'failed', _.str.sprintf("Url %s not found in mock responses, with arguments %s", url.url, JSON.stringify(payload.params)) ).promise(); } try { return $.when(fn.apply(null, params)).then(function (result) { // Wrap for RPC layer unwrapper thingy return {result: result}; }); } catch (e) { // not sure why this looks like that return $.Deferred().reject({}, 'failed', String(e)); } }; }; var StackProto = { execute: function (fn) { var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); // Warning: here be dragons var i = 0, setups = this.setups, teardowns = this.teardowns; var d = $.Deferred(); var succeeded, failed; var success = function () { succeeded = _.toArray(arguments); return teardown(); }; var failure = function () { // save first failure if (!failed) { failed = _.toArray(arguments); } // chain onto next teardown return teardown(); }; var setup = function () { // if setup to execute if (i < setups.length) { var f = setups[i] || testing.noop; $.when(f.apply(null, args)).then(function () { ++i; setup(); }, failure); } else { var actual_call; try { actual_call = $.when(fn.apply(null, args)) } catch (e) { actual_call = $.Deferred().reject(e); } actual_call.then(success, failure); } }; var teardown = function () { // if teardown to execute if (i > 0) { var f = teardowns[--i] || testing.noop; $.when(f.apply(null, args)).then(teardown, failure); } else { if (failed) { d.reject.apply(d, failed); } else if (succeeded) { d.resolve.apply(d, succeeded); } else { throw new Error("Didn't succeed or fail?"); } } }; setup(); return d; }, push: function (setup, teardown) { return _.extend(Object.create(StackProto), { setups: this.setups.concat([setup]), teardowns: this.teardowns.concat([teardown]) }); }, unshift: function (setup, teardown) { return _.extend(Object.create(StackProto), { setups: [setup].concat(this.setups), teardowns: [teardown].concat(this.teardowns) }); } }; /** * * @param {Function} [setup] * @param {Function} [teardown] * @return {*} */ testing.Stack = function (setup, teardown) { return _.extend(Object.create(StackProto), { setups: setup ? [setup] : [], teardowns: teardown ? [teardown] : [] }); }; var db = window['oe_db_info']; testing.section = function (name, options, body) { if (_.isFunction(options)) { body = options; options = {}; } _.defaults(options, { setup: testing.noop, teardown: testing.noop }); QUnit.module(testing.current_module + '.' + name, {_oe: options}); body(testing.case); }; testing.case = function (name, options, callback) { if (_.isFunction(options)) { callback = options; options = {}; } var module = testing.current_module; var module_index = _.indexOf(testing.dependencies, module); var module_deps = testing.dependencies.slice( // If module not in deps (because only tests, no JS) -> indexOf // returns -1 -> index becomes 0 -> replace with ``undefined`` so // Array#slice returns a full copy 0, module_index + 1 || undefined); // Serialize options for this precise test case // WARNING: typo is from jquery, do not fix! var env = QUnit.config.currentModuleTestEnviroment; // section setup // case setup // test // case teardown // section teardown var case_stack = testing.Stack() .push(env._oe.setup, env._oe.teardown) .push(options.setup, options.teardown); var opts = _.defaults({}, options, env._oe); // FIXME: if this test is ignored, will still query if (opts.rpc === 'rpc' && !db) { QUnit.config.autostart = false; db = { source: null, supadmin: null, password: null }; var $msg = $('
') .append('

A test needs to clone a database

') .append('

Please provide the source clone information

') .append(' Source DB: ').append('').append('
') .append(' DB Password: ').append('').append('
') .append('Admin Password: ').append('').append('
') .append('') .submit(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); db.source = $msg.find('input[name=source]').val(); db.supadmin = $msg.find('input[name=supadmin]').val(); db.password = $msg.find('input[name=password]').val(); QUnit.start(); $.unblockUI(); }); $.blockUI({ message: $msg, css: { fontFamily: 'monospace', textAlign: 'left', whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', cursor: 'default' } }); } QUnit.test(name, function () { var instance; if (!opts.dependencies) { instance = openerp.init(module_deps); } else { // empty-but-specified dependencies actually allow running // without loading any module into the instance // TODO: clean up this mess var d = opts.dependencies.slice(); // dependencies list should be in deps order, reverse to make // loading order from last d.reverse(); var di = 0; while (di < d.length) { var m = /^web\.(\w+)$/.exec(d[di]); if (m) { d[di] = m[1]; } d.splice.apply(d, [di+1, 0].concat( _(dependencies[d[di]]).reverse())); ++di; } instance = openerp.init("fuck your shit, don't load anything you cunt"); _(d).chain() .reverse() .uniq() .each(function (module) { openerp.web[module](instance); }); } if (_.isNumber(opts.asserts)) { expect(opts.asserts); } if (opts.templates) { for(var i=0; i