openerp.testing.section('basic section', function (test) { test('my first test', function () { ok(true, "this test has run"); }); test('module content', function (instance) { ok(instance.web_tests_demo.value_true, "should have a true value"); var type_instance = new instance.web_tests_demo.SomeType(42); strictEqual(type_instance.value, 42, "should have provided value"); }); test('DOM content', function (instance, $scratchpad) { $scratchpad.html('
'); ok($scratchpad.find('span').hasClass('foo'), "should have provided class"); }); test('clean scratchpad', function (instance, $scratchpad) { ok(!$scratchpad.children().length, "should have no content"); ok(!$scratchpad.text(), "should have no text"); }); test('templates', {templates: true}, function (instance) { var s = instance.web.qweb.render('DemoTemplate'); var texts = $(s).find('p').map(function () { return $(this).text(); }).get(); deepEqual(texts, ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4']); }); test('asynchronous', { asserts: 1 }, function () { var d = $.Deferred(); setTimeout(function () { ok(true); d.resolve(); }, 100); return d; }); test('unfail rejection', { asserts: 1, fail_on_rejection: false }, function () { var d = $.Deferred(); setTimeout(function () { ok(true); d.reject(); }, 100); return d; }); test('XML-RPC', {rpc: 'mock', asserts: 3}, function (instance, $s, mock) { mock('people.famous:name_search', function (args, kwargs) { strictEqual(, 'bob'); return [ [1, "Microsoft Bob"], [2, "Bob the Builder"], [3, "Silent Bob"] ]; }); return new instance.web.Model('people.famous') .call('name_search', {name: 'bob'}).then(function (result) { strictEqual(result.length, 3, "shoud return 3 people"); strictEqual(result[0][1], "Microsoft Bob", "the most famous bob should be Microsoft Bob"); }); }); test('JSON-RPC', {rpc: 'mock', asserts: 3, templates: true}, function (instance, $s, mock) { var fetched_dbs = false, fetched_langs = false; mock('/web/database/get_list', function () { fetched_dbs = true; return ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']; }); mock('/web/session/get_lang_list', function () { fetched_langs = true; return [['vo_IS', 'Hopelandic / Vonlenska']]; }); // widget needs that or it blows up instance.webclient = {toggle_bars: openerp.testing.noop}; var dbm = new instance.web.DatabaseManager({}); return dbm.appendTo($s).then(function () { ok(fetched_dbs, "should have fetched databases"); ok(fetched_langs, "should have fetched languages"); deepEqual(dbm.db_list, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); }); }); test('actual RPC', {rpc: 'rpc', asserts: 4}, function (instance) { var Model = new instance.web.Model('web_tests_demo.model'); return'create', [{name: "Bob"}]) .then(function (id) { return'read', [[id]]); }).then(function (records) { strictEqual(records.length, 1); var record = records[0]; strictEqual(, "Bob"); strictEqual(record.thing, false); // default value strictEqual(record.other, 'bob'); }); }); });