openerp.testing.section('editor', { dependencies: ['web.list_editable'], rpc: 'mock', templates: true, setup: function (instance, $s, mock) { mock('test.model:create', function () { return 42; }); } }, function (test) { /** * * @param {String} name * @param {Object} [attrs] * @param {String} [attrs.type="char"] * @param {Boolean} [attrs.required] * @param {Boolean} [attrs.invisible] * @param {Boolean} [attrs.readonly] * @return {Object} */ function field(name, attrs) { attrs = attrs || {}; = name; return _.defaults(attrs, { type: 'char' }); } /** * @param {Array} [fields] * @return {Object} */ function makeFormView(fields) { var fobj = {}; _(fields).each(function (field) { fobj[] = { type: field.type, string: field.string }; }); var children = _(fields).map(function (field) { return { tag: 'field', attrs: { name:, modifiers: JSON.stringify({ required: field.required, invisible: field.invisible, readonly: field.readonly }) } }; }); return { arch: { tag: 'form', attrs: { version: '7.0', 'class': 'oe_form_container' }, children: children }, fields: fobj }; } test('base-state', {asserts: 2}, function (instance, $fix) { var e = new instance.web.list.Editor({ dataset: {ids: []}, edition_view: function () { return makeFormView(); } }); return e.appendTo($fix) .done(function () { ok(!e.is_editing(), "should not be editing"); ok(e.form instanceof instance.web.FormView, "should use default form type"); }); }); test('toggle-edition-save', { asserts: 4, setup: function (instance, $s, mock) { mock('test.model:search_read', function () { return [{id: 42, a: false, b: false, c: false}]; }); } }, function (instance, $fix) { var e = new instance.web.list.Editor({ dataset: new instance.web.DataSetSearch(null, 'test.model'), prepends_on_create: function () { return false; }, edition_view: function () { return makeFormView([ field('a'), field('b'), field('c') ]); } }); var counter = 0; return e.appendTo($fix) .then(function () { return e.edit({}, function () { ++counter; }); }) .then(function (form) { ok(e.is_editing(), "should be editing"); equal(counter, 3, "should have configured all fields"); return; }) .done(function (record) { ok(!e.is_editing(), "should have stopped editing"); equal(, 42, "should have newly created id"); }); }); test('toggle-edition-cancel', { asserts: 2 }, function (instance, $fix) { var e = new instance.web.list.Editor({ dataset: new instance.web.DataSetSearch(null, 'test.model'), prepends_on_create: function () { return false; }, edition_view: function () { return makeFormView([ field('a'), field('b'), field('c') ]); } }); var counter = 0; return e.appendTo($fix) .then(function () { return e.edit({}, function () { ++counter; }); }) .then(function (form) { return e.cancel(); }) .done(function (record) { ok(!e.is_editing(), "should have stopped editing"); ok(!, "should have no id"); }); }); test('toggle-save-required', { asserts: 2, fail_on_rejection: false }, function (instance, $fix) { var e = new instance.web.list.Editor({ do_warn: function () { warnings++; }, dataset: new instance.web.DataSetSearch(null, 'test.model'), prepends_on_create: function () { return false; }, edition_view: function () { return makeFormView([ field('a', {required: true}), field('b'), field('c') ]); } }); var counter = 0; var warnings = 0; return e.appendTo($fix) .then(function () { return e.edit({}, function () { ++counter; }); }) .then(function (form) { return; }) .done(function () { ok(false, "cancel should not succeed"); }) .fail(function () { equal(warnings, 1, "should have been warned"); ok(e.is_editing(), "should have kept editing"); }); }); }); openerp.testing.section('list.edition', { dependencies: ['web.list_editable'], rpc: 'mock', templates: true, setup: function (instance, $s, mock) { var records = {}; mock('demo:create', function (args) { records[42] = _.extend({}, args[0]); return 42; }); mock('demo:read', function (args) { var id = args[0][0]; if (id in records) { return [records[id]]; } return []; }); mock('demo:search_read', function (args) { // args[0][0] = ["id", "=", 42] // args[0][0] = 42 var id = args[0][0][2]; if (id in records) { return [records[id]]; } return []; }); mock('demo:fields_view_get', function () { return { type: 'tree', fields: { a: {type: 'char', string: "A"}, b: {type: 'char', string: "B"}, c: {type: 'char', string: "C"} }, arch: '', }; }); } }, function (test) { test('newrecord', {asserts: 6}, function (instance, $fix, mock) { var got_defaults = false; mock('demo:default_get', function (args) { var fields = args[0]; deepEqual( fields, ['a', 'b', 'c'], "should ask defaults for all fields"); got_defaults = true; return { a: "qux", b: "quux" }; }); var ds = new instance.web.DataSetStatic(null, 'demo', null, [1]); var l = new instance.web.ListView({}, ds, false, {editable: 'top'}); return l.appendTo($fix) .then(l.proxy('reload_content')) .then(function () { return l.start_edition(); }) .then(function () { ok(got_defaults, "should have fetched default values for form"); return l.save_edition(); }) .then(function (result) { ok(result.created, "should yield newly created record"); equal(result.record.get('a'), "qux", "should have used default values"); equal(result.record.get('b'), "quux", "should have used default values"); ok(!result.record.get('c'), "should have no value if there was no default"); }); }); }); openerp.testing.section('', { dependencies: ['web.list_editable'], rpc: 'mock', templates: true, setup: function (instance, $s, mock) { mock('demo:read', function () { return [{ id: 1, a: 'foo', b: 'bar', c: 'baz' }]; }); mock('demo:fields_view_get', function () { return { type: 'tree', fields: { a: {type: 'char', string: "A"}, b: {type: 'char', string: "B"}, c: {type: 'char', string: "C"} }, arch: '', }; }); } }, function (test) { test('edition events', {asserts: 4}, function (instance, $fix) { var ds = new instance.web.DataSetStatic(null, 'demo', null, [1]); var o = { counter: 0, onEvent: function (e) { this.counter++; } }; var l = new instance.web.ListView({}, ds, false, {editable: 'top'}); l.on('edit:before edit:after', o, o.onEvent); return l.appendTo($fix) .then(l.proxy('reload_content')) .then(function () { ok(l.options.editable, "should be editable"); equal(o.counter, 0, "should have seen no event yet"); return l.start_edition(l.records.get(1)); }) .then(function () { ok(l.editor.is_editing(), "should be editing"); equal(o.counter, 2, "should have seen two edition events"); }); }); test('edition events: cancelling', {asserts: 3}, function (instance, $fix) { var edit_after = false; var ds = new instance.web.DataSetStatic(null, 'demo', null, [1]); var l = new instance.web.ListView({}, ds, false, {editable: 'top'}); l.on('edit:before', {}, function (e) { e.cancel = true; }); l.on('edit:after', {}, function () { edit_after = true; }); return l.appendTo($fix) .then(l.proxy('reload_content')) .then(function () { ok(l.options.editable, "should be editable"); return l.start_edition(); }) // cancelling an event rejects the deferred .then($.Deferred().reject(), function () { ok(!l.editor.is_editing(), "should not be editing"); ok(!edit_after, "should not have fired the edit:after event"); return $.when(); }); }); }); openerp.testing.section('list.edition.onwrite', { dependencies: ['web.list_editable'], rpc: 'mock', templates: true, }, function (test) { test('record-to-read', {asserts: 4}, function (instance, $fix, mock) { mock('demo:fields_view_get', function () { return { type: 'tree', fields: { a: {type: 'char', string: "A"} }, arch: '', }; }); mock('demo:read', function (args, kwargs) { if (_.isEmpty(args[0])) { return []; } throw new Error(JSON.stringify(_.toArray(arguments))); }); mock('demo:search_read', function (args, kwargs) { if (_.isEqual(args[0], [['id', '=', 1]])) { return [{id: 1, a: 'some value'}]; } else if (_.isEqual(args[0], [['id', '=', 42]])) { return [ {id: 42, a: 'foo'} ]; } throw new Error(JSON.stringify(_.toArray(arguments))); }); mock('demo:default_get', function () { return {}; }); mock('demo:create', function () { return 1; }); mock('demo:on_write', function () { return [42]; }); var ds = new instance.web.DataSetStatic(null, 'demo', null, []); var l = new instance.web.ListView({}, ds, false, {editable: 'top'}); return l.appendTo($fix) .then(l.proxy('reload_content')) .then(function () { return l.start_edition(); }) .then(function () { $fix.find('.oe_form_field input').val("some value").change(); }) .then(function () { return l.save_edition(); }) .then(function () { strictEqual(ds.ids.length, 2, 'should have id of created + on_write'); strictEqual(l.records.length, 2, 'should have record of created + on_write'); strictEqual( $fix.find('tbody tr:eq(1)').css('color'), 'rgb(255, 0, 0)', 'shoud have color applied'); strictEqual( $fix.find('tbody tr:eq(2)').css('color'), 'rgb(0, 0, 0)', 'should have default color applied'); }); }); });