------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pure SQL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- IR dictionary ------------------------------------------------------------------------- create table ir_values ( id serial, name varchar(128) not null, key varchar(128) not null, key2 varchar(256) not null, model varchar(128) not null, value text, meta text default NULL, res_id integer default null, primary key (id) ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Modules Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE ir_model ( id serial, model varchar(64) DEFAULT ''::varchar NOT NULL, name varchar(64), state varchar(16), info text, primary key(id) ); CREATE TABLE ir_model_fields ( id serial, model varchar(64) DEFAULT ''::varchar NOT NULL, model_id int references ir_model on delete cascade, name varchar(64) DEFAULT ''::varchar NOT NULL, relation varchar(64), select_level varchar(4), field_description varchar(256), ttype varchar(64), state varchar(64) default 'base', view_load boolean, relate boolean default False, relation_field varchar(128), translate boolean default False, primary key(id) ); ALTER TABLE ir_model_fields ADD column serialization_field_id int references ir_model_fields on delete cascade; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Actions ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE ir_actions ( id serial NOT NULL, name varchar(64) DEFAULT ''::varchar NOT NULL, "type" varchar(32) NOT NULL, usage varchar(32) DEFAULT null, primary key(id) ); CREATE TABLE ir_act_window ( view_id integer, res_model varchar(64), view_type varchar(16), "domain" varchar(250), primary key(id) ) INHERITS (ir_actions); CREATE TABLE ir_act_report_xml ( model varchar(64) NOT NULL, report_name varchar(64) NOT NULL, report_xsl varchar(256), report_xml varchar(256), auto boolean default true, primary key(id) ) INHERITS (ir_actions); create table ir_act_report_custom ( report_id int, -- report_id int references ir_report_custom primary key(id) ) INHERITS (ir_actions); CREATE TABLE ir_act_wizard ( wiz_name varchar(64) NOT NULL, primary key(id) ) INHERITS (ir_actions); CREATE TABLE ir_act_url ( url text NOT NULL, target varchar(64) NOT NULL, primary key(id) ) INHERITS (ir_actions); CREATE TABLE ir_act_server ( primary key(id) ) INHERITS (ir_actions); CREATE TABLE ir_act_client ( primary key(id) ) INHERITS (ir_actions); CREATE TABLE ir_ui_view ( id serial NOT NULL, name varchar(64) DEFAULT ''::varchar NOT NULL, model varchar(64) DEFAULT ''::varchar NOT NULL, "type" varchar(64) DEFAULT 'form'::varchar NOT NULL, arch text NOT NULL, field_parent varchar(64), priority integer DEFAULT 5 NOT NULL, primary key(id) ); CREATE TABLE ir_ui_menu ( id serial NOT NULL, parent_id int references ir_ui_menu on delete set null, name varchar(64) DEFAULT ''::varchar NOT NULL, icon varchar(64) DEFAULT ''::varchar, primary key (id) ); select setval('ir_ui_menu_id_seq', 2); --------------------------------- -- Res users --------------------------------- -- level: -- 0 RESTRICT TO USER -- 1 RESTRICT TO GROUP -- 2 PUBLIC CREATE TABLE res_users ( id serial NOT NULL, active boolean default True, login varchar(64) NOT NULL UNIQUE, password varchar(64) default null, tz varchar(64) default null, lang varchar(64) default '', -- No FK references below, will be added later by ORM -- (when the destination rows exist) company_id int, partner_id int, primary key(id) ); alter table res_users add constraint res_users_login_uniq unique (login); CREATE TABLE res_groups ( id serial NOT NULL, name varchar(64) NOT NULL, primary key(id) ); CREATE TABLE res_groups_users_rel ( uid integer NOT NULL references res_users on delete cascade, gid integer NOT NULL references res_groups on delete cascade, UNIQUE("uid","gid") ); create index res_groups_users_rel_uid_idx on res_groups_users_rel (uid); create index res_groups_users_rel_gid_idx on res_groups_users_rel (gid); --------------------------------- -- Workflows --------------------------------- create table wkf ( id serial, name varchar(64), osv varchar(64), on_create bool default False, primary key(id) ); create table wkf_activity ( id serial, wkf_id int references wkf on delete cascade, subflow_id int references wkf on delete set null, split_mode varchar(3) default 'XOR', join_mode varchar(3) default 'XOR', kind varchar(16) not null default 'dummy', name varchar(64), signal_send varchar(32) default null, flow_start boolean default False, flow_stop boolean default False, action text default null, primary key(id) ); create table wkf_transition ( id serial, act_from int references wkf_activity on delete cascade, act_to int references wkf_activity on delete cascade, condition varchar(128) default NULL, trigger_type varchar(128) default NULL, trigger_expr_id varchar(128) default NULL, signal varchar(64) default null, group_id int references res_groups on delete set null, primary key(id) ); create table wkf_instance ( id serial, wkf_id int references wkf on delete restrict, uid int default null, res_id int not null, res_type varchar(64) not null, state varchar(32) not null default 'active', primary key(id) ); create table wkf_workitem ( id serial, act_id int not null references wkf_activity on delete cascade, inst_id int not null references wkf_instance on delete cascade, subflow_id int references wkf_instance on delete cascade, state varchar(64) default 'blocked', primary key(id) ); create table wkf_witm_trans ( trans_id int not null references wkf_transition on delete cascade, inst_id int not null references wkf_instance on delete cascade ); create index wkf_witm_trans_inst_idx on wkf_witm_trans (inst_id); create table wkf_logs ( id serial, res_type varchar(128) not null, res_id int not null, uid int references res_users on delete set null, act_id int references wkf_activity on delete set null, time time not null, info varchar(128) default NULL, primary key(id) ); --------------------------------- -- Modules --------------------------------- CREATE TABLE ir_module_category ( id serial NOT NULL, create_uid integer references res_users on delete set null, create_date timestamp without time zone, write_date timestamp without time zone, write_uid integer references res_users on delete set null, parent_id integer REFERENCES ir_module_category ON DELETE SET NULL, name character varying(128) NOT NULL, primary key(id) ); CREATE TABLE ir_module_module ( id serial NOT NULL, create_uid integer references res_users on delete set null, create_date timestamp without time zone, write_date timestamp without time zone, write_uid integer references res_users on delete set null, website character varying(256), summary character varying(256), name character varying(128) NOT NULL, author character varying(128), url character varying(128), icon character varying(64), state character varying(16), latest_version character varying(64), shortdesc character varying(256), complexity character varying(32), category_id integer REFERENCES ir_module_category ON DELETE SET NULL, description text, application boolean default False, demo boolean default False, web boolean DEFAULT FALSE, license character varying(32), sequence integer DEFAULT 100, auto_install boolean default False, primary key(id) ); ALTER TABLE ir_module_module add constraint name_uniq unique (name); CREATE TABLE ir_module_module_dependency ( id serial NOT NULL, create_uid integer references res_users on delete set null, create_date timestamp without time zone, write_date timestamp without time zone, write_uid integer references res_users on delete set null, name character varying(128), version_pattern character varying(128) default NULL, module_id integer REFERENCES ir_module_module ON DELETE cascade, primary key(id) ); CREATE TABLE res_company ( id serial NOT NULL, name character varying(64) not null, parent_id integer references res_company on delete set null, primary key(id) ); CREATE TABLE res_lang ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL UNIQUE, code VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL UNIQUE ); CREATE TABLE ir_model_data ( id serial NOT NULL, create_uid integer, create_date timestamp without time zone, write_date timestamp without time zone, write_uid integer, noupdate boolean, name character varying(128) NOT NULL, date_init timestamp without time zone, date_update timestamp without time zone, module character varying(64) NOT NULL, model character varying(64) NOT NULL, res_id integer, primary key(id) ); -- Records foreign keys and constraints installed by a module (so they can be -- removed when the module is uninstalled): -- - for a foreign key: type is 'f', -- - for a constraint: type is 'u' (this is the convention PostgreSQL uses). CREATE TABLE ir_model_constraint ( id serial NOT NULL, create_uid integer, create_date timestamp without time zone, write_date timestamp without time zone, write_uid integer, date_init timestamp without time zone, date_update timestamp without time zone, module integer NOT NULL references ir_module_module on delete restrict, model integer NOT NULL references ir_model on delete restrict, type character varying(1) NOT NULL, name character varying(128) NOT NULL ); -- Records relation tables (i.e. implementing many2many) installed by a module -- (so they can be removed when the module is uninstalled). CREATE TABLE ir_model_relation ( id serial NOT NULL, create_uid integer, create_date timestamp without time zone, write_date timestamp without time zone, write_uid integer, date_init timestamp without time zone, date_update timestamp without time zone, module integer NOT NULL references ir_module_module on delete restrict, model integer NOT NULL references ir_model on delete restrict, name character varying(128) NOT NULL ); --------------------------------- -- Users --------------------------------- insert into res_users (id,login,password,active,company_id,partner_id,lang) values (1,'admin','admin',True,1,1,'en_US'); insert into ir_model_data (name,module,model,noupdate,res_id) values ('user_root','base','res.users',True,1); -- Compatibility purpose, to remove V6.0 insert into ir_model_data (name,module,model,noupdate,res_id) values ('user_admin','base','res.users',True,1); select setval('res_users_id_seq', 2);