############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2005-2006 TINY SPRL. (http://tiny.be) All Rights Reserved. # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## # TODO : accepter les ligne meme si le payement est trop bas # definir un try-catch ligne 221 et re-raiser si l'on le souhaite import pooler import time import wizard import netsvc import base64 from osv import osv ask_form = """
""" ask_fields = { 'journal_id' : { 'string':'Bank Journal', 'type':'many2one', 'relation':'account.journal', 'required':True, }, 'v11' : { 'string':'V11 file', 'type':'binary', 'required':True, }, } res_form = """
""" res_fields = { # 'journal_id' : { # 'string':'Destination Journal', # 'type':'many2one', # 'relation':'account.journal', # 'required':True, # }, # 'v11' : { # 'string':'V11 file', # 'type':'binary', # 'required':True, # }, 'note' : {'string':'Log','type':'text'} } def _v11_parsing(self, cr, uid, data, context): pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) v11file = data['form']['v11'] line="" lnb=1 record={} total={} total_compute= 0 rec_list=[] err_log='' std_log='' nb_err=0 # v11 parsing : for char in base64.decodestring(v11file): if not char == '\n': line += char else : record['genre'] = line[0:3] if record['genre'] == '999': total={'n_postal': line[3:12], 'cle': line[12:39], 'tot_montant': line[39:51], 'nb_rec': line[51:63], 'date_etabl': line[63:69], 'tot_frais_encaissement': line[69:78], } else : record={'n_postal': line[3:12], 'n_ref': line[12:39], 'montant': line[39:49], 'reserve': line[49:59], 'date_remise': line[59:65], 'date_comptable': line[65:71], 'date_valeur': line[71:77], 'invoice_ref': line[77:87], 'reserve2': line[87:96], 'frais_encaissement': line[96:100], 'line_number': str(lnb), } total_compute+= float(record['montant']) rec_list.append( record ) lnb+=1 line="" # check the amounts : if not total_compute == float(total['tot_montant']): return {'note': 'Incorrect total amount V11 file, import aborted.' } period_id = pool.get('account.period').find(cr,uid, context=context) if not period_id: return {'note': 'No period found, import aborted.' } period_id = period_id[0] invoice_obj= pool.get('account.invoice') acc2 = pool.get('account.journal').browse(cr,uid,data['form']['journal_id'],context).default_debit_account_id.id if not acc2: return {'note': 'No debit account specified for this journal, import aborted.' } bkst_list=[] for rec in rec_list: # get the invoice via his number try: invoice_id= invoice_obj.search(cr,uid,[ ('number','=',int(rec['invoice_ref'])) ])[0] except: err_log = err_log + '\n * No invoice with invoice number '+ rec['invoice_ref'].lstrip('0') + '.\n line : '+rec['line_number'] nb_err+=1 continue i = invoice_obj.browse(cr, uid, invoice_id) try: acc1 = i.partner_id.property_account_receivable[0] except: err_log = err_log + '\n * invoice with number '+ rec['invoice_ref'].lstrip('0') +\ ' has no partner !'+ '\n line : '+rec['line_number'] nb_err+=1 continue try: bk_st_id = pool.get('account.bank.statement').create(cr,uid,{ 'journal_id': data['form']['journal_id'], 'balance_start': 0, 'balance_end_real': i.amount_total, 'state':'draft', }) pool.get('account.bank.statement.line').create(cr,uid,{ 'name':i.number, 'date': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'amount': i.amount_total, 'type':{'out_invoice':'customer','in_invoice':'supplier','out_refund':'customer','in_refund':'supplier'}[i.type], 'partner_id':i.partner_id.id, 'account_id':i.account_id.id, 'statement_id': bk_st_id, 'invoice_id': i.id, }) cr.commit() std_log = std_log + "\nInvoice : %s, Date Due : %s, Amount received : %.2f."\ %(i.name, i.date_due or 'undefined', float(rec['montant'])) if i.payment_term and i.payment_term.cash_discount_ids and i.payment_term.cash_discount_ids[0]: if discount and rec['date_remise'] <= discount.date : amount_to_pay = i.amount_total*(1-discount.discount) else : amount_to_pay = i.amount_total std_log = std_log + " Amount expected : %d"% amount_to_pay bkst_list.append(bk_st_id) except osv.except_osv, e: cr.rollback() nb_err+=1 err_log= err_log +'\n * Line '+rec['line_number'] +', invoice '+rec['invoice_ref'].lstrip('0')+\ ' : '+str(e.value) raise # REMOVEME except Exception, e: cr.rollback() nb_err+=1 err_log= err_log +'\n * Line '+rec['line_number'] +', invoice '+rec['invoice_ref'].lstrip('0')+\ ' : '+str(e) raise # REMOVEME except : cr.rollback() nb_err+=1 err_log= err_log +'\n * Line '+rec['line_number'] +', invoice '+rec['invoice_ref'].lstrip('0') raise err_log= err_log + '\n\n --' +'\nNumber of parsed lines : '+ str(len(rec_list)) +'\nNumber of error : '+ str(nb_err) pool.get('account.v11').create(cr, uid,{ 'name':v11file, 'statement_ids':[(6,0,bkst_list)], 'note':std_log+err_log, 'journal_id':data['form']['journal_id'], 'date':time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), 'user_id':uid, }) return {'note':std_log + err_log ,'journal_id': data['form']['journal_id'], 'v11': data['form']['v11']} # def _init(self, cr, uid, data, context): # if not data['form']: # return {} # return {'journal_id': data['form']['journal_id'], 'v11': data['form']['v11']} class v11_import(wizard.interface): states = { 'init' : { 'actions' : [], 'result' : {'type' : 'form', 'arch' : ask_form, 'fields' : ask_fields, 'state' : [('end', 'Cancel'),('extraction', 'Yes') ]} }, 'extraction' : { 'actions' : [_v11_parsing], 'result' : {'type' : 'form', 'arch' : res_form, 'fields' : res_fields, 'state' : [('end', 'Quit') ]} }, } v11_import("account.v11_import")