# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## import openerp import openerp.tools.config import openerp.modules.registry from openerp.tools.misc import DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT import datetime from osv import osv, fields import time import logging import json import select _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def listen_channel(cr, channel_name, handle_message, check_stop=(lambda: False), check_stop_timer=60.): """ Begin a loop, listening on a PostgreSQL channel. This method does never terminate by default, you need to provide a check_stop callback to do so. This method also assume that all notifications will include a message formated using JSON (see the corresponding notify_channel() method). :param db_name: database name :param channel_name: the name of the PostgreSQL channel to listen :param handle_message: function that will be called when a message is received. It takes one argument, the message attached to the notification. :type handle_message: function (one argument) :param check_stop: function that will be called periodically (see the check_stop_timer argument). If it returns True this function will stop to watch the channel. :type check_stop: function (no arguments) :param check_stop_timer: The maximum amount of time between calls to check_stop_timer (can be shorter if messages are received). """ try: conn = cr._cnx cr.execute("listen " + channel_name + ";") cr.commit(); stopping = False while not stopping: if check_stop(): stopping = True break if select.select([conn], [], [], check_stop_timer) == ([],[],[]): pass else: conn.poll() while conn.notifies: message = json.loads(conn.notifies.pop().payload) handle_message(message) finally: try: cr.execute("unlisten " + channel_name + ";") cr.commit() except: pass # can't do anything if that fails def notify_channel(cr, channel_name, message): """ Send a message through a PostgreSQL channel. The message will be formatted using JSON. This method will commit the given transaction because the notify command in Postgresql seems to work correctly when executed in a separate transaction (despite what is written in the documentation). :param cr: The cursor. :param channel_name: The name of the PostgreSQL channel. :param message: The message, must be JSON-compatible data. """ cr.commit() cr.execute("notify " + channel_name + ", %s", [json.dumps(message)]) cr.commit() POLL_TIMER = 30 DISCONNECTION_TIMER = POLL_TIMER + 5 WATCHER_ERROR_DELAY = 10 if openerp.evented: import gevent import gevent.event class ImWatcher(object): watchers = {} @staticmethod def get_watcher(db_name): if not ImWatcher.watchers.get(db_name): ImWatcher(db_name) return ImWatcher.watchers[db_name] def __init__(self, db_name): self.db_name = db_name ImWatcher.watchers[db_name] = self self.waiting = 0 self.wait_id = 0 self.users = {} self.users_watch = {} gevent.spawn(self.loop) def loop(self): _logger.info("Begin watching on channel im_channel for database " + self.db_name) stop = False while not stop: try: registry = openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager.get(self.db_name) with registry.cursor() as cr: listen_channel(cr, "im_channel", self.handle_message, self.check_stop) stop = True except: # if something crash, we wait some time then try again _logger.exception("Exception during watcher activity") time.sleep(WATCHER_ERROR_DELAY) _logger.info("End watching on channel im_channel for database " + self.db_name) del ImWatcher.watchers[self.db_name] def handle_message(self, message): if message["type"] == "message": for waiter in self.users.get(message["receiver"], {}).values(): waiter.set() else: #type status for waiter in self.users_watch.get(message["user"], {}).values(): waiter.set() def check_stop(self): return self.waiting == 0 def _get_wait_id(self): self.wait_id += 1 return self.wait_id def stop(self, user_id, watch_users, timeout=None): wait_id = self._get_wait_id() event = gevent.event.Event() self.waiting += 1 self.users.setdefault(user_id, {})[wait_id] = event for watch in watch_users: self.users_watch.setdefault(watch, {})[wait_id] = event try: event.wait(timeout) finally: for watch in watch_users: del self.users_watch[watch][wait_id] if len(self.users_watch[watch]) == 0: del self.users_watch[watch] del self.users[user_id][wait_id] if len(self.users[user_id]) == 0: del self.users[user_id] self.waiting -= 1 class ImportController(openerp.addons.web.http.Controller): _cp_path = '/longpolling/im' @openerp.addons.web.http.jsonrequest def poll(self, req, last=None, users_watch=None, db=None, uid=None, password=None): if not openerp.evented: raise Exception("Not usable in a server not running gevent") if db is not None: req.session._db = db req.session._uid = uid req.session._password = password req.session.model('im.user').im_connect(context=req.context) my_id = req.session.model('im.user').get_by_user_id(req.session._uid, req.context)["id"] num = 0 while True: res = req.session.model('im.message').get_messages(last, users_watch, req.context) if num >= 1 or len(res["res"]) > 0: return res last = res["last"] num += 1 ImWatcher.get_watcher(res["dbname"]).stop(my_id, users_watch or [], POLL_TIMER) @openerp.addons.web.http.jsonrequest def activated(self, req): return not not openerp.evented class im_message(osv.osv): _name = 'im.message' _columns = { 'message': fields.char(string="Message", size=200, required=True), 'from': fields.many2one("im.user", "From", required= True, ondelete='cascade'), 'to': fields.many2one("im.user", "To", required=True, select=True, ondelete='cascade'), 'date': fields.datetime("Date", required=True), } _defaults = { 'date': lambda *args: datetime.datetime.now().strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT), } def get_messages(self, cr, uid, last=None, users_watch=None, context=None): users_watch = users_watch or [] # complex stuff to determine the last message to show users = self.pool.get("im.user") my_id = users.get_by_user_id(cr, uid, uid, context=context)["id"] c_user = users.browse(cr, uid, my_id, context=context) if last: if c_user.im_last_received < last: users.write(cr, uid, my_id, {'im_last_received': last}, context=context) else: last = c_user.im_last_received or -1 # how fun it is to always need to reorder results from read mess_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [['id', '>', last], ['to', '=', my_id]], order="id", context=context) mess = self.read(cr, uid, mess_ids, ["id", "message", "from", "date"], context=context) index = {} for i in xrange(len(mess)): index[mess[i]["id"]] = mess[i] mess = [] for i in mess_ids: mess.append(index[i]) if len(mess) > 0: last = mess[-1]["id"] users_status = users.read(cr, uid, users_watch, ["im_status"], context=context) return {"res": mess, "last": last, "dbname": cr.dbname, "users_status": users_status} def post(self, cr, uid, message, to_user_id, context=None): my_id = self.pool.get('im.user').get_by_user_id(cr, uid, uid)["id"] self.create(cr, uid, {"message": message, 'from': my_id, 'to': to_user_id}, context=context) notify_channel(cr, "im_channel", {'type': 'message', 'receiver': to_user_id}) return False class im_user(osv.osv): _name = "im.user" def _im_status(self, cr, uid, ids, something, something_else, context=None): res = {} current = datetime.datetime.now() delta = datetime.timedelta(0, DISCONNECTION_TIMER) data = self.read(cr, uid, ids, ["im_last_status_update", "im_last_status"], context=context) for obj in data: last_update = datetime.datetime.strptime(obj["im_last_status_update"], DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) res[obj["id"]] = obj["im_last_status"] and (last_update + delta) > current return res def search_users(self, cr, uid, domain, fields, limit, context=None): found = self.pool.get('res.users').search(cr, uid, domain, limit=limit, context=context) found = self.get_by_user_ids(cr, uid, found, context=context) return self.read(cr, uid, found, fields, context=context) def im_connect(self, cr, uid, context=None): return self._im_change_status(cr, uid, True, context) def im_disconnect(self, cr, uid, context=None): return self._im_change_status(cr, uid, False, context) def _im_change_status(self, cr, uid, new_one, context=None): ids = self.get_by_user_ids(cr, uid, [uid], context=context) id = ids[0]["id"] current_status = self.read(cr, uid, id, ["im_status"], context=None)["im_status"] self.write(cr, uid, id, {"im_last_status": new_one, "im_last_status_update": datetime.datetime.now().strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)}, context=context) if current_status != new_one: notify_channel(cr, "im_channel", {'type': 'status', 'user': id}) return True def get_by_user_id(self, cr, uid, id, context=None): ids = self.get_by_user_ids(cr, uid, [id], context=context) return ids[0] def get_by_user_ids(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): users = self.search(cr, uid, [["user", "in", ids]], context=None) records = self.read(cr, uid, users, ["user"], context=None) inside = {} for i in records: inside[i["user"][0]] = True not_inside = {} for i in ids: if not (i in inside): not_inside[i] = True for to_create in not_inside.keys(): created = self.create(cr, uid, {"user": to_create}, context=context) records.append({"id": created, "user": [to_create, ""]}) return records _columns = { 'name': fields.related('user', 'name', type='char', size=200, string="Name", store=True, readonly=True), 'user': fields.many2one("res.users", string="User", select=True, ondelete='cascade'), 'im_last_received': fields.integer(string="Instant Messaging Last Received Message"), 'im_last_status': fields.boolean(strint="Instant Messaging Last Status"), 'im_last_status_update': fields.datetime(string="Instant Messaging Last Status Update"), 'im_status': fields.function(_im_status, string="Instant Messaging Status", type='boolean'), } _defaults = { 'im_last_received': -1, 'im_last_status': False, 'im_last_status_update': lambda *args: datetime.datetime.now().strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT), }