openerp.hr_attendance = function (instance) { var QWeb = instance.web.qweb; var _t = instance.web._t; var _lt = instance.web._lt; instance.hr_attendance.AttendanceSlider = instance.web.Widget.extend({ template: 'AttendanceSlider', init: function (parent) { this._super(parent); this.set({"signed_in": false}); }, start: function() { var self = this; var tmp = function() { this.$el.toggleClass("oe_attendance_nosigned", ! this.get("signed_in")); this.$el.toggleClass("oe_attendance_signed", this.get("signed_in")); }; this.on("change:signed_in", this, tmp); _.bind(tmp, this)(); this.$(".oe_attendance_signin").click(function() { self.do_update_attendance(); }); this.$(".oe_attendance_signout").click(function() { self.do_update_attendance(); }); this.$el.tipsy({ title: function() { var last_text = instance.web.format_value(self.last_sign, {type: "datetime"}); var current_text = instance.web.format_value(new Date(), {type: "datetime"}); var duration = self.last_sign ? $.timeago(self.last_sign) : "none"; if (self.get("signed_in")) { return _.str.sprintf(_t("Last sign in: %s,
Click to sign out."), last_text, duration); } else { return _.str.sprintf(_t("Click to Sign In at %s."), current_text); } }, html: true, }); return this.check_attendance(); }, do_update_attendance: function () { var self = this; var hr_employee = new instance.web.DataSet(self, 'hr.employee');'attendance_action_change', [ [] ]).done(function (result) { self.last_sign = new Date(); self.set({"signed_in": ! self.get("signed_in")}); }); }, check_attendance: function () { var self = this; self.employee = false; this.$el.hide(); var employee = new instance.web.DataSetSearch(self, 'hr.employee', self.session.user_context, [ ['user_id', '=', self.session.uid] ]); return employee.read_slice(['id', 'name', 'state', 'last_sign', 'attendance_access']).pipe(function (res) { if (_.isEmpty(res) ) return; if (res[0].attendance_access == false){ return; } self.$; self.employee = res[0]; self.last_sign = instance.web.str_to_datetime(self.employee.last_sign); self.set({"signed_in": self.employee.state !== "absent"}); }); }, }); instance.web.UserMenu.include({ do_update: function () { this._super(); var self = this; this.update_promise = this.update_promise.then(function () { if (self.attendanceslider) return; self.attendanceslider = new instance.hr_attendance.AttendanceSlider(self); self.attendanceslider.prependTo(instance.webclient.$('.oe_systray')); }); }, }); }