(function () { 'use strict'; var website = openerp.website; website.templates.push('/website/static/src/xml/website.snippets.xml'); website.EditorBar.include({ start: function () { var self = this; $("body").on('click', function (event) { var tag = event.srcElement.tagName.toLowerCase(); var $this = $(event.srcElement); if (!(tag === 'a' || tag === "button") && !$this.parents("a, button").length) { self.$('[data-action="edit"]').parent().effect('bounce', {distance: 18, times: 5}, 250); } }); return this._super(); }, edit: function () { $("body").off('click'); var self = this; self.on('rte:ready', this, function () { window.snippets = self.snippets = new website.snippet.BuildingBlock(this); self.snippets.appendTo(self.$el); }); return this._super.apply(this, arguments); }, save: function () { remove_added_snippet_id(); this._super(); }, }); $(document).ready(function () { hack_to_add_snippet_id(); $("[data-snippet-id]").each(function() { var $snipped_id = $(this); if (typeof $snipped_id.data("snippet-view") === 'undefined' && website.snippet.animationRegistry[$snipped_id.data("snippet-id")]) { $snipped_id.data("snippet-view", new website.snippet.animationRegistry[$snipped_id.data("snippet-id")]($snipped_id)); } }); }); /* ----- SNIPPET SELECTOR ---- */ website.snippet = {}; // puts $el at the same absolute position as $target function hack_to_add_snippet_id () { _.each(website.snippet.selector, function (val) { $(val[0]).each(function() { if (!$(this).is("[data-snippet-id]") && $(this).parents("[data-oe-model]").length) { $(this).attr("data-snippet-id", val[1]); } }); }); } function remove_added_snippet_id () { _.each(website.snippet.selector, function (val) { $(val[0]).each(function() { if ($(this).data("snippet-id") === val[1]) { $(this).removeAttr("data-snippet-id"); } }); }); } website.snippet.selector = []; website.snippet.BuildingBlock = openerp.Widget.extend({ template: 'website.snippets', activeSnippets: [], init: function (parent) { this.parent = parent; this._super.apply(this, arguments); if(!$('#oe_manipulators').length){ $("
").appendTo('body'); } this.$active_snipped_id = false; hack_to_add_snippet_id(); $("body").on('DOMNodeInserted', hack_to_add_snippet_id); }, dom_filter: function (dom) { if (typeof dom === "string") { var exclude = ":not(#oe_manipulators):not(#website-top-navbar):not(.oe_snippet)"; var sdom = dom.split(','); dom = ""; _.each(sdom, function (val) { val = val.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); dom += "body > " + exclude + " " + val + ", "; val = val.split(" "); dom += "body > "+ val.shift() + exclude + val.join(" ") + ", "; }); dom = dom.replace(/,\s*$/g, ''); return $(dom); } else { return $(dom).parents("#oe_manipulators, #website-top-navbar").length || $(dom).hasClass("oe_snippet") ? $("") : $(dom); } }, start: function() { var self = this; var $ul = this.parent.$("#website-top-edit ul"); var $button = $(openerp.qweb.render('website.snippets_button')) .click(function () {self.$el.toggleClass("hidden");}) .prependTo($ul); this.fetch_snippet_templates(); this.bind_selected_manipulator(); this.bind_snippet_click_editor(); this.activate_overlay_zones(); this.scrollspy(); this.$el.addClass("hidden"); this.$modal = $(openerp.qweb.render('website.snippets_modal')); this.$modal.appendTo("body"); }, fetch_snippet_templates: function () { var self = this; this.style_templates = {}; _.each(openerp.qweb.compiled_templates, function (val, key) { if (key.indexOf('website.snippets.') === 0) { var $snippet = $(openerp.qweb.render(key)).addClass("oe_snippet"); var snipped_id = $snippet.data("snippet-id"); if (snipped_id) { if ($snippet.data('category') === 'style') { self.style_templates[snipped_id] = { 'snipped-id' : snipped_id, 'selector': $snippet.data('selector'), 'class': $snippet.find(".oe_snippet_class").text(), 'label': $snippet.find(".oe_snippet_label").text(), '$el': $snippet }; } if ($snippet.find(".oe_snippet_thumbnail").length) { self.$el.find('#snippet_' + $snippet.data('category')).append($snippet); self.make_snippet_draggable($snippet); } } } }); }, scrollspy: function (){ var self = this; var $ul = this.$("ul"); var $pill = self.$(".pill-content"); var padding = parseInt($pill.css("padding-left")); var $scroll = this.$(".scroll"); $scroll.scroll(function () { $pill.find("> div").each(function () { if ($(this).position().left <= padding) { $ul.find("> li").removeClass('active'); $ul.find("a[href='#" + $(this).attr("id") + "']").parent("li").addClass('active'); } }); }); $ul.find("a").click(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $scroll.scrollLeft( $scroll.scrollLeft() + $($(event.currentTarget).attr("href")).position().left - padding ); return false; }); $pill.css("padding-right", self.$el.outerWidth() - padding + 10 - $pill.find("> div:last").outerWidth()); $ul.find("> li:first").addClass('active'); }, cover_target: function ($el, $target){ var pos = $target.offset(); var mt = parseInt($target.css("margin-top") || 0); var mb = parseInt($target.css("margin-bottom") || 0); $el.css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'width': $target.outerWidth(), 'height': $target.outerHeight() + mt + mb, 'top': pos.top - mt, 'left': pos.left }); }, show: function () { this.$el.removeClass("hidden"); }, hide: function () { this.$el.addClass("hidden"); }, bind_snippet_click_editor: function () { var self = this; var snipped_event_flag = false; $("body").on('click', "[data-snippet-id]", function (event) { if (snipped_event_flag) { return; } snipped_event_flag = true; setTimeout(function () {snipped_event_flag = false;}, 0); var $target = $(event.currentTarget); if (self.$active_snipped_id && self.$active_snipped_id.is($target)) { return; } self.make_active($target); }); $("body > :not(:has(#website-top-view)):not(#oe_manipulators)").on('click', function (ev) { if (!snipped_event_flag && self.$active_snipped_id && !self.$active_snipped_id.parents("[data-snippet-id]:first")) { self.make_active(false); } }); }, snippet_blur: function ($snipped_id) { if ($snipped_id) { if ($snipped_id.data("snippet-editor")) { $snipped_id.data("snippet-editor").onBlur(); } if ($snipped_id.data("snippet-view")) { $snipped_id.data("snippet-view").onBlurEdit(); } } }, snippet_focus: function ($snipped_id) { if ($snipped_id) { if ($snipped_id.data("snippet-view")) { $snipped_id.data("snippet-view").onFocusEdit(); } if ($snipped_id.data("snippet-editor")) { $snipped_id.data("snippet-editor").onFocus(); } } }, make_active: function ($snipped_id) { if ($snipped_id && this.$active_snipped_id && this.$active_snipped_id.get(0) === $snipped_id.get(0)) { return; } if (this.$active_snipped_id) { this.snippet_blur(this.$active_snipped_id); } if ($snipped_id) { this.$active_snipped_id = $snipped_id; this.create_overlay(this.$active_snipped_id); this.snippet_focus($snipped_id); } else { self.$active_snipped_id = false; } }, create_overlay: function ($snipped_id) { if (typeof $snipped_id.data("snippet-editor") === 'undefined') { this.activate_overlay_zones($snipped_id); var editor = website.snippet.editorRegistry[$snipped_id.data("snippet-id")] || website.snippet.editorRegistry.resize; $snipped_id.data("snippet-editor", new editor(this, $snipped_id)); } this.cover_target($snipped_id.data('overlay'), $snipped_id); }, path_eval: function(path){ var obj = window; path = path.split('.'); do{ obj = obj[path.shift()]; }while(path.length && obj); return obj; }, bind_selected_manipulator: function () { var self = this; var $selected_target = null; $("body").mouseover(function (event){ var $target = $(event.srcElement).parents("[data-snippet-id]:first"); $target = self.dom_filter($target); if($target.length && !self.editor_busy) { if($selected_target != $target){ if($selected_target && $selected_target.data('overlay')){ $selected_target.data('overlay').removeClass('oe_selected'); } $selected_target = $target; self.create_overlay($target); $target.data('overlay').addClass('oe_selected'); } } else if($selected_target && $selected_target.data('overlay')) { $selected_target.data('overlay').removeClass('oe_selected'); } }); }, // activate drag and drop for the snippets in the snippet toolbar make_snippet_draggable: function($snippet){ var self = this; var $toInsert = false; var $tumb = $snippet.find(".oe_snippet_thumbnail"); var dropped = false; $snippet.draggable({ greedy: true, helper: 'clone', zIndex: '1000', appendTo: 'body', cursor: "move", handle: ".oe_snippet_thumbnail", cursorAt: { 'left': $tumb.outerWidth()/2, 'top': $tumb.outerHeight()/2 }, start: function(){ self.hide(); dropped = false; var snipped_id = $snippet.data('snippet-id'); var action = $snippet.find('.oe_snippet_body').size() ? 'insert' : 'mutate'; if( action === 'insert'){ if (!$snippet.data('selector-siblings') && !$snippet.data('selector-children') && !$snippet.data('selector-vertical-children')) { console.debug($snippet.data("snippet-id") + " have oe_snippet_body class and have not for insert action"+ "data-selector-siblings, data-selector-children or data-selector-vertical-children tag for mutate action"); return; } self.activate_insertion_zones({ siblings: $snippet.data('selector-siblings'), children: $snippet.data('selector-children'), vertical_children: $snippet.data('selector-vertical-children') }); $toInsert = $snippet.find('.oe_snippet_body').clone(); $toInsert.removeClass('oe_snippet_body'); $toInsert.attr('data-snippet-id', snipped_id); } else if( action === 'mutate' ){ if (!$snippet.data('selector')) { console.debug($snippet.data("snippet-id") + " have not oe_snippet_body class and have not data-selector tag"); return; } var $targets = self.activate_overlay_zones($snippet.data('selector')); $targets.each(function(){ var $clone = $(this).data('overlay').clone(); $clone.addClass("oe_drop_zone").data('target', $(this)); $(this).data('overlay').after($clone); }); } $('.oe_drop_zone').droppable({ over: function(){ if( action === 'insert'){ dropped = true; $(this).first().after($toInsert); } }, out: function(){ if( action === 'insert'){ dropped = false; $toInsert.detach(); } }, drop: function(){ dropped = true; var $target = false; if(action === 'insert'){ $target = $toInsert; if (website.snippet.animationRegistry[snipped_id]) { new website.snippet.animationRegistry[snipped_id]($target); } self.create_overlay($target); $target.data("snippet-editor").build_snippet($target); } else { $target = $(this).data('target'); self.create_overlay($target); if (website.snippet.editorRegistry[snipped_id]) { var snippet = new website.snippet.editorRegistry[snipped_id](self, $target); snippet.build_snippet($target); } } $('.oe_drop_zone').remove(); setTimeout(function () {self.make_active($target);},0); }, }); }, stop: function(){ $('.oe_drop_zone').droppable('destroy').remove(); if (!dropped) { self.$modal.modal('toggle'); } }, }); }, // return the original snippet in the editor bar from a snippet id (string) get_snippet_from_id: function(id){ return $('.oe_snippet').filter(function(){ return $(this).data('snippet-id') === id; }).first(); }, // Create element insertion drop zones. two css selectors can be provided // selector.children -> will insert drop zones as direct child of the selected elements // in case the selected elements have children themselves, dropzones will be interleaved // with them. // selector.siblings -> will insert drop zones after and before selected elements activate_insertion_zones: function(selector){ var self = this; var child_selector = selector.children; var sibling_selector = selector.siblings; var vertical_child_selector = selector.vertical_children; var zone_template = "
"; if(child_selector){ self.dom_filter(child_selector).each(function (){ var $zone = $(this); $zone.find('> *:not(.oe_drop_zone):visible').after(zone_template); $zone.prepend(zone_template); }); } if(vertical_child_selector){ self.dom_filter(vertical_child_selector).each(function (){ var $zone = $(this); var $template = $(zone_template).addClass("oe_vertical"); var nb = 0; var $lastinsert = false; var left = 0; var temp_left = 0; $zone.find('> *:not(.oe_drop_zone):visible').each(function () { var $col = $(this); $template.css('height', ($col.outerHeight() + parseInt($col.css("margin-top")) + parseInt($col.css("margin-bottom")))+'px'); $lastinsert = $template.clone(); $(this).after($lastinsert); temp_left = $col.position().left; if (left === temp_left) { $col.prev(".oe_drop_zone.oe_vertical").remove(); $col.before($template.clone().css("clear", "left")); } else if (!nb) { $col.before($template.clone()); } left = temp_left; nb ++; }); if (!nb) { $zone.prepend($template.css('height', $zone.outerHeight()+'px')); } }); } if(sibling_selector){ self.dom_filter(sibling_selector).each(function (){ var $zone = $(this); if($zone.prev('.oe_drop_zone:visible').length === 0){ $zone.before(zone_template); } if($zone.next('.oe_drop_zone:visible').length === 0){ $zone.after(zone_template); } }); } var count; do { count = 0; // var $zones = $('.oe_drop_zone + .oe_drop_zone'); // no two consecutive zones // count += $zones.length; // $zones.remove(); $zones = $('.oe_drop_zone > .oe_drop_zone:not(.oe_vertical)').remove(); // no recusrive zones count += $zones.length; $zones.remove(); } while (count > 0); // Cleaning up zones placed between floating or inline elements. We do not like these kind of zones. var $zones = $('.oe_drop_zone:not(.oe_vertical)'); $zones.each(function (){ var zone = $(this); var prev = zone.prev(); var next = zone.next(); var float_prev = zone.prev().css('float') || 'none'; var float_next = zone.next().css('float') || 'none'; var disp_prev = zone.prev().css('display') || null; var disp_next = zone.next().css('display') || null; if( (float_prev === 'left' || float_prev === 'right') && (float_next === 'left' || float_next === 'right') ){ zone.remove(); return; }else if( !( disp_prev === null || disp_next === null || disp_prev === 'block' || disp_next === 'block' )){ zone.remove(); } }); }, // generate drop zones covering the elements selected by the selector // we generate overlay drop zones only to get an idea of where the snippet are, the drop activate_overlay_zones: function(selector){ var $targets = this.dom_filter(selector || '[data-snippet-id]'); var self = this; function is_visible($el){ return $el.css('display') != 'none' && $el.css('opacity') != '0' && $el.css('visibility') != 'hidden'; } // filter out invisible elements $targets = $targets.filter(function(){ return is_visible($(this)); }); // filter out elements with invisible parents $targets = $targets.filter(function(){ var parents = $(this).parents().filter(function(){ return !is_visible($(this)); }); return parents.length === 0; }); $targets.each(function () { var $target = $(this); if (!$target.data('overlay')) { var $zone = $(openerp.qweb.render('website.snippet_overlay')); $zone.appendTo('#oe_manipulators'); $zone.data('target',$target); $target.data('overlay',$zone); $target.on("DOMNodeInserted DOMNodeRemoved DOMSubtreeModified", function () { self.cover_target($zone, $target); }); $('body').on("resize", function () { self.cover_target($zone, $target); }); } self.cover_target($target.data('overlay'), $target); }); return $targets; } }); website.snippet.animationRegistry = {}; website.snippet.Animation = openerp.Class.extend({ $: function () { return this.$el.find.apply(this.$el, arguments); }, init: function (dom) { this.$el = this.$target = $(dom); this.start(); }, /* * start * This method is called after init */ start: function () { }, /* onFocusEdit * if they are an editor for this snippet-id * Called before onFocus of snippet editor */ onFocusEdit : function () {}, /* onBlurEdit * if they are an editor for this snippet-id * Called after onBlur of snippet editor */ onBlurEdit : function () {}, /* getOptions * Read data saved for your snippet animation. */ getOptions: function () { var options = this.$el.data("snippet-options"); return options ? JSON.parse(options) : undefined; }, }); website.snippet.editorRegistry = {}; website.snippet.Editor = openerp.Class.extend({ init: function (parent, dom) { this.parent = parent; this.$target = $(dom); this.$overlay = this.$target.data('overlay'); this.snippet_id = this.$target.data("snippet-id"); this._readXMLData(); this.load_style_options(); this.get_parent_block(); this.start(); }, /* * _readXMLData * Read data XML and set value into: * this.$el : * all xml data * this.$overlay : * Dom hover the $target who content options * this.$editor : * content of .oe_snippet_options * Displayed into the overlay options on focus * this.$thumbnail : * content of .oe_snippet_thumbnail * Displayed in bottom editor menu, when the user click on "Building Blocks" * this.$body : * content of .oe_snippet_body * Insert into the view when the thumbnail is drag and droped into a drop zone */ _readXMLData: function() { this.$el = $(openerp.qweb.render("website.snippets." + this.snippet_id, {widget: this}).trim()); this.$editor = this.$el.find(".oe_snippet_options"); this.$thumbnail = this.$el.find(".oe_snippet_thumbnail"); this.$body = this.$el.find(".oe_snippet_body"); var $options = this.$overlay.find(".oe_overlay_options"); this.$editor.prependTo($options.find(".oe_options ul")); if ($options.find(".oe_options ul li").length) { $options.find(".oe_options").removeClass("hidden"); } }, // activate drag and drop for the snippets in the snippet toolbar _drag_and_drop: function(){ var self = this; var dropped = false; var $move = this.$overlay.find(".oe_snippet_move"); this.$overlay.draggable({ greedy: true, appendTo: 'body', cursor: "move", handle: ".oe_snippet_move", cursorAt: { left: 18, top: 14 }, helper: function() { var $clone = $(this).clone().css({width: "24px", height: "24px", border: 0}); $clone.find(".oe_overlay_options >:not(.oe_snippet_move), .oe_handle").remove(); $clone.find(":not(.glyphicon)").css({position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0}); return $clone.appendTo("body").removeClass("hidden"); }, start: function(){ self.parent.hide(); self.parent.editor_busy = true; self.$target.after("