(function() { "use strict"; var website = {}; openerp.website = website; openerp.website.translatable = !!$('html').data('translatable'); /* ---------------------------------------------------- Helpers ---------------------------------------------------- */ website.get_context = function (dict) { var html = document.documentElement; return _.extend({ lang: html.getAttribute('lang').replace('-', '_'), website_id: html.getAttribute('data-website-id')|0 }, dict); }; website.parseQS = function (qs) { var match, params = {}, pl = /\+/g, // Regex for replacing addition symbol with a space search = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g; while ((match = search.exec(qs))) { var name = decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(pl, " ")); var value = decodeURIComponent(match[2].replace(pl, " ")); params[name] = value; } return params; }; var parsedSearch; website.parseSearch = function () { if (!parsedSearch) { parsedSearch = website.parseQS(window.location.search.substring(1)); } return parsedSearch; }; website.parseHash = function () { return website.parseQS(window.location.hash.substring(1)); }; website.reload = function () { location.hash = "scrollTop=" + window.document.body.scrollTop; if (location.search.indexOf("enable_editor") > -1) { window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(/enable_editor(=[^&]*)?/g, ''); } else { window.location.reload(); } }; /* ---------------------------------------------------- Widgets ---------------------------------------------------- */ website.prompt = function (options) { /** * A bootstrapped version of prompt() albeit asynchronous * This was built to quickly prompt the user with a single field. * For anything more complex, please use editor.Dialog class * * Usage Ex: * * website.prompt("What... is your quest ?").then(function (answer) { * arthur.reply(answer || "To seek the Holy Grail."); * }); * * website.prompt({ * select: "Please choose your destiny", * init: function() { * return [ [0, "Sub-Zero"], [1, "Robo-Ky"] ]; * } * }).then(function (answer) { * mame_station.loadCharacter(answer); * }); * * @param {Object|String} options A set of options used to configure the prompt or the text field name if string * @param {String} [options.window_title=''] title of the prompt modal * @param {String} [options.input] tell the modal to use an input text field, the given value will be the field title * @param {String} [options.textarea] tell the modal to use a textarea field, the given value will be the field title * @param {String} [options.select] tell the modal to use a select box, the given value will be the field title * @param {Object} [options.default=''] default value of the field * @param {Function} [options.init] optional function that takes the `field` (enhanced with a fillWith() method) and the `dialog` as parameters [can return a deferred] */ if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { text: options }; } options = _.extend({ window_title: '', field_name: '', default: '', init: function() {} }, options || {}); var type = _.intersection(Object.keys(options), ['input', 'textarea', 'select']); type = type.length ? type[0] : 'text'; options.field_type = type; options.field_name = options.field_name || options[type]; var def = $.Deferred(); var dialog = $(openerp.qweb.render('website.prompt', options)).appendTo("body"); options.$dialog = dialog; var field = dialog.find(options.field_type).first(); field.val(options.default); field.fillWith = function (data) { if (field.is('select')) { var select = field[0]; data.forEach(function (item) { select.options[select.options.length] = new Option(item[1], item[0]); }); } else { field.val(data); } }; var init = options.init(field, dialog); $.when(init).then(function (fill) { if (fill) { field.fillWith(fill); } dialog.modal('show'); field.focus(); dialog.on('click', '.btn-primary', function () { def.resolve(field.val(), field, dialog); dialog.remove(); $('.modal-backdrop').remove(); }); }); dialog.on('hidden.bs.modal', function () { def.reject(); dialog.remove(); $('.modal-backdrop').remove(); }); if (field.is('input[type="text"], select')) { field.keypress(function (e) { if (e.which == 13) { e.preventDefault(); dialog.find('.btn-primary').trigger('click'); } }); } return def; }; website.error = function(data, url) { var $error = $(openerp.qweb.render('website.error_dialog', { 'title': data.data ? data.data.arguments[0] : "", 'message': data.data ? data.data.arguments[1] : data.statusText, 'backend_url': url })); $error.appendTo("body"); $error.modal('show'); }; website.form = function (url, method, params) { var form = document.createElement('form'); form.setAttribute('action', url); form.setAttribute('method', method); _.each(params, function (v, k) { var param = document.createElement('input'); param.setAttribute('type', 'hidden'); param.setAttribute('name', k); param.setAttribute('value', v); form.appendChild(param); }); document.body.appendChild(form); form.submit(); }; website.init_kanban = function ($kanban) { $('.js_kanban_col', $kanban).each(function () { var $col = $(this); var $pagination = $('.pagination', $col); if(!$pagination.size()) { return; } var page_count = $col.data('page_count'); var scope = $pagination.last().find("li").size()-2; var kanban_url_col = $pagination.find("li a:first").attr("href").replace(/[0-9]+$/, ''); var data = { 'domain': $col.data('domain'), 'model': $col.data('model'), 'template': $col.data('template'), 'step': $col.data('step'), 'orderby': $col.data('orderby') }; $pagination.on('click', 'a', function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); var $a = $(ev.target); if($a.parent().hasClass('active')) { return; } var page = +$a.attr("href").split(",").pop().split('-')[1]; data['page'] = page; $.post('/website/kanban', data, function (col) { $col.find("> .thumbnail").remove(); $pagination.last().before(col); }); var page_start = page - parseInt(Math.floor((scope-1)/2), 10); if (page_start < 1 ) page_start = 1; var page_end = page_start + (scope-1); if (page_end > page_count ) page_end = page_count; if (page_end - page_start < scope) { page_start = page_end - scope > 0 ? page_end - scope : 1; } $pagination.find('li.prev a').attr("href", kanban_url_col+(page-1 > 0 ? page-1 : 1)); $pagination.find('li.next a').attr("href", kanban_url_col+(page < page_end ? page+1 : page_end)); for(var i=0; i < scope; i++) { $pagination.find('li:not(.prev):not(.next):eq('+i+') a').attr("href", kanban_url_col+(page_start+i)).html(page_start+i); } $pagination.find('li.active').removeClass('active'); $pagination.find('li:has(a[href="'+kanban_url_col+page+'"])').addClass('active'); }); }); }; /* ---------------------------------------------------- Async Ready and Template loading ---------------------------------------------------- */ var templates_def = $.Deferred().resolve(); website.add_template_file = function(template) { templates_def = templates_def.then(function() { var def = $.Deferred(); openerp.qweb.add_template(template, function(err) { if (err) { def.reject(err); } else { def.resolve(); } }); return def; }); }; website.add_template_file('/website/static/src/xml/website.xml'); website.dom_ready = $.Deferred(); $(document).ready(function () { website.is_editable = website.is_editable || $('html').data('editable'); website.is_editable_button= website.is_editable_button || $('html').data('editable'); website.dom_ready.resolve(); // fix for ie if($.fn.placeholder) $('input, textarea').placeholder(); }); var all_ready = null; /** * Returns a deferred resolved when the templates are loaded * and the Widgets can be instanciated. */ website.ready = function() { if (!all_ready) { all_ready = website.dom_ready.then(function () { return templates_def; }).then(function () { if (website.is_editable) { website.id = $('html').data('website-id'); website.session = new openerp.Session(); var modules = ['website']; return openerp._t.database.load_translations(website.session, modules, website.get_context().lang); } }).promise(); } return all_ready; }; website.inject_tour = function() { // if a tour is active inject tour js } website.dom_ready.then(function () { /* ----- PUBLISHING STUFF ---- */ $(document).on('click', '.js_publish_management .js_publish_btn', function () { var $data = $(this).parents(".js_publish_management:first"); var self=this; openerp.jsonRpc($data.data('controller') || '/website/publish', 'call', {'id': +$data.data('id'), 'object': $data.data('object')}) .then(function (result) { $data.toggleClass("css_unpublished css_published"); $data.parents("[data-publish]").attr("data-publish", +result ? 'on' : 'off'); }).fail(function (err, data) { website.error(data, '/web#return_label=Website&model='+$data.data('object')+'&id='+$data.data('id')); }); }); /* ----- KANBAN WEBSITE ---- */ $('.js_kanban').each(function () { website.init_kanban(this); }); setTimeout(function () { if (window.location.hash.indexOf("scrollTop=") > -1) { window.document.body.scrollTop = +location.hash.match(/scrollTop=([0-9]+)/)[1]; } },0); }); return website; })();