#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2004 #see license.txt for license details #history http://www.reportlab.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/pdfbase/pdfutils.py __version__=''' $Id: pdfutils.py 2765 2006-02-02 18:48:12Z rgbecker $ ''' __doc__='' # pdfutils.py - everything to do with images, streams, # compression, and some constants import os from reportlab import rl_config from string import join, replace, strip, split from reportlab.lib.utils import getStringIO, ImageReader LINEEND = '\015\012' def _chunker(src,dst=[],chunkSize=60): for i in xrange(0,len(src),chunkSize): dst.append(src[i:i+chunkSize]) return dst ########################################################## # # Image compression helpers. Preprocessing a directory # of images will offer a vast speedup. # ########################################################## _mode2cs = {'RGB':'RGB', 'CMYK': 'CMYK', 'L': 'G'} def makeA85Image(filename,IMG=None): import zlib img = ImageReader(filename) if IMG is not None: IMG.append(img) imgwidth, imgheight = img.getSize() raw = img.getRGBData() code = [] append = code.append # this describes what is in the image itself append('BI') append('/W %s /H %s /BPC 8 /CS /%s /F [/A85 /Fl]' % (imgwidth, imgheight,_mode2cs[img.mode])) append('ID') #use a flate filter and Ascii Base 85 assert(len(raw) == imgwidth * imgheight, "Wrong amount of data for image") compressed = zlib.compress(raw) #this bit is very fast... encoded = _AsciiBase85Encode(compressed) #...sadly this may not be #append in blocks of 60 characters _chunker(encoded,code) append('EI') return code def cacheImageFile(filename, returnInMemory=0, IMG=None): "Processes image as if for encoding, saves to a file with .a85 extension." cachedname = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.a85' if filename==cachedname: if cachedImageExists(filename): from reportlab.lib.utils import open_for_read if returnInMemory: return split(open_for_read(cachedname).read(),LINEEND)[:-1] else: raise IOError, 'No such cached image %s' % filename else: code = makeA85Image(filename,IMG) if returnInMemory: return code #save it to a file f = open(cachedname,'wb') f.write(join(code, LINEEND)+LINEEND) f.close() if rl_config.verbose: print 'cached image as %s' % cachedname def preProcessImages(spec): """Preprocesses one or more image files. Accepts either a filespec ('C:\mydir\*.jpg') or a list of image filenames, crunches them all to save time. Run this to save huge amounts of time when repeatedly building image documents.""" import types, glob if type(spec) is types.StringType: filelist = glob.glob(spec) else: #list or tuple OK filelist = spec for filename in filelist: if cachedImageExists(filename): if rl_config.verbose: print 'cached version of %s already exists' % filename else: cacheImageFile(filename) def cachedImageExists(filename): """Determines if a cached image already exists for a given file. Determines if a cached image exists which has the same name and equal or newer date to the given file.""" cachedname = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.a85' if os.path.isfile(cachedname): #see if it is newer original_date = os.stat(filename)[8] cached_date = os.stat(cachedname)[8] if original_date > cached_date: return 0 else: return 1 else: return 0 ############################################################## # # PDF Helper functions # ############################################################## try: from _rl_accel import escapePDF, _instanceEscapePDF _escape = escapePDF except ImportError: try: from reportlab.lib._rl_accel import escapePDF, _instanceEscapePDF _escape = escapePDF except ImportError: _instanceEscapePDF=None if rl_config.sys_version>='2.1': _ESCAPEDICT={} for c in range(0,256): if c<32 or c>=127: _ESCAPEDICT[chr(c)]= '\\%03o' % c elif c in (ord('\\'),ord('('),ord(')')): _ESCAPEDICT[chr(c)] = '\\'+chr(c) else: _ESCAPEDICT[chr(c)] = chr(c) del c #Michael Hudson donated this def _escape(s): return join(map(lambda c, d=_ESCAPEDICT: d[c],s),'') else: def _escape(s): """Escapes some PDF symbols (in fact, parenthesis). PDF escapes are almost like Python ones, but brackets need slashes before them too. Uses Python's repr function and chops off the quotes first.""" s = repr(s)[1:-1] s = replace(s, '(','\(') s = replace(s, ')','\)') return s def _normalizeLineEnds(text,desired=LINEEND): """Normalizes different line end character(s). Ensures all instances of CR, LF and CRLF end up as the specified one.""" unlikely = '\000\001\002\003' text = replace(text, '\015\012', unlikely) text = replace(text, '\015', unlikely) text = replace(text, '\012', unlikely) text = replace(text, unlikely, desired) return text def _AsciiHexEncode(input): """Encodes input using ASCII-Hex coding. This is a verbose encoding used for binary data within a PDF file. One byte binary becomes two bytes of ASCII. Helper function used by images.""" output = getStringIO() for char in input: output.write('%02x' % ord(char)) output.write('>') return output.getvalue() def _AsciiHexDecode(input): """Decodes input using ASCII-Hex coding. Not used except to provide a test of the inverse function.""" #strip out all whitespace stripped = join(split(input),'') assert stripped[-1] == '>', 'Invalid terminator for Ascii Hex Stream' stripped = stripped[:-1] #chop off terminator assert len(stripped) % 2 == 0, 'Ascii Hex stream has odd number of bytes' i = 0 output = getStringIO() while i < len(stripped): twobytes = stripped[i:i+2] output.write(chr(eval('0x'+twobytes))) i = i + 2 return output.getvalue() if 1: # for testing always define this def _AsciiBase85EncodePYTHON(input): """Encodes input using ASCII-Base85 coding. This is a compact encoding used for binary data within a PDF file. Four bytes of binary data become five bytes of ASCII. This is the default method used for encoding images.""" outstream = getStringIO() # special rules apply if not a multiple of four bytes. whole_word_count, remainder_size = divmod(len(input), 4) cut = 4 * whole_word_count body, lastbit = input[0:cut], input[cut:] for i in range(whole_word_count): offset = i*4 b1 = ord(body[offset]) b2 = ord(body[offset+1]) b3 = ord(body[offset+2]) b4 = ord(body[offset+3]) if b1<128: num = (((((b1<<8)|b2)<<8)|b3)<<8)|b4 else: num = 16777216L * b1 + 65536 * b2 + 256 * b3 + b4 if num == 0: #special case outstream.write('z') else: #solve for five base-85 numbers temp, c5 = divmod(num, 85) temp, c4 = divmod(temp, 85) temp, c3 = divmod(temp, 85) c1, c2 = divmod(temp, 85) assert ((85**4) * c1) + ((85**3) * c2) + ((85**2) * c3) + (85*c4) + c5 == num, 'dodgy code!' outstream.write(chr(c1+33)) outstream.write(chr(c2+33)) outstream.write(chr(c3+33)) outstream.write(chr(c4+33)) outstream.write(chr(c5+33)) # now we do the final bit at the end. I repeated this separately as # the loop above is the time-critical part of a script, whereas this # happens only once at the end. #encode however many bytes we have as usual if remainder_size > 0: while len(lastbit) < 4: lastbit = lastbit + '\000' b1 = ord(lastbit[0]) b2 = ord(lastbit[1]) b3 = ord(lastbit[2]) b4 = ord(lastbit[3]) num = 16777216L * b1 + 65536 * b2 + 256 * b3 + b4 #solve for c1..c5 temp, c5 = divmod(num, 85) temp, c4 = divmod(temp, 85) temp, c3 = divmod(temp, 85) c1, c2 = divmod(temp, 85) #print 'encoding: %d %d %d %d -> %d -> %d %d %d %d %d' % ( # b1,b2,b3,b4,num,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5) lastword = chr(c1+33) + chr(c2+33) + chr(c3+33) + chr(c4+33) + chr(c5+33) #write out most of the bytes. outstream.write(lastword[0:remainder_size + 1]) #terminator code for ascii 85 outstream.write('~>') return outstream.getvalue() def _AsciiBase85DecodePYTHON(input): """Decodes input using ASCII-Base85 coding. This is not used - Acrobat Reader decodes for you - but a round trip is essential for testing.""" outstream = getStringIO() #strip all whitespace stripped = join(split(input),'') #check end assert stripped[-2:] == '~>', 'Invalid terminator for Ascii Base 85 Stream' stripped = stripped[:-2] #chop off terminator #may have 'z' in it which complicates matters - expand them stripped = replace(stripped,'z','!!!!!') # special rules apply if not a multiple of five bytes. whole_word_count, remainder_size = divmod(len(stripped), 5) #print '%d words, %d leftover' % (whole_word_count, remainder_size) #assert remainder_size <> 1, 'invalid Ascii 85 stream!' cut = 5 * whole_word_count body, lastbit = stripped[0:cut], stripped[cut:] for i in range(whole_word_count): offset = i*5 c1 = ord(body[offset]) - 33 c2 = ord(body[offset+1]) - 33 c3 = ord(body[offset+2]) - 33 c4 = ord(body[offset+3]) - 33 c5 = ord(body[offset+4]) - 33 num = ((85L**4) * c1) + ((85**3) * c2) + ((85**2) * c3) + (85*c4) + c5 temp, b4 = divmod(num,256) temp, b3 = divmod(temp,256) b1, b2 = divmod(temp, 256) assert num == 16777216 * b1 + 65536 * b2 + 256 * b3 + b4, 'dodgy code!' outstream.write(chr(b1)) outstream.write(chr(b2)) outstream.write(chr(b3)) outstream.write(chr(b4)) #decode however many bytes we have as usual if remainder_size > 0: while len(lastbit) < 5: lastbit = lastbit + '!' c1 = ord(lastbit[0]) - 33 c2 = ord(lastbit[1]) - 33 c3 = ord(lastbit[2]) - 33 c4 = ord(lastbit[3]) - 33 c5 = ord(lastbit[4]) - 33 num = (((85*c1+c2)*85+c3)*85+c4)*85L + (c5 +(0,0,0xFFFFFF,0xFFFF,0xFF)[remainder_size]) temp, b4 = divmod(num,256) temp, b3 = divmod(temp,256) b1, b2 = divmod(temp, 256) assert num == 16777216 * b1 + 65536 * b2 + 256 * b3 + b4, 'dodgy code!' #print 'decoding: %d %d %d %d %d -> %d -> %d %d %d %d' % ( # c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,num,b1,b2,b3,b4) #the last character needs 1 adding; the encoding loses #data by rounding the number to x bytes, and when #divided repeatedly we get one less if remainder_size == 2: lastword = chr(b1) elif remainder_size == 3: lastword = chr(b1) + chr(b2) elif remainder_size == 4: lastword = chr(b1) + chr(b2) + chr(b3) else: lastword = '' outstream.write(lastword) #terminator code for ascii 85 return outstream.getvalue() try: from _rl_accel import _AsciiBase85Encode # builtin or on the path except ImportError: try: from reportlab.lib._rl_accel import _AsciiBase85Encode # where we think it should be except ImportError: _AsciiBase85Encode = _AsciiBase85EncodePYTHON try: from _rl_accel import _AsciiBase85Decode # builtin or on the path except ImportError: try: from reportlab.lib._rl_accel import _AsciiBase85Decode # where we think it should be except ImportError: _AsciiBase85Decode = _AsciiBase85DecodePYTHON def _wrap(input, columns=60): "Wraps input at a given column size by inserting LINEEND characters." output = [] length = len(input) i = 0 pos = columns * i while pos < length: output.append(input[pos:pos+columns]) i = i + 1 pos = columns * i return join(output, LINEEND) ######################################################################### # # JPEG processing code - contributed by Eric Johnson # ######################################################################### # Read data from the JPEG file. We should probably be using PIL to # get this information for us -- but this way is more fun! # Returns (width, height, color components) as a triple # This is based on Thomas Merz's code from GhostScript (viewjpeg.ps) def readJPEGInfo(image): "Read width, height and number of components from open JPEG file." import struct from pdfdoc import PDFError #Acceptable JPEG Markers: # SROF0=baseline, SOF1=extended sequential or SOF2=progressive validMarkers = [0xC0, 0xC1, 0xC2] #JPEG markers without additional parameters noParamMarkers = \ [ 0xD0, 0xD1, 0xD2, 0xD3, 0xD4, 0xD5, 0xD6, 0xD7, 0xD8, 0x01 ] #Unsupported JPEG Markers unsupportedMarkers = \ [ 0xC3, 0xC5, 0xC6, 0xC7, 0xC8, 0xC9, 0xCA, 0xCB, 0xCD, 0xCE, 0xCF ] #read JPEG marker segments until we find SOFn marker or EOF done = 0 while not done: x = struct.unpack('B', image.read(1)) if x[0] == 0xFF: #found marker x = struct.unpack('B', image.read(1)) #print "Marker: ", '%0.2x' % x[0] #check marker type is acceptable and process it if x[0] in validMarkers: image.seek(2, 1) #skip segment length x = struct.unpack('B', image.read(1)) #data precision if x[0] != 8: raise PDFError('JPEG must have 8 bits per component') y = struct.unpack('BB', image.read(2)) height = (y[0] << 8) + y[1] y = struct.unpack('BB', image.read(2)) width = (y[0] << 8) + y[1] y = struct.unpack('B', image.read(1)) color = y[0] return width, height, color done = 1 elif x[0] in unsupportedMarkers: raise PDFError('JPEG Unsupported JPEG marker: %0.2x' % x[0]) elif x[0] not in noParamMarkers: #skip segments with parameters #read length and skip the data x = struct.unpack('BB', image.read(2)) image.seek( (x[0] << 8) + x[1] - 2, 1) class _fusc: def __init__(self,k, n): assert k, 'Argument k should be a non empty string' self._k = k self._klen = len(k) self._n = int(n) or 7 def encrypt(self,s): return self.__rotate(_AsciiBase85Encode(''.join(map(chr,self.__fusc(map(ord,s))))),self._n) def decrypt(self,s): return ''.join(map(chr,self.__fusc(map(ord,_AsciiBase85Decode(self.__rotate(s,-self._n)))))) def __rotate(self,s,n): l = len(s) if n<0: n = l+n n %= l if not n: return s return s[-n:]+s[:l-n] def __fusc(self,s): slen = len(s) return map(lambda x,y: x ^ y,s,map(ord,((int(slen/self._klen)+1)*self._k)[:slen]))