Time & Costs to Invoice account.analytic.line form tree,form [('invoice_id','=',False)] {'search_default_to_invoice': 1} account.analytic.account.search account.analytic.account search Contracts to Renew account.analytic.account form tree,form,graph {'search_default_user_id':uid, 'search_default_draft':1, 'search_default_pending':1, 'search_default_open':1, 'search_default_renew':1} [('type','=','contract')] You will find here the contracts to be renewed because the deadline is passed or the working hours are higher than the allocated hours. OpenERP automatically sets these analytic accounts to the pending state, in order to raise a warning during the timesheets recording. Salesmen should review all pending accounts and reopen or close the according to the negotiation with the customer. Contracts account.analytic.account form tree,form,graph {'default_type':'contract'} [('type','=','contract')]