- In order to test account use models wizard in OpenERP I create an account model record - !record {model: account.model, id: account_model_mymodelonyears0}: journal_id: account.expenses_journal lines_id: - account_id: account.a_recv credit: 0.0 debit: 100.0 name: model_line_db sequence: 0.0 quantity: 0.0 partner_id: base.res_partner_3 - account_id: account.a_pay credit: 100.0 debit: 0.0 name: model_line_cr sequence: 0.0 quantity: 0.0 partner_id: base.res_partner_3 name: My Test Model - I create an account use model record - !record {model: account.use.model, id: account_use_model_0}: {} - I create entries. - !python {model: account.use.model}: | self.create_entries(cr, uid, [ref("account_use_model_0")], {"lang": 'en_US', "active_model": "account.model", "active_ids": [ref("account_model_mymodelonyears0")], "tz": False, "active_id": ref("account_model_mymodelonyears0"), }) move_obj = self.pool.get('account.move') ids = move_obj.search(cr, uid, [('ref', '=', 'My Test Model')]) assert len(ids), "Error:moves not created for model 'My Test Model'" - Then I click on the 'Post' button of Journal Entries - !python {model: account.move}: | ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('ref', '=', 'My Test Model')]) self.button_validate(cr, uid, ids, {}) moves = self.browse(cr, uid, ids)[0] assert(moves.state == 'posted'), 'Journal Entries are not in posted state' - Then I create Recurring Lines - !record {model: account.subscription, id: test_recurring_lines }: name: Test Recurring Lines model_id: account_model_mymodelonyears0 period_type: 'day' - Then I click on the 'Compute' button of Recurring lines - !python {model: account.subscription}: | subscription_line_obj = self.pool.get('account.subscription.line') self.compute(cr, uid, [ref('test_recurring_lines')], {'lang': u'en_US', 'active_model': 'ir.ui.menu', 'active_ids': [ref('menu_action_subscription_form')], 'tz': False, 'active_id': ref('menu_action_subscription_form')}) subscription_lines = subscription_line_obj.search(cr, uid, [('subscription_id', '=', ref('test_recurring_lines'))]) assert subscription_lines, 'Subscription lines has not been created' - I provide date in 'Generate Entries' wizard - !record {model: account.subscription.generate, id: account_subscription_generate}: date: !eval time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') - Then I generate entries through wizard - !python {model: account.subscription.generate}: | res = self.action_generate(cr, uid, [ref('account_subscription_generate')], {'lang': u'en_US', 'active_model': 'ir.ui.menu', 'active_ids': [ref('menu_generate_subscription')], 'tz': False, 'active_id': ref('menu_generate_subscription')}) assert res, 'Move for subscription lines has not been created'