account.voucher account.voucher account.voucher.payment.low.priority.form account.voucher 1
account.voucher.payment.form account.voucher
Supplier Payments account.voucher form [('journal_id.type', 'in', ['bank', 'cash']), ('type','=','payment')] {'type':'payment'} current

Click to create a new supplier payment.

OpenERP helps you easily track payments you make and the remaining balances you need to pay your suppliers.

tree form account.voucher.receipt.dialog.form account.voucher 30
account.voucher.receipt.form account.voucher

Customer Payments account.voucher form [('journal_id.type', 'in', ['bank', 'cash']), ('type','=','receipt')] {'type':'receipt'} current

Click to register a new payment.

Enter the customer and the payment method and then, either create manually a payment record or OpenERP will propose to you automatically the reconciliation of this payment with the open invoices or sales receipts.

tree form