# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (c): # # 2005 pyopenoffice.py Martin Simon (http://www.bezirksreiter.de) # 2005 Fabien Pinckaers, TINY SPRL. (http://tiny.be) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## #!/usr/bin/python """ OpenERP SXW2RML - The OpenERP's report engine OpenERP SXW2RML is part of the OpenERP Report Project. OpenERP Report is a module that allows you to render high quality PDF document from an OpenOffice template (.sxw) and any relationl database. """ __version__ = '0.9' import re import string import os import zipfile import xml.dom.minidom from reportlab.lib.units import toLength import base64 import copy class DomApiGeneral: """General DOM API utilities.""" def __init__(self, content_string="", file=""): self.content_string = content_string self.re_digits = re.compile(r"(.*?\d)(pt|cm|mm|inch|in)") def _unitTuple(self, string): """Split values and units to a tuple.""" temp = self.re_digits.findall(string) if not temp: return (string,"") else: return (temp[0]) def stringPercentToFloat(self, string): temp = string.replace("""%""","") return float(temp)/100 def findChildrenByName(self, parent, name, attr_dict=None): """Helper functions. Does not work recursively. Optional: also test for certain attribute/value pairs.""" if attr_dict is None: attr_dict = {} children = [] for c in parent.childNodes: if c.nodeType == c.ELEMENT_NODE and c.nodeName == name: children.append(c) if attr_dict == {}: return children else: return self._selectForAttributes(nodelist=children,attr_dict=attr_dict) def _selectForAttributes(self, nodelist, attr_dict): "Helper function.""" selected_nodes = [] for n in nodelist: check = 1 for a in attr_dict.keys(): if n.getAttribute(a) != attr_dict[a]: # at least one incorrect attribute value? check = 0 if check: selected_nodes.append(n) return selected_nodes def _stringToTuple(self, s): """Helper function.""" try: temp = string.split(s,",") return int(temp[0]),int(temp[1]) except: return None def _tupleToString(self, t): try: return self.openOfficeStringUtf8("%s,%s" % (t[0],t[1])) except: return None def _lengthToFloat(self, value): v = value if not self.re_digits.search(v): return v try: if v[-4:] == "inch": # OO files use "inch" instead of "in" in Reportlab units v = v[:-2] except: pass try: c = round(toLength(v)) return c except: return v def openOfficeStringUtf8(self, string): if type(string) == unicode: return string.encode("utf-8") tempstring = unicode(string,"cp1252").encode("utf-8") return tempstring class DomApi(DomApiGeneral): """This class provides a DOM-API for XML-Files from an SXW-Archive.""" def __init__(self, xml_content, xml_styles): DomApiGeneral.__init__(self) self.content_dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_content) self.styles_dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_styles) body = self.content_dom.getElementsByTagName("office:body") self.body = body and body[0] # TODO: self.style_dict = {} self.style_properties_dict = {} # ******** always use the following order: self.buildStyleDict() self.buildStylePropertiesDict() if self.styles_dom.getElementsByTagName("style:page-master").__len__()<>0: self.page_master = self.styles_dom.getElementsByTagName("style:page-master")[0] if self.styles_dom.getElementsByTagName("style:page-layout").__len__()<>0 : self.page_master = self.styles_dom.getElementsByTagName("style:page-layout")[0] self.document = self.content_dom.getElementsByTagName("office:document-content")[0] def buildStylePropertiesDict(self): for s in self.style_dict.keys(): self.style_properties_dict[s] = self.getStylePropertiesDict(s) def updateWithPercents(self, dict, updatedict): """Sometimes you find values like "115%" in the style hierarchy.""" if not updatedict: # no style hierarchies for this style? => return new_updatedict = copy.copy(updatedict) for u in new_updatedict.keys(): try: if new_updatedict[u].find("""%""") != -1 and dict.has_key(u): number = float(self.re_digits.search(dict[u]).group(1)) unit = self.re_digits.search(dict[u]).group(2) new_number = self.stringPercentToFloat(new_updatedict[u]) * number if unit == "pt": new_number = int(new_number) # no floats allowed for "pt" # OOo just takes the int, does not round (try it out!) new_updatedict[u] = "%s%s" % (new_number,unit) else: dict[u] = new_updatedict[u] except: dict[u] = new_updatedict[u] dict.update(new_updatedict) def normalizeStyleProperties(self): """Transfer all style:style-properties attributes from the self.style_properties_hierarchical dict to the automatic-styles from content.xml. Use this function to preprocess content.xml for XSLT transformations etc.Do not try to implement this function with XSlT - believe me, it's a terrible task...""" styles_styles = self.styles_dom.getElementsByTagName("style:style") automatic_styles = self.content_dom.getElementsByTagName("office:automatic-styles")[0] for s in styles_styles: automatic_styles.appendChild(s.cloneNode(deep=1)) content_styles = self.content_dom.getElementsByTagName("style:style") # these are the content_styles with styles_styles added!!! for s in content_styles: c = self.findChildrenByName(s,"style:properties") if c == []: # some derived automatic styles do not have "style:properties": temp = self.content_dom.createElement("style:properties") s.appendChild(temp) c = self.findChildrenByName(s,"style:properties") c = c[0] dict = self.style_properties_dict[(s.getAttribute("style:name")).encode("utf-8")] or {} for attribute in dict.keys(): c.setAttribute(self.openOfficeStringUtf8(attribute),self.openOfficeStringUtf8(dict[attribute])) def transferStylesXml(self): """Transfer certain sub-trees from styles.xml to the normalized content.xml (see above). It is not necessary to do this - for example - with paragraph styles. the "normalized" style properties contain all information needed for further processing.""" # TODO: What about table styles etc.? outline_styles = self.styles_dom.getElementsByTagName("text:outline-style") t = self.content_dom.createElement("transferredfromstylesxml") self.document.insertBefore(t,self.body) t_new = self.body.previousSibling try: page_master = self.page_master t_new.appendChild(page_master.cloneNode(deep=1)) t_new.appendChild(outline_styles[0].cloneNode(deep=1)) except: pass def normalizeLength(self): """Normalize all lengthes to floats (i.e: 1 inch = 72). Always use this after "normalizeContent" and "transferStyles"!""" # TODO: The complex attributes of table cell styles are not transferred yet. #all_styles = self.content_dom.getElementsByTagName("style:properties") #all_styles += self.content_dom.getElementsByTagName("draw:image") all_styles = self.content_dom.getElementsByTagName("*") for s in all_styles: for x in s._attrs.keys(): v = s.getAttribute(x) s.setAttribute(x,"%s" % self._lengthToFloat(v)) # convert float to string first! def normalizeTableColumns(self): """Handle this strange table:number-columns-repeated attribute.""" columns = self.content_dom.getElementsByTagName("table:table-column") for c in columns: if c.hasAttribute("table:number-columns-repeated"): number = int(c.getAttribute("table:number-columns-repeated")) c.removeAttribute("table:number-columns-repeated") for i in range(number-1): (c.parentNode).insertBefore(c.cloneNode(deep=1),c) def buildStyleDict(self): """Store all style:style-nodes from content.xml and styles.xml in self.style_dict. Caution: in this dict the nodes from two dom apis are merged!""" for st in (self.styles_dom,self.content_dom): for s in st.getElementsByTagName("style:style"): name = s.getAttribute("style:name").encode("utf-8") self.style_dict[name] = s return True def toxml(self): return self.content_dom.toxml(encoding="utf-8") def getStylePropertiesDict(self, style_name): res = {} if self.style_dict[style_name].hasAttribute("style:parent-style-name"): parent = self.style_dict[style_name].getAttribute("style:parent-style-name").encode("utf-8") res = self.getStylePropertiesDict(parent) children = self.style_dict[style_name].childNodes for c in children: if c.nodeType == c.ELEMENT_NODE and c.nodeName.find("properties")>0 : for attr in c._attrs.keys(): res[attr] = c.getAttribute(attr).encode("utf-8") return res class PyOpenOffice(object): """This is the main class which provides all functionality.""" def __init__(self, path='.', save_pict=False): self.path = path self.save_pict = save_pict self.images = {} def oo_read(self, fname): z = zipfile.ZipFile(fname,"r") content = z.read('content.xml') style = z.read('styles.xml') all = z.namelist() for a in all: if a[:9]=='Pictures/' and len(a)>10: pic_content = z.read(a) self.images[a[9:]] = pic_content if self.save_pict: f=open(os.path.join(self.path, os.path.basename(a)),"wb") f.write(pic_content) f.close() z.close() return content,style def oo_replace(self, content): regex = [ (r"]*/>", ""), (r"(.*?)]*/>", "$2"), ] for key,val in regex: content = re.sub(key, val, content) return content def unpackNormalize(self, sourcefile): c,s = self.oo_read(sourcefile) c = self.oo_replace(c) dom = DomApi(c,s) dom.normalizeStyleProperties() dom.transferStylesXml() dom.normalizeLength() dom.normalizeTableColumns() new_c = dom.toxml() return new_c def sxw2rml(sxw_file, xsl, output='.', save_pict=False): from lxml import etree from StringIO import StringIO tool = PyOpenOffice(output, save_pict = save_pict) res = tool.unpackNormalize(sxw_file) f = StringIO(xsl) styledoc = etree.parse(f) style = etree.XSLT(styledoc) f = StringIO(res) doc = etree.parse(f) result = style(doc) root = etree.XPathEvaluator(result)("/document/stylesheet") if root: root=root[0] images = etree.Element("images") for img in tool.images: node = etree.Element('image', name=img) node.text = base64.encodestring(tool.images[img]) images.append(node) root.append(images) try: xml = str(result) return xml except: return result if __name__ == "__main__": import optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser( version="OpenERP Report v%s" % __version__, usage = 'openerp_sxw2rml.py [options] file.sxw') parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", default=False, dest="verbose", help="enable basic debugging") parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output", default='.', help="directory of image output") (opt, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("Incorrect number of arguments.") import sys fname = sys.argv[1] f = fname xsl_file = 'normalized_oo2rml.xsl' z = zipfile.ZipFile(fname,"r") mimetype = z.read('mimetype') if mimetype.split('/')[-1] == 'vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' : xsl_file = 'normalized_odt2rml.xsl' xsl = file(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), xsl_file)).read() result = sxw2rml(f, xsl, output=opt.output, save_pict=False) print result # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: