""" Install OpenERP on a new (by default) database. """ import contextlib import errno import os import sys import time import common # From http://code.activestate.com/recipes/576572/ @contextlib.contextmanager def lock_file(path, wait_delay=.1, max_try=600): attempt = 0 while True: attempt += 1 if attempt > max_try: raise IOError("Could not lock file %s." % path) try: fd = os.open(path, os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_RDWR) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise time.sleep(wait_delay) continue else: break try: yield fd finally: os.close(fd) os.unlink(path) def run(args): assert args.database assert not (args.module and args.all_modules) import openerp config = openerp.tools.config config['db_name'] = args.database if args.tests: config['log_handler'] = [':INFO'] config['test_enable'] = True config['without_demo'] = False if args.port: config['xmlrpc_port'] = int(args.port) else: config['log_handler'] = [':CRITICAL'] config['test_enable'] = False config['without_demo'] = True if args.addons: args.addons = args.addons.split(':') else: args.addons = [] config['addons_path'] = ','.join(args.addons) if args.all_modules: module_names = common.get_addons_from_paths(args.addons, args.exclude) elif args.module: module_names = args.module else: module_names = ['base'] config['init'] = dict.fromkeys(module_names, 1) if args.coverage: import coverage # Without the `include` kwarg, coverage generates 'memory:0xXXXXX' # filenames (which do not exist) and cause it to crash. No idea why. cov = coverage.coverage(branch=True, include='*.py') cov.start() openerp.netsvc.init_logger() if not args.no_create: with lock_file('/tmp/global_openerp_create_database.lock'): openerp.service.db._create_empty_database(args.database) config['workers'] = False rc = openerp.service.server.start(preload=[args.database], stop=True) if args.coverage: cov.stop() cov.html_report(directory='coverage') # If we wanted the report on stdout: # cov.report() sys.exit(rc) def add_parser(subparsers): parser = subparsers.add_parser('initialize', description='Create and initialize a new OpenERP database.') parser.add_argument('-d', '--database', metavar='DATABASE', **common.required_or_default('DATABASE', 'the database to create')) common.add_addons_argument(parser) parser.add_argument('-P', '--port', metavar='PORT', **common.required_or_default('PORT', 'the server port')) parser.add_argument('--module', metavar='MODULE', action='append', help='specify a module to install' ' (this option can be repeated)') parser.add_argument('--all-modules', action='store_true', help='install all visible modules (not compatible with --module)') parser.add_argument('--no-create', action='store_true', help='do not create the database, only initialize it') parser.add_argument('--exclude', metavar='MODULE', action='append', help='exclude a module from installation' ' (this option can be repeated)') parser.add_argument('--tests', action='store_true', help='run the tests as modules are installed' ' (use the `run-tests` command to choose specific' ' tests to run against an existing database).' ' Demo data are installed.') parser.add_argument('--coverage', action='store_true', help='report code coverage (particularly useful with --tests).' ' The report is generated in a coverage directory and you can' ' then point your browser to coverage/index.html.') parser.set_defaults(run=run)