# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Run with one of these commands: # > OPENERP_ADDONS_PATH='../../addons/trunk' OPENERP_PORT=8069 \ # OPENERP_DATABASE=yy PYTHONPATH=. python tests/test_ir_sequence.py # > OPENERP_ADDONS_PATH='../../addons/trunk' OPENERP_PORT=8069 \ # OPENERP_DATABASE=yy nosetests tests/test_ir_sequence.py # > OPENERP_ADDONS_PATH='../../../addons/trunk' OPENERP_PORT=8069 \ # OPENERP_DATABASE=yy PYTHONPATH=../:. unit2 test_ir_sequence # This assume an existing database. import psycopg2 import psycopg2.errorcodes import unittest2 import openerp from openerp.tests import common ADMIN_USER_ID = common.ADMIN_USER_ID def registry(model): return openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager.get(common.get_db_name())[model] def cursor(): return openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager.get(common.get_db_name()).cursor() def drop_sequence(code): cr = cursor() for model in ['ir.sequence', 'ir.sequence.type']: s = registry(model) ids = s.search(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, [('code', '=', code)]) s.unlink(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, ids) cr.commit() cr.close() class test_ir_sequence_standard(unittest2.TestCase): """ A few tests for a 'Standard' (i.e. PostgreSQL) sequence. """ def test_ir_sequence_create(self): """ Try to create a sequence object. """ cr = cursor() d = dict(code='test_sequence_type', name='Test sequence type') c = registry('ir.sequence.type').create(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, d, {}) assert c d = dict(code='test_sequence_type', name='Test sequence') c = registry('ir.sequence').create(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, d, {}) assert c cr.commit() cr.close() def test_ir_sequence_search(self): """ Try a search. """ cr = cursor() ids = registry('ir.sequence').search(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, [], {}) assert ids cr.commit() cr.close() def test_ir_sequence_draw(self): """ Try to draw a number. """ cr = cursor() n = registry('ir.sequence').next_by_code(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, 'test_sequence_type', {}) assert n cr.commit() cr.close() def test_ir_sequence_draw_twice(self): """ Try to draw a number from two transactions. """ cr0 = cursor() cr1 = cursor() n0 = registry('ir.sequence').next_by_code(cr0, ADMIN_USER_ID, 'test_sequence_type', {}) assert n0 n1 = registry('ir.sequence').next_by_code(cr1, ADMIN_USER_ID, 'test_sequence_type', {}) assert n1 cr0.commit() cr1.commit() cr0.close() cr1.close() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): drop_sequence('test_sequence_type') class test_ir_sequence_no_gap(unittest2.TestCase): """ Copy of the previous tests for a 'No gap' sequence. """ def test_ir_sequence_create_no_gap(self): """ Try to create a sequence object. """ cr = cursor() d = dict(code='test_sequence_type_2', name='Test sequence type') c = registry('ir.sequence.type').create(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, d, {}) assert c d = dict(code='test_sequence_type_2', name='Test sequence', implementation='no_gap') c = registry('ir.sequence').create(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, d, {}) assert c cr.commit() cr.close() def test_ir_sequence_draw_no_gap(self): """ Try to draw a number. """ cr = cursor() n = registry('ir.sequence').next_by_code(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, 'test_sequence_type_2', {}) assert n cr.commit() cr.close() def test_ir_sequence_draw_twice_no_gap(self): """ Try to draw a number from two transactions. This is expected to not work. """ cr0 = cursor() cr1 = cursor() cr1._default_log_exceptions = False # Prevent logging a traceback with self.assertRaises(psycopg2.OperationalError) as e: n0 = registry('ir.sequence').next_by_code(cr0, ADMIN_USER_ID, 'test_sequence_type_2', {}) assert n0 n1 = registry('ir.sequence').next_by_code(cr1, ADMIN_USER_ID, 'test_sequence_type_2', {}) self.assertEqual(e.exception.pgcode, psycopg2.errorcodes.LOCK_NOT_AVAILABLE, msg="postgresql returned an incorrect errcode") cr0.close() cr1.close() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): drop_sequence('test_sequence_type_2') class test_ir_sequence_change_implementation(unittest2.TestCase): """ Create sequence objects and change their ``implementation`` field. """ def test_ir_sequence_1_create(self): """ Try to create a sequence object. """ cr = cursor() d = dict(code='test_sequence_type_3', name='Test sequence type') c = registry('ir.sequence.type').create(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, d, {}) assert c d = dict(code='test_sequence_type_3', name='Test sequence') c = registry('ir.sequence').create(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, d, {}) assert c d = dict(code='test_sequence_type_4', name='Test sequence type') c = registry('ir.sequence.type').create(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, d, {}) assert c d = dict(code='test_sequence_type_4', name='Test sequence', implementation='no_gap') c = registry('ir.sequence').create(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, d, {}) assert c cr.commit() cr.close() def test_ir_sequence_2_write(self): cr = cursor() ids = registry('ir.sequence').search(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, [('code', 'in', ['test_sequence_type_3', 'test_sequence_type_4'])], {}) registry('ir.sequence').write(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, ids, {'implementation': 'standard'}, {}) registry('ir.sequence').write(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, ids, {'implementation': 'no_gap'}, {}) cr.commit() cr.close() def test_ir_sequence_3_unlink(self): cr = cursor() ids = registry('ir.sequence').search(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, [('code', 'in', ['test_sequence_type_3', 'test_sequence_type_4'])], {}) registry('ir.sequence').unlink(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, ids, {}) cr.commit() cr.close() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): drop_sequence('test_sequence_type_3') drop_sequence('test_sequence_type_4') class test_ir_sequence_generate(unittest2.TestCase): """ Create sequence objects and generate some values. """ def test_ir_sequence_create(self): """ Try to create a sequence object. """ cr = cursor() d = dict(code='test_sequence_type_5', name='Test sequence type') c = registry('ir.sequence.type').create(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, d, {}) assert c d = dict(code='test_sequence_type_5', name='Test sequence') c = registry('ir.sequence').create(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, d, {}) assert c cr.commit() cr.close() cr = cursor() f = lambda *a: registry('ir.sequence').next_by_code(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, 'test_sequence_type_5', {}) assert all(str(x) == f() for x in xrange(1,10)) cr.commit() cr.close() def test_ir_sequence_create_no_gap(self): """ Try to create a sequence object. """ cr = cursor() d = dict(code='test_sequence_type_6', name='Test sequence type') c = registry('ir.sequence.type').create(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, d, {}) assert c d = dict(code='test_sequence_type_6', name='Test sequence') c = registry('ir.sequence').create(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, d, {}) assert c cr.commit() cr.close() cr = cursor() f = lambda *a: registry('ir.sequence').next_by_code(cr, ADMIN_USER_ID, 'test_sequence_type_6', {}) assert all(str(x) == f() for x in xrange(1,10)) cr.commit() cr.close() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): drop_sequence('test_sequence_type_5') drop_sequence('test_sequence_type_6') class Test_ir_sequence_init(common.TransactionCase): def test_00(self): registry, cr, uid = self.registry, self.cr, self.uid # test if read statement return the good number_next value (from postgreSQL sequence and not ir_sequence value) sequence = registry('ir.sequence') # first creation of sequence (normal) values = {'number_next': 1, 'company_id': 1, 'padding': 4, 'number_increment': 1, 'implementation': 'standard', 'name': 'test-sequence-00'} seq_id = sequence.create(cr, uid, values) # Call get next 4 times sequence.next_by_id(cr, uid, seq_id) sequence.next_by_id(cr, uid, seq_id) sequence.next_by_id(cr, uid, seq_id) read_sequence = sequence.next_by_id(cr, uid, seq_id) # Read the value of the current sequence assert read_sequence == "0004", 'The actual sequence value must be 4. reading : %s' % read_sequence # reset sequence to 1 by write method calling sequence.write(cr, uid, [seq_id], {'number_next': 1}) # Read the value of the current sequence read_sequence = sequence.next_by_id(cr, uid, seq_id) assert read_sequence == "0001", 'The actual sequence value must be 1. reading : %s' % read_sequence if __name__ == "__main__": unittest2.main()