# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #---------------------------------------------------------- # OpenERP Web HTTP layer #---------------------------------------------------------- import ast import cgi import contextlib import functools import getpass import logging import mimetypes import os import pprint import random import sys import tempfile import threading import time import traceback import urlparse import uuid import errno import babel.core import simplejson import werkzeug.contrib.sessions import werkzeug.datastructures import werkzeug.exceptions import werkzeug.utils import werkzeug.wrappers import werkzeug.wsgi import openerp import session import inspect import functools _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) #---------------------------------------------------------- # RequestHandler #---------------------------------------------------------- class WebRequest(object): """ Parent class for all OpenERP Web request types, mostly deals with initialization and setup of the request object (the dispatching itself has to be handled by the subclasses) :param request: a wrapped werkzeug Request object :type request: :class:`werkzeug.wrappers.BaseRequest` .. attribute:: httprequest the original :class:`werkzeug.wrappers.Request` object provided to the request .. attribute:: httpsession a :class:`~collections.Mapping` holding the HTTP session data for the current http session .. attribute:: params :class:`~collections.Mapping` of request parameters, not generally useful as they're provided directly to the handler method as keyword arguments .. attribute:: session_id opaque identifier for the :class:`session.OpenERPSession` instance of the current request .. attribute:: session :class:`~session.OpenERPSession` instance for the current request .. attribute:: context :class:`~collections.Mapping` of context values for the current request .. attribute:: debug ``bool``, indicates whether the debug mode is active on the client """ def __init__(self, request): self.httprequest = request self.httpresponse = None self.httpsession = request.session def init(self, params): self.params = dict(params) # OpenERP session setup self.session_id = self.params.pop("session_id", None) or uuid.uuid4().hex self.session = self.httpsession.get(self.session_id) if not self.session: self.session = session.OpenERPSession() self.httpsession[self.session_id] = self.session # set db/uid trackers - they're cleaned up at the WSGI # dispatching phase in openerp.service.wsgi_server.application if self.session._db: threading.current_thread().dbname = self.session._db if self.session._uid: threading.current_thread().uid = self.session._uid self.context = self.params.pop('context', {}) self.debug = self.params.pop('debug', False) is not False # Determine self.lang lang = self.params.get('lang', None) if lang is None: lang = self.context.get('lang') if lang is None: lang = self.httprequest.cookies.get('lang') if lang is None: lang = self.httprequest.accept_languages.best if not lang: lang = 'en_US' # tranform 2 letters lang like 'en' into 5 letters like 'en_US' lang = babel.core.LOCALE_ALIASES.get(lang, lang) # we use _ as seprator where RFC2616 uses '-' self.lang = lang.replace('-', '_') def reject_nonliteral(dct): if '__ref' in dct: raise ValueError( "Non literal contexts can not be sent to the server anymore (%r)" % (dct,)) return dct class JsonRequest(WebRequest): """ JSON-RPC2 over HTTP. Sucessful request:: --> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": {"session_id": "SID", "context": {}, "arg1": "val1" }, "id": null} <-- {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "res1": "val1" }, "id": null} Request producing a error:: --> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": {"session_id": "SID", "context": {}, "arg1": "val1" }, "id": null} <-- {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": {"code": 1, "message": "End user error message.", "data": {"code": "codestring", "debug": "traceback" } }, "id": null} """ def dispatch(self, method): """ Calls the method asked for by the JSON-RPC2 or JSONP request :param method: the method which received the request :returns: an utf8 encoded JSON-RPC2 or JSONP reply """ args = self.httprequest.args jsonp = args.get('jsonp') requestf = None request = None request_id = args.get('id') if jsonp and self.httprequest.method == 'POST': # jsonp 2 steps step1 POST: save call self.init(args) self.session.jsonp_requests[request_id] = self.httprequest.form['r'] headers=[('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8')] r = werkzeug.wrappers.Response(request_id, headers=headers) return r elif jsonp and args.get('r'): # jsonp method GET request = args.get('r') elif jsonp and request_id: # jsonp 2 steps step2 GET: run and return result self.init(args) request = self.session.jsonp_requests.pop(request_id, "") else: # regular jsonrpc2 requestf = self.httprequest.stream response = {"jsonrpc": "2.0" } error = None try: # Read POST content or POST Form Data named "request" if requestf: self.jsonrequest = simplejson.load(requestf, object_hook=reject_nonliteral) else: self.jsonrequest = simplejson.loads(request, object_hook=reject_nonliteral) self.init(self.jsonrequest.get("params", {})) #if _logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): # _logger.debug("--> %s.%s\n%s", method.im_class.__name__, method.__name__, pprint.pformat(self.jsonrequest)) response['id'] = self.jsonrequest.get('id') response["result"] = method(**self.params) except session.AuthenticationError, e: se = serialize_exception(e) error = { 'code': 100, 'message': "OpenERP Session Invalid", 'data': se } except Exception, e: se = serialize_exception(e) error = { 'code': 200, 'message': "OpenERP Server Error", 'data': se } if error: response["error"] = error if _logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): _logger.debug("<--\n%s", pprint.pformat(response)) if jsonp: # If we use jsonp, that's mean we are called from another host # Some browser (IE and Safari) do no allow third party cookies # We need then to manage http sessions manually. response['httpsessionid'] = self.httpsession.sid mime = 'application/javascript' body = "%s(%s);" % (jsonp, simplejson.dumps(response),) else: mime = 'application/json' body = simplejson.dumps(response) r = werkzeug.wrappers.Response(body, headers=[('Content-Type', mime), ('Content-Length', len(body))]) return r def serialize_exception(e): tmp = { "name": type(e).__module__ + "." + type(e).__name__ if type(e).__module__ else type(e).__name__, "debug": traceback.format_exc(), "message": u"%s" % e, "arguments": to_jsonable(e.args), } if isinstance(e, openerp.osv.osv.except_osv): tmp["exception_type"] = "except_osv" elif isinstance(e, openerp.exceptions.Warning): tmp["exception_type"] = "warning" elif isinstance(e, openerp.exceptions.AccessError): tmp["exception_type"] = "access_error" elif isinstance(e, openerp.exceptions.AccessDenied): tmp["exception_type"] = "access_denied" return tmp def to_jsonable(o): if isinstance(o, str) or isinstance(o,unicode) or isinstance(o, int) or isinstance(o, long) \ or isinstance(o, bool) or o is None or isinstance(o, float): return o if isinstance(o, list) or isinstance(o, tuple): return [to_jsonable(x) for x in o] if isinstance(o, dict): tmp = {} for k, v in o.items(): tmp[u"%s" % k] = to_jsonable(v) return tmp return u"%s" % o def jsonrequest(f): """ Decorator marking the decorated method as being a handler for a JSON-RPC request (the exact request path is specified via the ``$(Controller._cp_path)/$methodname`` combination. If the method is called, it will be provided with a :class:`JsonRequest` instance and all ``params`` sent during the JSON-RPC request, apart from the ``session_id``, ``context`` and ``debug`` keys (which are stripped out beforehand) """ f.exposed = 'json' return f class HttpRequest(WebRequest): """ Regular GET/POST request """ def dispatch(self, method): params = dict(self.httprequest.args) params.update(self.httprequest.form) params.update(self.httprequest.files) self.init(params) akw = {} for key, value in self.httprequest.args.iteritems(): if isinstance(value, basestring) and len(value) < 1024: akw[key] = value else: akw[key] = type(value) #_logger.debug("%s --> %s.%s %r", self.httprequest.method, method.im_class.__name__, method.__name__, akw) try: r = method(**self.params) except Exception, e: _logger.exception("An exception occured during an http request") se = serialize_exception(e) error = { 'code': 200, 'message': "OpenERP Server Error", 'data': se } r = werkzeug.exceptions.InternalServerError(cgi.escape(simplejson.dumps(error))) if self.debug or 1: if isinstance(r, (werkzeug.wrappers.BaseResponse, werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException)): _logger.debug('<-- %s', r) else: _logger.debug("<-- size: %s", len(r)) return r def make_response(self, data, headers=None, cookies=None): """ Helper for non-HTML responses, or HTML responses with custom response headers or cookies. While handlers can just return the HTML markup of a page they want to send as a string if non-HTML data is returned they need to create a complete response object, or the returned data will not be correctly interpreted by the clients. :param basestring data: response body :param headers: HTTP headers to set on the response :type headers: ``[(name, value)]`` :param collections.Mapping cookies: cookies to set on the client """ response = werkzeug.wrappers.Response(data, headers=headers) if cookies: for k, v in cookies.iteritems(): response.set_cookie(k, v) return response def not_found(self, description=None): """ Helper for 404 response, return its result from the method """ return werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound(description) def httprequest(f): """ Decorator marking the decorated method as being a handler for a normal HTTP request (the exact request path is specified via the ``$(Controller._cp_path)/$methodname`` combination. If the method is called, it will be provided with a :class:`HttpRequest` instance and all ``params`` sent during the request (``GET`` and ``POST`` merged in the same dictionary), apart from the ``session_id``, ``context`` and ``debug`` keys (which are stripped out beforehand) """ f.exposed = 'http' return f #---------------------------------------------------------- # Local storage of requests #---------------------------------------------------------- from werkzeug.local import LocalStack _request_stack = LocalStack() def set_request(request): class with_obj(object): def __enter__(self): _request_stack.push(request) def __exit__(self, *args): _request_stack.pop() return with_obj() request = _request_stack() #---------------------------------------------------------- # Controller registration with a metaclass #---------------------------------------------------------- addons_module = {} addons_manifest = {} controllers_class = [] controllers_class_path = {} controllers_object = {} controllers_object_path = {} controllers_path = {} class ControllerType(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): super(ControllerType, cls).__init__(name, bases, attrs) # create wrappers for old-style methods with req as first argument cls._methods_wrapper = {} for k, v in attrs.items(): if inspect.isfunction(v): spec = inspect.getargspec(v) first_arg = spec.args[1] if len(spec.args) >= 2 else None if first_arg in ["req", "request"]: def build_new(nv): return lambda self, *args, **kwargs: nv(self, request, *args, **kwargs) cls._methods_wrapper[k] = build_new(v) # store the controller in the controllers list name_class = ("%s.%s" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__), cls) controllers_class.append(name_class) path = attrs.get('_cp_path') if path not in controllers_class_path: controllers_class_path[path] = name_class class Controller(object): __metaclass__ = ControllerType def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): subclasses = [c for c in cls.__subclasses__() if c._cp_path == cls._cp_path] if subclasses: name = "%s (extended by %s)" % (cls.__name__, ', '.join(sub.__name__ for sub in subclasses)) cls = type(name, tuple(reversed(subclasses)), {}) return object.__new__(cls) def get_wrapped_method(self, name): if name in self.__class__._methods_wrapper: return functools.partial(self.__class__._methods_wrapper[name], self) else: return getattr(self, name) #---------------------------------------------------------- # Session context manager #---------------------------------------------------------- @contextlib.contextmanager def session_context(request, session_store, session_lock, sid): with session_lock: if sid: request.session = session_store.get(sid) else: request.session = session_store.new() try: yield request.session finally: # Remove all OpenERPSession instances with no uid, they're generated # either by login process or by HTTP requests without an OpenERP # session id, and are generally noise removed_sessions = set() for key, value in request.session.items(): if not isinstance(value, session.OpenERPSession): continue if getattr(value, '_suicide', False) or ( not value._uid and not value.jsonp_requests # FIXME do not use a fixed value and value._creation_time + (60*5) < time.time()): _logger.debug('remove session %s', key) removed_sessions.add(key) del request.session[key] with session_lock: if sid: # Re-load sessions from storage and merge non-literal # contexts and domains (they're indexed by hash of the # content so conflicts should auto-resolve), otherwise if # two requests alter those concurrently the last to finish # will overwrite the previous one, leading to loss of data # (a non-literal is lost even though it was sent to the # client and client errors) # # note that domains_store and contexts_store are append-only (we # only ever add items to them), so we can just update one with the # other to get the right result, if we want to merge the # ``context`` dict we'll need something smarter in_store = session_store.get(sid) for k, v in request.session.iteritems(): stored = in_store.get(k) if stored and isinstance(v, session.OpenERPSession): if hasattr(v, 'contexts_store'): del v.contexts_store if hasattr(v, 'domains_store'): del v.domains_store if not hasattr(v, 'jsonp_requests'): v.jsonp_requests = {} v.jsonp_requests.update(getattr( stored, 'jsonp_requests', {})) # add missing keys for k, v in in_store.iteritems(): if k not in request.session and k not in removed_sessions: request.session[k] = v session_store.save(request.session) def session_gc(session_store): if random.random() < 0.001: # we keep session one week last_week = time.time() - 60*60*24*7 for fname in os.listdir(session_store.path): path = os.path.join(session_store.path, fname) try: if os.path.getmtime(path) < last_week: os.unlink(path) except OSError: pass #---------------------------------------------------------- # WSGI Application #---------------------------------------------------------- # Add potentially missing (older ubuntu) font mime types mimetypes.add_type('application/font-woff', '.woff') mimetypes.add_type('application/vnd.ms-fontobject', '.eot') mimetypes.add_type('application/x-font-ttf', '.ttf') class DisableCacheMiddleware(object): def __init__(self, app): self.app = app def __call__(self, environ, start_response): def start_wrapped(status, headers): referer = environ.get('HTTP_REFERER', '') parsed = urlparse.urlparse(referer) debug = parsed.query.count('debug') >= 1 new_headers = [] unwanted_keys = ['Last-Modified'] if debug: new_headers = [('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')] unwanted_keys += ['Expires', 'Etag', 'Cache-Control'] for k, v in headers: if k not in unwanted_keys: new_headers.append((k, v)) start_response(status, new_headers) return self.app(environ, start_wrapped) def session_path(): try: username = getpass.getuser() except Exception: username = "unknown" path = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "oe-sessions-" + username) try: os.mkdir(path, 0700) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST: # directory exists: ensure it has the correct permissions # this will fail if the directory is not owned by the current user os.chmod(path, 0700) else: raise return path class Root(object): """Root WSGI application for the OpenERP Web Client. """ def __init__(self): self.addons = {} self.statics = {} self.load_addons() # Setup http sessions path = session_path() self.session_store = werkzeug.contrib.sessions.FilesystemSessionStore(path) self.session_lock = threading.Lock() _logger.debug('HTTP sessions stored in: %s', path) def __call__(self, environ, start_response): """ Handle a WSGI request """ return self.dispatch(environ, start_response) def dispatch(self, environ, start_response): """ Performs the actual WSGI dispatching for the application, may be wrapped during the initialization of the object. Call the object directly. """ request = werkzeug.wrappers.Request(environ) request.parameter_storage_class = werkzeug.datastructures.ImmutableDict request.app = self handler = self.find_handler(*(request.path.split('/')[1:])) if not handler: response = werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound() else: sid = request.cookies.get('sid') if not sid: sid = request.args.get('sid') session_gc(self.session_store) with session_context(request, self.session_store, self.session_lock, sid) as session: result = handler(request) if isinstance(result, basestring): headers=[('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8'), ('Content-Length', len(result))] response = werkzeug.wrappers.Response(result, headers=headers) else: response = result if hasattr(response, 'set_cookie'): response.set_cookie('sid', session.sid) return response(environ, start_response) def load_addons(self): """ Load all addons from addons patch containg static files and controllers and configure them. """ for addons_path in openerp.modules.module.ad_paths: for module in sorted(os.listdir(str(addons_path))): if module not in addons_module: manifest_path = os.path.join(addons_path, module, '__openerp__.py') path_static = os.path.join(addons_path, module, 'static') if os.path.isfile(manifest_path) and os.path.isdir(path_static): manifest = ast.literal_eval(open(manifest_path).read()) manifest['addons_path'] = addons_path _logger.debug("Loading %s", module) if 'openerp.addons' in sys.modules: m = __import__('openerp.addons.' + module) else: m = __import__(module) addons_module[module] = m addons_manifest[module] = manifest self.statics['/%s/static' % module] = path_static for k, v in controllers_class_path.items(): if k not in controllers_object_path and hasattr(v[1], '_cp_path'): o = v[1]() controllers_object[v[0]] = o controllers_object_path[k] = o if hasattr(o, '_cp_path'): controllers_path[o._cp_path] = o app = werkzeug.wsgi.SharedDataMiddleware(self.dispatch, self.statics) self.dispatch = DisableCacheMiddleware(app) def find_handler(self, *l): """ Tries to discover the controller handling the request for the path specified by the provided parameters :param l: path sections to a controller or controller method :returns: a callable matching the path sections, or ``None`` :rtype: ``Controller | None`` """ if l: ps = '/' + '/'.join(filter(None, l)) method_name = 'index' while ps: c = controllers_path.get(ps) if c: method = getattr(c, method_name, None) if method: exposed = getattr(method, 'exposed', False) method = c.get_wrapped_method(method_name) if exposed == 'json': _logger.debug("Dispatch json to %s %s %s", ps, c, method_name) def fct(_request): _req = JsonRequest(_request) with set_request(_req): return request.dispatch(method) return fct elif exposed == 'http': _logger.debug("Dispatch http to %s %s %s", ps, c, method_name) def fct(_request): _req = HttpRequest(_request) with set_request(_req): return request.dispatch(method) return fct if method_name != "index": method_name = "index" continue ps, _slash, method_name = ps.rpartition('/') if not ps and method_name: ps = '/' return None def wsgi_postload(): openerp.wsgi.register_wsgi_handler(Root()) # vim:et:ts=4:sw=4: