$(document).ready(function () { var xhr = QWeb2.Engine.prototype.get_xhr(); xhr.open('GET', '/web/static/src/xml/base.xml', false); xhr.send(null); var doc = xhr.responseXML; var noop = function () {}; /** * Make connection RPC responses mockable by setting keys on the * Connection#responses object (key is the URL, value is the function to * call with the RPC request payload) * * @param {openerp.web.Connection} connection connection instance to mockify * @param {Object} [responses] url:function mapping to seed the mock connection */ var mockifyRPC = function (connection, responses) { connection.responses = responses || {}; connection.rpc_function = function (url, payload) { if (!(url.url in this.responses)) { return $.Deferred().reject({}, 'failed', _.str.sprintf("Url %s not found in mock responses", url.url)).promise(); } return $.when(this.responses[url.url](payload)); }; }; var instance; module('query', { setup: function () { instance = window.openerp.init([]); window.openerp.web.corelib(instance); window.openerp.web.coresetup(instance); window.openerp.web.chrome(instance); window.openerp.web.data(instance); window.openerp.web.search(instance); } }); test('Adding a facet to the query creates a facet and a value', function () { var query = new instance.web.search.SearchQuery; var field = {}; query.add({ category: 'Foo', field: field, values: [{label: 'Value', value: 3}] }); var facet = query.at(0); equal(facet.get('category'), 'Foo'); equal(facet.get('field'), field); deepEqual(facet.get('values'), [{label: 'Value', value: 3}]); }); test('Adding two facets', function () { var query = new instance.web.search.SearchQuery; query.add([ { category: 'Foo', field: {}, values: [{label: 'Value', value: 3}] }, { category: 'Bar', field: {}, values: [{label: 'Value 2', value: 4}] } ]); equal(query.length, 2); equal(query.at(0).values.length, 1); equal(query.at(1).values.length, 1); }); test('If a facet already exists, add values to it', function () { var query = new instance.web.search.SearchQuery; var field = {}; query.add({category: 'A', field: field, values: [{label: 'V1', value: 0}]}); query.add({category: 'A', field: field, values: [{label: 'V2', value: 1}]}); equal(query.length, 1, "adding an existing facet should merge new values into old facet"); var facet = query.at(0); deepEqual(facet.get('values'), [ {label: 'V1', value: 0}, {label: 'V2', value: 1} ]); }); test('Facet being implicitly changed should trigger change, not add', function () { var query = new instance.web.search.SearchQuery; var field = {}, added = false, changed = false; query.add({category: 'A', field: field, values: [{label: 'V1', value: 0}]}); query.on('add', function () { added = true; }) .on('change', function () { changed = true }); query.add({category: 'A', field: field, values: [{label: 'V2', value: 1}]}); ok(!added, "query.add adding values to a facet should not trigger an add"); ok(changed, "query.add adding values to a facet should not trigger a change"); }); test('Toggling a facet, value which does not exist should add it', function () { var query = new instance.web.search.SearchQuery; var field = {}; query.toggle({category: 'A', field: field, values: [{label: 'V1', value: 0}]}); equal(query.length, 1, "Should have created a single facet"); var facet = query.at(0); equal(facet.values.length, 1, "Facet should have a single value"); deepEqual(facet.get('values'), [{label: 'V1', value: 0}], "Facet's value should match input"); }); test('Toggling a facet which exists with a value which does not should add the value to the facet', function () { var field = {}; var query = new instance.web.search.SearchQuery; query.add({category: 'A', field: field, values: [{label: 'V1', value: 0}]}); query.toggle({category: 'A', field: field, values: [{label: 'V2', value: 1}]}); equal(query.length, 1, "Should have edited the existing facet"); var facet = query.at(0); equal(facet.values.length, 2, "Should have added the value to the existing facet"); deepEqual(facet.get('values'), [ {label: 'V1', value: 0}, {label: 'V2', value: 1} ]); }); test('Toggling a facet which exists with a value which does as well should remove the value from the facet', function () { var field = {}; var query = new instance.web.search.SearchQuery; query.add({category: 'A', field: field, values: [{label: 'V1', value: 0}]}); query.add({category: 'A', field: field, values: [{label: 'V2', value: 1}]}); query.toggle({category: 'A', field: field, values: [{label: 'V2', value: 1}]}); equal(query.length, 1, 'Should have the same single facet'); var facet = query.at(0); equal(facet.values.length, 1, "Should only have one value left in the facet"); deepEqual(facet.get('values'), [ {label: 'V1', value: 0} ]); }); test('Toggling off the last value of a facet should remove the facet', function () { var field = {}; var query = new instance.web.search.SearchQuery; query.add({category: 'A', field: field, values: [{label: 'V1', value: 0}]}); query.toggle({category: 'A', field: field, values: [{label: 'V1', value: 0}]}); equal(query.length, 0, 'Should have removed the facet'); }); test('Intermediate emptiness should not remove the facet', function () { var field = {}; var query = new instance.web.search.SearchQuery; query.add({category: 'A', field: field, values: [{label: 'V1', value: 0}]}); query.toggle({category: 'A', field: field, values: [ {label: 'V1', value: 0}, {label: 'V2', value: 1} ]}); equal(query.length, 1, 'Should not have removed the facet'); var facet = query.at(0); equal(facet.values.length, 1, "Should have one value"); deepEqual(facet.get('values'), [ {label: 'V2', value: 1} ]); }); test('Reseting with multiple facets should still work to load defaults', function () { var query = new instance.web.search.SearchQuery; var field = {}; query.reset([ {category: 'A', field: field, values: [{label: 'V1', value: 0}]}, {category: 'A', field: field, values: [{label: 'V2', value: 1}]}]); equal(query.length, 1, 'Should have created a single facet'); equal(query.at(0).values.length, 2, 'the facet should have merged two values'); deepEqual(query.at(0).get('values'), [ {label: 'V1', value: 0}, {label: 'V2', value: 1} ]) }); module('defaults', { setup: function () { instance = window.openerp.init([]); window.openerp.web.corelib(instance); window.openerp.web.coresetup(instance); window.openerp.web.chrome(instance); window.openerp.web.data(instance); window.openerp.web.search(instance); instance.web.qweb.add_template(doc); mockifyRPC(instance.connection); } }); /** * Builds a basic search view with a single "dummy" field. The dummy * extends `instance.web.search.Field`, it does not add any (class) * attributes beyond what is provided through ``dummy_widget_attributes``. * * The view is returned un-started, it is the caller's role to start it * (or use DOM-insertion methods to start it indirectly). * * @param [dummy_widget_attributes={}] * @param [defaults={}] * @return {instance.web.SearchView} */ function makeSearchView(dummy_widget_attributes, defaults) { instance.web.search.fields.add( 'dummy', 'instance.dummy.DummyWidget'); instance.dummy = {}; instance.dummy.DummyWidget = instance.web.search.Field.extend( dummy_widget_attributes || {}); if (!('/web/searchview/load' in instance.connection.responses)) { instance.connection.responses['/web/searchview/load'] = function () { return {result: {fields_view: { type: 'search', fields: { dummy: {type: 'char', string: "Dummy"} }, arch: { tag: 'search', attrs: {}, children: [{ tag: 'field', attrs: { name: 'dummy', widget: 'dummy' }, children: [] }] } }}}; }; } instance.connection.responses['/web/searchview/get_filters'] = function () { return {result: []}; }; instance.connection.responses['/web/searchview/fields_get'] = function () { return {result: {fields: { dummy: {type: 'char', string: 'Dummy'} }}}; }; var dataset = {model: 'dummy.model', get_context: function () { return {}; }}; var view = new instance.web.SearchView(null, dataset, false, defaults); view.on_invalid.add(function () { ok(false, JSON.stringify([].slice(arguments))); }); return view; } asyncTest('calling', 2, function () { var defaults_called = false; var view = makeSearchView({ facet_for_defaults: function (defaults) { defaults_called = true; return $.when({ field: this, category: 'Dummy', values: [{label: 'dummy', value: defaults.dummy}] }); } }, {dummy: 42}); view.appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function () { ok(defaults_called, "should have called defaults"); deepEqual( view.query.toJSON(), [{category: 'Dummy', values: [{label: 'dummy', value: 42}]}], "should have generated a facet with the default value"); }); }); asyncTest('FilterGroup', 3, function () { var view = {inputs: [], query: {on: function () {}}}; var filter_a = new instance.web.search.Filter( {attrs: {name: 'a'}}, view); var filter_b = new instance.web.search.Filter( {attrs: {name: 'b'}}, view); var group = new instance.web.search.FilterGroup( [filter_a, filter_b], view); group.facet_for_defaults({a: true, b: true}) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error && error.message); }) .done(function (facet) { var model = facet; if (!(model instanceof instance.web.search.Facet)) { model = new instance.web.search.Facet(facet); } var values = model.values; equal(values.length, 2, 'facet should have two values'); strictEqual(values.at(0).get('value'), filter_a); strictEqual(values.at(1).get('value'), filter_b); }); }); asyncTest('Field', 4, function () { var view = {inputs: []}; var f = new instance.web.search.Field( {attrs: {string: 'Dummy', name: 'dummy'}}, {}, view); f.facet_for_defaults({dummy: 42}) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error && error.message); }) .done(function (facet) { var model = facet; if (!(model instanceof instance.web.search.Facet)) { model = new instance.web.search.Facet(facet); } strictEqual( model.get('category'), f.attrs.string, "facet category should be field label"); strictEqual( model.get('field'), f, "facet field should be field which created default"); equal(model.values.length, 1, "facet should have a single value"); deepEqual( model.values.toJSON(), [{label: '42', value: 42}], "facet value should match provided default"); }); }); asyncTest('Selection: valid value', 4, function () { var view = {inputs: []}; var f = new instance.web.search.SelectionField( {attrs: {name: 'dummy', string: 'Dummy'}}, {selection: [[1, "Foo"], [2, "Bar"], [3, "Baz"], [4, "Qux"]]}, view); f.facet_for_defaults({dummy: 3}) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error && error.message); }) .done(function (facet) { var model = facet; if (!(model instanceof instance.web.search.Facet)) { model = new instance.web.search.Facet(facet); } strictEqual( model.get('category'), f.attrs.string, "facet category should be field label"); strictEqual( model.get('field'), f, "facet field should be field which created default"); equal(model.values.length, 1, "facet should have a single value"); deepEqual( model.values.toJSON(), [{label: 'Baz', value: 3}], "facet value should match provided default's selection"); }); }); asyncTest('Selection: invalid value', 1, function () { var view = {inputs: []}; var f = new instance.web.search.SelectionField( {attrs: {name: 'dummy', string: 'Dummy'}}, {selection: [[1, "Foo"], [2, "Bar"], [3, "Baz"], [4, "Qux"]]}, view); f.facet_for_defaults({dummy: 42}) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error && error.message); }) .done(function (facet) { ok(!facet, "an invalid value should result in a not-facet"); }); }); asyncTest("M2O default: value", 7, function () { var view = {inputs: []}, id = 4; var f = new instance.web.search.ManyToOneField( {attrs: {name: 'dummy', string: 'Dummy'}}, {relation: 'dummy.model.name'}, view); instance.connection.responses['/web/dataset/call_kw'] = function (req) { equal(req.params.method, 'name_get', "m2o should resolve default id"); equal(req.params.model, f.attrs.relation, "query model should match m2o relation"); equal(req.params.args[0], id); return {result: [[id, "DumDumDum"]]}; }; f.facet_for_defaults({dummy: id}) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error && error.message); }) .done(function (facet) { var model = facet; if (!(model instanceof instance.web.search.Facet)) { model = new instance.web.search.Facet(facet); } strictEqual( model.get('category'), f.attrs.string, "facet category should be field label"); strictEqual( model.get('field'), f, "facet field should be field which created default"); equal(model.values.length, 1, "facet should have a single value"); deepEqual( model.values.toJSON(), [{label: 'DumDumDum', value: id}], "facet value should match provided default's selection"); }); }); asyncTest("M2O default: value", 1, function () { var view = {inputs: []}, id = 4; var f = new instance.web.search.ManyToOneField( {attrs: {name: 'dummy', string: 'Dummy'}}, {relation: 'dummy.model.name'}, view); instance.connection.responses['/web/dataset/call_kw'] = function (req) { return {result: []}; }; f.facet_for_defaults({dummy: id}) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error && error.message); }) .done(function (facet) { ok(!facet, "an invalid m2o default should yield a non-facet"); }); }); module('completions', { setup: function () { instance = window.openerp.init([]); window.openerp.web.corelib(instance); window.openerp.web.coresetup(instance); window.openerp.web.chrome(instance); window.openerp.web.data(instance); // date complete window.openerp.web.formats(instance); window.openerp.web.search(instance); instance.web.qweb.add_template(doc); mockifyRPC(instance.connection); } }); asyncTest('calling', 4, function () { var view = makeSearchView({ complete: function () { return $.when({ label: "Dummy", facet: { field: this, category: 'Dummy', values: [{label: 'dummy', value: 42}] } }); } }); view.appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function () { stop(); view.complete_global_search({term: "dum"}, function (completions) { start(); equal(completions.length, 1, "should have a single completion"); var completion = completions[0]; equal(completion.label, "Dummy", "should have provided label"); equal(completion.facet.category, "Dummy", "should have provided category"); deepEqual(completion.facet.values, [{label: 'dummy', value: 42}], "should have provided values"); }); }); }); asyncTest('facet selection', 2, function () { var completion = { label: "Dummy", facet: { field: {get_domain: noop, get_context: noop, get_groupby: noop}, category: 'Dummy', values: [{label: 'dummy', value: 42}] } }; var view = makeSearchView({}); view.appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function () { view.select_completion( {preventDefault: function () {}}, {item: completion}); equal(view.query.length, 1, "should have one facet in the query"); deepEqual( view.query.at(0).toJSON(), {category: 'Dummy', values: [{label: 'dummy', value: 42}]}, "should have the right facet in the query"); }); }); asyncTest('facet selection: new value existing facet', 3, function () { var field = {get_domain: noop, get_context: noop, get_groupby: noop}; var completion = { label: "Dummy", facet: { field: field, category: 'Dummy', values: [{label: 'dummy', value: 42}] } }; var view = makeSearchView({}); view.appendTo($('#qunit-fixture')) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function () { view.query.add({field: field, category: 'Dummy', values: [{label: 'previous', value: 41}]}); equal(view.query.length, 1, 'should have newly added facet'); view.select_completion( {preventDefault: function () {}}, {item: completion}); equal(view.query.length, 1, "should still have only one facet"); var facet = view.query.at(0); deepEqual( facet.get('values'), [{label: 'previous', value: 41}, {label: 'dummy', value: 42}], "should have added selected value to old one"); }); }); asyncTest('Field', 1, function () { var view = {inputs: []}; var f = new instance.web.search.Field({attrs: {}}, {}, view); f.complete('foo') .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function (completions) { ok(_(completions).isEmpty(), "field should not provide any completion"); }); }); asyncTest('CharField', 6, function () { var view = {inputs: []}; var f = new instance.web.search.CharField( {attrs: {string: "Dummy"}}, {}, view); f.complete('foo<') .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function (completions) { equal(completions.length, 1, "should provide a single completion"); var c = completions[0]; equal(c.label, "Search Dummy for: foo<", "should propose a fuzzy matching/searching, with the" + " value escaped"); ok(c.facet, "completion should contain a facet proposition"); var facet = new instance.web.search.Facet(c.facet); equal(facet.get('category'), f.attrs.string, "completion facet should bear the field's name"); strictEqual(facet.get('field'), f, "completion facet should yield the field"); deepEqual(facet.values.toJSON(), [{label: 'foo<', value: 'foo<'}], "facet should have single value using completion item"); }); }); asyncTest('Selection: match found', 14, function () { var view = {inputs: []}; var f = new instance.web.search.SelectionField( {attrs: {string: "Dummy"}}, {selection: [[1, "Foo"], [2, "Bar"], [3, "Baz"], [4, "Bazador"]]}, view); f.complete("ba") .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function (completions) { equal(completions.length, 4, "should provide two completions and a section title"); deepEqual(completions[0], {label: "Dummy"}); var c1 = completions[1]; equal(c1.label, "Bar"); equal(c1.facet.category, f.attrs.string); strictEqual(c1.facet.field, f); deepEqual(c1.facet.values, [{label: "Bar", value: 2}]); var c2 = completions[2]; equal(c2.label, "Baz"); equal(c2.facet.category, f.attrs.string); strictEqual(c2.facet.field, f); deepEqual(c2.facet.values, [{label: "Baz", value: 3}]); var c3 = completions[3]; equal(c3.label, "Bazador"); equal(c3.facet.category, f.attrs.string); strictEqual(c3.facet.field, f); deepEqual(c3.facet.values, [{label: "Bazador", value: 4}]); }); }); asyncTest('Selection: no match', 1, function () { var view = {inputs: []}; var f = new instance.web.search.SelectionField( {attrs: {string: "Dummy"}}, {selection: [[1, "Foo"], [2, "Bar"], [3, "Baz"], [4, "Bazador"]]}, view); f.complete("qux") .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function (completions) { ok(!completions, "if no value matches the needle, no completion shall be provided"); }); }); asyncTest('Date', 6, function () { instance.web._t.database.parameters = { date_format: '%Y-%m-%d', time_format: '%H:%M:%S' }; var view = {inputs: []}; var f = new instance.web.search.DateField( {attrs: {string: "Dummy"}}, {type: 'datetime'}, view); f.complete('2012-05-21T21:21:21') .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function (completions) { equal(completions.length, 1, "should provide a single completion"); var c = completions[0]; equal(c.label, "Search Dummy at: 2012-05-21 21:21:21"); var facet = new instance.web.search.Facet(c.facet); equal(facet.get('category'), f.attrs.string); equal(facet.get('field'), f); var value = facet.values.at(0); equal(value.get('label'), "2012-05-21 21:21:21"); equal(value.get('value').getTime(), new Date(2012, 4, 21, 21, 21, 21).getTime()); }); }); asyncTest("M2O", 15, function () { instance.connection.responses['/web/dataset/call_kw'] = function (req) { equal(req.params.method, "name_search"); equal(req.params.model, "dummy.model"); deepEqual(req.params.args, []); deepEqual(req.params.kwargs.name, 'bob'); return {result: [[42, "choice 1"], [43, "choice @"]]} }; var view = {inputs: []}; var f = new instance.web.search.ManyToOneField( {attrs: {string: 'Dummy'}}, {relation: 'dummy.model'}, view); f.complete("bob") .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function (c) { equal(c.length, 3, "should return results + title"); var title = c[0]; equal(title.label, f.attrs.string, "title should match field name"); ok(!title.facet, "title should not have a facet"); var f1 = new instance.web.search.Facet(c[1].facet); equal(c[1].label, "choice 1"); equal(f1.get('category'), f.attrs.string); equal(f1.get('field'), f); deepEqual(f1.values.toJSON(), [{label: 'choice 1', value: 42}]); var f2 = new instance.web.search.Facet(c[2].facet); equal(c[2].label, "choice @"); equal(f2.get('category'), f.attrs.string); equal(f2.get('field'), f); deepEqual(f2.values.toJSON(), [{label: 'choice @', value: 43}]); }); }); asyncTest("M2O no match", 5, function () { instance.connection.responses['/web/dataset/call_kw'] = function (req) { equal(req.params.method, "name_search"); equal(req.params.model, "dummy.model"); deepEqual(req.params.args, []); deepEqual(req.params.kwargs.name, 'bob'); return {result: []} }; var view = {inputs: []}; var f = new instance.web.search.ManyToOneField( {attrs: {string: 'Dummy'}}, {relation: 'dummy.model'}, view); f.complete("bob") .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function (c) { ok(!c, "no match should yield no completion"); }); }); module('search-serialization', { setup: function () { instance = window.openerp.init([]); window.openerp.web.corelib(instance); window.openerp.web.coresetup(instance); window.openerp.web.chrome(instance); window.openerp.web.data(instance); window.openerp.web.search(instance); instance.web.qweb.add_template(doc); mockifyRPC(instance.connection); } }); asyncTest('No facet, no call', 6, function () { var got_domain = false, got_context = false, got_groupby = false; var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture'); var view = makeSearchView({ get_domain: function () { got_domain = true; return null; }, get_context: function () { got_context = true; return null; }, get_groupby: function () { got_groupby = true; return null; } }); var ds, cs, gs; view.on_search.add(function (d, c, g) { ds = d, cs = c, gs = g; }); view.appendTo($fix) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function () { view.do_search(); ok(!got_domain, "no facet, should not have fetched domain"); ok(_(ds).isEmpty(), "domains list should be empty"); ok(!got_context, "no facet, should not have fetched context"); ok(_(cs).isEmpty(), "contexts list should be empty"); ok(!got_groupby, "no facet, should not have fetched groupby"); ok(_(gs).isEmpty(), "groupby list should be empty"); }) }); asyncTest('London, calling', 8, function () { var got_domain = false, got_context = false, got_groupby = false; var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture'); var view = makeSearchView({ get_domain: function (facet) { equal(facet.get('category'), "Dummy"); deepEqual(facet.values.toJSON(), [{label: "42", value: 42}]); got_domain = true; return null; }, get_context: function () { got_context = true; return null; }, get_groupby: function () { got_groupby = true; return null; } }, {dummy: 42}); var ds, cs, gs; view.on_search.add(function (d, c, g) { ds = d, cs = c, gs = g; }); view.appendTo($fix) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function () { view.do_search(); ok(got_domain, "should have fetched domain"); ok(_(ds).isEmpty(), "domains list should be empty"); ok(got_context, "should have fetched context"); ok(_(cs).isEmpty(), "contexts list should be empty"); ok(got_groupby, "should have fetched groupby"); ok(_(gs).isEmpty(), "groupby list should be empty"); }) }); asyncTest('Generate domains', 1, function () { var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture'); var view = makeSearchView({ get_domain: function (facet) { return facet.values.map(function (value) { return ['win', '4', value.get('value')]; }); } }, {dummy: 42}); var ds; view.on_search.add(function (d) { ds = d; }); view.appendTo($fix) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function () { view.do_search(); deepEqual(ds, [[['win', '4', 42]]], "search should yield an array of contexts"); }); }); test('Field single value, default domain & context', function () { var f = new instance.web.search.Field({}, {name: 'foo'}, {inputs: []}); var facet = new instance.web.search.Facet({ field: f, values: [{value: 42}] }); deepEqual(f.get_domain(facet), [['foo', '=', 42]], "default field domain is a strict equality of name to facet's value"); equal(f.get_context(facet), null, "default field context is null"); }); test('Field multiple values, default domain & context', function () { var f = new instance.web.search.Field({}, {name: 'foo'}, {inputs: []}); var facet = new instance.web.search.Facet({ field: f, values: [{value: 42}, {value: 68}, {value: 999}] }); var actual_domain = f.get_domain(facet); equal(actual_domain.__ref, "compound_domain", "multiple value should yield compound domain"); deepEqual(actual_domain.__domains, [ ['|'], ['|'], [['foo', '=', 42]], [['foo', '=', 68]], [['foo', '=', 999]] ], "domain should OR a default domain for each value"); equal(f.get_context(facet), null, "default field context is null"); }); test('Field single value, custom domain & context', function () { var f = new instance.web.search.Field({attrs:{ context: "{'bob': self}", filter_domain: "[['edmund', 'is', self]]" }}, {name: 'foo'}, {inputs: []}); var facet = new instance.web.search.Facet({ field: f, values: [{value: "great"}] }); var actual_domain = f.get_domain(facet); equal(actual_domain.__ref, "compound_domain", "@filter_domain should yield compound domain"); deepEqual(actual_domain.__domains, [ "[['edmund', 'is', self]]" ], 'should hold unevaluated custom domain'); deepEqual(actual_domain.get_eval_context(), { self: "great" }, "evaluation context should hold facet value as self"); var actual_context = f.get_context(facet); equal(actual_context.__ref, "compound_context", "@context should yield compound context"); deepEqual(actual_context.__contexts, [ "{'bob': self}" ], 'should hold unevaluated custom context'); deepEqual(actual_context.get_eval_context(), { self: "great" }, "evaluation context should hold facet value as self"); }); test("M2O default", function () { var f = new instance.web.search.ManyToOneField( {}, {name: 'foo'}, {inputs: []}); var facet = new instance.web.search.Facet({ field: f, values: [{label: "Foo", value: 42}] }); deepEqual(f.get_domain(facet), [['foo', '=', 42]], "m2o should use identity if default domain"); deepEqual(f.get_context(facet), {default_foo: 42}, "m2o should use value as context default"); }); test("M2O default multiple values", function () { var f = new instance.web.search.ManyToOneField( {}, {name: 'foo'}, {inputs: []}); var facet = new instance.web.search.Facet({ field: f, values: [ {label: "Foo", value: 42}, {label: "Bar", value: 36} ] }); deepEqual(f.get_domain(facet).__domains, [['|'], [['foo', '=', 42]], [['foo', '=', 36]]], "m2o should or multiple values"); equal(f.get_context(facet), null, "m2o should not have default context in case of multiple values"); }); test("M2O custom operator", function () { var f = new instance.web.search.ManyToOneField( {attrs: {operator: 'boos'}}, {name: 'foo'}, {inputs: []}); var facet = new instance.web.search.Facet({ field: f, values: [{label: "Foo", value: 42}] }); deepEqual(f.get_domain(facet), [['foo', 'boos', 'Foo']], "m2o should use label with custom operators"); deepEqual(f.get_context(facet), {default_foo: 42}, "m2o should use value as context default"); }); test("M2O custom domain & context", function () { var f = new instance.web.search.ManyToOneField({attrs: { context: "{'whee': self}", filter_domain: "[['filter', 'is', self]]" }}, {name: 'foo'}, {inputs: []}); var facet = new instance.web.search.Facet({ field: f, values: [{label: "Foo", value: 42}] }); var domain = f.get_domain(facet); deepEqual(domain.__domains, [ "[['filter', 'is', self]]" ]); deepEqual(domain.get_eval_context(), { self: "Foo" }, "custom domain's self should be label"); var context = f.get_context(facet); deepEqual(context.__contexts, [ "{'whee': self}" ]); deepEqual(context.get_eval_context(), { self: "Foo" }, "custom context's self should be label"); }); asyncTest('FilterGroup', 6, function () { var view = {inputs: [], query: {on: function () {}}}; var filter_a = new instance.web.search.Filter( {attrs: {name: 'a', context: 'c1', domain: 'd1'}}, view); var filter_b = new instance.web.search.Filter( {attrs: {name: 'b', context: 'c2', domain: 'd2'}}, view); var filter_c = new instance.web.search.Filter( {attrs: {name: 'c', context: 'c3', domain: 'd3'}}, view); var group = new instance.web.search.FilterGroup( [filter_a, filter_b, filter_c], view); group.facet_for_defaults({a: true, c: true}) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error && error.message); }) .done(function (facet) { var model = facet; if (!(model instanceof instance.web.search.Facet)) { model = new instance.web.search.Facet(facet); } var domain = group.get_domain(model); equal(domain.__ref, 'compound_domain', "domain should be compound"); deepEqual(domain.__domains, [ ['|'], 'd1', 'd3' ], "domain should OR filter domains"); ok(!domain.get_eval_context(), "domain should have no evaluation context"); var context = group.get_context(model); equal(context.__ref, 'compound_context', "context should be compound"); deepEqual(context.__contexts, [ 'c1', 'c3' ], "context should merge all filter contexts"); ok(!context.get_eval_context(), "context should have no evaluation context"); }); }); module('removal', { setup: function () { instance = window.openerp.init([]); window.openerp.web.corelib(instance); window.openerp.web.coresetup(instance); window.openerp.web.chrome(instance); window.openerp.web.data(instance); window.openerp.web.search(instance); instance.web.qweb.add_template(doc); mockifyRPC(instance.connection); } }); asyncTest('clear button', function () { var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture'); var view = makeSearchView({ facet_for_defaults: function (defaults) { return $.when({ field: this, category: 'Dummy', values: [{label: 'dummy', value: defaults.dummy}] }); } }, {dummy: 42}); view.appendTo($fix) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function () { equal(view.query.length, 1, "view should have default facet"); $fix.find('.oe_searchview_clear').click(); equal(view.query.length, 0, "cleared view should not have any facet"); }); }); module('drawer', { setup: function () { instance = window.openerp.init([]); window.openerp.web.corelib(instance); window.openerp.web.coresetup(instance); window.openerp.web.chrome(instance); window.openerp.web.data(instance); window.openerp.web.search(instance); instance.web.qweb.add_template(doc); mockifyRPC(instance.connection); } }); asyncTest('is-drawn', 2, function () { var view = makeSearchView(); var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture'); view.appendTo($fix) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function () { ok($fix.find('.oe_searchview_filters').length, "filters drawer control has been drawn"); ok($fix.find('.oe_searchview_advanced').length, "filters advanced search has been drawn"); }); }); module('filters', { setup: function () { instance = window.openerp.init([]); window.openerp.web.corelib(instance); window.openerp.web.coresetup(instance); window.openerp.web.chrome(instance); window.openerp.web.data(instance); window.openerp.web.search(instance); instance.web.qweb.add_template(doc); mockifyRPC(instance.connection, { '/web/searchview/load': function () { // view with a single group of filters return {result: {fields_view: { type: 'search', fields: {}, arch: { tag: 'search', attrs: {}, children: [{ tag: 'filter', attrs: { string: "Foo1", domain: [ ['foo', '=', '1'] ] }, children: [] }, { tag: 'filter', attrs: { name: 'foo2', string: "Foo2", domain: [ ['foo', '=', '2'] ] }, children: [] }, { tag: 'filter', attrs: { string: "Foo3", domain: [ ['foo', '=', '3'] ] }, children: [] }] } }}}; } }); } }); asyncTest('drawn', 3, function () { var view = makeSearchView(); var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture'); view.appendTo($fix) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function () { var $fs = $fix.find('.oe_searchview_filters ul'); // 3 filters, 1 filtergroup, 1 custom filters widget, // 1 advanced and 1 Filters widget equal(view.inputs.length, 7, 'view should have 7 inputs total'); equal($fs.children().length, 3, "drawer should have a filter group with 3 filters"); equal(_.str.strip($fs.children().eq(0).text()), "Foo1", "Text content of first filter option should match filter string"); }); }); asyncTest('click adding from empty query', 4, function () { var view = makeSearchView(); var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture'); view.appendTo($fix) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function () { var $fs = $fix.find('.oe_searchview_filters ul'); $fs.children(':eq(2)').trigger('click'); equal(view.query.length, 1, "click should have added a facet"); var facet = view.query.at(0); equal(facet.values.length, 1, "facet should have a single value"); var value = facet.values.at(0); ok(value.get('value') instanceof instance.web.search.Filter, "value should be a filter"); equal(value.get('label'), "Foo3", "value should be third filter"); }); }); asyncTest('click adding from existing query', 4, function () { var view = makeSearchView({}, {foo2: true}); var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture'); view.appendTo($fix) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function () { var $fs = $fix.find('.oe_searchview_filters ul'); $fs.children(':eq(2)').trigger('click'); equal(view.query.length, 1, "click should not have changed facet count"); var facet = view.query.at(0); equal(facet.values.length, 2, "facet should have a second value"); var v1 = facet.values.at(0); equal(v1.get('label'), "Foo2", "first value should be default"); var v2 = facet.values.at(1); equal(v2.get('label'), "Foo3", "second value should be clicked filter"); }); }); asyncTest('click removing from query', 2, function () { var view = makeSearchView({}, {foo2: true}); var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture'); view.appendTo($fix) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function () { var $fs = $fix.find('.oe_searchview_filters ul'); // sanity check equal(view.query.length, 1, "query should have default facet"); $fs.children(':eq(1)').trigger('click'); equal(view.query.length, 0, "click should have removed facet"); }); }); module('saved_filters', { setup: function () { instance = window.openerp.init([]); window.openerp.web.corelib(instance); window.openerp.web.coresetup(instance); window.openerp.web.chrome(instance); window.openerp.web.data(instance); window.openerp.web.formats(instance); window.openerp.web.search(instance); instance.web.qweb.add_template(doc); mockifyRPC(instance.connection); } }); asyncTest('checkboxing', 6, function () { var view = makeSearchView(); instance.connection.responses['/web/searchview/get_filters'] = function () { return {result: [{ name: "filter name", user_id: 42 }]}; }; var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture'); view.appendTo($fix) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function () { var $row = $fix.find('.oe_searchview_custom li:first').click(); ok($row.hasClass('oe_selected'), "should check/select the filter's row"); ok($row.hasClass("oe_searchview_custom_private"), "should have private filter note/class"); equal(view.query.length, 1, "should have only one facet"); var values = view.query.at(0).values; equal(values.length, 1, "should have only one value in the facet"); equal(values.at(0).get('label'), 'filter name', "displayed label should be the name of the filter"); equal(values.at(0).get('value'), null, "should have no value set"); }) }); asyncTest('removal', 1, function () { var view = makeSearchView(); instance.connection.responses['/web/searchview/get_filters'] = function () { return {result: [{ name: "filter name", user_id: 42 }]}; }; var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture'); view.appendTo($fix) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function () { var $row = $fix.find('.oe_searchview_custom li:first').click(); view.query.remove(view.query.at(0)); ok(!$row.hasClass('oe_selected'), "should not be checked anymore"); }) }); module('advanced', { setup: function () { instance = window.openerp.init([]); window.openerp.web.corelib(instance); window.openerp.web.coresetup(instance); window.openerp.web.chrome(instance); window.openerp.web.data(instance); window.openerp.web.formats(instance); window.openerp.web.search(instance); instance.web.qweb.add_template(doc); mockifyRPC(instance.connection); } }); asyncTest('single-advanced', 6, function () { var view = makeSearchView(); var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture'); view.appendTo($fix) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function () { var $advanced = $fix.find('.oe_searchview_advanced'); // open advanced search (not actually useful) $advanced.find('> h4').click(); // select proposition (only one) var $prop = $advanced.find('> form li:first'); // field select should have two possible values, dummy and id equal($prop.find('.searchview_extended_prop_field option').length, 2, "advanced search should provide choice between two fields"); // field should be dummy equal($prop.find('.searchview_extended_prop_field').val(), 'dummy', "only field should be dummy"); // operator should be "contains"/'ilike' equal($prop.find('.searchview_extended_prop_op').val(), 'ilike', "default char operator should be ilike"); // put value in $prop.find('.searchview_extended_prop_value input') .val("stupid value"); // validate advanced search $advanced.find('button.oe_apply').click(); // resulting search equal(view.query.length, 1, "search query should have a single facet"); var facet = view.query.at(0); ok(!facet.get('field').get_context(facet), "advanced search facets should yield no context"); deepEqual(facet.get('field').get_domain(facet), [['dummy', 'ilike', "stupid value"]], "advanced search facet should return proposed domain"); }); }); asyncTest('multiple-advanced', 3, function () { var view = makeSearchView(); var $fix = $('#qunit-fixture'); view.appendTo($fix) .always(start) .fail(function (error) { ok(false, error.message); }) .done(function () { var $advanced = $fix.find('.oe_searchview_advanced'); // open advanced search (not actually useful) $advanced.find('> h4').click(); // open second condition $advanced.find('button.oe_add_condition').click(); // select first proposition var $prop1 = $advanced.find('> form li:first'); $prop1.find('.searchview_extended_prop_field').val('dummy').change(); $prop1.find('.searchview_extended_prop_op').val('ilike'); $prop1.find('.searchview_extended_prop_value input') .val("stupid value"); // select first proposition var $prop2 = $advanced.find('> form li:last'); // need to trigger event manually or op not changed $prop2.find('.searchview_extended_prop_field').val('id').change(); $prop2.find('.searchview_extended_prop_op').val('='); $prop2.find('.searchview_extended_prop_value input') .val(42); // validate advanced search $advanced.find('button.oe_apply').click(); // resulting search equal(view.query.length, 1, "search query should have a single facet"); var facet = view.query.at(0); ok(!facet.get('field').get_context(facet), "advanced search facets should yield no context"); deepEqual(facet.get('field').get_domain(facet), ['|', ['dummy', 'ilike', "stupid value"], ['id', '=', 42]], "advanced search facet should return proposed domain"); }); }); // TODO: UI tests? });