- I cancel unqualified lead. - !python {model: crm.lead}: | self.case_cancel(cr, uid, [ref("crm_case_1")]) - I check cancelled lead. - !python {model: crm.lead}: | lead = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('crm_case_1')) assert lead.stage_id.id == ref('crm.stage_lead7'), "Stage should be 'Dead' and is %s." % (lead.stage_id.name) assert lead.state == 'cancel', "Opportunity is not in 'cancel' state." assert lead.probability == 0.0, 'Opportunity probability is wrong and should be 0.0.' - I reset cancelled lead into unqualified lead. - !python {model: crm.lead}: | self.case_reset(cr, uid, [ref("crm_case_1")]) - I check unqualified lead after reset. - !assert {model: crm.lead, id: crm.crm_case_1, string: Lead is in draft state}: - state == "draft" - I re-open the lead - !python {model: crm.lead}: | self.case_open(cr, uid, [ref("crm_case_1")]) - I check stage and state of the re-opened lead - !python {model: crm.lead}: | lead = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('crm.crm_case_1')) assert lead.stage_id.id == ref('crm.stage_lead2'), "Opportunity stage should be 'Qualification'." assert lead.state == 'open', "Opportunity should be in 'open' state." - I escalate the lead to parent team. - !python {model: crm.lead}: | self.case_escalate(cr, uid, [ref("crm_case_1")]) - I check the lead is correctly escalated to the parent team. - !assert {model: crm.lead, id: crm.crm_case_1, string: Escalate lead to parent team}: - section_id.name == "Support Department"