# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import threading import types import time # used to eval time.strftime expressions from datetime import datetime, timedelta import logging import openerp.pooler as pooler import openerp.sql_db as sql_db import misc from config import config import yaml_tag import yaml import re from lxml import etree from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID # YAML import needs both safe and unsafe eval, but let's # default to /safe/. unsafe_eval = eval from safe_eval import safe_eval as eval import assertion_report _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class YamlImportException(Exception): pass class YamlImportAbortion(Exception): pass def _is_yaml_mapping(node, tag_constructor): value = isinstance(node, types.DictionaryType) \ and len(node.keys()) == 1 \ and isinstance(node.keys()[0], tag_constructor) return value def is_comment(node): return isinstance(node, types.StringTypes) def is_assert(node): return isinstance(node, yaml_tag.Assert) \ or _is_yaml_mapping(node, yaml_tag.Assert) def is_record(node): return _is_yaml_mapping(node, yaml_tag.Record) def is_python(node): return _is_yaml_mapping(node, yaml_tag.Python) def is_menuitem(node): return isinstance(node, yaml_tag.Menuitem) \ or _is_yaml_mapping(node, yaml_tag.Menuitem) def is_function(node): return isinstance(node, yaml_tag.Function) \ or _is_yaml_mapping(node, yaml_tag.Function) def is_report(node): return isinstance(node, yaml_tag.Report) def is_workflow(node): return isinstance(node, yaml_tag.Workflow) def is_act_window(node): return isinstance(node, yaml_tag.ActWindow) def is_delete(node): return isinstance(node, yaml_tag.Delete) def is_context(node): return isinstance(node, yaml_tag.Context) def is_url(node): return isinstance(node, yaml_tag.Url) def is_eval(node): return isinstance(node, yaml_tag.Eval) def is_ref(node): return isinstance(node, yaml_tag.Ref) \ or _is_yaml_mapping(node, yaml_tag.Ref) def is_ir_set(node): return _is_yaml_mapping(node, yaml_tag.IrSet) def is_string(node): return isinstance(node, basestring) class RecordDictWrapper(dict): """ Used to pass a record as locals in eval: records do not strictly behave like dict, so we force them to. """ def __init__(self, record): self.record = record def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self.record: return self.record[key] return dict.__getitem__(self, key) class YamlInterpreter(object): def __init__(self, cr, module, id_map, mode, filename, report=None, noupdate=False, loglevel=logging.DEBUG): self.cr = cr self.module = module self.id_map = id_map self.mode = mode self.filename = filename if report is None: report = assertion_report.assertion_report() self.assertion_report = report self.noupdate = noupdate self.loglevel = loglevel self.pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) self.uid = 1 self.context = {} # opererp context self.eval_context = {'ref': self._ref(), '_ref': self._ref(), # added '_ref' so that record['ref'] is possible 'time': time, 'datetime': datetime, 'timedelta': timedelta} def _log(self, *args, **kwargs): _logger.log(self.loglevel, *args, **kwargs) def _ref(self): return lambda xml_id: self.get_id(xml_id) def get_model(self, model_name): model = self.pool.get(model_name) assert model, "The model %s does not exist." % (model_name,) return model def validate_xml_id(self, xml_id): id = xml_id if '.' in xml_id: module, id = xml_id.split('.', 1) assert '.' not in id, "The ID reference '%s' must contains maximum one dot.\n" \ "It is used to refer to other modules ID, in the form: module.record_id" \ % (xml_id,) if module != self.module: module_count = self.pool.get('ir.module.module').search_count(self.cr, self.uid, \ ['&', ('name', '=', module), ('state', 'in', ['installed'])]) assert module_count == 1, 'The ID "%s" refers to an uninstalled module.' % (xml_id,) if len(id) > 64: # TODO where does 64 come from (DB is 128)? should be a constant or loaded form DB _logger.error('id: %s is to long (max: 64)', id) def get_id(self, xml_id): if xml_id is False or xml_id is None: return False #if not xml_id: # raise YamlImportException("The xml_id should be a non empty string.") elif isinstance(xml_id, types.IntType): id = xml_id elif xml_id in self.id_map: id = self.id_map[xml_id] else: if '.' in xml_id: module, checked_xml_id = xml_id.split('.', 1) else: module = self.module checked_xml_id = xml_id try: _, id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data').get_object_reference(self.cr, self.uid, module, checked_xml_id) self.id_map[xml_id] = id except ValueError: raise ValueError("""%s not found when processing %s. This Yaml file appears to depend on missing data. This often happens for tests that belong to a module's test suite and depend on each other.""" % (checked_xml_id, self.filename)) return id def get_context(self, node, eval_dict): context = self.context.copy() if node.context: context.update(eval(node.context, eval_dict)) return context def isnoupdate(self, node): return self.noupdate or node.noupdate or False def _get_first_result(self, results, default=False): if len(results): value = results[0] if isinstance(value, types.TupleType): value = value[0] else: value = default return value def process_comment(self, node): return node def _log_assert_failure(self, msg, *args): self.assertion_report.record_failure() _logger.error(msg, *args) def _get_assertion_id(self, assertion): if assertion.id: ids = [self.get_id(assertion.id)] elif assertion.search: q = eval(assertion.search, self.eval_context) ids = self.pool.get(assertion.model).search(self.cr, self.uid, q, context=assertion.context) else: raise YamlImportException('Nothing to assert: you must give either an id or a search criteria.') return ids def process_assert(self, node): if isinstance(node, dict): assertion, expressions = node.items()[0] else: assertion, expressions = node, [] if self.isnoupdate(assertion) and self.mode != 'init': _logger.warning('This assertion was not evaluated ("%s").', assertion.string) return model = self.get_model(assertion.model) ids = self._get_assertion_id(assertion) if assertion.count is not None and len(ids) != assertion.count: msg = 'assertion "%s" failed!\n' \ ' Incorrect search count:\n' \ ' expected count: %d\n' \ ' obtained count: %d\n' args = (assertion.string, assertion.count, len(ids)) self._log_assert_failure(msg, *args) else: context = self.get_context(assertion, self.eval_context) for id in ids: record = model.browse(self.cr, self.uid, id, context) for test in expressions: try: success = unsafe_eval(test, self.eval_context, RecordDictWrapper(record)) except Exception, e: _logger.debug('Exception during evaluation of !assert block in yaml_file %s.', self.filename, exc_info=True) raise YamlImportAbortion(e) if not success: msg = 'Assertion "%s" FAILED\ntest: %s\n' args = (assertion.string, test) for aop in ('==', '!=', '<>', 'in', 'not in', '>=', '<=', '>', '<'): if aop in test: left, right = test.split(aop,1) lmsg = '' rmsg = '' try: lmsg = unsafe_eval(left, self.eval_context, RecordDictWrapper(record)) except Exception, e: lmsg = '' try: rmsg = unsafe_eval(right, self.eval_context, RecordDictWrapper(record)) except Exception, e: rmsg = '' msg += 'values: ! %s %s %s' args += ( lmsg, aop, rmsg ) break self._log_assert_failure(msg, *args) return else: # all tests were successful for this assertion tag (no break) self.assertion_report.record_success() def _coerce_bool(self, value, default=False): if isinstance(value, types.BooleanType): b = value if isinstance(value, types.StringTypes): b = value.strip().lower() not in ('0', 'false', 'off', 'no') elif isinstance(value, types.IntType): b = bool(value) else: b = default return b def create_osv_memory_record(self, record, fields): model = self.get_model(record.model) context = self.get_context(record, self.eval_context) record_dict = self._create_record(model, fields) id_new = model.create(self.cr, self.uid, record_dict, context=context) self.id_map[record.id] = int(id_new) return record_dict def process_record(self, node): import openerp.osv as osv record, fields = node.items()[0] model = self.get_model(record.model) view_id = record.view if view_id and (view_id is not True): view_id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data').get_object_reference(self.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, self.module, record.view)[1] if model.is_transient(): record_dict=self.create_osv_memory_record(record, fields) else: self.validate_xml_id(record.id) try: self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._get_id(self.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, self.module, record.id) default = False except ValueError: default = True if self.isnoupdate(record) and self.mode != 'init': id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update_dummy(self.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, record.model, self.module, record.id) # check if the resource already existed at the last update if id: self.id_map[record] = int(id) return None else: if not self._coerce_bool(record.forcecreate): return None #context = self.get_context(record, self.eval_context) #TOFIX: record.context like {'withoutemployee':True} should pass from self.eval_context. example: test_project.yml in project module context = record.context if view_id: varg = view_id if view_id is True: varg = False view = model.fields_view_get(self.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, varg, 'form', context) view_id = etree.fromstring(view['arch'].encode('utf-8')) record_dict = self._create_record(model, fields, view_id, default=default) _logger.debug("RECORD_DICT %s" % record_dict) id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update(self.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, record.model, \ self.module, record_dict, record.id, noupdate=self.isnoupdate(record), mode=self.mode, context=context) self.id_map[record.id] = int(id) if config.get('import_partial'): self.cr.commit() def _create_record(self, model, fields, view=False, parent={}, default=True): if view is not False: defaults = default and model._add_missing_default_values(self.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}, context=self.context) or {} fg = model.fields_get(self.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, context=self.context) else: defaults = {} fg = {} record_dict = {} fields = fields or {} def process_val(key, val): if fg[key]['type']=='many2one': if type(val) in (tuple,list): val = val[0] elif (fg[key]['type']=='one2many'): if val is False: val = [] if len(val) and type(val[0]) == dict: val = map(lambda x: (0,0,x), val) return val # Process all on_change calls nodes = (view is not False) and [view] or [] while nodes: el = nodes.pop(0) if el.tag=='field': field_name = el.attrib['name'] assert field_name in fg, "The field '%s' is defined in the form view but not on the object '%s'!" % (field_name, model._name) if field_name in fields: view2 = None # if the form view is not inline, we call fields_view_get if (view is not False) and (fg[field_name]['type']=='one2many'): view2 = view.find("field[@name='%s']/form"%(field_name,)) if not view2: view2 = self.pool.get(fg[field_name]['relation']).fields_view_get(self.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, False, 'form', self.context) view2 = etree.fromstring(view2['arch'].encode('utf-8')) field_value = self._eval_field(model, field_name, fields[field_name], view2, parent=record_dict, default=default) record_dict[field_name] = field_value #if (field_name in defaults) and defaults[field_name] == field_value: # print '*** You can remove these lines:', field_name, field_value elif (field_name in defaults): if (field_name not in record_dict): record_dict[field_name] = process_val(field_name, defaults[field_name]) else: continue if not el.attrib.get('on_change', False): continue match = re.match("([a-z_1-9A-Z]+)\((.*)\)", el.attrib['on_change']) assert match, "Unable to parse the on_change '%s'!" % (el.attrib['on_change'], ) # creating the context class parent2(object): def __init__(self, d): self.d = d def __getattr__(self, name): return self.d.get(name, False) ctx = record_dict.copy() ctx['context'] = self.context ctx['uid'] = 1 ctx['parent'] = parent2(parent) for a in fg: if a not in ctx: ctx[a]=process_val(a, defaults.get(a, False)) # Evaluation args args = map(lambda x: eval(x, ctx), match.group(2).split(',')) result = getattr(model, match.group(1))(self.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, [], *args) for key, val in (result or {}).get('value', {}).items(): if key not in fields: assert key in fg, "The returning field '%s' from your on_change call '%s' does not exist on the object '%s'" % (key, match.group(1), model._name) record_dict[key] = process_val(key, val) #if (key in fields) and record_dict[key] == process_val(key, val): # print '*** You can remove these lines:', key, val else: nodes = list(el) + nodes for field_name, expression in fields.items(): if field_name in record_dict: continue field_value = self._eval_field(model, field_name, expression, default=False) record_dict[field_name] = field_value return record_dict def process_ref(self, node, column=None): assert node.search or node.id, '!ref node should have a `search` attribute or `id` attribute' if node.search: if node.model: model_name = node.model elif column: model_name = column._obj else: raise YamlImportException('You need to give a model for the search, or a column to infer it.') model = self.get_model(model_name) q = eval(node.search, self.eval_context) ids = model.search(self.cr, self.uid, q) if node.use: instances = model.browse(self.cr, self.uid, ids) value = [inst[node.use] for inst in instances] else: value = ids elif node.id: value = self.get_id(node.id) else: value = None return value def process_eval(self, node): return eval(node.expression, self.eval_context) def _eval_field(self, model, field_name, expression, view=False, parent={}, default=True): # TODO this should be refactored as something like model.get_field() in bin/osv if field_name in model._columns: column = model._columns[field_name] elif field_name in model._inherit_fields: column = model._inherit_fields[field_name][2] else: raise KeyError("Object '%s' does not contain field '%s'" % (model, field_name)) if is_ref(expression): elements = self.process_ref(expression, column) if column._type in ("many2many", "one2many"): value = [(6, 0, elements)] else: # many2one if isinstance(elements, (list,tuple)): value = self._get_first_result(elements) else: value = elements elif column._type == "many2one": value = self.get_id(expression) elif column._type == "one2many": other_model = self.get_model(column._obj) value = [(0, 0, self._create_record(other_model, fields, view, parent, default=default)) for fields in expression] elif column._type == "many2many": ids = [self.get_id(xml_id) for xml_id in expression] value = [(6, 0, ids)] elif column._type == "date" and is_string(expression): # enforce ISO format for string date values, to be locale-agnostic during tests time.strptime(expression, misc.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) value = expression elif column._type == "datetime" and is_string(expression): # enforce ISO format for string datetime values, to be locale-agnostic during tests time.strptime(expression, misc.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) value = expression else: # scalar field if is_eval(expression): value = self.process_eval(expression) else: value = expression # raise YamlImportException('Unsupported column "%s" or value %s:%s' % (field_name, type(expression), expression)) return value def process_context(self, node): self.context = node.__dict__ if node.uid: self.uid = self.get_id(node.uid) if node.noupdate: self.noupdate = node.noupdate def process_python(self, node): python, statements = node.items()[0] model = self.get_model(python.model) statements = statements.replace("\r\n", "\n") code_context = { 'model': model, 'cr': self.cr, 'uid': self.uid, 'log': self._log, 'context': self.context } code_context.update({'self': model}) # remove me when no !python block test uses 'self' anymore try: code_obj = compile(statements, self.filename, 'exec') unsafe_eval(code_obj, {'ref': self.get_id}, code_context) except AssertionError, e: self._log_assert_failure('AssertionError in Python code %s: %s', python.name, e) return except Exception, e: _logger.debug('Exception during evaluation of !python block in yaml_file %s.', self.filename, exc_info=True) raise else: self.assertion_report.record_success() def process_workflow(self, node): workflow, values = node.items()[0] if self.isnoupdate(workflow) and self.mode != 'init': return if workflow.ref: id = self.get_id(workflow.ref) else: if not values: raise YamlImportException('You must define a child node if you do not give a ref.') if not len(values) == 1: raise YamlImportException('Only one child node is accepted (%d given).' % len(values)) value = values[0] if not 'model' in value and (not 'eval' in value or not 'search' in value): raise YamlImportException('You must provide a "model" and an "eval" or "search" to evaluate.') value_model = self.get_model(value['model']) local_context = {'obj': lambda x: value_model.browse(self.cr, self.uid, x, context=self.context)} local_context.update(self.id_map) id = eval(value['eval'], self.eval_context, local_context) if workflow.uid is not None: uid = workflow.uid else: uid = self.uid self.cr.execute('select distinct signal from wkf_transition') signals=[x['signal'] for x in self.cr.dictfetchall()] if workflow.action not in signals: raise YamlImportException('Incorrect action %s. No such action defined' % workflow.action) import openerp.netsvc as netsvc wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow") wf_service.trg_validate(uid, workflow.model, id, workflow.action, self.cr) def _eval_params(self, model, params): args = [] for i, param in enumerate(params): if isinstance(param, types.ListType): value = self._eval_params(model, param) elif is_ref(param): value = self.process_ref(param) elif is_eval(param): value = self.process_eval(param) elif isinstance(param, types.DictionaryType): # supports XML syntax param_model = self.get_model(param.get('model', model)) if 'search' in param: q = eval(param['search'], self.eval_context) ids = param_model.search(self.cr, self.uid, q) value = self._get_first_result(ids) elif 'eval' in param: local_context = {'obj': lambda x: param_model.browse(self.cr, self.uid, x, self.context)} local_context.update(self.id_map) value = eval(param['eval'], self.eval_context, local_context) else: raise YamlImportException('You must provide either a !ref or at least a "eval" or a "search" to function parameter #%d.' % i) else: value = param # scalar value args.append(value) return args def process_function(self, node): function, params = node.items()[0] if self.isnoupdate(function) and self.mode != 'init': return model = self.get_model(function.model) if function.eval: args = self.process_eval(function.eval) else: args = self._eval_params(function.model, params) method = function.name getattr(model, method)(self.cr, self.uid, *args) def _set_group_values(self, node, values): if node.groups: group_names = node.groups.split(',') groups_value = [] for group in group_names: if group.startswith('-'): group_id = self.get_id(group[1:]) groups_value.append((3, group_id)) else: group_id = self.get_id(group) groups_value.append((4, group_id)) values['groups_id'] = groups_value def process_menuitem(self, node): self.validate_xml_id(node.id) if not node.parent: parent_id = False self.cr.execute('select id from ir_ui_menu where parent_id is null and name=%s', (node.name,)) res = self.cr.fetchone() values = {'parent_id': parent_id, 'name': node.name} else: parent_id = self.get_id(node.parent) values = {'parent_id': parent_id} if node.name: values['name'] = node.name try: res = [ self.get_id(node.id) ] except: # which exception ? res = None if node.action: action_type = node.type or 'act_window' icons = { "act_window": 'STOCK_NEW', "report.xml": 'STOCK_PASTE', "wizard": 'STOCK_EXECUTE', "url": 'STOCK_JUMP_TO', } values['icon'] = icons.get(action_type, 'STOCK_NEW') if action_type == 'act_window': action_id = self.get_id(node.action) self.cr.execute('select view_type,view_mode,name,view_id,target from ir_act_window where id=%s', (action_id,)) ir_act_window_result = self.cr.fetchone() assert ir_act_window_result, "No window action defined for this id %s !\n" \ "Verify that this is a window action or add a type argument." % (node.action,) action_type, action_mode, action_name, view_id, target = ir_act_window_result if view_id: self.cr.execute('SELECT type FROM ir_ui_view WHERE id=%s', (view_id,)) # TODO guess why action_mode is ir_act_window.view_mode above and ir_ui_view.type here action_mode = self.cr.fetchone() self.cr.execute('SELECT view_mode FROM ir_act_window_view WHERE act_window_id=%s ORDER BY sequence LIMIT 1', (action_id,)) if self.cr.rowcount: action_mode = self.cr.fetchone() if action_type == 'tree': values['icon'] = 'STOCK_INDENT' elif action_mode and action_mode.startswith('tree'): values['icon'] = 'STOCK_JUSTIFY_FILL' elif action_mode and action_mode.startswith('graph'): values['icon'] = 'terp-graph' elif action_mode and action_mode.startswith('calendar'): values['icon'] = 'terp-calendar' if target == 'new': values['icon'] = 'STOCK_EXECUTE' if not values.get('name', False): values['name'] = action_name elif action_type == 'wizard': action_id = self.get_id(node.action) self.cr.execute('select name from ir_act_wizard where id=%s', (action_id,)) ir_act_wizard_result = self.cr.fetchone() if (not values.get('name', False)) and ir_act_wizard_result: values['name'] = ir_act_wizard_result[0] else: raise YamlImportException("Unsupported type '%s' in menuitem tag." % action_type) if node.sequence: values['sequence'] = node.sequence if node.icon: values['icon'] = node.icon self._set_group_values(node, values) pid = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update(self.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, \ 'ir.ui.menu', self.module, values, node.id, mode=self.mode, \ noupdate=self.isnoupdate(node), res_id=res and res[0] or False) if node.id and parent_id: self.id_map[node.id] = int(parent_id) if node.action and pid: action_type = node.type or 'act_window' action_id = self.get_id(node.action) action = "ir.actions.%s,%d" % (action_type, action_id) self.pool.get('ir.model.data').ir_set(self.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, 'action', \ 'tree_but_open', 'Menuitem', [('ir.ui.menu', int(parent_id))], action, True, True, xml_id=node.id) def process_act_window(self, node): assert getattr(node, 'id'), "Attribute %s of act_window is empty !" % ('id',) assert getattr(node, 'name'), "Attribute %s of act_window is empty !" % ('name',) assert getattr(node, 'res_model'), "Attribute %s of act_window is empty !" % ('res_model',) self.validate_xml_id(node.id) view_id = False if node.view: view_id = self.get_id(node.view) if not node.context: node.context={} context = eval(str(node.context), self.eval_context) values = { 'name': node.name, 'type': node.type or 'ir.actions.act_window', 'view_id': view_id, 'domain': node.domain, 'context': context, 'res_model': node.res_model, 'src_model': node.src_model, 'view_type': node.view_type or 'form', 'view_mode': node.view_mode or 'tree,form', 'usage': node.usage, 'limit': node.limit, 'auto_refresh': node.auto_refresh, 'multi': getattr(node, 'multi', False), } self._set_group_values(node, values) if node.target: values['target'] = node.target id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update(self.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, \ 'ir.actions.act_window', self.module, values, node.id, mode=self.mode) self.id_map[node.id] = int(id) if node.src_model: keyword = 'client_action_relate' value = 'ir.actions.act_window,%s' % id replace = node.replace or True self.pool.get('ir.model.data').ir_set(self.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, 'action', keyword, \ node.id, [node.src_model], value, replace=replace, noupdate=self.isnoupdate(node), isobject=True, xml_id=node.id) # TODO add remove ir.model.data def process_delete(self, node): assert getattr(node, 'model'), "Attribute %s of delete tag is empty !" % ('model',) if self.pool.get(node.model): if node.search: ids = self.pool.get(node.model).search(self.cr, self.uid, eval(node.search, self.eval_context)) else: ids = [self.get_id(node.id)] if len(ids): self.pool.get(node.model).unlink(self.cr, self.uid, ids) else: self._log("Record not deleted.") def process_url(self, node): self.validate_xml_id(node.id) res = {'name': node.name, 'url': node.url, 'target': node.target} id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update(self.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, \ "ir.actions.url", self.module, res, node.id, mode=self.mode) self.id_map[node.id] = int(id) # ir_set if (not node.menu or eval(node.menu)) and id: keyword = node.keyword or 'client_action_multi' value = 'ir.actions.url,%s' % id replace = node.replace or True self.pool.get('ir.model.data').ir_set(self.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, 'action', \ keyword, node.url, ["ir.actions.url"], value, replace=replace, \ noupdate=self.isnoupdate(node), isobject=True, xml_id=node.id) def process_ir_set(self, node): if not self.mode == 'init': return False _, fields = node.items()[0] res = {} for fieldname, expression in fields.items(): if is_eval(expression): value = eval(expression.expression, self.eval_context) else: value = expression res[fieldname] = value self.pool.get('ir.model.data').ir_set(self.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, res['key'], res['key2'], \ res['name'], res['models'], res['value'], replace=res.get('replace',True), \ isobject=res.get('isobject', False), meta=res.get('meta',None)) def process_report(self, node): values = {} for dest, f in (('name','string'), ('model','model'), ('report_name','name')): values[dest] = getattr(node, f) assert values[dest], "Attribute %s of report is empty !" % (f,) for field,dest in (('rml','report_rml'),('file','report_rml'),('xml','report_xml'),('xsl','report_xsl'),('attachment','attachment'),('attachment_use','attachment_use')): if getattr(node, field): values[dest] = getattr(node, field) if node.auto: values['auto'] = eval(node.auto) if node.sxw: sxw_file = misc.file_open(node.sxw) try: sxw_content = sxw_file.read() values['report_sxw_content'] = sxw_content finally: sxw_file.close() if node.header: values['header'] = eval(node.header) values['multi'] = node.multi and eval(node.multi) xml_id = node.id self.validate_xml_id(xml_id) self._set_group_values(node, values) id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')._update(self.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, "ir.actions.report.xml", \ self.module, values, xml_id, noupdate=self.isnoupdate(node), mode=self.mode) self.id_map[xml_id] = int(id) if not node.menu or eval(node.menu): keyword = node.keyword or 'client_print_multi' value = 'ir.actions.report.xml,%s' % id replace = node.replace or True self.pool.get('ir.model.data').ir_set(self.cr, SUPERUSER_ID, 'action', \ keyword, values['name'], [values['model']], value, replace=replace, isobject=True, xml_id=xml_id) def process_none(self): """ Empty node or commented node should not pass silently. """ self._log_assert_failure("You have an empty block in your tests.") def process(self, yaml_string): """ Processes a Yaml string. Custom tags are interpreted by 'process_' instance methods. """ yaml_tag.add_constructors() is_preceded_by_comment = False for node in yaml.load(yaml_string): is_preceded_by_comment = self._log_node(node, is_preceded_by_comment) try: self._process_node(node) except Exception, e: _logger.exception(e) raise def _process_node(self, node): if is_comment(node): self.process_comment(node) elif is_assert(node): self.process_assert(node) elif is_record(node): self.process_record(node) elif is_python(node): self.process_python(node) elif is_menuitem(node): self.process_menuitem(node) elif is_delete(node): self.process_delete(node) elif is_url(node): self.process_url(node) elif is_context(node): self.process_context(node) elif is_ir_set(node): self.process_ir_set(node) elif is_act_window(node): self.process_act_window(node) elif is_report(node): self.process_report(node) elif is_workflow(node): if isinstance(node, types.DictionaryType): self.process_workflow(node) else: self.process_workflow({node: []}) elif is_function(node): if isinstance(node, types.DictionaryType): self.process_function(node) else: self.process_function({node: []}) elif node is None: self.process_none() else: raise YamlImportException("Can not process YAML block: %s" % node) def _log_node(self, node, is_preceded_by_comment): if is_comment(node): is_preceded_by_comment = True self._log(node) elif not is_preceded_by_comment: if isinstance(node, types.DictionaryType): msg = "Creating %s\n with %s" args = node.items()[0] self._log(msg, *args) else: self._log(node) else: is_preceded_by_comment = False return is_preceded_by_comment def yaml_import(cr, module, yamlfile, kind, idref=None, mode='init', noupdate=False, report=None): if idref is None: idref = {} loglevel = logging.TEST if kind == 'test' else logging.DEBUG yaml_string = yamlfile.read() yaml_interpreter = YamlInterpreter(cr, module, idref, mode, filename=yamlfile.name, report=report, noupdate=noupdate, loglevel=loglevel) yaml_interpreter.process(yaml_string) # keeps convention of convert.py convert_yaml_import = yaml_import def threaded_yaml_import(db_name, module_name, file_name, delay=0): def f(): time.sleep(delay) cr = None fp = None try: cr = sql_db.db_connect(db_name).cursor() fp = misc.file_open(file_name) convert_yaml_import(cr, module_name, fp, {}, 'update', True) finally: if cr: cr.close() if fp: fp.close() threading.Thread(target=f).start() # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: