# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (). # Copyright (c) 1999 Christian Scholz (ruebe@aachen.heimat.de) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## import xml.dom.minidom domimpl = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation() from xml.dom.minicompat import StringTypes import urlparse import urllib from osv import osv from tools.translate import _ try: from DAV import utils from DAV.propfind import PROPFIND from DAV.report import REPORT except ImportError: raise osv.except_osv(_('PyWebDAV Import Error!'), _('Please install PyWebDAV from http://code.google.com/p/pywebdav/downloads/detail?name=PyWebDAV-0.9.4.tar.gz&can=2&q=/')) import tools class Text2(xml.dom.minidom.Text): def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""): data = "%s%s%s" % (indent, self.data, newl) data = data.replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<") data = data.replace(">", ">") writer.write(data) class Prop2xml(object): """ A helper class to convert property structs to DAV:XML Written to generalize the use of _prop_child(), a class is needed to hold some persistent data accross the recursions of _prop_elem_child(). """ def __init__(self, doc, namespaces, nsnum): """ Init the structure @param doc the xml doc element @param namespaces a dict of namespaces @param nsnum the next namespace number to define """ self.doc = doc self.namespaces = namespaces self.nsnum = nsnum def createText2Node(self, data): if not isinstance(data, StringTypes): raise TypeError, "node contents must be a string" t = Text2() t.data = data t.ownerDocument = self.doc return t def _prop_child(self, xnode, ns, prop, value): """Append a property xml node to xnode, with value And a little smarter than that, it will consider namespace and also allow nested properties etc. :param ns the namespace of the node :param prop the name of the property :param value the value. Can be: string: text node tuple ('elem', 'ns') for empty sub-node tuple ('elem', 'ns', sub-elems) for sub-node with elements tuple ('elem', 'ns', sub-elems, {attrs}) for sub-node with optional elements and attributes list, of above tuples """ if ns == 'DAV:': ns_prefix = 'D:' else: ns_prefix="ns"+str(self.namespaces.index(ns))+":" pe = self.doc.createElement(ns_prefix+str(prop)) if hasattr(value, '__class__') and value.__class__.__name__ == 'Element': pe.appendChild(value) else: if ns == 'DAV:' and prop=="resourcetype" and isinstance(value, int): # hack, to go.. if value == 1: ve = self.doc.createElement("D:collection") pe.appendChild(ve) else: self._prop_elem_child(pe, ns, value, ns_prefix) xnode.appendChild(pe) def _prop_elem_child(self, pnode, pns, v, pns_prefix): if isinstance(v, list): for vit in v: self._prop_elem_child(pnode, pns, vit, pns_prefix) elif isinstance(v,tuple): need_ns = False if v[1] == pns: ns_prefix = pns_prefix elif v[1] == 'DAV:': ns_prefix = 'D:' elif v[1] in self.namespaces: ns_prefix="ns"+str(self.namespaces.index(v[1]))+":" else: ns_prefix="ns"+str(self.nsnum)+":" need_ns = True ve = self.doc.createElement(ns_prefix+v[0]) if need_ns: ve.setAttribute("xmlns:ns"+str(self.nsnum), v[1]) if len(v) > 2 and v[2] is not None: if isinstance(v[2], (list, tuple)): # support nested elements like: # ( 'elem', 'ns:', [('sub-elem1', 'ns1'), ...] self._prop_elem_child(ve, v[1], v[2], ns_prefix) else: vt = self.createText2Node(tools.ustr(v[2])) ve.appendChild(vt) if len(v) > 3 and v[3]: assert isinstance(v[3], dict) for ak, av in v[3].items(): ve.setAttribute(ak, av) pnode.appendChild(ve) else: ve = self.createText2Node(tools.ustr(v)) pnode.appendChild(ve) super_mk_prop_response = PROPFIND.mk_prop_response def mk_prop_response(self, uri, good_props, bad_props, doc): """ make a new result element We differ between the good props and the bad ones for each generating an extra -Node (for each error one, that means). """ re=doc.createElement("D:response") # append namespaces to response nsnum=0 namespaces = self.namespaces[:] if 'DAV:' in namespaces: namespaces.remove('DAV:') for nsname in namespaces: re.setAttribute("xmlns:ns"+str(nsnum),nsname) nsnum=nsnum+1 propgen = Prop2xml(doc, namespaces, nsnum) # write href information uparts=urlparse.urlparse(uri) fileloc=uparts[2] if isinstance(fileloc, unicode): fileloc = fileloc.encode('utf-8') href=doc.createElement("D:href") davpath = self._dataclass.parent.get_davpath() if uparts[0] and uparts[1]: hurl = '%s://%s%s%s' % (uparts[0], uparts[1], davpath, urllib.quote(fileloc)) else: # When the request has been relative, we don't have enough data to # reply with absolute url here. hurl = '%s%s' % (davpath, urllib.quote(fileloc)) huri=doc.createTextNode(hurl) href.appendChild(huri) re.appendChild(href) # write good properties ps=doc.createElement("D:propstat") if good_props: re.appendChild(ps) s=doc.createElement("D:status") t=doc.createTextNode("HTTP/1.1 200 OK") s.appendChild(t) ps.appendChild(s) gp=doc.createElement("D:prop") for ns in good_props.keys(): if ns == 'DAV:': ns_prefix = 'D:' else: ns_prefix="ns"+str(namespaces.index(ns))+":" for p,v in good_props[ns].items(): if v is None: continue propgen._prop_child(gp, ns, p, v) ps.appendChild(gp) re.appendChild(ps) # now write the errors! if len(bad_props.items()): # write a propstat for each error code for ecode in bad_props.keys(): ps=doc.createElement("D:propstat") re.appendChild(ps) s=doc.createElement("D:status") t=doc.createTextNode(utils.gen_estring(ecode)) s.appendChild(t) ps.appendChild(s) bp=doc.createElement("D:prop") ps.appendChild(bp) for ns in bad_props[ecode].keys(): if ns == 'DAV:': ns_prefix='D:' else: ns_prefix="ns"+str(self.namespaces.index(ns))+":" for p in bad_props[ecode][ns]: pe=doc.createElement(ns_prefix+str(p)) bp.appendChild(pe) re.appendChild(ps) # return the new response element return re def mk_propname_response(self,uri,propnames,doc): """ make a new result element for a PROPNAME request This will simply format the propnames list. propnames should have the format {NS1 : [prop1, prop2, ...], NS2: ...} """ re=doc.createElement("D:response") # write href information uparts=urlparse.urlparse(uri) fileloc=uparts[2] if isinstance(fileloc, unicode): fileloc = fileloc.encode('utf-8') href=doc.createElement("D:href") davpath = self._dataclass.parent.get_davpath() if uparts[0] and uparts[1]: hurl = '%s://%s%s%s' % (uparts[0], uparts[1], davpath, urllib.quote(fileloc)) else: # When the request has been relative, we don't have enough data to # reply with absolute url here. hurl = '%s%s' % (davpath, urllib.quote(fileloc)) huri=doc.createTextNode(hurl) href.appendChild(huri) re.appendChild(href) ps=doc.createElement("D:propstat") nsnum=0 for ns,plist in propnames.items(): # write prop element pr=doc.createElement("D:prop") if ns == 'DAV': nsp = 'D' else: nsp="ns"+str(nsnum) ps.setAttribute("xmlns:"+nsp,ns) nsnum=nsnum+1 # write propertynames for p in plist: pe=doc.createElement(nsp+":"+p) pr.appendChild(pe) ps.appendChild(pr) re.appendChild(ps) return re PROPFIND.mk_prop_response = mk_prop_response PROPFIND.mk_propname_response = mk_propname_response def mk_lock_response(self, uri, props): """ Prepare the data response to a DAV LOCK command This function is here, merely to be in the same file as the ones above, that have similar code. """ doc = domimpl.createDocument('DAV:', "D:prop", None) ms = doc.documentElement ms.setAttribute("xmlns:D", "DAV:") # ms.tagName = 'D:multistatus' namespaces = [] nsnum = 0 propgen = Prop2xml(doc, namespaces, nsnum) # write href information uparts=urlparse.urlparse(uri) fileloc=uparts[2] if isinstance(fileloc, unicode): fileloc = fileloc.encode('utf-8') davpath = self.parent.get_davpath() if uparts[0] and uparts[1]: hurl = '%s://%s%s%s' % (uparts[0], uparts[1], davpath, urllib.quote(fileloc)) else: # When the request has been relative, we don't have enough data to # reply with absolute url here. hurl = '%s%s' % (davpath, urllib.quote(fileloc)) props.append( ('lockroot', 'DAV:', ('href', 'DAV:', (hurl)))) pld = doc.createElement('D:lockdiscovery') ms.appendChild(pld) propgen._prop_child(pld, 'DAV:', 'activelock', props) return doc.toxml(encoding="utf-8") super_create_prop = REPORT.create_prop def create_prop(self): try: if (self.filter is not None) and self._depth == "0": hrefs = self.filter.getElementsByTagNameNS('DAV:', 'href') if hrefs: self._depth = "1" except Exception: pass return super_create_prop(self) REPORT.create_prop = create_prop #eof