#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## # setup from TinERP # taken from straw http://www.nongnu.org/straw/index.html # taken from gnomolicious http://www.nongnu.org/gnomolicious/ # adapted by Nicolas Évrard # import imp import sys import os from os.path import join, isfile, basename import glob from distutils.core import setup, Command from distutils.command.install import install has_py2exe = False if os.name == 'nt': import py2exe has_py2exe = True sys.path.append(join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "bin")) execfile(join('bin', 'release.py')) if sys.argv[1] == 'bdist_rpm': version = version.split('-')[0] # get python short version py_short_version = '%s.%s' % sys.version_info[:2] required_modules = [ ('lxml', 'lxml module: pythonic libxml2 and libxslt bindings'), ('mako', 'Mako template engine'), ('mx', "egenix's mx library for its extended DateTime module"), ('psycopg2', 'PostgreSQL module'), ('pychart', 'pychart module'), ('pydot', 'pydot module'), ('pytz', 'Timezone handling library for Python'), ('reportlab', 'reportlab module'), ] def check_modules(): errors = [] for modname, desc in required_modules: try: imp.find_module(modname) except ImportError: errors.append( 'Error: python module %s (%s) is required' % (modname, desc)) if errors: print '\n'.join(errors) sys.exit(1) def find_addons(): for root, _, names in os.walk(join('bin', 'addons')): if '__terp__.py' in names: yield basename(root), root #look for extra modules try: empath = os.getenv('EXTRA_MODULES_PATH', '../addons/') for mname in open(join(empath, 'server_modules.list')): mname = mname.strip() if not mname: continue if os.path.exists(join(empath, mname, '__terp__.py')): yield mname, join(empath, mname) else: print "Module %s specified, but no valid path." % mname except: pass def data_files(): '''Build list of data files to be installed''' files = [] if os.name == 'nt': for root, _, names in os.walk(join('bin','addons')): files.append((root, [join(root, name) for name in names])) for root, _, names in os.walk('doc'): files.append((root, [join(root, name) for name in names])) files.append(('.', [join('bin', 'import_xml.rng'), join('bin', 'server.pkey'), join('bin', 'server.cert')])) else: man_directory = join('share', 'man') files.append((join(man_directory, 'man1'), ['man/openerp-server.1'])) files.append((join(man_directory, 'man5'), ['man/openerp_serverrc.5'])) doc_directory = join('share', 'doc', 'openerp-server-%s' % version) files.append((doc_directory, filter(isfile, glob.glob('doc/*')))) files.append((join(doc_directory, 'migrate', '3.3.0-3.4.0'), filter(isfile, glob.glob('doc/migrate/3.3.0-3.4.0/*')))) files.append((join(doc_directory, 'migrate', '3.4.0-4.0.0'), filter(isfile, glob.glob('doc/migrate/3.4.0-4.0.0/*')))) openerp_site_packages = join('lib', 'python%s' % py_short_version, 'site-packages', 'openerp-server') files.append((openerp_site_packages, [join('bin', 'import_xml.rng'), join('bin', 'server.pkey'), join('bin', 'server.cert')])) if sys.version_info[0:2] == (2,5): files.append((openerp_site_packages, [ join('python25-compat','BaseHTTPServer.py'), join('python25-compat','SimpleXMLRPCServer.py'), join('python25-compat','SocketServer.py')])) for addonname, add_path in find_addons(): addon_path = join('lib', 'python%s' % py_short_version, 'site-packages', 'openerp-server','addons', addonname) for root, dirs, innerfiles in os.walk(add_path): innerfiles = filter(lambda fil: os.path.splitext(fil)[1] not in ('.pyc', '.pyd', '.pyo'), innerfiles) if innerfiles: res = os.path.normpath(join(addon_path, root.replace(join(add_path), '.'))) files.extend(((res, map(lambda fil: join(root, fil), innerfiles)),)) return files if not os.getenv('NO_CHECK_MODULES') : check_modules() f = file('openerp-server','w') f.write("""#!/bin/sh echo "Error: the content of this file should have been replaced during " echo "installation\n" exit 1 """) f.close() def find_package_dirs(): package_dirs = {'openerp-server': 'bin'} for mod, path in find_addons(): package_dirs['openerp-server.addons.' + mod] = path return package_dirs class openerp_server_install(install): def run(self): # create startup script start_script = "#!/bin/sh\ncd %s\nexec %s ./openerp-server.py $@\n"\ % (join(self.install_libbase, "openerp-server"), sys.executable) # write script f = open('openerp-server', 'w') f.write(start_script) f.close() install.run(self) options = { "py2exe": { "compressed": 1, "optimize": 2, "dist_dir": 'dist', "packages": ["lxml", "lxml.builder", "lxml._elementpath", "lxml.etree", "lxml.objectify", "decimal", "xml", "xml.dom", "xml.xpath", "encodings","mx.DateTime","wizard","pychart","PIL", "pyparsing", "pydot","asyncore","asynchat", "reportlab", "vobject", "HTMLParser", "select"], "excludes" : ["Tkconstants","Tkinter","tcl"], } } setup(name = name, version = version, description = description, long_description = long_desc, url = url, author = author, author_email = author_email, classifiers = filter(None, classifiers.split("\n")), license = license, data_files = data_files(), cmdclass = { 'install' : openerp_server_install, }, scripts = ['openerp-server'], packages = ['openerp-server', 'openerp-server.addons', 'openerp-server.ir', 'openerp-server.osv', 'openerp-server.pychart', 'openerp-server.pychart.afm', 'openerp-server.report', 'openerp-server.report.printscreen', 'openerp-server.report.pyPdf', 'openerp-server.report.render', 'openerp-server.report.render.html2html', 'openerp-server.report.render.makohtml2html', 'openerp-server.report.render.odt2odt', 'openerp-server.report.render.rml2html', 'openerp-server.report.render.rml2pdf', 'openerp-server.report.render.rml2txt', 'openerp-server.service', 'openerp-server.tools', 'openerp-server.wizard', 'openerp-server.workflow'] + \ [('openerp-server.addons.' + name) for name, _ in find_addons()], package_dir = find_package_dirs(), console = [{"script": join("bin", "openerp-server.py"), "icon_resources": [(1,join("pixmaps","openerp-icon.ico"))] }], options = options, ) if has_py2exe: # Sometime between pytz-2008a and pytz-2008i common_timezones started to # include only names of zones with a corresponding data file in zoneinfo. # pytz installs the zoneinfo directory tree in the same directory # as the pytz/__init__.py file. These data files are loaded using # pkg_resources.resource_stream. py2exe does not copy this to library.zip so # resource_stream can't find the files and common_timezones is empty when # read in the py2exe executable. # This manually copies zoneinfo into the zip. See also # http://code.google.com/p/googletransitdatafeed/issues/detail?id=121 import pytz import zipfile # Make sure the layout of pytz hasn't changed assert (pytz.__file__.endswith('__init__.pyc') or pytz.__file__.endswith('__init__.py')), pytz.__file__ zoneinfo_dir = join(os.path.dirname(pytz.__file__), 'zoneinfo') # '..\\Lib\\pytz\\__init__.py' -> '..\\Lib' disk_basedir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(pytz.__file__)) zipfile_path = join(options['py2exe']['dist_dir'], 'library.zip') z = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfile_path, 'a') for absdir, directories, filenames in os.walk(zoneinfo_dir): assert absdir.startswith(disk_basedir), (absdir, disk_basedir) zip_dir = absdir[len(disk_basedir):] for f in filenames: z.write(join(absdir, f), join(zip_dir, f)) z.close()