# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## import logging from openerp import tools import openerp.modules from openerp.osv import fields, osv from openerp.tools.translate import _ _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) TRANSLATION_TYPE = [ ('field', 'Field'), ('model', 'Object'), ('rml', 'RML (deprecated - use Report)'), # Pending deprecation - to be replaced by report! ('report', 'Report/Template'), ('selection', 'Selection'), ('view', 'View'), ('wizard_button', 'Wizard Button'), ('wizard_field', 'Wizard Field'), ('wizard_view', 'Wizard View'), ('xsl', 'XSL'), ('help', 'Help'), ('code', 'Code'), ('constraint', 'Constraint'), ('sql_constraint', 'SQL Constraint') ] class ir_translation_import_cursor(object): """Temporary cursor for optimizing mass insert into ir.translation Open it (attached to a sql cursor), feed it with translation data and finish() it in order to insert multiple translations in a batch. """ _table_name = 'tmp_ir_translation_import' def __init__(self, cr, uid, parent, context): """ Initializer Store some values, and also create a temporary SQL table to accept the data. @param parent an instance of ir.translation ORM model """ self._cr = cr self._uid = uid self._context = context self._overwrite = context.get('overwrite', False) self._debug = False self._parent_table = parent._table # Note that Postgres will NOT inherit the constraints or indexes # of ir_translation, so this copy will be much faster. cr.execute('''CREATE TEMP TABLE %s( imd_model VARCHAR(64), imd_name VARCHAR(128) ) INHERITS (%s) ''' % (self._table_name, self._parent_table)) def push(self, trans_dict): """Feed a translation, as a dictionary, into the cursor """ params = dict(trans_dict, state="translated" if trans_dict['value'] else "to_translate") self._cr.execute("""INSERT INTO %s (name, lang, res_id, src, type, imd_model, module, imd_name, value, state, comments) VALUES (%%(name)s, %%(lang)s, %%(res_id)s, %%(src)s, %%(type)s, %%(imd_model)s, %%(module)s, %%(imd_name)s, %%(value)s, %%(state)s, %%(comments)s)""" % self._table_name, params) def finish(self): """ Transfer the data from the temp table to ir.translation """ cr = self._cr if self._debug: cr.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM %s" % self._table_name) c = cr.fetchone()[0] _logger.debug("ir.translation.cursor: We have %d entries to process", c) # Step 1: resolve ir.model.data references to res_ids cr.execute("""UPDATE %s AS ti SET res_id = imd.res_id FROM ir_model_data AS imd WHERE ti.res_id IS NULL AND ti.module IS NOT NULL AND ti.imd_name IS NOT NULL AND ti.module = imd.module AND ti.imd_name = imd.name AND ti.imd_model = imd.model; """ % self._table_name) if self._debug: cr.execute("SELECT module, imd_model, imd_name FROM %s " \ "WHERE res_id IS NULL AND module IS NOT NULL" % self._table_name) for row in cr.fetchall(): _logger.debug("ir.translation.cursor: missing res_id for %s. %s/%s ", *row) # Records w/o res_id must _not_ be inserted into our db, because they are # referencing non-existent data. cr.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE res_id IS NULL AND module IS NOT NULL" % \ self._table_name) find_expr = "irt.lang = ti.lang AND irt.type = ti.type " \ " AND irt.name = ti.name AND irt.src = ti.src " \ " AND (ti.type != 'model' OR ti.res_id = irt.res_id) " # Step 2: update existing (matching) translations if self._overwrite: cr.execute("""UPDATE ONLY %s AS irt SET value = ti.value, state = 'translated' FROM %s AS ti WHERE %s AND ti.value IS NOT NULL AND ti.value != '' """ % (self._parent_table, self._table_name, find_expr)) # Step 3: insert new translations cr.execute("""INSERT INTO %s(name, lang, res_id, src, type, value, module, state, comments) SELECT name, lang, res_id, src, type, value, module, state, comments FROM %s AS ti WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM ONLY %s AS irt WHERE %s); """ % (self._parent_table, self._table_name, self._parent_table, find_expr)) if self._debug: cr.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ONLY %s' % self._parent_table) c1 = cr.fetchone()[0] cr.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ONLY %s AS irt, %s AS ti WHERE %s' % \ (self._parent_table, self._table_name, find_expr)) c = cr.fetchone()[0] _logger.debug("ir.translation.cursor: %d entries now in ir.translation, %d common entries with tmp", c1, c) # Step 4: cleanup cr.execute("DROP TABLE %s" % self._table_name) return True class ir_translation(osv.osv): _name = "ir.translation" _log_access = False def _get_language(self, cr, uid, context): lang_model = self.pool.get('res.lang') lang_ids = lang_model.search(cr, uid, [('translatable', '=', True)], context=context) lang_data = lang_model.read(cr, uid, lang_ids, ['code', 'name'], context=context) return [(d['code'], d['name']) for d in lang_data] def _get_src(self, cr, uid, ids, name, arg, context=None): ''' Get source name for the translation. If object type is model then return the value store in db. Otherwise return value store in src field ''' if context is None: context = {} res = dict.fromkeys(ids, False) for record in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): if record.type != 'model': res[record.id] = record.src else: model_name, field = record.name.split(',') model = self.pool.get(model_name) if model and model.exists(cr, uid, record.res_id, context=context): # Pass context without lang, need to read real stored field, not translation context_no_lang = dict(context, lang=None) result = model.read(cr, uid, record.res_id, [field], context=context_no_lang) res[record.id] = result[field] if result else False return res def _set_src(self, cr, uid, id, name, value, args, context=None): ''' When changing source term of a translation, change its value in db for the associated object, and the src field ''' if context is None: context = {} record = self.browse(cr, uid, id, context=context) if record.type == 'model': model_name, field = record.name.split(',') model = self.pool.get(model_name) #We need to take the context without the language information, because we want to write on the #value store in db and not on the one associate with current language. #Also not removing lang from context trigger an error when lang is different context_wo_lang = context.copy() context_wo_lang.pop('lang', None) model.write(cr, uid, record.res_id, {field: value}, context=context_wo_lang) return self.write(cr, uid, id, {'src': value}, context=context) _columns = { 'name': fields.char('Translated field', required=True), 'res_id': fields.integer('Record ID', select=True), 'lang': fields.selection(_get_language, string='Language'), 'type': fields.selection(TRANSLATION_TYPE, string='Type', select=True), 'src': fields.text('Old source'), 'source': fields.function(_get_src, fnct_inv=_set_src, type='text', string='Source'), 'value': fields.text('Translation Value'), 'module': fields.char('Module', help="Module this term belongs to", select=True), 'state': fields.selection( [('to_translate','To Translate'), ('inprogress','Translation in Progress'), ('translated','Translated')], string="Status", help="Automatically set to let administators find new terms that might need to be translated"), # aka gettext extracted-comments - we use them to flag openerp-web translation # cfr: http://www.gnu.org/savannah-checkouts/gnu/gettext/manual/html_node/PO-Files.html 'comments': fields.text('Translation comments', select=True), } _defaults = { 'state': 'to_translate', } _sql_constraints = [ ('lang_fkey_res_lang', 'FOREIGN KEY(lang) REFERENCES res_lang(code)', 'Language code of translation item must be among known languages' ), ] def _auto_init(self, cr, context=None): super(ir_translation, self)._auto_init(cr, context) # FIXME: there is a size limit on btree indexed values so we can't index src column with normal btree. cr.execute('SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname = %s', ('ir_translation_ltns',)) if cr.fetchone(): #temporarily removed: cr.execute('CREATE INDEX ir_translation_ltns ON ir_translation (name, lang, type, src)') cr.execute('DROP INDEX ir_translation_ltns') cr.commit() cr.execute('SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname = %s', ('ir_translation_lts',)) if cr.fetchone(): #temporarily removed: cr.execute('CREATE INDEX ir_translation_lts ON ir_translation (lang, type, src)') cr.execute('DROP INDEX ir_translation_lts') cr.commit() # add separate hash index on src (no size limit on values), as postgres 8.1+ is able to combine separate indexes cr.execute('SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname = %s', ('ir_translation_src_hash_idx',)) if not cr.fetchone(): cr.execute('CREATE INDEX ir_translation_src_hash_idx ON ir_translation using hash (src)') cr.execute('SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname = %s', ('ir_translation_ltn',)) if not cr.fetchone(): cr.execute('CREATE INDEX ir_translation_ltn ON ir_translation (name, lang, type)') cr.commit() def _check_selection_field_value(self, cr, uid, field, value, context=None): if field == 'lang': return return super(ir_translation, self)._check_selection_field_value(cr, uid, field, value, context=context) @tools.ormcache_multi(skiparg=3, multi=6) def _get_ids(self, cr, uid, name, tt, lang, ids): translations = dict.fromkeys(ids, False) if ids: cr.execute('select res_id,value ' 'from ir_translation ' 'where lang=%s ' 'and type=%s ' 'and name=%s ' 'and res_id IN %s', (lang,tt,name,tuple(ids))) for res_id, value in cr.fetchall(): translations[res_id] = value return translations def _set_ids(self, cr, uid, name, tt, lang, ids, value, src=None): self._get_ids.clear_cache(self) self._get_source.clear_cache(self) cr.execute('delete from ir_translation ' 'where lang=%s ' 'and type=%s ' 'and name=%s ' 'and res_id IN %s', (lang,tt,name,tuple(ids),)) for id in ids: self.create(cr, uid, { 'lang':lang, 'type':tt, 'name':name, 'res_id':id, 'value':value, 'src':src, }) return len(ids) def _get_source_query(self, cr, uid, name, types, lang, source, res_id): if source: query = """SELECT value FROM ir_translation WHERE lang=%s AND type in %s AND src=%s""" params = (lang or '', types, tools.ustr(source)) if res_id: query += "AND res_id=%s" params += (res_id,) if name: query += " AND name=%s" params += (tools.ustr(name),) else: query = """SELECT value FROM ir_translation WHERE lang=%s AND type in %s AND name=%s""" params = (lang or '', types, tools.ustr(name)) return (query, params) @tools.ormcache(skiparg=3) def _get_source(self, cr, uid, name, types, lang, source=None, res_id=None): """ Returns the translation for the given combination of name, type, language and source. All values passed to this method should be unicode (not byte strings), especially ``source``. :param name: identification of the term to translate, such as field name (optional if source is passed) :param types: single string defining type of term to translate (see ``type`` field on ir.translation), or sequence of allowed types (strings) :param lang: language code of the desired translation :param source: optional source term to translate (should be unicode) :param res_id: optional resource id to translate (if used, ``source`` should be set) :rtype: unicode :return: the request translation, or an empty unicode string if no translation was found and `source` was not passed """ # FIXME: should assert that `source` is unicode and fix all callers to always pass unicode # so we can remove the string encoding/decoding. if not lang: return tools.ustr(source or '') if isinstance(types, basestring): types = (types,) query, params = self._get_source_query(cr, uid, name, types, lang, source, res_id) cr.execute(query, params) res = cr.fetchone() trad = res and res[0] or u'' if source and not trad: return tools.ustr(source) return trad def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context=None): if context is None: context = {} ids = super(ir_translation, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context=context) self._get_source.clear_cache(self) self._get_ids.clear_cache(self) self.pool['ir.ui.view'].clear_cache() return ids def write(self, cursor, user, ids, vals, context=None): if context is None: context = {} if isinstance(ids, (int, long)): ids = [ids] if vals.get('src') or ('value' in vals and not(vals.get('value'))): vals.update({'state':'to_translate'}) if vals.get('value'): vals.update({'state':'translated'}) result = super(ir_translation, self).write(cursor, user, ids, vals, context=context) self._get_source.clear_cache(self) self._get_ids.clear_cache(self) self.pool['ir.ui.view'].clear_cache() return result def unlink(self, cursor, user, ids, context=None): if context is None: context = {} if isinstance(ids, (int, long)): ids = [ids] self._get_source.clear_cache(self) self._get_ids.clear_cache(self) result = super(ir_translation, self).unlink(cursor, user, ids, context=context) return result def translate_fields(self, cr, uid, model, id, field=None, context=None): trans_model = self.pool[model] domain = ['&', ('res_id', '=', id), ('name', '=like', model + ',%')] langs_ids = self.pool.get('res.lang').search(cr, uid, [('code', '!=', 'en_US')], context=context) if not langs_ids: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _("Translation features are unavailable until you install an extra OpenERP translation.")) langs = [lg.code for lg in self.pool.get('res.lang').browse(cr, uid, langs_ids, context=context)] main_lang = 'en_US' translatable_fields = [] for f, info in trans_model._all_columns.items(): if info.column.translate: if info.parent_model: parent_id = trans_model.read(cr, uid, [id], [info.parent_column], context=context)[0][info.parent_column][0] translatable_fields.append({ 'name': f, 'id': parent_id, 'model': info.parent_model }) domain.insert(0, '|') domain.extend(['&', ('res_id', '=', parent_id), ('name', '=', "%s,%s" % (info.parent_model, f))]) else: translatable_fields.append({ 'name': f, 'id': id, 'model': model }) if len(langs): fields = [f.get('name') for f in translatable_fields] record = trans_model.read(cr, uid, [id], fields, context={ 'lang': main_lang })[0] for lg in langs: for f in translatable_fields: # Check if record exists, else create it (at once) sql = """INSERT INTO ir_translation (lang, src, name, type, res_id, value) SELECT %s, %s, %s, 'model', %s, %s WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ir_translation WHERE lang=%s AND name=%s AND res_id=%s AND type='model'); UPDATE ir_translation SET src = %s WHERE lang=%s AND name=%s AND res_id=%s AND type='model'; """ src = record[f['name']] or None name = "%s,%s" % (f['model'], f['name']) cr.execute(sql, (lg, src , name, f['id'], src, lg, name, f['id'], src, lg, name, id)) action = { 'name': 'Translate', 'res_model': 'ir.translation', 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'view_type': 'form', 'view_mode': 'tree,form', 'domain': domain, } if field: info = trans_model._all_columns[field] action['context'] = { 'search_default_name': "%s,%s" % (info.parent_model or model, field) } return action def _get_import_cursor(self, cr, uid, context=None): """ Return a cursor-like object for fast inserting translations """ return ir_translation_import_cursor(cr, uid, self, context=context) def load_module_terms(self, cr, modules, langs, context=None): context = dict(context or {}) # local copy for module_name in modules: modpath = openerp.modules.get_module_path(module_name) if not modpath: continue for lang in langs: lang_code = tools.get_iso_codes(lang) base_lang_code = None if '_' in lang_code: base_lang_code = lang_code.split('_')[0] # Step 1: for sub-languages, load base language first (e.g. es_CL.po is loaded over es.po) if base_lang_code: base_trans_file = openerp.modules.get_module_resource(module_name, 'i18n', base_lang_code + '.po') if base_trans_file: _logger.info('module %s: loading base translation file %s for language %s', module_name, base_lang_code, lang) tools.trans_load(cr, base_trans_file, lang, verbose=False, module_name=module_name, context=context) context['overwrite'] = True # make sure the requested translation will override the base terms later # i18n_extra folder is for additional translations handle manually (eg: for l10n_be) base_trans_extra_file = openerp.modules.get_module_resource(module_name, 'i18n_extra', base_lang_code + '.po') if base_trans_extra_file: _logger.info('module %s: loading extra base translation file %s for language %s', module_name, base_lang_code, lang) tools.trans_load(cr, base_trans_extra_file, lang, verbose=False, module_name=module_name, context=context) context['overwrite'] = True # make sure the requested translation will override the base terms later # Step 2: then load the main translation file, possibly overriding the terms coming from the base language trans_file = openerp.modules.get_module_resource(module_name, 'i18n', lang_code + '.po') if trans_file: _logger.info('module %s: loading translation file (%s) for language %s', module_name, lang_code, lang) tools.trans_load(cr, trans_file, lang, verbose=False, module_name=module_name, context=context) elif lang_code != 'en_US': _logger.warning('module %s: no translation for language %s', module_name, lang_code) trans_extra_file = openerp.modules.get_module_resource(module_name, 'i18n_extra', lang_code + '.po') if trans_extra_file: _logger.info('module %s: loading extra translation file (%s) for language %s', module_name, lang_code, lang) tools.trans_load(cr, trans_extra_file, lang, verbose=False, module_name=module_name, context=context) return True # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: