(function() { var instance = openerp; openerp.web.formats = {}; var _t = instance.web._t; /** * Intersperses ``separator`` in ``str`` at the positions indicated by * ``indices``. * * ``indices`` is an array of relative offsets (from the previous insertion * position, starting from the end of the string) at which to insert * ``separator``. * * There are two special values: * * ``-1`` * indicates the insertion should end now * ``0`` * indicates that the previous section pattern should be repeated (until all * of ``str`` is consumed) * * @param {String} str * @param {Array} indices * @param {String} separator * @returns {String} */ instance.web.intersperse = function (str, indices, separator) { separator = separator || ''; var result = [], last = str.length; for(var i=0; i stop break; } else if (section === 0) { // repeat previous section forever //noinspection AssignmentToForLoopParameterJS section = indices[--i]; } result.push(str.substring(last-section, last)); last -= section; } var s = str.substring(0, last); if (s) { result.push(s); } return result.reverse().join(separator); }; /** * Insert "thousands" separators in the provided number (which is actually * a string) * * @param {String} num * @returns {String} */ instance.web.insert_thousand_seps = function (num) { var negative = num[0] === '-'; num = (negative ? num.slice(1) : num); return (negative ? '-' : '') + instance.web.intersperse( num, _t.database.parameters.grouping, _t.database.parameters.thousands_sep); }; /** * removes literal (non-format) text from a date or time pattern, as datejs can * not deal with literal text in format strings (whatever the format), whereas * strftime allows for literal characters * * @param {String} value original format */ instance.web.strip_raw_chars = function (value) { var isletter = /[a-zA-Z]/, output = []; for(var index=0; index < value.length; ++index) { var character = value[index]; if(isletter.test(character) && (index === 0 || value[index-1] !== '%')) { continue; } output.push(character); } return output.join(''); }; var normalize_format = function (format) { return Date.normalizeFormat(instance.web.strip_raw_chars(format)); }; /** * Check with a scary heuristic if the value is a bin_size or not. * If not, compute an approximate size out of the base64 encoded string. * * @param {String} value original format */ instance.web.binary_to_binsize = function (value) { if (!value) { return instance.web.human_size(0); } if (value.substr(0, 10).indexOf(' ') == -1) { // Computing approximate size out of base64 encoded string // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64#MIME return instance.web.human_size(value.length / 1.37); } else { // already bin_size return value; } }; /** * Returns a human readable size * * @param {Number} numner of bytes */ instance.web.human_size = function(size) { var units = _t("Bytes,Kb,Mb,Gb,Tb,Pb,Eb,Zb,Yb").split(','); var i = 0; while (size >= 1024) { size /= 1024; ++i; } return size.toFixed(2) + ' ' + units[i]; }; /** * Formats a single atomic value based on a field descriptor * * @param {Object} value read from OpenERP * @param {Object} descriptor union of orm field and view field * @param {Object} [descriptor.widget] widget to use to display the value * @param {Object} descriptor.type fallback if no widget is provided, or if the provided widget is unknown * @param {Object} [descriptor.digits] used for the formatting of floats * @param {String} [value_if_empty=''] returned if the ``value`` argument is considered empty */ instance.web.format_value = function (value, descriptor, value_if_empty) { // If NaN value, display as with a `false` (empty cell) if (typeof value === 'number' && isNaN(value)) { value = false; } //noinspection FallthroughInSwitchStatementJS switch (value) { case '': if (descriptor.type === 'char' || descriptor.type === 'text') { return ''; } console.warn('Field', descriptor, 'had an empty string as value, treating as false...'); return value_if_empty === undefined ? '' : value_if_empty; case false: case undefined: case Infinity: case -Infinity: return value_if_empty === undefined ? '' : value_if_empty; } var l10n = _t.database.parameters; switch (descriptor.widget || descriptor.type || (descriptor.field && descriptor.field.type)) { case 'id': return value.toString(); case 'integer': return instance.web.insert_thousand_seps( _.str.sprintf('%d', value)); case 'float': var digits = descriptor.digits ? descriptor.digits : [69,2]; digits = typeof digits === "string" ? py.eval(digits) : digits; var precision = digits[1]; var formatted = _.str.sprintf('%.' + precision + 'f', value).split('.'); formatted[0] = instance.web.insert_thousand_seps(formatted[0]); return formatted.join(l10n.decimal_point); case 'float_time': var pattern = '%02d:%02d'; if (value < 0) { value = Math.abs(value); pattern = '-' + pattern; } var hour = Math.floor(value); var min = Math.round((value % 1) * 60); if (min == 60){ min = 0; hour = hour + 1; } return _.str.sprintf(pattern, hour, min); case 'many2one': // name_get value format return value[1] ? value[1].split("\n")[0] : value[1]; case 'one2many': case 'many2many': if (typeof value === 'string') { return value; } return _.str.sprintf(_t("(%d records)"), value.length); case 'datetime': if (typeof(value) == "string") value = instance.web.auto_str_to_date(value); return value.toString(normalize_format(l10n.date_format) + ' ' + normalize_format(l10n.time_format)); case 'date': if (typeof(value) == "string") value = instance.web.str_to_date(value.substring(0,10)); return value.toString(normalize_format(l10n.date_format)); case 'time': if (typeof(value) == "string") value = instance.web.auto_str_to_date(value); return value.toString(normalize_format(l10n.time_format)); case 'selection': case 'statusbar': // Each choice is [value, label] if(_.isArray(value)) { return value[1]; } var result = _(descriptor.selection).detect(function (choice) { return choice[0] === value; }); if (result) { return result[1]; } return; default: return value; } }; instance.web.parse_value = function (value, descriptor, value_if_empty) { var date_pattern = normalize_format(_t.database.parameters.date_format), time_pattern = normalize_format(_t.database.parameters.time_format); switch (value) { case false: case "": return value_if_empty === undefined ? false : value_if_empty; } var tmp; switch (descriptor.widget || descriptor.type || (descriptor.field && descriptor.field.type)) { case 'integer': do { tmp = value; value = value.replace(instance.web._t.database.parameters.thousands_sep, ""); } while(tmp !== value); tmp = Number(value); // do not accept not numbers or float values if (isNaN(tmp) || tmp % 1) throw new Error(_.str.sprintf(_t("'%s' is not a correct integer"), value)); return tmp; case 'float': tmp = Number(value); if (!isNaN(tmp)) return tmp; var tmp2 = value; do { tmp = tmp2; tmp2 = tmp.replace(instance.web._t.database.parameters.thousands_sep, ""); } while(tmp !== tmp2); var reformatted_value = tmp.replace(instance.web._t.database.parameters.decimal_point, "."); var parsed = Number(reformatted_value); if (isNaN(parsed)) throw new Error(_.str.sprintf(_t("'%s' is not a correct float"), value)); return parsed; case 'float_time': var factor = 1; if (value[0] === '-') { value = value.slice(1); factor = -1; } var float_time_pair = value.split(":"); if (float_time_pair.length != 2) return factor * instance.web.parse_value(value, {type: "float"}); var hours = instance.web.parse_value(float_time_pair[0], {type: "integer"}); var minutes = instance.web.parse_value(float_time_pair[1], {type: "integer"}); return factor * (hours + (minutes / 60)); case 'progressbar': return instance.web.parse_value(value, {type: "float"}); case 'datetime': var datetime = Date.parseExact( value, (date_pattern + ' ' + time_pattern)); if (datetime !== null) return instance.web.datetime_to_str(datetime); datetime = Date.parseExact(value.toString().replace(/\d+/g, function(m){ return m.length === 1 ? "0" + m : m ; }), (date_pattern + ' ' + time_pattern)); if (datetime !== null) return instance.web.datetime_to_str(datetime); datetime = Date.parse(value); if (datetime !== null) return instance.web.datetime_to_str(datetime); throw new Error(_.str.sprintf(_t("'%s' is not a correct datetime"), value)); case 'date': var date = Date.parseExact(value, date_pattern); if (date !== null) return instance.web.date_to_str(date); date = Date.parseExact(value.toString().replace(/\d+/g, function(m){ return m.length === 1 ? "0" + m : m ; }), date_pattern); if (date !== null) return instance.web.date_to_str(date); date = Date.parse(value); if (date !== null) return instance.web.date_to_str(date); throw new Error(_.str.sprintf(_t("'%s' is not a correct date"), value)); case 'time': var time = Date.parseExact(value, time_pattern); if (time !== null) return instance.web.time_to_str(time); time = Date.parse(value); if (time !== null) return instance.web.time_to_str(time); throw new Error(_.str.sprintf(_t("'%s' is not a correct time"), value)); } return value; }; instance.web.auto_str_to_date = function(value, type) { try { return instance.web.str_to_datetime(value); } catch(e) {} try { return instance.web.str_to_date(value); } catch(e) {} try { return instance.web.str_to_time(value); } catch(e) {} throw new Error(_.str.sprintf(_t("'%s' is not a correct date, datetime nor time"), value)); }; instance.web.auto_date_to_str = function(value, type) { switch(type) { case 'datetime': return instance.web.datetime_to_str(value); case 'date': return instance.web.date_to_str(value); case 'time': return instance.web.time_to_str(value); default: throw new Error(_.str.sprintf(_t("'%s' is not convertible to date, datetime nor time"), type)); } }; /** * performs a half up rounding with arbitrary precision, correcting for float loss of precision * See the corresponding float_round() in server/tools/float_utils.py for more info * @param {Number} the value to be rounded * @param {Number} a precision parameter. eg: 0.01 rounds to two digits. */ instance.web.round_precision = function(value, precision){ if (!value) { return 0; } else if (!precision || precision < 0) { precision = 1; } var normalized_value = value / precision; var epsilon_magnitude = Math.log(Math.abs(normalized_value))/Math.log(2); var epsilon = Math.pow(2, epsilon_magnitude - 53); normalized_value += normalized_value >= 0 ? epsilon : -epsilon; var rounded_value = Math.round(normalized_value); return rounded_value * precision; }; /** * performs a half up rounding with a fixed amount of decimals, correcting for float loss of precision * See the corresponding float_round() in server/tools/float_utils.py for more info * @param {Number} the value to be rounded * @param {Number} the number of decimals. eg: round_decimals(3.141592,2) -> 3.14 */ instance.web.round_decimals = function(value, decimals){ return instance.web.round_precision(value, Math.pow(10,-decimals)); }; })();