project.task Tasks project.task kanban,tree,form,calendar,gantt,graph { 'search_default_project_id': [active_id], 'default_project_id': active_id, }

OpenERP's project management allows you to manage the pipeline of tasks in order to get things done efficiently. You can track progress, discuss on tasks, attach documents, etc.

project.project.form project.project

To invoice or setup invoicing and renewal options, go to the related contract: .

X project.project project.project.tree project.project child_ids project.project.kanban project.project project.project.gantt project.project Projects project.project form [] kanban,tree,form,gantt {'search_default_Current': 1}

Click to start a new project.

Projects are used to organize your activities; plan tasks, track issues, invoice timesheets. You can define internal projects (R&D, Improve Sales Process), private projects (My Todos) or customer ones.

You will be able collaborate with internal users on projects or invite customers to share your activities.

Templates of Projects project.project form [('state','=','template')] project.task.form project.task