openerp.web_kanban = function (openerp) { var _t = openerp.web._t, _lt = openerp.web._lt; var QWeb = openerp.web.qweb; openerp.web.views.add('kanban', 'openerp.web_kanban.KanbanView'); openerp.web_kanban.KanbanView = openerp.web.View.extend({ template: "KanbanView", display_name: _lt('Kanban'), default_nr_columns: 3, init: function (parent, dataset, view_id, options) { this._super(parent); this.set_default_options(options); this.dataset = dataset; this.view_id = view_id; this.fields_view = {}; this.fields_keys = []; this.group_by = null; this.state = { groups : {}, records : {} }; this.groups = []; this.form_dialog = new openerp.web.FormDialog(this, {}, this.options.action_views_ids.form, dataset).start(); this.form_dialog.on_form_dialog_saved.add_last(this.do_reload); this.aggregates = {}; this.group_operators = ['avg', 'max', 'min', 'sum', 'count']; this.qweb = new QWeb2.Engine(); this.qweb.debug = openerp.connection.debug; this.qweb.default_dict = _.clone(QWeb.default_dict); this.has_been_loaded = $.Deferred(); this.search_domain = this.search_context = this.search_group_by = null; this.currently_dragging = {}; }, start: function() { this._super(); this.$element.find('button.oe_kanban_button_new').click(this.do_add_record); this.$groups = this.$element.find('.oe_kanban_groups tr'); var context = new openerp.web.CompoundContext(this.dataset.get_context()); return this.rpc('/web/view/load', { 'model': this.dataset.model, 'view_id': this.view_id, 'view_type': 'kanban', context: context }, this.on_loaded); }, on_loaded: function(data) { this.fields_view = data; this.fields_keys = _.keys(this.fields_view.fields); this.add_qweb_template(); this.has_been_loaded.resolve(); }, add_qweb_template: function() { for (var i=0, ii=this.fields_view.arch.children.length; i < ii; i++) { var child = this.fields_view.arch.children[i]; if (child.tag === "templates") { this.transform_qweb_template(child); this.qweb.add_template(openerp.web.json_node_to_xml(child)); break; } else if (child.tag === 'field') { this.extract_aggregates(child); } } }, extract_aggregates: function(node) { for (var j = 0, jj = this.group_operators.length; j < jj; j++) { if (node.attrs[this.group_operators[j]]) { this.aggregates[] = node.attrs[this.group_operators[j]]; break; } } }, transform_qweb_template: function(node) { var qweb_prefix = QWeb.prefix; switch (node.tag) { case 'field': node.tag = qweb_prefix; node.attrs[qweb_prefix + '-esc'] = 'record.' + node.attrs['name'] + '.value'; this.extract_aggregates(node); break case 'button': case 'a': var type = node.attrs.type || ''; if (_.indexOf('action,object,edit,delete,color'.split(','), type) !== -1) { _.each(node.attrs, function(v, k) { if (_.indexOf('icon,type,name,args,string,context,states,kanban_states'.split(','), k) != -1) { node.attrs['data-' + k] = v; delete(node.attrs[k]); } }); if (node.attrs['data-states']) { var states =['data-states'].split(','), function(state) { return "record.state.raw_value == '" + _.str.trim(state) + "'"; }); node.attrs[qweb_prefix + '-if'] = states.join(' or '); } if (node.attrs['data-kanban_states']) { var states =['data-kanban_states'].split(','), function(state) { return "record.kanban_state.raw_value == '" + _.str.trim(state) + "'"; }); node.attrs[qweb_prefix + '-if'] = states.join(' or '); } if (node.attrs['data-string']) { node.attrs.title = node.attrs['data-string']; } if (node.attrs['data-icon']) { node.children = [{ tag: 'img', attrs: { src: openerp.connection.prefix + '/web/static/src/img/icons/' + node.attrs['data-icon'] + '.png', width: '16', height: '16' } }]; } if (node.tag == 'a') { node.attrs.href = '#'; } else { node.attrs.type = 'button'; } node.attrs['class'] = (node.attrs['class'] || '') + ' oe_kanban_action oe_kanban_action_' + node.tag; } break; } if (node.children) { for (var i = 0, ii = node.children.length; i < ii; i++) { this.transform_qweb_template(node.children[i]); } } }, do_add_record: function() { this.dataset.index = null; this.do_switch_view('form'); }, do_search: function(domain, context, group_by) { var self = this; this.search_domain = domain; this.search_context = context; this.search_group_by = group_by; $.when(this.has_been_loaded).then(function() { self.group_by = group_by.length ? group_by[0] : self.fields_view.arch.attrs.default_group_by; self.datagroup = new openerp.web.DataGroup(self, self.dataset.model, domain, context, self.group_by ? [self.group_by] : []); self.datagroup.list(self.fields_keys, self.do_process_groups, self.do_process_dataset); }); }, do_process_groups: function(groups) { this.do_clear_groups(); this.dataset.ids = []; var self = this, remaining = groups.length - 1, groups_array = []; _.each(groups, function (group, index) { var group_name = group.value, group_value = group.value, group_aggregates = {}; if (group.value instanceof Array) { group_name = group.value[1]; group_value = group.value[0]; } _.each(self.aggregates, function(value, key) { group_aggregates[value] = group.aggregates[key]; }); var dataset = new openerp.web.DataSetSearch(self, self.dataset.model, group.context, group.domain); dataset.read_slice(self.fields_keys, {'domain': group.domain, 'context': group.context}, function(records) { self.dataset.ids.push.apply(self.dataset.ids, dataset.ids); groups_array[index] = new openerp.web_kanban.KanbanGroup(self, records, group_value, group_name, group_aggregates); if (!remaining--) { self.dataset.index = self.dataset.ids.length ? 0 : null; self.do_add_groups(groups_array); } }); }); }, do_process_dataset: function(dataset) { var self = this; this.do_clear_groups(); this.dataset.read_slice(this.fields_keys, {}, function(records) { var groups = []; while (records.length) { for (var i = 0; i < self.default_nr_columns; i++) { if (!groups[i]) { groups[i] = []; } groups[i].push(records.shift()); } } for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { groups[i] = new openerp.web_kanban.KanbanGroup(self, _.compact(groups[i])); } self.do_add_groups(groups); }); }, do_reload: function() { this.do_search(this.search_domain, this.search_context, this.search_group_by); }, do_clear_groups: function() { _.each(this.groups, function(group) { group.stop(); }); this.groups = []; this.$element.find('.oe_kanban_groups_headers, .oe_kanban_groups_records').empty(); }, do_add_groups: function(groups) { var self = this; _.each(groups, function(group) { self.groups[group.undefined_title ? 'unshift' : 'push'](group); }); _.each(this.groups, function(group) { group.appendTo(self.$element.find('.oe_kanban_groups_headers')); }); this.on_groups_started(); }, on_groups_started: function() { var self = this; this.compute_groups_width(); if (this.group_by) { this.$element.find('.oe_kanban_column').sortable({ connectWith: '.oe_kanban_column', handle : '.oe_kanban_draghandle', start: function(event, ui) { self.currently_dragging.index = ui.item.index(); = ui.item.parents('.oe_kanban_column:first').data('widget'); }, stop: function(event, ui) { var record ='widget'), old_index = self.currently_dragging.index, new_index = ui.item.index(), old_group =, new_group = ui.item.parents('.oe_kanban_column:first').data('widget'); if (!(old_group.title === new_group.title && old_group.value === new_group.value && old_index == new_index)) { self.on_record_moved(record, old_group, old_index, new_group, new_index); } }, scroll: false }); } else { this.$element.find('.oe_kanban_draghandle').removeClass('oe_kanban_draghandle'); } }, on_record_moved : function(record, old_group, old_index, new_group, new_index) { var self = this; if (old_group === new_group) { new_group.records.splice(old_index, 1); new_group.records.splice(new_index, 0, record); new_group.do_save_sequences(); } else { old_group.records.splice(old_index, 1); new_group.records.splice(new_index, 0, record); = new_group; var data = {}; data[this.group_by] = new_group.value; this.dataset.write(, data, {}, function() { record.do_reload(); new_group.do_save_sequences(); }).fail(function(error, evt) { evt.preventDefault(); alert("An error has occured while moving the record to this group."); self.do_reload(); // TODO: use draggable + sortable in order to cancel the dragging when the rcp fails }); } }, compute_groups_width: function() { var unfolded = 0; _.each(this.groups, function(group) { unfolded += group.state.folded ? 0 : 1; group.$element.css('width', ''); }); _.each(this.groups, function(group) { if (!group.state.folded) { group.$element.css('width', Math.round(100/unfolded) + '%'); } }); } }); openerp.web_kanban.KanbanGroup = openerp.web.Widget.extend({ template: 'KanbanView.group_header', init: function (parent, records, value, title, aggregates) { var self = this; this._super(parent); this.view = parent; this.value = value; this.title = title; if (title === false) { this.title = _t('Undefined'); this.undefined_title = true; } this.aggregates = aggregates || {}; var key = this.view.group_by + '-' + value; if (!this.view.state.groups[key]) { this.view.state.groups[key] = { folded: false } } this.state = this.view.state.groups[key]; this.$records = null; this.records =, function(record) { return new openerp.web_kanban.KanbanRecord(self, record); }); }, start: function() { var self = this, def = this._super(); this.$records = $(QWeb.render('KanbanView.group_records_container', { widget : this})); this.$records.appendTo(this.view.$element.find('.oe_kanban_groups_records')); _.each(this.records, function(record) { record.appendTo(self.$records); }); this.$element.find(".oe_kanban_fold_icon").click(function() { self.do_toggle_fold(); self.view.compute_groups_width(); return false; }); if (this.state.folded) { this.do_toggle_fold(); } this.$'widget', this); this.$'widget', this); return def; }, stop: function() { this._super(); if (this.$records) { this.$records.remove(); } }, remove_record: function(id, remove_from_dataset) { for (var i = 0, ii = this.records.length; i < ii; i++) { if (this.records[i]['id'] === id) { this.records.splice(i, 1); } } }, do_toggle_fold: function(compute_width) { this.$element.toggleClass('oe_kanban_group_folded'); this.$records.find('.oe_kanban_record').toggle(); this.state.folded = this.$'.oe_kanban_group_folded'); }, do_save_sequences: function() { var self = this; if (_.indexOf(this.view.fields_keys, 'sequence') > -1) { _.each(this.records, function(record, index) { self.view.dataset.write(, { sequence : index }); }); } } }); openerp.web_kanban.KanbanRecord = openerp.web.Widget.extend({ template: 'KanbanView.record', init: function (parent, record) { this._super(parent); = parent; this.view = parent.view; = null; this.set_record(record); if (!this.view.state.records[]) { this.view.state.records[] = { folded: false }; } this.state = this.view.state.records[]; }, set_record: function(record) { =; this.record = this.transform_record(record); }, start: function() { this._super(); this.$'widget', this); this.bind_events(); }, transform_record: function(record) { var self = this, new_record = {}; _.each(record, function(value, name) { var r = _.clone(self.view.fields_view.fields[name] || {}); if ((r.type === 'date' || r.type === 'datetime') && value) { r.raw_value = openerp.web.auto_str_to_date(value); } else { r.raw_value = value; } r.value = openerp.web.format_value(value, r); new_record[name] = r; }); return new_record; }, render: function() { this.qweb_context = { record: this.record, widget: this } for (var p in this) { if (_.str.startsWith(p, 'kanban_')) { this.qweb_context[p] = _.bind(this[p], this); } } return this._super({ 'content': this.view.qweb.render('kanban-box', this.qweb_context) }); }, bind_events: function() { var self = this, $show_on_click = self.$element.find('.oe_kanban_box_show_onclick'); $show_on_click.toggle(this.state.folded); this.$element.find('.oe_kanban_box_show_onclick_trigger').click(function() { $show_on_click.toggle(); self.state.folded = !self.state.folded; }); this.$element.find('[tooltip]').tipTip({ maxWidth: 500, defaultPosition: 'top', content: function() { var template = $(this).attr('tooltip'); if (!self.view.qweb.has_template(template)) { return false; } return self.view.qweb.render(template, self.qweb_context); } }); this.$element.find('.oe_kanban_action').click(function() { var $action = $(this), type = $'type') || 'button', method = 'do_action_' + (type === 'action' ? 'object' : type); if (_.str.startsWith(type, 'switch_')) { self.view.do_switch_view(type.substr(7)); } else if (typeof self[method] === 'function') { self[method]($action); } else { self.do_warn("Kanban: no action for type : " + type); } return false; }); }, do_action_delete: function($action) { var self = this; if (confirm(_t("Are you sure you want to delete this record ?"))) { return $.when(this.view.dataset.unlink([])).then(function() { self.stop(); }); } }, do_action_edit: function($action) { var self = this; if ($action.attr('target') === 'dialog') { this.view.form_dialog.select_id( {; }); } else { if (self.view.dataset.select_id( { this.view.do_switch_view('form'); } else { this.do_warn("Kanban: could not find id#" + id); } } }, do_action_color: function($action) { var self = this, colors = '#FFFFFF,#CCCCCC,#FFC7C7,#FFF1C7,#E3FFC7,#C7FFD5,#C7FFFF,#C7D5FF,#E3C7FF,#FFC7F1'.split(','), $cpicker = $(QWeb.render('KanbanColorPicker', { colors : colors, columns: 2 })); $action.after($cpicker); $cpicker.mouseenter(function() { clearTimeout($'timeoutId')); }).mouseleave(function(evt) { var timeoutId = setTimeout(function() { $cpicker.remove() }, 500); $'timeoutId', timeoutId); }); $cpicker.find('a').click(function() { var data = {}; data[$'name')] = $(this).data('color'); self.view.dataset.write(, data, {}, function() { self.record[$'name')] = $(this).data('color'); self.do_reload(); }); $cpicker.remove(); return false; }); }, do_action_object: function ($action) { var button_attrs = $; this.view.do_execute_action(button_attrs, this.view.dataset,, this.do_reload); }, do_reload: function() { var self = this; this.view.dataset.read_ids([], this.view.fields_keys, function(records) { if (records.length) { self.set_record(records[0]); self.do_render(); } else { self.stop(); } }); }, do_render: function() { this.$element.html(this.render()); this.bind_events(); }, kanban_color: function(variable) { var number_of_color_schemes = 10, index = 0; switch (typeof(variable)) { case 'string': for (var i=0, ii=variable.length; i