[[ company.name ]] Year to Day Check Periods from [[ start_date(data['form']['date1'],data['form']['date2']) ]] to [[ end_date(data['form']['date1'],data['form']['date2']) ]] Currency: [[ company.currency_id.name ]] Printing date: [[ time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') ]] at [[ time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') ]] Period General moves debit credit Analytic moves debit credit delta general and analytic debit moves delta general and analytic credit moves [[ repeatIn(lines_p(data['form']['date1'],data['form']['date2']),'period') ]] [[ period['name'] ]] [[ period['gen_debit'] ]] [[ period['gen_credit'] ]] [[ period['ana_debit'] ]] [[ period['ana_credit'] ]] [[ period['delta_debit'] ]] [[ period['delta_credit'] ]] Sums [[ '%.2f' % general_debit(data['form']['date1'],data['form']['date2']) ]] [[ '%.2f' % general_credit(data['form']['date1'],data['form']['date2']) ]] [[ '%.2f' % analytic_debit(data['form']['date1'],data['form']['date2']) ]] [[ '%.2f' % analytic_credit(data['form']['date1'],data['form']['date2']) ]] [[ '%.2f' % delta_debit(data['form']['date1'],data['form']['date2']) ]] [[ '%.2f' % delta_credit(data['form']['date1'],data['form']['date2']) ]]