delivery.carrier.tree delivery.carrier delivery.carrier.form delivery.carrier
Delivery Methods ir.actions.act_window delivery.carrier form tree,form

Click to define a new deliver method.

Each carrier (e.g. UPS) can have several delivery methods (e.g. UPS Express, UPS Standard) with a set of pricing rules attached to each method.

These methods allows to automaticaly compute the delivery price according to your settings; on the sale order (based on the quotation) or the invoice (based on the delivery orders).

delivery.grid.tree delivery.grid delivery.grid.form delivery.grid
Delivery Pricelist ir.actions.act_window delivery.grid form tree,form

Click to create a delivery price list for a specific region.

The delivery price list allows you to compute the cost and sales price of the delivery according to the weight of the products and other criteria. You can define several price lists for each delivery method: per country or a zone in a specific country defined by a postal code range.

delivery.grid.line.form delivery.grid.line
delivery.grid.line.tree delivery.grid.line delivery.stock.picking_withcarrier.out.form.view stock.picking.out stock.picking_withweight.internal.form.view stock.picking Picking to be invoiced stock.picking.out ir.actions.act_window form tree,form [('invoice_state','=','2binvoiced'),('state','=','done'),('type','=','out')] {'default_invoice_state': '2binvoiced', 'default_type': 'out', 'contact_display': 'partner'} stock.picking_withweight.internal.move.form.view stock.move stock.move.form.weight stock.move sale.order stock.picking.out.form stock.picking.out