res.partner.title.tree res.partner.title tree res.partner.title.form res.partner.title form
Partner Titles ir.actions.act_window res.partner.title form [('domain','=','partner')] {'default_domain': 'partner'} Manage the partner titles you want to have available in your system. The partner titles is the legal status of the company: Private Limited, SA, etc. Contact Titles ir.actions.act_window res.partner.title form [('domain','=','contact')] {'default_domain': 'contact'} Manage the contact titles you want to have available in your system and the way you want to print them in letters and other documents. Some example: Mr., Mrs. res.partner.tree res.partner tree res.partner.form res.partner form

, res.partner search res.partner.kanban res.partner kanban

  • at
  • ,
  • Tel:
  • Mobile:
Customers ir.actions.act_window res.partner form kanban,tree,form {"search_default_customer":1} Click on "Create" to add a new contact in your address book. <p> A contact is either a person or a company; a person can be linked to a company as a contact of that company. <p> You will be able to follow documents and history of your contacts (invoices, meetings, projects, etc.) kanban form tree Customers ir.actions.act_window res.partner form [('customer','=',1)] {'default_customer':1, 'search_default_customer':1} Suppliers ir.actions.act_window res.partner form [] kanban,tree,form {'search_default_supplier': 1,'default_customer': 0,'default_supplier': 1} You can access all information regarding your suppliers from the supplier form: accounting data, history of emails, meetings, purchases, etc. You can uncheck the 'Suppliers' filter button in order to search in all your partners, including customers and prospects. Employees ir.actions.act_window res.partner form [('employee','=',1)] {'default_customer':0, 'default_supplier':0 , 'default_employee':1} Other Partners ir.actions.act_window res.partner form [('supplier','<>',1),('customer','<>',1)] res.payterm res.payterm form
Payment term ir.actions.act_window res.payterm form Partner Categories res.partner.category form
Partner Categories res.partner.category tree res.partner.category.tree res.partner.category tree child_ids Partner Categories res.partner form tree,form [('category_id','child_of', [active_id])] {'category_id':active_id} Open partners Partner Categories ir.actions.act_window res.partner.category form Manage the partner categories in order to better classify them for tracking and analysis purposes. A partner may belong to several categories and categories have a hierarchy structure: a partner belonging to a category also belong to his parent category.