# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## import time import netsvc from osv import fields, osv from tools.translate import _ from datetime import datetime import decimal_precision as dp import tools class account_move_line(osv.osv): _name = "account.move.line" _description = "Entry lines" def _query_get(self, cr, uid, obj='l', context={}): fiscalyear_obj = self.pool.get('account.fiscalyear') fiscalperiod_obj = self.pool.get('account.period') fiscalyear_ids = [] fiscalperiod_ids = [] if not context.get('fiscalyear', False): fiscalyear_ids = fiscalyear_obj.search(cr, uid, [('state', '=', 'draft')]) else: fiscalyear_ids = [context['fiscalyear']] fiscalyear_clause = (','.join([str(x) for x in fiscalyear_ids])) or '0' state = context.get('state',False) where_move_state = '' where_move_lines_by_date = '' if context.get('date_from', False) and context.get('date_to', False): where_move_lines_by_date = " AND " +obj+".move_id in ( select id from account_move where date >= '" +context['date_from']+"' AND date <= '"+context['date_to']+"')" if state: if state.lower() not in ['all']: where_move_state= " AND "+obj+".move_id in (select id from account_move where account_move.state = '"+state+"')" if context.get('periods', False): ids = ','.join([str(x) for x in context['periods']]) query = obj+".state<>'draft' AND "+obj+".period_id in (SELECT id from account_period WHERE fiscalyear_id in (%s) AND id in (%s)) %s %s" % (fiscalyear_clause, ids,where_move_state,where_move_lines_by_date) else: query = obj+".state<>'draft' AND "+obj+".period_id in (SELECT id from account_period WHERE fiscalyear_id in (%s) %s %s)" % (fiscalyear_clause,where_move_state,where_move_lines_by_date) if context.get('period_manner','') == 'created': #the query have to be build with no reference to periods but thanks to the creation date if context.get('periods',False): #if one or more period are given, use them fiscalperiod_ids = fiscalperiod_obj.search(cr,uid,[('id','in',context['periods'])]) else: fiscalperiod_ids = self.pool.get('account.period').search(cr,uid,[('fiscalyear_id','in',fiscalyear_ids)]) #remove from the old query the clause related to the period selection res = '' count = 1 clause_list = query.split('AND') ref_string = ' '+obj+'.period_id in' for clause in clause_list: if count != 1 and not clause.startswith(ref_string): res += "AND" if not clause.startswith(ref_string): res += clause count += 1 #add to 'res' a new clause containing the creation date criterion count = 1 res += " AND (" periods = self.pool.get('account.period').read(cr,uid,p_ids,['date_start','date_stop']) for period in periods: if count != 1: res += " OR " #creation date criterion: the creation date of the move_line has to be # between the date_start and the date_stop of the selected periods res += "("+obj+".create_date between to_date('" + period['date_start'] + "','yyyy-mm-dd') and to_date('" + period['date_stop'] + "','yyyy-mm-dd'))" count += 1 res += ")" return res return query def default_get(self, cr, uid, fields, context={}): data = self._default_get(cr, uid, fields, context) for f in data.keys(): if f not in fields: del data[f] return data def create_analytic_lines(self, cr, uid, ids, context={}): for obj_line in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context): if obj_line.analytic_account_id: if not obj_line.journal_id.analytic_journal_id: raise osv.except_osv(_('No Analytic Journal !'),_("You have to define an analytic journal on the '%s' journal!") % (obj_line.journal_id.name,)) amt = (obj_line.credit or 0.0) - (obj_line.debit or 0.0) vals_lines={ 'name': obj_line.name, 'date': obj_line.date, 'account_id': obj_line.analytic_account_id.id, 'unit_amount':obj_line.quantity, 'product_id': obj_line.product_id and obj_line.product_id.id or False, 'product_uom_id': obj_line.product_uom_id and obj_line.product_uom_id.id or False, 'amount': amt, 'general_account_id': obj_line.account_id.id, 'journal_id': obj_line.journal_id.analytic_journal_id.id, 'ref': obj_line.ref, 'move_id':obj_line.id } new_id = self.pool.get('account.analytic.line').create(cr,uid,vals_lines) return True def _default_get_move_form_hook(self, cursor, user, data): '''Called in the end of default_get method for manual entry in account_move form''' if data.has_key('analytic_account_id'): del(data['analytic_account_id']) if data.has_key('account_tax_id'): del(data['account_tax_id']) return data def _default_get(self, cr, uid, fields, context={}): # Compute simple values data = super(account_move_line, self).default_get(cr, uid, fields, context) # Starts: Manual entry from account.move form if context.get('lines',[]): total_new=0.00 for i in context['lines']: if i[2]: total_new +=(i[2]['debit'] or 0.00)- (i[2]['credit'] or 0.00) for item in i[2]: data[item]=i[2][item] if context['journal']: journal_obj=self.pool.get('account.journal').browse(cr,uid,context['journal']) if journal_obj.type == 'purchase': if total_new>0: account = journal_obj.default_credit_account_id else: account = journal_obj.default_debit_account_id else: if total_new>0: account = journal_obj.default_credit_account_id else: account = journal_obj.default_debit_account_id if account and ((not fields) or ('debit' in fields) or ('credit' in fields)) and 'partner_id' in data and (data['partner_id']): part = self.pool.get('res.partner').browse(cr, uid, data['partner_id']) account = self.pool.get('account.fiscal.position').map_account(cr, uid, part and part.property_account_position or False, account.id) account = self.pool.get('account.account').browse(cr, uid, account) data['account_id'] = account.id s = -total_new data['debit'] = s>0 and s or 0.0 data['credit'] = s<0 and -s or 0.0 data = self._default_get_move_form_hook(cr, uid, data) return data # Ends: Manual entry from account.move form if not 'move_id' in fields: #we are not in manual entry return data period_obj = self.pool.get('account.period') # Compute the current move move_id = False partner_id = False if context.get('journal_id',False) and context.get('period_id',False): if 'move_id' in fields: cr.execute('select move_id \ from \ account_move_line \ where \ journal_id=%s and period_id=%s and create_uid=%s and state=%s \ order by id desc limit 1', (context['journal_id'], context['period_id'], uid, 'draft')) res = cr.fetchone() move_id = (res and res[0]) or False if not move_id: return data else: data['move_id'] = move_id if 'date' in fields: cr.execute('select date \ from \ account_move_line \ where \ journal_id=%s and period_id=%s and create_uid=%s \ order by id desc', (context['journal_id'], context['period_id'], uid)) res = cr.fetchone() if res: data['date'] = res[0] else: period = period_obj.browse(cr, uid, context['period_id'], context=context) data['date'] = period.date_start if not move_id: return data total = 0 ref_id = False move = self.pool.get('account.move').browse(cr, uid, move_id, context) if 'name' in fields: data.setdefault('name', move.line_id[-1].name) acc1 = False for l in move.line_id: acc1 = l.account_id partner_id = partner_id or l.partner_id.id ref_id = ref_id or l.ref total += (l.debit or 0.0) - (l.credit or 0.0) if 'ref' in fields: data['ref'] = ref_id if 'partner_id' in fields: data['partner_id'] = partner_id if move.journal_id.type == 'purchase': if total>0: account = move.journal_id.default_credit_account_id else: account = move.journal_id.default_debit_account_id else: if total>0: account = move.journal_id.default_credit_account_id else: account = move.journal_id.default_debit_account_id part = partner_id and self.pool.get('res.partner').browse(cr, uid, partner_id) or False # part = False is acceptable for fiscal position. account = self.pool.get('account.fiscal.position').map_account(cr, uid, part and part.property_account_position or False, account.id) if account: account = self.pool.get('account.account').browse(cr, uid, account) if account and ((not fields) or ('debit' in fields) or ('credit' in fields)): data['account_id'] = account.id # Propose the price VAT excluded, the VAT will be added when confirming line if account.tax_ids: taxes = self.pool.get('account.fiscal.position').map_tax(cr, uid, part and part.property_account_position or False, account.tax_ids) tax = self.pool.get('account.tax').browse(cr, uid, taxes) for t in self.pool.get('account.tax').compute_inv(cr, uid, tax, total, 1): total -= t['amount'] s = -total data['debit'] = s>0 and s or 0.0 data['credit'] = s<0 and -s or 0.0 if account and account.currency_id: data['currency_id'] = account.currency_id.id acc = account if s>0: acc = acc1 v = self.pool.get('res.currency').compute(cr, uid, account.company_id.currency_id.id, data['currency_id'], s, account=acc, account_invert=True) data['amount_currency'] = v return data def _on_create_write(self, cr, uid, id, context={}): ml = self.browse(cr, uid, id, context) return map(lambda x: x.id, ml.move_id.line_id) def _balance(self, cr, uid, ids, prop, unknow_none, unknow_dict): res={} # TODO group the foreach in sql for id in ids: cr.execute('SELECT date,account_id FROM account_move_line WHERE id=%s', (id,)) dt, acc = cr.fetchone() cr.execute('SELECT SUM(debit-credit) FROM account_move_line WHERE account_id=%s AND (date<%s OR (date=%s AND id<=%s))', (acc,dt,dt,id)) res[id] = cr.fetchone()[0] return res def _invoice(self, cursor, user, ids, name, arg, context=None): invoice_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice') res = {} for line_id in ids: res[line_id] = False cursor.execute('SELECT l.id, i.id ' \ 'FROM account_move_line l, account_invoice i ' \ 'WHERE l.move_id = i.move_id ' \ 'AND l.id =ANY(%s)',(ids,)) invoice_ids = [] for line_id, invoice_id in cursor.fetchall(): res[line_id] = invoice_id invoice_ids.append(invoice_id) invoice_names = {False: ''} for invoice_id, name in invoice_obj.name_get(cursor, user, invoice_ids, context=context): invoice_names[invoice_id] = name for line_id in res.keys(): invoice_id = res[line_id] res[line_id] = (invoice_id, invoice_names[invoice_id]) return res def name_get(self, cr, uid, ids, context={}): if not len(ids): return [] result = [] for line in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context): if line.ref: result.append((line.id, (line.name or '')+' ('+line.ref+')')) else: result.append((line.id, line.name)) return result def _balance_search(self, cursor, user, obj, name, args, domain=None, context=None): if context is None: context = {} if not len(args): return [] where = ' and '.join(map(lambda x: '(abs(sum(debit-credit))'+x[1]+str(x[2])+')',args)) cursor.execute('select id, sum(debit-credit) from account_move_line \ group by id,debit,credit having '+where) res = cursor.fetchall() if not len(res): return [('id', '=', '0')] return [('id', 'in', [x[0] for x in res])] def _invoice_search(self, cursor, user, obj, name, args, context): if not len(args): return [] invoice_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice') i = 0 while i < len(args): fargs = args[i][0].split('.', 1) if len(fargs) > 1: args[i] = (fargs[0], 'in', invoice_obj.search(cursor, user, [(fargs[1], args[i][1], args[i][2])])) i += 1 continue if isinstance(args[i][2], basestring): res_ids = invoice_obj.name_search(cursor, user, args[i][2], [], args[i][1]) args[i] = (args[i][0], 'in', [x[0] for x in res_ids]) i += 1 qu1, qu2 = [], [] for x in args: if x[1] != 'in': if (x[2] is False) and (x[1] == '='): qu1.append('(i.id IS NULL)') elif (x[2] is False) and (x[1] == '<>' or x[1] == '!='): qu1.append('(i.id IS NOT NULL)') else: qu1.append('(i.id %s %s)' % (x[1], '%s')) qu2.append(x[2]) elif x[1] == 'in': if len(x[2]) > 0: qu1.append('(i.id in (%s))' % (','.join(['%s'] * len(x[2])))) qu2 += x[2] else: qu1.append(' (False)') if len(qu1): qu1 = ' AND' + ' AND'.join(qu1) else: qu1 = '' cursor.execute('SELECT l.id ' \ 'FROM account_move_line l, account_invoice i ' \ 'WHERE l.move_id = i.move_id ' + qu1, qu2) res = cursor.fetchall() if not len(res): return [('id', '=', '0')] return [('id', 'in', [x[0] for x in res])] def _get_move_lines(self, cr, uid, ids, context={}): result = [] for move in self.pool.get('account.move').browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): for line in move.line_id: result.append(line.id) return result _columns = { 'name': fields.char('Name', size=64, required=True), 'quantity': fields.float('Quantity', digits=(16,2), help="The optional quantity expressed by this line, eg: number of product sold. The quantity is not a legal requirement but is very useful for some reports."), 'product_uom_id': fields.many2one('product.uom', 'UoM'), 'product_id': fields.many2one('product.product', 'Product'), 'debit': fields.float('Debit', digits_compute=dp.get_precision('Account')), 'credit': fields.float('Credit', digits_compute=dp.get_precision('Account')), 'account_id': fields.many2one('account.account', 'Account', required=True, ondelete="cascade", domain=[('type','<>','view'), ('type', '<>', 'closed')], select=2), 'move_id': fields.many2one('account.move', 'Move', ondelete="cascade", states={'valid':[('readonly',True)]}, help="The move of this entry line.", select=2), 'ref': fields.char('Ref.', size=64), 'statement_id': fields.many2one('account.bank.statement', 'Statement', help="The bank statement used for bank reconciliation", select=1), 'reconcile_id': fields.many2one('account.move.reconcile', 'Reconcile', readonly=True, ondelete='set null', select=2), 'reconcile_partial_id': fields.many2one('account.move.reconcile', 'Partial Reconcile', readonly=True, ondelete='set null', select=2), 'amount_currency': fields.float('Amount Currency', help="The amount expressed in an optional other currency if it is a multi-currency entry.", digits_compute=dp.get_precision('Account')), 'currency_id': fields.many2one('res.currency', 'Currency', help="The optional other currency if it is a multi-currency entry."), 'period_id': fields.many2one('account.period', 'Period', required=True, select=2), 'journal_id': fields.many2one('account.journal', 'Journal', required=True, select=1), 'blocked': fields.boolean('Litigation', help="You can check this box to mark the entry line as a litigation with the associated partner"), 'partner_id': fields.many2one('res.partner', 'Partner'), 'date_maturity': fields.date('Maturity date', help="This field is used for payable and receivable entries. You can put the limit date for the payment of this entry line."), 'date': fields.related('move_id','date', string='Effective date', type='date', required=True, store={ 'account.move': (_get_move_lines, ['date'], 20) }), 'date_created': fields.date('Creation date'), 'analytic_lines': fields.one2many('account.analytic.line', 'move_id', 'Analytic lines'), 'centralisation': fields.selection([('normal','Normal'),('credit','Credit Centralisation'),('debit','Debit Centralisation')], 'Centralisation', size=6), 'balance': fields.function(_balance, fnct_search=_balance_search, method=True, string='Balance'), 'state': fields.selection([('draft','Draft'), ('valid','Valid')], 'State', readonly=True, help='When new move line is created the state will be \'Draft\'.\n* When all the payments are done it will be in \'Valid\' state.'), 'tax_code_id': fields.many2one('account.tax.code', 'Tax Account', help="The Account can either be a base tax code or a tax code account."), 'tax_amount': fields.float('Tax/Base Amount', digits_compute=dp.get_precision('Account'), select=True, help="If the Tax account is a tax code account, this field will contain the taxed amount.If the tax account is base tax code, "\ "this field will contain the basic amount(without tax)."), 'invoice': fields.function(_invoice, method=True, string='Invoice', type='many2one', relation='account.invoice', fnct_search=_invoice_search), 'account_tax_id':fields.many2one('account.tax', 'Tax'), 'analytic_account_id' : fields.many2one('account.analytic.account', 'Analytic Account'), #TODO: remove this 'amount_taxed':fields.float("Taxed Amount",digits_compute=dp.get_precision('Account')), 'company_id': fields.related('account_id','company_id',type='many2one',relation='res.company',string='Company',store=True) } def _get_date(self, cr, uid, context): period_obj = self.pool.get('account.period') dt = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if ('journal_id' in context) and ('period_id' in context): cr.execute('select date from account_move_line ' \ 'where journal_id=%s and period_id=%s ' \ 'order by id desc limit 1', (context['journal_id'], context['period_id'])) res = cr.fetchone() if res: dt = res[0] else: period = period_obj.browse(cr, uid, context['period_id'], context=context) dt = period.date_start return dt def _get_currency(self, cr, uid, context={}): if not context.get('journal_id', False): return False cur = self.pool.get('account.journal').browse(cr, uid, context['journal_id']).currency return cur and cur.id or False _defaults = { 'blocked': lambda *a: False, 'centralisation': lambda *a: 'normal', 'date': _get_date, 'date_created': lambda *a: time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'state': lambda *a: 'draft', 'currency_id': _get_currency, 'journal_id': lambda self, cr, uid, c: c.get('journal_id', False), 'period_id': lambda self, cr, uid, c: c.get('period_id', False), 'company_id': lambda self,cr,uid,c: self.pool.get('res.company')._company_default_get(cr, uid, 'account.move.line', context=c) } _order = "date desc,id desc" _sql_constraints = [ ('credit_debit1', 'CHECK (credit*debit=0)', 'Wrong credit or debit value in accounting entry !'), ('credit_debit2', 'CHECK (credit+debit>=0)', 'Wrong credit or debit value in accounting entry !'), ] def _auto_init(self, cr, context={}): super(account_move_line, self)._auto_init(cr, context) cr.execute('SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname = \'account_move_line_journal_id_period_id_index\'') if not cr.fetchone(): cr.execute('CREATE INDEX account_move_line_journal_id_period_id_index ON account_move_line (journal_id, period_id)') cr.commit() def _check_no_view(self, cr, uid, ids): lines = self.browse(cr, uid, ids) for l in lines: if l.account_id.type == 'view': return False return True def _check_no_closed(self, cr, uid, ids): lines = self.browse(cr, uid, ids) for l in lines: if l.account_id.type == 'closed': return False return True _constraints = [ (_check_no_view, 'You can not create move line on view account.', ['account_id']), (_check_no_closed, 'You can not create move line on closed account.', ['account_id']), ] #TODO: ONCHANGE_ACCOUNT_ID: set account_tax_id def onchange_currency(self, cr, uid, ids, account_id, amount, currency_id, date=False, journal=False): if (not currency_id) or (not account_id): return {} result = {} acc =self.pool.get('account.account').browse(cr, uid, account_id) if (amount>0) and journal: x = self.pool.get('account.journal').browse(cr, uid, journal).default_credit_account_id if x: acc = x v = self.pool.get('res.currency').compute(cr, uid, currency_id,acc.company_id.currency_id.id, amount, account=acc) result['value'] = { 'debit': v>0 and v or 0.0, 'credit': v<0 and -v or 0.0 } return result def onchange_partner_id(self, cr, uid, ids, move_id, partner_id, account_id=None, debit=0, credit=0, date=False, journal=False): val = {} val['date_maturity'] = False if not partner_id: return {'value':val} if not date: date = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') part = self.pool.get('res.partner').browse(cr, uid, partner_id) if part.property_payment_term and part.property_payment_term.line_ids: payterm = part.property_payment_term.line_ids[0] res = self.pool.get('account.payment.term').compute(cr, uid, payterm.id, 100, date) if res: val['date_maturity'] = res[0][0] if not account_id: id1 = part.property_account_payable.id id2 = part.property_account_receivable.id if journal: jt = self.pool.get('account.journal').browse(cr, uid, journal).type if jt=='sale': val['account_id'] = self.pool.get('account.fiscal.position').map_account(cr, uid, part and part.property_account_position or False, id2) elif jt=='purchase': val['account_id'] = self.pool.get('account.fiscal.position').map_account(cr, uid, part and part.property_account_position or False, id1) if val.get('account_id', False): d = self.onchange_account_id(cr, uid, ids, val['account_id']) val.update(d['value']) return {'value':val} def onchange_account_id(self, cr, uid, ids, account_id=False, partner_id=False): val = {} if account_id: res = self.pool.get('account.account').browse(cr, uid, account_id) tax_ids = res.tax_ids if tax_ids and partner_id: part = self.pool.get('res.partner').browse(cr, uid, partner_id) tax_id = self.pool.get('account.fiscal.position').map_tax(cr, uid, part and part.property_account_position or False, tax_ids)[0] else: tax_id = tax_ids and tax_ids[0].id or False val['account_tax_id'] = tax_id return {'value':val} # # type: the type if reconciliation (no logic behind this field, for info) # # writeoff; entry generated for the difference between the lines # def reconcile_partial(self, cr, uid, ids, type='auto', context={}): merges = [] unmerge = [] total = 0.0 merges_rec = [] for line in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context): if line.reconcile_id: raise osv.except_osv(_('Already Reconciled'), _('Already Reconciled')) if line.reconcile_partial_id: for line2 in line.reconcile_partial_id.line_partial_ids: if not line2.reconcile_id: merges.append(line2.id) total += (line2.debit or 0.0) - (line2.credit or 0.0) merges_rec.append(line.reconcile_partial_id.id) else: unmerge.append(line.id) total += (line.debit or 0.0) - (line.credit or 0.0) if not total: res = self.reconcile(cr, uid, merges+unmerge, context=context) return res r_id = self.pool.get('account.move.reconcile').create(cr, uid, { 'type': type, 'line_partial_ids': map(lambda x: (4,x,False), merges+unmerge) }) self.pool.get('account.move.reconcile').reconcile_partial_check(cr, uid, [r_id] + merges_rec, context=context) return True def reconcile(self, cr, uid, ids, type='auto', writeoff_acc_id=False, writeoff_period_id=False, writeoff_journal_id=False, context={}): lines = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context) unrec_lines = filter(lambda x: not x['reconcile_id'], lines) credit = debit = 0.0 currency = 0.0 account_id = False partner_id = False for line in unrec_lines: if line.state <> 'valid': raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _('Entry "%s" is not valid !') % line.name) credit += line['credit'] debit += line['debit'] currency += line['amount_currency'] or 0.0 account_id = line['account_id']['id'] partner_id = (line['partner_id'] and line['partner_id']['id']) or False writeoff = debit - credit # Ifdate_p in context => take this date if context.has_key('date_p') and context['date_p']: date=context['date_p'] else: date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') cr.execute('SELECT account_id, reconcile_id \ FROM account_move_line \ WHERE id =ANY(%s) \ GROUP BY account_id,reconcile_id',(ids,)) r = cr.fetchall() #TODO: move this check to a constraint in the account_move_reconcile object if (len(r) != 1) and not context.get('fy_closing', False): raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _('Entries are not of the same account or already reconciled ! ')) if not unrec_lines: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _('Entry is already reconciled')) account = self.pool.get('account.account').browse(cr, uid, account_id, context=context) if not context.get('fy_closing', False) and not account.reconcile: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _('The account is not defined to be reconciled !')) if r[0][1] != None: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error'), _('Some entries are already reconciled !')) if (not self.pool.get('res.currency').is_zero(cr, uid, account.company_id.currency_id, writeoff)) or \ (account.currency_id and (not self.pool.get('res.currency').is_zero(cr, uid, account.currency_id, currency))): if not writeoff_acc_id: raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning'), _('You have to provide an account for the write off entry !')) if writeoff > 0: debit = writeoff credit = 0.0 self_credit = writeoff self_debit = 0.0 else: debit = 0.0 credit = -writeoff self_credit = 0.0 self_debit = -writeoff # If comment exist in context, take it if 'comment' in context and context['comment']: libelle=context['comment'] else: libelle='Write-Off' writeoff_lines = [ (0, 0, { 'name':libelle, 'debit':self_debit, 'credit':self_credit, 'account_id':account_id, 'date':date, 'partner_id':partner_id, 'currency_id': account.currency_id.id or False, 'amount_currency': account.currency_id.id and -currency or 0.0 }), (0, 0, { 'name':libelle, 'debit':debit, 'credit':credit, 'account_id':writeoff_acc_id, 'analytic_account_id': context.get('analytic_id', False), 'date':date, 'partner_id':partner_id }) ] writeoff_move_id = self.pool.get('account.move').create(cr, uid, { 'period_id': writeoff_period_id, 'journal_id': writeoff_journal_id, 'date':date, 'state': 'draft', 'line_id': writeoff_lines }) writeoff_line_ids = self.search(cr, uid, [('move_id', '=', writeoff_move_id), ('account_id', '=', account_id)]) ids += writeoff_line_ids r_id = self.pool.get('account.move.reconcile').create(cr, uid, { #'name': date, 'type': type, 'line_id': map(lambda x: (4,x,False), ids), 'line_partial_ids': map(lambda x: (3,x,False), ids) }) wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow") # the id of the move.reconcile is written in the move.line (self) by the create method above # because of the way the line_id are defined: (4, x, False) for id in ids: wf_service.trg_trigger(uid, 'account.move.line', id, cr) return r_id def view_header_get(self, cr, user, view_id, view_type, context): if context.get('account_id', False): cr.execute('select code from account_account where id=%s', (context['account_id'],)) res = cr.fetchone() res = _('Entries: ')+ (res[0] or '') return res if (not context.get('journal_id', False)) or (not context.get('period_id', False)): return False cr.execute('select code from account_journal where id=%s', (context['journal_id'],)) j = cr.fetchone()[0] or '' cr.execute('select code from account_period where id=%s', (context['period_id'],)) p = cr.fetchone()[0] or '' if j or p: return j+(p and (':'+p) or '') return False def fields_view_get(self, cr, uid, view_id=None, view_type='form', context={}, toolbar=False, submenu=False): result = super(osv.osv, self).fields_view_get(cr, uid, view_id,view_type,context,toolbar=toolbar, submenu=submenu) if view_type=='tree' and 'journal_id' in context: title = self.view_header_get(cr, uid, view_id, view_type, context) journal = self.pool.get('account.journal').browse(cr, uid, context['journal_id']) # if the journal view has a state field, color lines depending on # its value state = '' for field in journal.view_id.columns_id: if field.field=='state': state = ' colors="red:state==\'draft\'"' #xml = '''\n\n\t''' % (title, state) xml = '''\n\n\t''' % (title, state) fields = [] widths = { 'ref': 50, 'statement_id': 50, 'state': 60, 'tax_code_id': 50, 'move_id': 40, } for field in journal.view_id.columns_id: fields.append(field.field) attrs = [] if field.field=='debit': attrs.append('sum="Total debit"') elif field.field=='credit': attrs.append('sum="Total credit"') elif field.field=='account_tax_id': attrs.append('domain="[(\'parent_id\',\'=\',False)]"') elif field.field=='account_id' and journal.id: attrs.append('domain="[(\'journal_id\', \'=\', '+str(journal.id)+'),(\'type\',\'<>\',\'view\'), (\'type\',\'<>\',\'closed\')]" on_change="onchange_account_id(account_id, partner_id)"') elif field.field == 'partner_id': attrs.append('on_change="onchange_partner_id(move_id,partner_id,account_id,debit,credit,date,((\'journal_id\' in context) and context[\'journal_id\']) or {})"') if field.readonly: attrs.append('readonly="1"') if field.required: attrs.append('required="1"') else: attrs.append('required="0"') if field.field in ('amount_currency','currency_id'): attrs.append('on_change="onchange_currency(account_id,amount_currency,currency_id,date,((\'journal_id\' in context) and context[\'journal_id\']) or {})"') if field.field in widths: attrs.append('width="'+str(widths[field.field])+'"') xml += '''\n''' % (field.field,' '.join(attrs)) xml += '''''' result['arch'] = xml result['fields'] = self.fields_get(cr, uid, fields, context) return result def unlink(self, cr, uid, ids, context={}, check=True): self._update_check(cr, uid, ids, context) result = False for line in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context): context['journal_id']=line.journal_id.id context['period_id']=line.period_id.id result = super(account_move_line, self).unlink(cr, uid, [line.id], context=context) if check: self.pool.get('account.move').validate(cr, uid, [line.move_id.id], context=context) return result def write(self, cr, uid, ids, vals, context=None, check=True, update_check=True): if not context: context={} if vals.get('account_tax_id', False): raise osv.except_osv(_('Unable to change tax !'), _('You can not change the tax, you should remove and recreate lines !')) account_obj = self.pool.get('account.account') if ('account_id' in vals) and not account_obj.read(cr, uid, vals['account_id'], ['active'])['active']: raise osv.except_osv(_('Bad account!'), _('You can not use an inactive account!')) if update_check: if ('account_id' in vals) or ('journal_id' in vals) or ('period_id' in vals) or ('move_id' in vals) or ('debit' in vals) or ('credit' in vals) or ('date' in vals): self._update_check(cr, uid, ids, context) todo_date = None if vals.get('date', False): todo_date = vals['date'] del vals['date'] result = super(account_move_line, self).write(cr, uid, ids, vals, context) if check: done = [] for line in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): if line.move_id.id not in done: done.append(line.move_id.id) self.pool.get('account.move').validate(cr, uid, [line.move_id.id], context) if todo_date: self.pool.get('account.move').write(cr, uid, [line.move_id.id], {'date': todo_date}, context=context) return result def _update_journal_check(self, cr, uid, journal_id, period_id, context={}): cr.execute('select state from account_journal_period where journal_id=%s and period_id=%s', (journal_id, period_id)) result = cr.fetchall() for (state,) in result: if state=='done': raise osv.except_osv(_('Error !'), _('You can not add/modify entries in a closed journal.')) if not result: journal = self.pool.get('account.journal').browse(cr, uid, journal_id, context) period = self.pool.get('account.period').browse(cr, uid, period_id, context) self.pool.get('account.journal.period').create(cr, uid, { 'name': (journal.code or journal.name)+':'+(period.name or ''), 'journal_id': journal.id, 'period_id': period.id }) return True def _update_check(self, cr, uid, ids, context={}): done = {} for line in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context): if line.move_id.state<>'draft': raise osv.except_osv(_('Error !'), _('You can not do this modification on a confirmed entry ! Please note that you can just change some non important fields !')) if line.reconcile_id: raise osv.except_osv(_('Error !'), _('You can not do this modification on a reconciled entry ! Please note that you can just change some non important fields !')) t = (line.journal_id.id, line.period_id.id) if t not in done: self._update_journal_check(cr, uid, line.journal_id.id, line.period_id.id, context) done[t] = True return True def create(self, cr, uid, vals, context=None, check=True): if not context: context={} account_obj = self.pool.get('account.account') tax_obj=self.pool.get('account.tax') if ('account_id' in vals) and not account_obj.read(cr, uid, vals['account_id'], ['active'])['active']: raise osv.except_osv(_('Bad account!'), _('You can not use an inactive account!')) if 'journal_id' in vals and 'journal_id' not in context: context['journal_id'] = vals['journal_id'] if 'period_id' in vals and 'period_id' not in context: context['period_id'] = vals['period_id'] if ('journal_id' not in context) and ('move_id' in vals) and vals['move_id']: m = self.pool.get('account.move').browse(cr, uid, vals['move_id']) context['journal_id'] = m.journal_id.id context['period_id'] = m.period_id.id self._update_journal_check(cr, uid, context['journal_id'], context['period_id'], context) company_currency = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context).company_id.currency_id.id move_id = vals.get('move_id', False) journal = self.pool.get('account.journal').browse(cr, uid, context['journal_id']) is_new_move = False if not move_id: if journal.centralisation: # use the first move ever created for this journal and period cr.execute('select id, state, name from account_move where journal_id=%s and period_id=%s order by id limit 1', (context['journal_id'],context['period_id'])) res = cr.fetchone() if res: if res[1] != 'draft': raise osv.except_osv(_('UserError'), _('The Ledger Posting (%s) for centralisation ' \ 'has been confirmed!') % res[2]) vals['move_id'] = res[0] if not vals.get('move_id', False): if journal.sequence_id: #name = self.pool.get('ir.sequence').get_id(cr, uid, journal.sequence_id.id) v = { 'date': vals.get('date', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')), 'period_id': context['period_id'], 'journal_id': context['journal_id'] } move_id = self.pool.get('account.move').create(cr, uid, v, context) vals['move_id'] = move_id else: raise osv.except_osv(_('No piece number !'), _('Can not create an automatic sequence for this piece !\n\nPut a sequence in the journal definition for automatic numbering or create a sequence manually for this piece.')) is_new_move = True ok = not (journal.type_control_ids or journal.account_control_ids) if ('account_id' in vals): account = account_obj.browse(cr, uid, vals['account_id']) if journal.type_control_ids: type = account.user_type for t in journal.type_control_ids: if type.code == t.code: ok = True break if journal.account_control_ids and not ok: for a in journal.account_control_ids: if a.id==vals['account_id']: ok = True break if (account.currency_id) and 'amount_currency' not in vals and account.currency_id.id <> company_currency: vals['currency_id'] = account.currency_id.id cur_obj = self.pool.get('res.currency') ctx = {} if 'date' in vals: ctx['date'] = vals['date'] vals['amount_currency'] = cur_obj.compute(cr, uid, account.company_id.currency_id.id, account.currency_id.id, vals.get('debit', 0.0)-vals.get('credit', 0.0), context=ctx) if not ok: raise osv.except_osv(_('Bad account !'), _('You can not use this general account in this journal !')) if 'analytic_account_id' in vals and vals['analytic_account_id']: if journal.analytic_journal_id: vals['analytic_lines'] = [(0,0, { 'name': vals['name'], 'date': vals.get('date', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')), 'account_id': vals['analytic_account_id'], 'unit_amount':'quantity' in vals and vals['quantity'] or 1.0, 'amount': vals['debit'] or vals['credit'], 'general_account_id': vals['account_id'], 'journal_id': journal.analytic_journal_id.id, 'ref': vals.get('ref', False), })] #else: # raise osv.except_osv(_('No analytic journal !'), _('Please set an analytic journal on this financial journal !')) #if not 'currency_id' in vals: # vals['currency_id'] = account.company_id.currency_id.id result = super(osv.osv, self).create(cr, uid, vals, context) # CREATE Taxes if 'account_tax_id' in vals and vals['account_tax_id']: tax_id=tax_obj.browse(cr,uid,vals['account_tax_id']) total = vals['debit'] - vals['credit'] if journal.refund_journal: base_code = 'ref_base_code_id' tax_code = 'ref_tax_code_id' account_id = 'account_paid_id' base_sign = 'ref_base_sign' tax_sign = 'ref_tax_sign' else: base_code = 'base_code_id' tax_code = 'tax_code_id' account_id = 'account_collected_id' base_sign = 'base_sign' tax_sign = 'tax_sign' tmp_cnt = 0 for tax in tax_obj.compute(cr,uid,[tax_id],total,1.00): #create the base movement if tmp_cnt == 0: if tax[base_code]: tmp_cnt += 1 self.write(cr, uid,[result], { 'tax_code_id': tax[base_code], 'tax_amount': tax[base_sign] * abs(total) }) else: data = { 'move_id': vals['move_id'], 'journal_id': vals['journal_id'], 'period_id': vals['period_id'], 'name': tools.ustr(vals['name'] or '') + ' ' + tools.ustr(tax['name'] or ''), 'date': vals['date'], 'partner_id': vals.get('partner_id',False), 'ref': vals.get('ref',False), 'account_tax_id': False, 'tax_code_id': tax[base_code], 'tax_amount': tax[base_sign] * abs(total), 'account_id': vals['account_id'], 'credit': 0.0, 'debit': 0.0, } if data['tax_code_id']: self.create(cr, uid, data, context) #create the VAT movement data = { 'move_id': vals['move_id'], 'journal_id': vals['journal_id'], 'period_id': vals['period_id'], 'name': tools.ustr(vals['name'] or '') + ' ' + tools.ustr(tax['name'] or ''), 'date': vals['date'], 'partner_id': vals.get('partner_id',False), 'ref': vals.get('ref',False), 'account_tax_id': False, 'tax_code_id': tax[tax_code], 'tax_amount': tax[tax_sign] * abs(tax['amount']), 'account_id': tax[account_id] or vals['account_id'], 'credit': tax['amount']<0 and -tax['amount'] or 0.0, 'debit': tax['amount']>0 and tax['amount'] or 0.0, } if data['tax_code_id']: self.create(cr, uid, data, context) del vals['account_tax_id'] # No needed, related to the job #if not is_new_move and 'date' in vals: # if context and ('__last_update' in context): # del context['__last_update'] # self.pool.get('account.move').write(cr, uid, [move_id], {'date':vals['date']}, context=context) if check and not context.get('no_store_function'): tmp = self.pool.get('account.move').validate(cr, uid, [vals['move_id']], context) if journal.entry_posted and tmp: self.pool.get('account.move').button_validate(cr,uid, [vals['move_id']],context) return result account_move_line() class account_bank_statement_reconcile(osv.osv): _inherit = "account.bank.statement.reconcile" _columns = { 'line_ids': fields.many2many('account.move.line', 'account_bank_statement_line_rel', 'statement_id', 'line_id', 'Entries'), } account_bank_statement_reconcile() # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: