openerp.web_dashboard = function(openerp) { var QWeb = openerp.web.qweb; if (!openerp.web_dashboard) { /** @namespace */ openerp.web_dashboard = {}; } openerp.web.form.DashBoard = openerp.web.form.Widget.extend({ init: function(view, node) { this._super(view, node); this.template = 'DashBoard'; this.actions_attrs = {}; this.action_managers = []; }, start: function() { var self = this; this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.$element.find('.oe-dashboard-column').sortable({ connectWith: '.oe-dashboard-column', handle: '.oe-dashboard-action-header', scroll: false }).disableSelection().bind('sortstop', self.do_save_dashboard); // Events this.$element.find('.oe-dashboard-link-undo').click(this.on_undo); this.$element.find('.oe-dashboard-link-reset').click(this.on_reset); this.$element.find('.oe-dashboard-link-add_widget').click(this.on_add_widget); this.$element.find('.oe-dashboard-link-change_layout').click(this.on_change_layout); this.$element.delegate('.oe-dashboard-column .oe-dashboard-fold', 'click', this.on_fold_action); this.$element.delegate('.oe-dashboard-column .ui-icon-closethick', 'click', this.on_close_action); this.actions_attrs = {}; // Init actions _.each(this.node.children, function(column) { _.each(column.children, function(action) { delete(action.attrs.width); delete(action.attrs.height); delete(action.attrs.colspan); self.actions_attrs[] = action.attrs; self.rpc('/web/action/load', { action_id: parseInt(, 10) }, self.on_load_action); }); }); //this.$element.find('a.oe-dashboard-action-rename').live('click', this.on_rename); }, on_undo: function() { this.rpc('/web/view/undo_custom', { view_id: this.view.fields_view.view_id }, this.do_reload); }, on_reset: function() { this.rpc('/web/view/undo_custom', { view_id: this.view.fields_view.view_id, reset: true }, this.do_reload); }, on_add_widget: function() { var self = this; var action_manager = new openerp.web.ActionManager(this); var dialog = new openerp.web.Dialog(this, { title : 'Actions', width: 800, height: 600, buttons : { Cancel : function() { $(this).dialog('destroy'); }, Add : function() { self.do_add_widget(action_manager.inner_viewmanager.views.list.controller); $(this).dialog('destroy'); } } }).start().open(); action_manager.appendTo(dialog.$element); action_manager.do_action({ res_model : 'ir.actions.actions', views : [[false, 'list']], type : 'ir.actions.act_window', limit : 80, auto_search : true, flags : { sidebar : false, views_switcher : false, action_buttons : false } }); // TODO: should bind ListView#select_record in order to catch record clicking }, do_add_widget : function(listview) { var self = this, actions = listview.groups.get_selection().ids, results = [], qdict = { view : this.view }; // TODO: should load multiple actions at once _.each(actions, function(aid) { self.rpc('/web/action/load', { action_id: aid }, function(result) { self.actions_attrs[aid] = { name: aid, string: _.trim( }; qdict.action = { attrs : self.actions_attrs[aid] }; self.$element.find('.oe-dashboard-column:first').prepend(QWeb.render('DashBoard.action', qdict)); self.do_save_dashboard(); self.on_load_action(result) }); }); }, on_rename : function(e) { var self = this, id = parseInt($(e.currentTarget).parents('.oe-dashboard-action:first').attr('data-id'), 10), $header = $(e.currentTarget).parents('.oe-dashboard-action-header:first'), $rename = $header.find('a.oe-dashboard-action-rename').hide(), $title = $header.find('span.oe-dashboard-action-title').hide(), $input = $header.find('input[name=title]'); $input.val($title.text()).show().focus().bind('keydown', function(e) { if (e.which == 13 || e.which == 27) { if (e.which == 13) { //enter var val = $input.val(); if (!val) { return false; } $title.text(val); self.actions_attrs[id].string = val; self.do_save_dashboard(); } $input.unbind('keydown').hide(); $; $; } }); }, on_change_layout: function() { var self = this; var qdict = { current_layout : this.$element.find('.oe-dashboard').attr('data-layout') }; var $dialog = $('
').dialog({ modal: true, title: 'Edit Layout', width: 'auto', height: 'auto' }).html(QWeb.render('DashBoard.layouts', qdict)); $dialog.find('li').click(function() { var layout = $(this).attr('data-layout'); $dialog.dialog('destroy'); self.do_change_layout(layout); }); }, do_change_layout: function(new_layout) { var $dashboard = this.$element.find('.oe-dashboard'); var current_layout = $dashboard.attr('data-layout'); if (current_layout != new_layout) { var clayout = current_layout.split('-').length, nlayout = new_layout.split('-').length, column_diff = clayout - nlayout; if (column_diff > 0) { var $last_column = $(); $dashboard.find('.oe-dashboard-column').each(function(k, v) { if (k >= nlayout) { $(v).find('.oe-dashboard-action').appendTo($last_column); } else { $last_column = $(v); } }); } $dashboard.toggleClass('oe-dashboard-layout_' + current_layout + ' oe-dashboard-layout_' + new_layout); $dashboard.attr('data-layout', new_layout); this.do_save_dashboard(); } }, on_fold_action: function(e) { var $e = $(e.currentTarget), $action = $e.parents('.oe-dashboard-action:first'), id = parseInt($action.attr('data-id'), 10); if ($'.ui-icon-minusthick')) { this.actions_attrs[id].fold = '1'; } else { delete(this.actions_attrs[id].fold); } $e.toggleClass('ui-icon-minusthick ui-icon-plusthick'); $action.find('.oe-dashboard-action-content').toggle(); this.do_save_dashboard(); }, on_close_action: function(e) { $(e.currentTarget).parents('.oe-dashboard-action:first').remove(); this.do_save_dashboard(); }, do_save_dashboard: function() { var self = this; var board = { form_title : this.view.fields_view.arch.attrs.string, style : this.$element.find('.oe-dashboard').attr('data-layout'), columns : [] }; this.$element.find('.oe-dashboard-column').each(function() { var actions = []; $(this).find('.oe-dashboard-action').each(function() { var action_id = $(this).attr('data-id'); actions.push(self.actions_attrs[action_id]); }); board.columns.push(actions); }); var arch = QWeb.render('DashBoard.xml', board); this.rpc('/web/view/add_custom', { view_id: this.view.fields_view.view_id, arch: arch }, function() { self.$element.find('.oe-dashboard-link-undo, .oe-dashboard-link-reset').show(); }); }, on_load_action: function(result) { var self = this; var action_orig = _.extend({}, result.result); var action = result.result; action.flags = { search_view : false, sidebar : false, views_switcher : false, action_buttons : false, pager: false, low_profile: true, display_title: false }; var am = new openerp.web.ActionManager(this); this.action_managers.push(am); am.appendTo($("#"+this.view.element_id + '_action_' +; am.do_action(action); am.do_action = function(action) { self.do_action(action); } if (am.inner_viewmanager) { am.inner_viewmanager.on_mode_switch.add(function(mode) { self.do_action(action_orig); }); } }, render: function() { // We should start with three columns available for (var i = this.node.children.length; i < 3; i++) { this.node.children.push({ tag: 'column', attrs: {}, children: [] }); } return QWeb.render(this.template, this); }, do_reload: function() { var view_manager = this.view.widget_parent, action_manager = view_manager.widget_parent; this.view.stop(); action_manager.do_action(view_manager.action); } }); openerp.web.form.DashBoardLegacy = openerp.web.form.DashBoard.extend({ render: function() { if (this.node.tag == 'hpaned') { = '2-1'; } else if (this.node.tag == 'vpaned') { = '1'; } this.node.tag = 'board'; _.each(this.node.children, function(child) { if (child.tag.indexOf('child') == 0) { child.tag = 'column'; var actions = [], first_child = child.children[0]; if (first_child && first_child.tag == 'vpaned') { _.each(first_child.children, function(subchild) { actions.push.apply(actions, subchild.children); }); child.children = actions; } } }); return this._super(this, arguments); } }); openerp.web.form.widgets.add('hpaned', 'openerp.web.form.DashBoardLegacy'); openerp.web.form.widgets.add('vpaned', 'openerp.web.form.DashBoardLegacy'); openerp.web.form.widgets.add('board', 'openerp.web.form.DashBoard'); /* * ConfigOverview * This client action designed to be used as a dashboard widget display * ir.actions.todo in a fancy way */ openerp.web.client_actions.add( 'board.config.overview', 'openerp.web_dashboard.ConfigOverview'); openerp.web_dashboard.ConfigOverview = openerp.web.View.extend({ template: 'ConfigOverview', init: function (parent) { this._super(parent); this.dataset = new openerp.web.DataSetSearch( this, 'ir.actions.todo'); this.dataset.domain = [['type', '!=', 'automatic']]; }, start: function () { this._super(); $.when(this.dataset.read_slice(['state', 'action_id', 'category_id']),'progress')) .then(this.on_records_loaded); }, on_records_loaded: function (read_response, progress_response) { var records = read_response, progress = progress_response[0]; var grouped_todos = _(records).chain() .map(function (record) { return { id:, name: record.action_id[1], done: record.state !== 'open', to_do: record.state === 'open', category: record['category_id'][1] || "Uncategorized" } }) .groupBy(function (record) {return record.category}) .value(); this.$element.html(QWeb.render('ConfigOverview.content', { completion: 100 * progress.done /, groups: grouped_todos })); var $progress = this.$element.find('div.oe-config-progress-bar'); $progress.progressbar({value: $'completion')}); var self = this; this.$element.find('dl') .delegate('input', 'click', function (e) { // switch todo status e.stopImmediatePropagation(); var new_state = this.checked ? 'done' : 'open', todo_id = parseInt($(this).val(), 10); self.dataset.write(todo_id, {state: new_state}, {}, function () { self.start(); }); }) .delegate('li:not(.oe-done)', 'click', function () { self.widget_parent.widget_parent.widget_parent.do_execute_action({ type: 'object', name: 'action_launch' }, self.dataset, $(this).data('id'), function () { // after action popup closed, refresh configuration // thingie self.start(); }); }); } }); /* * ApplicationTiles * This client action designed to be used as a dashboard widget display * either a list of application to install (if none is installed yet) or * a list of root menu */ openerp.web.client_actions.add( 'board.home.applications', 'openerp.web_dashboard.ApplicationTiles'); openerp.web_dashboard.apps = { applications: [ [ { module: 'crm', name: 'CRM', help: "Acquire leads, follow opportunities, manage prospects and phone calls, \u2026" }, { module: 'sale', name: 'Sales', help: "Do quotations, follow sales orders, invoice and control deliveries" }, { module: 'account_voucher', name: 'Invoicing', help: "Send invoice, track payments and reminders" }, { module: 'point_of_sale', name: 'Point of Sales', help: "Manage shop sales, use touch-screen POS" } ], [ { module: 'purchase', name: 'Purchase', help: "Do purchase orders, control invoices and reception, follow your suppliers, \u2026" }, { module: 'stock', name: 'Warehouse', help: "Track your stocks, schedule product moves, manage incoming and outgoing shipments, \u2026" }, { module: 'mrp', name: 'Manufacturing', help: "Manage your manufacturing, control your supply chain, personalize master data, \u2026" }, { module: 'account_accountant', name: 'Accounting and Finance', help: "Record financial operations, automate followup, manage multi-currency, \u2026" } ], [ { module: 'project', name: 'Projects', help: "Manage projects, track tasks, invoice task works, follow issues, \u2026" }, { module: 'hr', name: 'Human Resources', help: "Manage employees and their contracts, follow laves, recruit people, \u2026" }, { module: 'marketing', name: 'Marketing', help: "Manage campaigns, follow activities, automate emails, \u2026" }, { module: 'knowledge', name: 'Knowledge', help: "Track your documents, browse your files, \u2026" } ] ] }; openerp.web_dashboard.ApplicationTiles = openerp.web.View.extend({ template: 'ApplicationTiles', start: function () { var self = this; this._super(); // Check for installed application var Installer = new openerp.web.DataSet(this, 'base.setup.installer');'default_get', [], function (installed_modules) { var installed = _(installed_modules).any(function (active, name) { return _.startsWith(name, 'cat') && active; }); if(installed) { self.do_display_root_menu(); } else { self.do_display_installer(); } }); }, do_display_root_menu: function() { var self = this; var dss = new openerp.web.DataSetSearch( this, '', null, [['parent_id', '=', false]]); var r = dss.read_slice( ['name', 'web_icon_data', 'web_icon_hover_data'], {}, function (applications) { // Create a matrix of 3*x applications var rows = []; while (applications.length) { rows.push(applications.splice(0, 3)); } var tiles = QWeb.render( 'ApplicationTiles.content', {rows: rows}); self.$element.append(tiles) .find('.oe-dashboard-home-tile') .click(function () {, $(this).data('menuid')) }); }); return r; }, do_display_installer: function() { var self = this; var render_ctx = { url: window.location.protocol + '//' + + window.location.pathname, session: self.session, rows: openerp.web_dashboard.apps.applications }; var installer = QWeb.render('StaticHome', render_ctx); self.$element.append(installer); this.$element.delegate('.oe-static-home-tile-text button', 'click', function () { self.install_module($(this).val()); }); }, install_module: function (module_name) { var self = this; var Modules = new openerp.web.DataSetSearch( this, 'ir.module.module', null, [['name', '=', module_name], ['state', '=', 'uninstalled']]); var Upgrade = new openerp.web.DataSet(this, 'base.module.upgrade'); $.blockUI(); Modules.read_slice(['id'], {}, function (records) { if (!(records.length === 1)) { $.unblockUI(); return; }'state_update', [_.pluck(records, 'id'), 'to install', ['uninstalled']], function () {'upgrade_module', [[]], function () { self.run_configuration_wizards(); }); } ) }); }, run_configuration_wizards: function () { var self = this; new openerp.web.DataSet(this, 'res.config').call('start', [[]], function (action) { $.unblockUI(); self.widget_parent.widget_parent.do_action(action, function () { openerp.webclient.do_reload(); }); }); } }); /* * Widgets * This client action designed to be used as a dashboard widget display * the html content of a res_widget given as argument */ openerp.web.client_actions.add( 'board.home.widgets', 'openerp.web_dashboard.Widget'); openerp.web_dashboard.Widget = openerp.web.View.extend(/** @lends openerp.web_dashboard.Widgets# */{ template: 'HomeWidget', /** * Initializes a "HomeWidget" client widget: handles the display of a given * res.widget objects in an OpenERP view (mainly a dashboard). * * @constructs openerp.web_dashboard.Widget * @extends openerp.web.View * * @param {Object} parent * @param {Object} options * @param {Number} options.widget_id */ init: function (parent, options) { this._super(parent); this.widget_id = options.widget_id; }, start: function () { this._super(); return new openerp.web.DataSet(this, 'res.widget').read_ids( [this.widget_id], ['title'], this.on_widget_loaded); }, on_widget_loaded: function (widgets) { var widget = widgets[0]; var url = _.sprintf( '/web_dashboard/widgets/content?session_id=%s&widget_id=%d', this.session.session_id,; this.$element.html(QWeb.render('HomeWidget.content', { widget: widget, url: url })); } }); };