openerp.web_kanban = function (openerp) { var QWeb = openerp.web.qweb; QWeb.add_template('/web_kanban/static/src/xml/web_kanban.xml'); openerp.web.views.add('kanban', 'openerp.web_kanban.KanbanView'); openerp.web_kanban.KanbanView = openerp.web.View.extend({ init: function (parent, dataset, view_id, options) { this._super(parent); this.set_default_options(options); this.dataset = dataset; this.model = dataset.model; this.domain = dataset.domain; this.context = dataset.context; this.view_id = view_id; this.fields_view = {}; this.group_by = []; this.source_index = {}; this.all_display_data = false; this.groups = []; this.qweb = new QWeb2.Engine(); this.NO_OF_COLUMNS = 2; this.DISPLAY_COLUMNS = 3; if (this.options.action_views_ids.form) { this.form_dialog = new openerp.web.FormDialog(this, {}, this.options.action_views_ids.form, dataset).start(); this.form_dialog.on_form_dialog_saved.add_last(this.on_record_saved); } }, start: function() { this._super(); return this.rpc("/web/view/load", {"model": this.model, "view_id": this.view_id, "view_type": "kanban"}, this.on_loaded); }, on_loaded: function(data) { var self = this; this.fields_view = data; this.add_qweb_template(); if (this.qweb.has_template('kanban-box')) { this.do_actual_search(); } }, add_qweb_template: function() { for (var i=0, ii=this.fields_view.arch.children.length; i < ii; i++) { var child = this.fields_view.arch.children[i]; if (child.tag === "templates") { this.transform_qweb_template(child); this.qweb.add_template(openerp.web.json_node_to_xml(child)); break; } } }, kanban_color: function(variable) { var number_of_color_schemes = 8, index = 0; switch (typeof(variable)) { case 'string': for (var i=0, ii=variable.length; i second) return 1; else if (first < second) return -1; else return 0; }, on_show_data: function() { var self = this; if (!this.group_by.length) { this.do_record_group(); } self.all_display_data.sort(this.sort_group); this.$element.html(QWeb.render("KanbanView", {"data": self.all_display_data})); this.on_reload_kanban(); var drag_handel = false; if (this.$element.find(".oe_kanban_draghandle").length > 0) { drag_handel = ".oe_kanban_draghandle"; } if (!this.group_by.length) { drag_handel = true; } this.$element.find(".oe_column").sortable({ connectWith: ".oe_column", handle : drag_handel, start: function(event, ui) { self.source_index['index'] = ui.item.index(); self.source_index['column'] = ui.item.parent().attr('id'); }, stop: self.on_receive_record, }); this.$element.find(".oe_column").disableSelection() this.$element.find('button.oe_kanban_button_new').click(this.do_add_record); var column_width = 100 / (this.all_display_data).length; var row_width = column_width * (this.all_display_data).length * this.DISPLAY_COLUMNS; self.$element.find(".oe_table_column" ).css("width", column_width +"%"); self.$element.find(".oe_kanban_row" ).css("width", row_width +"%"); this.$element.find('#next-column').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); self.$element.find('.oe_kanban_view').animate({"scrollLeft" : "+=" + self.$element.find('.oe_column').width()}, 'slow'); }); this.$element.find('#previous-column').click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); self.$element.find('.oe_kanban_view').animate({scrollLeft:'-=' + self.$element.find('.oe_column').width() }, 'slow'); }); }, do_record_group: function() { if (this.NO_OF_COLUMNS) { var records = this.all_display_data[0].records; var record_per_group = Math.round((records).length / this.NO_OF_COLUMNS); this.all_display_data = []; for (var i=0, ii=this.NO_OF_COLUMNS; i < ii; i++) { this.all_display_data.push({'records': records.slice(0,record_per_group), 'value':false, 'header' : false, 'ids':[]}); records.splice(0,record_per_group); } } }, on_button_click: function (button_attrs, record_id) { var self = this; if (this.groups.length) { _.each(this.groups, function (group) { group.list([], function (groups) {}, function (dataset) { dataset.read_slice([], {}, function(records) { var index = parseInt(_.indexOf(dataset.ids, record_id)); if(index >= 0) { self.on_confirm_click(dataset, button_attrs, index, record_id); } }); } ); }); } else { var index = parseInt(_.indexOf(self.dataset.ids, record_id)); if (index >= 0) { _.extend(self.dataset, {domain: self.domain, context: self.context}); self.on_confirm_click(self.dataset, button_attrs, index, record_id); } } }, on_confirm_click: function (dataset, button_attrs, index, record_id) { this.on_execute_button_click(dataset, button_attrs, record_id); }, do_add_record: function() { this.dataset.index = null; this.do_switch_view('form'); }, do_edit_record: function(record_id) { if (this.form_dialog) { this.form_dialog.load_id(record_id);; } else { this.notification.warn("Kanban", "No form view defined for this object"); } }, on_record_saved: function(r) { var id =; // TODO fme: reload record instead of all. need refactoring this.do_actual_search(); }, do_change_color: function(record_id, $e) { var self = this, id = record_id, colors = '#FFC7C7,#FFF1C7,#E3FFC7,#C7FFD5,#C7FFFF,#C7D5FF,#E3C7FF,#FFC7F1'.split(','), $cpicker = $(QWeb.render('KanbanColorPicker', { colors : colors, columns: 2 })); $e.after($cpicker); $cpicker.mouseenter(function() { clearTimeout($'timeoutId')); }).mouseleave(function(evt) { var timeoutId = setTimeout(function() { $cpicker.remove() }, 500); $'timeoutId', timeoutId); }); $cpicker.find('a').click(function() { var data = {}; data[$'name')] = $(this).data('color'); self.dataset.write(id, data, {}, function() { // TODO fme: reload record instead of all. need refactoring self.do_actual_search(); }); $cpicker.remove(); }); }, do_delete: function (id) { var self = this; return $.when(this.dataset.unlink([id])).then(function () { self.drop_records(id); }); }, drop_records: function (id) { var self = this; _.each(self.all_display_data, function(data, index) { _.each(data.records, function(record, index_row) { if (parseInt( == id) { self.all_display_data[index]['records'].splice(index_row, 1); self.all_display_data[index]['ids'].splice(index_row, 1); return false; } }); }); self.$element.find("#main_" + id).remove(); }, on_execute_button_click: function (dataset, button_attrs, record_id) { var self = this; this.do_execute_action( button_attrs, dataset, record_id, function () { var count = 1; _.each(self.all_display_data, function(data, index) { self.dataset.read_ids( data.ids, [], function(records){ self.all_display_data[index].records = records; if(self.all_display_data.length == count) { self.do_actual_search(); } count++; }); }); } ); }, on_receive_record: function (event, ui) { var self = this; var from = ui.item.index(); var search_action = false; var to = ui.item.prev().index() || 0; if (!ui.item.attr("id")) { return false; } // TODO fme: check what was this sequence if (self.fields_view.fields.sequence && (self.source_index.index >= 0 && self.source_index.index != from) || (self.source_index.column && self.source_index.column != ui.item.parent().attr('id'))) { var child_record = ui.item.parent().children(); var data, sequence = 1, index = to; child_record.splice(0, to); var flag = false; if (to >= 0 && child_record) { var record_id = parseInt($(child_record).attr("id").split("_")[1]); if (record_id) { _.each(self.all_display_data, function(data, index) { _.each(data.records, function(record, index_row) { if(record_id == && record.sequence) { sequence = record.sequence; flag = true; return false; } }); if(flag) {return false;} }); } } _.each(child_record, function (child) { var child_id = parseInt($(child).attr("id").split("_")[1]); if (child_id) { flag = false; _.each(self.all_display_data, function(data, index) { _.each(data.records, function(record, index_row) { if(parseInt( == child_id) { self.all_display_data[index]['records'][index_row]['sequence'] = sequence; flag = true; return false; } }); if (flag) {return false;} }); self.dataset.write(child_id, {sequence: sequence}); sequence++; search_action = true; } }); } if (self.group_by.length > 0 && self.source_index.column && self.source_index.column != ui.item.parent().attr('id')) { var value = ui.item.closest("td").attr("id"); if (value) { var data_val = {}; var wirte_id = parseInt(ui.item.attr("id").split("_")[1]); value = value.split("_")[1]; if (value == 'false') { value = false; } var update_record = false; _.each(self.all_display_data, function(data, index) { _.each(data.records, function(record, index_row) { if(parseInt( == wirte_id) { self.all_display_data[index]['records'][index_row][self.group_by[0]] = value; update_record = self.all_display_data[index]['records'].splice(index_row,1) return false; } }); if (update_record) {return false;} }); _.each(self.all_display_data, function(data, index) { if (data.value == value || (data.value == 'false' && value == false)) { self.all_display_data[index]['records'].push(update_record[0]); } }); data_val[self.group_by[0]] = value; self.dataset.write(wirte_id, data_val); search_action = true; } } if (search_action) { self.on_reload_kanban(); } this.source_index = {}; }, on_reload_kanban: function (){ var self = this; _.each(self.all_display_data, function(data, index) { if (data.records.length > 0){ _.each(data.records, function(record) { self.$element.find("#main_" +; self.$element.find("#main_" +'kanban-box', { record: self.do_transform_record(record), kanban_color: self.kanban_color, kanban_gravatar: self.kanban_gravatar })); }); } else { self.$element.find("#column_" + data.value).remove(); self.all_display_data.splice(index, 1); } }); this.$element.find('.oe_kanban_action').click(this.on_action_clicked); this.$element.find('.oe_kanban_box_show_onclick_trigger').click(function() { $(this).parent('.oe_kanban_box').find('.oe_kanban_box_show_onclick').toggle(); }); }, on_action_clicked: function(evt) { var $action = $(evt.currentTarget), record_id = parseInt($action.closest(".oe_kanban_record").attr("id").split('_')[1]), type = $'type'); if (type == 'delete') { this.do_delete(record_id); } else if (type == 'edit') { this.do_edit_record(record_id); } else if (type == 'color') { this.do_change_color(record_id, $action); } else { var button_attrs = $; this.on_button_click(button_attrs, record_id); } }, do_transform_record: function(record) { var self = this, new_record = {}; _.each(record, function(value, name) { var r = _.clone(self.fields_view.fields[name]); r.raw_value = value; r.value = openerp.web.format_value(value, r); new_record[name] = r; }); return new_record; }, do_search: function (domains, contexts, group_by) { var self = this; this.rpc('/web/session/eval_domain_and_context', { domains: domains, contexts: contexts, group_by_seq: group_by }, function (results) { self.domain = results.domain; self.context = results.context; self.group_by = results.group_by; self.do_actual_search(); }); }, do_actual_search : function () { var self = this, group_by = self.group_by; if (!group_by.length && this.fields_view.arch.attrs.default_group_by) { group_by = [this.fields_view.arch.attrs.default_group_by]; self.group_by = group_by; } self.datagroup = new openerp.web.DataGroup(self, self.model, self.domain, self.context, group_by); self.dataset.context = self.context; self.dataset.domain = self.domain; self.datagroup.list([], function (groups) { self.groups = groups; self.do_render_group(groups); }, function (dataset) { self.domain = dataset.domain; self.context = dataset.context; self.groups = []; self.dataset.read_slice([], {}, function(records) { self.all_display_data = [{'records': records, 'value':false, 'header' : false, 'ids': self.dataset.ids}]; self.$element.find(".oe_kanban_view").remove(); self.on_show_data(); }); } ); }, do_render_group : function (datagroups) { this.all_display_data = []; var self = this; _.each(datagroups, function (group) { self.dataset.context = group.context; self.dataset.domain = group.domain; var group_name = group.value; var group_value = group.value; if (!group.value) { group_name = "Undefined"; group_value = 'false'; } else if (group.value instanceof Array) { group_name = group.value[1]; group_value = group.value[0]; } self.dataset.read_slice([], {}, function(records) { self.all_display_data.push({"value" : group_value, "records": records, 'header':group_name, 'ids': self.dataset.ids}); if (datagroups.length == self.all_display_data.length) { self.$element.find(".oe_kanban_view").remove(); self.on_show_data(); } }); }); }, do_show: function () { this.$; }, do_hide: function () { this.$element.hide(); } }); /*openerp.web_kanban.KanbanRecord = openerp.web.Class.extend({ init: function (dataset, record_id, options) { this.dataset = dataset; this.record_id = record_id; this.options = options; }, on_render: function () { }, });*/ }; // vim:et fdc=0 fdl=0 foldnestmax=3 fdm=syntax: