#!/usr/bin/python import datetime import dateutil.relativedelta import functools import optparse import os import sys import tempfile import time import traceback import uuid import xmlrpclib import pytz import cherrypy import cherrypy.lib.static import simplejson import nonliterals import xmlrpctimeout import logging #----------------------------------------------------------- # Globals #----------------------------------------------------------- path_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(__file__))) path_addons = os.path.join(path_root, 'addons') cherrypy_root = None #----------------------------------------------------------- # Per Database Globals (might move into a pool if needed) #----------------------------------------------------------- applicationsession = {} addons_module = {} addons_manifest = {} controllers_class = {} controllers_object = {} controllers_path = {} #---------------------------------------------------------- # OpenERP Client Library #---------------------------------------------------------- class OpenERPUnboundException(Exception): pass class OpenERPConnector(object): pass class OpenERPAuth(object): pass class OpenERPModel(object): def __init__(self, session, model): self._session = session self._model = model def __getattr__(self, name): return lambda *l:self._session.execute(self._model, name, *l) class OpenERPSession(object): """ An OpenERP RPC session, a given user can own multiple such sessions in a web session. .. attribute:: context The session context, a ``dict``. Can be reloaded by calling :meth:`openerpweb.openerpweb.OpenERPSession.get_context` .. attribute:: domains_store A ``dict`` matching domain keys to evaluable (but non-literal) domains. Used to store references to non-literal domains which need to be round-tripped to the client browser. """ def __init__(self, server='', port=8069, model_factory=OpenERPModel): self._server = server self._port = port self._db = False self._uid = False self._login = False self._password = False self.model_factory = model_factory self._locale = 'en_US' self.context = {} self.contexts_store = {} self.domains_store = {} self._lang = {} self.remote_timezone = 'utc' self.client_timezone = False def proxy(self, service): s = xmlrpctimeout.TimeoutServerProxy('http://%s:%s/xmlrpc/%s' % (self._server, self._port, service), timeout=5) return s def bind(self, db, uid, password): self._db = db self._uid = uid self._password = password def login(self, db, login, password): uid = self.proxy('common').login(db, login, password) self.bind(db, uid, password) self._login = login if uid: self.get_context() return uid def execute(self, model, func, *l, **d): if not (self._db and self._uid and self._password): raise OpenERPUnboundException() r = self.proxy('object').execute(self._db, self._uid, self._password, model, func, *l, **d) return r def model(self, model): """ Get an RPC proxy for the object ``model``, bound to this session. :param model: an OpenERP model name :type model: str :rtype: :class:`openerpweb.openerpweb.OpenERPModel` """ return self.model_factory(self, model) def get_context(self): """ Re-initializes the current user's session context (based on his preferences) by calling res.users.get_context() with the old context :returns: the new context """ assert self._uid, "The user needs to be logged-in to initialize his context" self.context = self.model('res.users').context_get(self.context) self.client_timezone = self.context.get("tz", False) if self.client_timezone: self.remote_timezone = self.execute('common', 'timezone_get') self._locale = self.context.get('lang','en_US') lang_ids = self.execute('res.lang','search', [('code', '=', self._locale)]) if lang_ids: self._lang = self.execute('res.lang', 'read',lang_ids[0], []) return self.context @property def base_eval_context(self): """ Default evaluation context for the session. Used to evaluate contexts and domains. """ base = dict( uid=self._uid, current_date=datetime.date.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), time=time, datetime=datetime, relativedelta=dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta ) base.update(self.context) return base def evaluation_context(self, context=None): """ Returns the session's evaluation context, augmented with the provided context if any. :param dict context: to add merge in the session's base eval context :returns: the augmented context :rtype: dict """ d = {} d.update(self.base_eval_context) if context: d.update(context) return d def eval_context(self, context_to_eval, context=None): """ Evaluates the provided context_to_eval in the context (haha) of the context. :param context_to_eval: a context to evaluate. Must be a dict or a non-literal context. If it's a dict, will be returned as-is :type context_to_eval: openerpweb.nonliterals.Context :returns: the evaluated context :rtype: dict :raises: ``TypeError`` if ``context_to_eval`` is neither a dict nor a Context """ if not isinstance(context_to_eval, (dict, nonliterals.Domain)): raise TypeError("Context %r is not a dict or a nonliteral Context", context_to_eval) if isinstance(context_to_eval, dict): return context_to_eval ctx = dict(context or {}) ctx['context'] = ctx # if the domain was unpacked from JSON, it needs the current # OpenERPSession for its data retrieval context_to_eval.session = self return context_to_eval.evaluate(ctx) def eval_contexts(self, contexts, context=None): """ Evaluates a sequence of contexts to build a single final result :param list contexts: a list of Context or dict contexts :param dict context: a base context, if needed :returns: the final combination of all provided contexts :rtype: dict """ # This is the context we use to evaluate stuff current_context = dict( self.base_eval_context, **(context or {})) # this is our result, it should not contain the values # of the base context above final_context = {} for ctx in contexts: # evaluate the current context in the sequence, merge it into # the result final_context.update( self.eval_context( ctx, current_context)) # update the current evaluation context so that future # evaluations can use the results we just gathered current_context.update(final_context) return final_context def eval_domain(self, domain, context=None): """ Evaluates the provided domain using the provided context (merged with the session's evaluation context) :param domain: an OpenERP domain as a list or as a :class:`openerpweb.nonliterals.Domain` instance In the second case, it will be evaluated and returned. :type domain: openerpweb.nonliterals.Domain :param dict context: the context to use in the evaluation, if any. :returns: the evaluated domain :rtype: list :raises: ``TypeError`` if ``domain`` is neither a list nor a Domain """ if not isinstance(domain, (list, nonliterals.Domain)): raise TypeError("Domain %r is not a list or a nonliteral Domain", domain) if isinstance(domain, list): return domain ctx = dict(context or {}) ctx['context'] = ctx # if the domain was unpacked from JSON, it needs the current # OpenERPSession for its data retrieval domain.session = self return domain.evaluate(ctx) def eval_domains(self, domains, context=None): """ Evaluates and concatenates the provided domains using the provided context for all of them. Returns the final, concatenated result. :param list domains: a list of Domain or list domains :param dict context: the context in which the domains should be evaluated (if evaluations need to happen) :returns: the final combination of all domains in the sequence :rtype: list """ final_domain = [] for domain in domains: final_domain.extend( self.eval_domain(domain, context)) return final_domain #---------------------------------------------------------- # OpenERP Web RequestHandler #---------------------------------------------------------- class JsonRequest(object): """ JSON-RPC2 over HTTP POST using non standard POST encoding. Difference with the standard: * the json string is passed as a form parameter named "request" * method is currently ignored Sucessful request: --> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": {"session_id": "SID", "context": {}, "arg1": "val1" }, "id": null} <-- {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": { "res1": "val1" }, "id": null} Request producing a error: --> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": {"session_id": "SID", "context": {}, "arg1": "val1" }, "id": null} <-- {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": {"code": 1, "message": "End user error message.", "data": {"code": "codestring", "debug": "traceback" } }, "id": null} """ def parse(self, request): self.request = request self.params = request.get("params", {}) self.applicationsession = applicationsession self.httpsession_id = "cookieid" self.httpsession = cherrypy.session self.session_id = self.params.pop("session_id", None) or uuid.uuid4().hex self.session = self.httpsession.setdefault(self.session_id, OpenERPSession()) self.context = self.params.pop('context', None) return self.params def dispatch(self, controller, method, requestf=None, request=None): ''' Calls the method asked for by the JSON-RPC2 request :param controller: the instance of the controller which received the request :type controller: type :param method: the method which received the request :type method: callable :param requestf: a file-like object containing an encoded JSON-RPC2 request :type requestf: bytes> :param request: an encoded JSON-RPC2 request :type request: bytes :returns: a string-encoded JSON-RPC2 reply :rtype: bytes ''' # Read POST content or POST Form Data named "request" if requestf: request = simplejson.load(requestf, object_hook=nonliterals.non_literal_decoder) else: request = simplejson.loads(request, object_hook=nonliterals.non_literal_decoder) try: print "--> %s.%s %s" % (controller.__class__.__name__, method.__name__, request) error = None self.parse(request) result = method(controller, self, **self.params) except OpenERPUnboundException: error = { 'code': 100, 'message': "OpenERP Session Invalid", 'data': { 'type': 'session_invalid', 'debug': traceback.format_exc() } } except xmlrpclib.Fault, e: error = { 'code': 200, 'message': "OpenERP Server Error", 'data': { 'type': 'server_exception', 'fault_code': e.faultCode, 'debug': "Client %s\nServer %s" % ( "".join(traceback.format_exception("", None, sys.exc_traceback)), e.faultString) } } except Exception: cherrypy.log("An error occured while handling a json request", severity=logging.ERROR, traceback=True) error = { 'code': 300, 'message': "OpenERP WebClient Error", 'data': { 'type': 'client_exception', 'debug': "Client %s" % traceback.format_exc() } } response = {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": request.get('id')} if error: response["error"] = error else: response["result"] = result print "<--", response print content = simplejson.dumps(response, cls=nonliterals.NonLiteralEncoder) cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Length'] = len(content) return content def jsonrequest(f): @cherrypy.expose @functools.wraps(f) def json_handler(controller): return JsonRequest().dispatch(controller, f, requestf=cherrypy.request.body) return json_handler class HttpRequest(object): """ Regular GET/POST request """ def dispatch(self, controller, f, request, **kw): self.request = request self.applicationsession = applicationsession self.httpsession_id = "cookieid" self.httpsession = cherrypy.session self.result = "" print "GET/POST --> %s.%s %s %r" % (controller.__class__.__name__, f.__name__, request, kw) r = f(controller, self, **kw) print "<--", r print return r def httprequest(f): # check cleaner wrapping: # functools.wraps(f)(lambda x: JsonRequest().dispatch(x, f)) def http_handler(self,*l, **kw): return HttpRequest().dispatch(self, f, cherrypy.request, **kw) http_handler.exposed = 1 return http_handler #----------------------------------------------------------- # Cherrypy stuff #----------------------------------------------------------- class ControllerType(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): super(ControllerType, cls).__init__(name, bases, attrs) controllers_class["%s.%s" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__)] = cls class Controller(object): __metaclass__ = ControllerType class Root(object): def __init__(self): self.addons = {} self._load_addons() def _load_addons(self): if path_addons not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, path_addons) for i in os.listdir(path_addons): if i not in sys.modules: manifest_path = os.path.join(path_addons, i, '__openerp__.py') if os.path.isfile(manifest_path): manifest = eval(open(manifest_path).read()) print "Loading", i m = __import__(i) addons_module[i] = m addons_manifest[i] = manifest for k, v in controllers_class.items(): if k not in controllers_object: o = v() controllers_object[k] = o if hasattr(o, '_cp_path'): controllers_path[o._cp_path] = o def default(self, *l, **kw): #print "default",l,kw # handle static files if len(l) > 2 and l[1] == 'static': # sanitize path p = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(*l)) return cherrypy.lib.static.serve_file(os.path.join(path_addons, p)) elif len(l) > 1: for i in range(len(l), 1, -1): ps = "/" + "/".join(l[0:i]) if ps in controllers_path: c = controllers_path[ps] rest = l[i:] or ['index'] meth = rest[0] m = getattr(c, meth) if getattr(m, 'exposed', 0): print "Calling", ps, c, meth, m return m(**kw) raise cherrypy.NotFound('/' + '/'.join(l)) else: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/base/static/src/base.html', 301) default.exposed = True def main(argv): # Parse config op = optparse.OptionParser() op.add_option("-p", "--port", dest="socket_port", help="listening port", metavar="NUMBER", default=8002) op.add_option("-s", "--session-path", dest="storage_path", help="directory used for session storage", metavar="DIR", default=os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "cpsessions")) (o, args) = op.parse_args(argv[1:]) # Prepare cherrypy config from options if not os.path.exists(o.storage_path): os.mkdir(o.storage_path, 0700) config = { 'server.socket_port': int(o.socket_port), 'server.socket_host': '', #'server.thread_pool' = 10, 'tools.sessions.on': True, 'tools.sessions.storage_type': 'file', 'tools.sessions.storage_path': o.storage_path, 'tools.sessions.timeout': 60 } # Setup and run cherrypy cherrypy.tree.mount(Root()) cherrypy.config.update(config) cherrypy.server.subscribe() cherrypy.engine.start() cherrypy.engine.block()